[Bf-committers] repository moved

Hans Lambermont bf-committers@blender.org
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 00:23:50 +0100

I've hacked the cvs01 repository over to the xserve machine. The
repositories at are disabled. If you change the ip
address in your CVS/Root files to xserve.blender.org you can continue
with your current checkouts. This script might help:

find . -name Root  -exec perl -p -i -e "s/" {} \;

Committing works for me ;-) and I hope it works for you too :-P
I didn't test anonymous checkouts yet. The cvs2mail gateway is not
finished yet either. (waiting for the move to postfix) The cvsweb client
is still not set up either yet.

Afk zzz for me now.
