[Bf-committers] Re: [Bf-docboard] Blender on Linux

Chris Want bf-committers@blender.org
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 08:54:37 -0700

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your interest in including the blender
installation in your HOWTO document!

At this point in the development process, the
bf-committers list is probably a better place
to submit such questions, as the build process
is rarely discussed on the bocboard list (I'll
cc that list on this response). Certainly skimming the
bf-committers list can't hurt.


Just a quick note on some of your issues:

* The blender build is requiring fairly modern
versions of automake/autoconf/libtool (RedHat
user's usually get snafu-ed by this one).

The document doc/building_blender.html
in cvs01 outlines the minimum requirements.

* The LOD_QSDecimator.cpp bug you mention in
your 'cheating' email is an issue with gcc
version 3.x compilers, due to a recent change
in CVS. I will be rolling back this change
this morning (within the hour), so if you try
again a little later today you should have
better luck.

Chris Want

Dave Jarvis wrote:
> Hello,
> After 1 hour and 30 minutes I'm finally stumped.  The installation 
> instructions for compiling Blender (on Linux) are, if you'll excuse my 
> language, piss-poor at best.  I must tell you I've been fighting with 
> installing a 3D Modelling and Rendering environment since Dec. 24th.  I 
> wrote the original Linux 3D Modelling and Rendering HOWTO and am 
> currently trying to:
>     i) update it to use modern software
>     ii) play with 3D rendering for my own amusement
> Please find attached the documentation I've put together on how to 
> compile and install Blender on Linux, from CVS.  The instructions 
> attached are NOT complete.  Please note the following critiques:
> 1) ODE
>     make ode-test        - Fails
>     make drawstuff-test    - Fails
> 2) Fmod
>     Installation instructions were not readily found.  I tried to wing 
> it, but there's no guarantee the correct files were moved into the 
> correct directories.  No instructions were in the Blender README.
> 3) NSPR
>     Installation instructions were not readily found.  I didn't even 
> bother trying to move them into the standard library and include 
> directories as I was planning on setting those up with the configure 
> installation script.  No instructions were in the Blender README.
> 4) Blender
>     a) Installation instructions for Linux were found BURIED in a 
> one-liner sentence in a FORUM message.  It said "use cvs01".  That was 
> NOT in the least way obvious especially when there is a "Download" link 
> which is absolutely meaningless with respect to downloading source or 
> Linux binaries.
>     b) There were TWO different CVS repositories available.  Woe onto 
> the person who doesn't know which one to use.  There is nothing on that 
> page which remotely HINTS as to whichi repository contains what 
> information, how they differ, and so forth.  Originally, I started to 
> download the FIRST one before I rememberd that little "01" at the end of 
> the original poster's message.
>     c) Even after doing all this, I ran ./bootstrap (even though this 
> step is NOT documented) in order to create the configuration file.  This 
> failed producing the following cascade of errors:
> # ./bootstrap
> Running aclocal ...
> aclocal: configure.ac: 165: macro `AM_PATH_PYTHON' not found in library
> Running automake --gnu --add-missing...
> aclocal.m4: 4485: `automake requires `AM_CONFIG_HEADER', not 
> Makefile.am:3: BlenderGAME does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
> Makefile.am:11: BlenderPLUGIN does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
> configure.ac: 4485: required file `./[config.h].in' not found
> configure.ac: 4485: required file `./$@)].in' not found
> automake: Makefile.am: warning: automake does not support 
> libbrowserplugin_la_LDFLAGS being defined conditionally
> intern/ghost/Makefile.am:27: warning: automake does not support 
> conditional definition of BUILDPS in libblender_GHOST_la_SOURCES
> intern/ghost/Makefile.am:27: warning: automake does not support 
> conditional definition of BUILDPS in libblender_GHOST_la_SOURCES
> intern/ghost/Makefile.am:27: warning: automake does not support 
