[Bf-codereview] Camera Data Node for Cycles (Blender) (issue 5437112)

dfelinto at gmail.com dfelinto at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 20:46:15 CET 2011

final set of comments, waiting for your 'go'

File intern/cycles/kernel/svm/svm_camera.h (right):

intern/cycles/kernel/svm/svm_camera.h:29: zdepth = abs(vector[2]);
with cycles z we don't even need abs/fabsf I believe. Not it's depth =
and fyi: abs was the reason for the banding, with fabs the z was smooth;
On 2011/12/02 14:25:33, brechtvl wrote:
> this should be changed to fabsf(vector.z)

intern/cycles/kernel/svm/svm_camera.h:33: stack_store_float3(stack,
out_vector, vector);
the final version is with cycles Z (not blender). it makes more sense
indeed. no wonder blender had to abs(z).

On 2011/12/02 14:25:33, brechtvl wrote:
> this should be normalize(vector), maybe that makes it the same?

> sd->I would be the same for a perspective camera on the first hit, but
not for
> further bounces, so it shouldn't be used.


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