[Bf-codereview] Fisheye Panorama for Cycles (issue 6111052)

dfelinto at gmail.com dfelinto at gmail.com
Thu May 3 17:34:30 CEST 2012

additional notes.
the main issues I have are:

1) how to name the modes
2) whether it's ok to take sensor into consideration but to ignore the
render dimensions (width,height of the image always map to UV 0,0:1,1) -
just like equirectangular mode was doing before (the 'use panorama').

File intern/cycles/app/cycles_xml.cpp (right):

intern/cycles/app/cycles_xml.cpp:298: else if(xml_equal_string(node,
"panorama_type", "fisheye_equidistant"))
there is something (not specific to this file) I'm not sure on what is

Technically this fisheye_equidistant is an hemispherical fulldome
render. To be a real Equidistant I should take sensors into account
(which I'm not since that would complicate a lot the life of dome
people) (which would need to find the perfect arrange of lens [which is
also depending of the desired FOV] and sensor dimensions [i.e. square]
to get a circular fisheye out of it.


File intern/cycles/kernel/kernel_montecarlo.h (right):

intern/cycles/kernel/kernel_montecarlo.h:256: return make_float3(0.f);
Without this the render goes beyond 180deg. If someone wants a 'circular
fisheye' lens this need to be set to 180. this renders white though, the
ideal would be to render black. dont know how

File release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_camera.py (right):

row.prop(ccam, "fisheye_fov")
The fov here is not the field of view of the image. The fov of the image
will depend on multiple factors.

This fov is often referred as the diagonal field of view of the lens
when using a 35mm sensor. wonder if needs to be clearer for the user.


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