> conditional definition of BUILDPS in libblender_GHOST_la_SOURCES
> intern/ghost/Makefile.am:27: warning: automake does not support 
> conditional definition of BUILDPS in libblender_GHOST_la_SOURCES
> intern/ghost/Makefile.am:27: warning: automake does not support 
> conditional definition of BUILDPS in libblender_GHOST_la_SOURCES
> source/gameengine/GamePlayer/Makefile.am:9: BlenderPLUGIN does not 
> appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
> source/gameengine/SoundSystem/Makefile.am:3: BlenderFMOD does not appear 
> source/gameengine/SoundSystem/Makefile.am:9: BlenderOPENAL does not 
> appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
> source/gameengine/Makefile.am:1: BlenderGAME does not appear in 
> source/Makefile.am:1: BlenderGAME does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
> source/Makefile.am:11: BlenderPLUGIN does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
> Running autoconf ...
> autoconf: configure.in: No such file or directory
> Christ, folks, I've been doing software development for 21 years and 
> been using Linux for over ten.  Please make a simple, terse, and 
> COMPLETE "compilation and installation" HOWTO without presuming your 
> reader knows anything other than how to type in commands and edit files. 
>  For the record, I've been doing Java development these last several 
> years, so I am not up on the current "autoconf" technologies, typical 
> CVS usage, or manual C library/include installs.
> Basically, someone out there has the knowledge of exactly what to type, 
> exactly what to edit, to get Blenderman up and running.  This should be 
> documented in the style of the text file I've attached.
> Sorry for ranting, and please don't take any of this personally.  I'm 
> sure Blenderman is a wonderful product and I look forward to using it 
> once there is sufficient documentation available for me to compile and 
> install.
> Sincerely yours,
> Dave Jarvis
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Text surrounded in square brackets ([[ ]]) indicates an interactive prompt,
> or instructions.  These are not to be typed.
> 1) Blender CVS
> 	Homepage: http://www.blender.org
> 	Download: CVS
> 	cd /usr/local/src
> 	export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs.blender.org:/cvs01
> 	cvs login
> 	[[ CVS password: ]] anonymous
> 	cvs co blender
> 2) Python eGenix Extension v2.2.1
>   Homepage: http://www.egenix.com/
> 	Download: http://www.egenix.com/files/python/eGenix-mx-Extensions.html#Download-mxBASE
> 	Filename: egenix-mx-base-2.0.4-py2.2_1.i386.rpm
>   rpm -ivh /data/graphics/3d/egenix-mx-base-2.0.4-py2.2_1.i386.rpm
> 3) Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) v0.03
>   Homepage: http://www.q12.org/ode/ode.html
>   Download: http://q12.org/ode/release/ode-0.03.tgz
>   Filename: ode-0.03.tgz
>   cd /usr/local/src
>   tar zxf /data/graphics/3d/ode-0.03.tgz
> 	cd ode-0.03
>   [[ Edit config/user-settings and make PLATFORM=unix-gcc ]]
>   make configure
>   make ode-lib
>   make drawstuff-lib
>   cp -R include/ode /usr/local/include
>   cp lib/libode.a /usr/local/lib/libode.a
> 4) Open AL
>   Homepage: http://www.openal.org/home/
>   Download: http://www.openal.org/downloads/
>   Filename: CVS
>   cd /usr/local/src
> 	cvs -d:pserver:guest@opensource.creative.com:/usr/local/cvs-repository login
> 	[[ CVS password: ]] guest
> 	cvs -d:pserver:guest@opensource.creative.com:/usr/local/cvs-repository co openal
>   cd openal/linux
>   sh ./autogen.sh
>   ./configure --enable-prefix=/usr/local
>   make && make install
> 5) Fmod
>   Homepage: http://www.fmod.org
>   Download: http://www.fmod.org/fmoddownload.html
>   Filename: fmodapi361linux.tar.gz
>   cd /usr/local/src
>   tar zxf /data/graphics/3d/fmodapi361linux.tar.gz
>   cd fmodapi361linux
>   cp api/inc/*.h /usr/local/include
>   cp api/libfmod-3.61.so /usr/local/lib
>   ldconfig
> 6) NSPR
>   Homepage: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/nspr/releases
>   Download: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/nspr/releases/v4.2.2/Linux2.4_x86_glibc_PTH_OPT.OBJ
>   Filename: nspr-4.2.2.tar.gz
>   cd /usr/local/src
>   tar zxf /data/graphics/3d/nspr-4.2.2.tar.gz
> 7) Compile Blender
>   cd ../blender
>   ./bootstrap