[Bf-committers] New project, let's move on!

Gilles J. Seguin bf-committers@blender.org
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 02:07:42 -0500

Kent Mein wrote:
> Ignore my previous crap about blender/lib
> as JWalton explained to me contributed bins should be in the dir
> specified by /tmp/.nanguess
> On a related note, anyone know a way to make it so my cvs update
> does not download the stuff in these dirs?  (Looking to save a little
> space) :)

In blender/lib
create a file named ".cvsignore"
used directory name and blob name

$ cat .cvsignore

The trick will be defeated by the -A option
$ cvs update -A blender

in top_srcdir, .cvsignore will have