[Bf-committers] restore Game Engine project

Carsten Wartmann bf-committers@blender.org
Wed, 6 Aug 2003 18:17:55 +0200

Ton Roosendaal writes:
 > >>    - make engine separate binary, or plugin to blender?
 > >
 > > I am not against that, but it should stay that lightning fast "edit,
 > > PKEY, test" turnaround.
 > Separation will make it somewhat slower... I don't propose this as an  

As long as it doesnt mean starting a new app, load a file, run etc. I
am happy. If it takes a few (1-5) seconds nobody will complain I
guess. (our latest texture heavy demo alone needs some seconds to
start). And I guess the player is maybe 2MBs which most of the modern
PC can keep in RAM/Cache.

Maybe even some sort of communication between a running player and
Blender (load file again, come to front, exit, stop game) is possible
and helpfull. 

I mean I use chains of specialized small tools any day on Linux.

 > improvement for the users - they will suffer from such a decision - but  
 > to get our coding projects managed.

Thats a good improvement! 

 > Apple offered us to participate in the Quicktime extensions program. I  
 > got an entrypoint for this within apple dev. They then can also provide  
 > us with a secure license... dunno how it would run at Windows, I guess  
 > it will fine? They then can also host downloads.

So that would mean: QT installed, Blender contents loads an extension
to QT and it plays like a embedded QT-Movie? Hmm. Is there
communication between the QT and the host application (browser)

 > Most important now is; find coders! If we get this organized, we can  
 > always decide to purchase the Thwate license for it (about 1000 usd per  
 > year).

Hm. Not talking about 1000usd but.... Bill G.? ;-)
