[Bf-blender-cvs] [ac344bd027d] lineart-shadow: Merge branch 'temp-lineart-contained' into lineart-shadow

YimingWu noreply at git.blender.org
Mon May 23 10:22:07 CEST 2022

Commit: ac344bd027da00d39fc610bb0a04ca231e2e499a
Author: YimingWu
Date:   Mon May 23 14:27:26 2022 +0800
Branches: lineart-shadow

Merge branch 'temp-lineart-contained' into lineart-shadow



diff --cc source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/lineart/lineart_cpu.c
index ee7c82311d8,3abff68fcd5..1db17f810da
--- a/source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/lineart/lineart_cpu.c
+++ b/source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/lineart/lineart_cpu.c
@@@ -134,10 -124,21 +126,23 @@@ static bool lineart_triangle_edge_image
  static void lineart_add_edge_to_array(LineartPendingEdges *pe, LineartEdge *e);
+ static void lineart_bounding_area_link_triangle_cas(LineartRenderBuffer *rb,
+                                                     LineartBoundingArea *root_ba,
+                                                     LineartTriangle *tri,
+                                                     double *LRUB,
+                                                     int recursive,
+                                                     int recursive_level,
+                                                     bool do_intersection,
+                                                     struct LineartIsecThread *th);
+ static void lineart_free_bounding_area_memory(LineartBoundingArea *ba, bool recursive);
+ static void lineart_free_bounding_area_memories(LineartRenderBuffer *rb);
  static LineartCache *lineart_init_cache(void);
 +static void lineart_clear_linked_edges(LineartRenderBuffer *rb);
  static void lineart_discard_segment(LineartRenderBuffer *rb, LineartEdgeSegment *es)
@@@ -2273,14 -2129,8 +2268,14 @@@ static void lineart_geometry_object_loa
    elem_link_node->element_count = allocate_la_e;
    elem_link_node->object_ref = orig_ob;
 +  elem_link_node->obindex = ob_info->obindex;
 +  LineartElementLinkNode *shadow_eln = NULL;
 +  if (shadow_elns) {
 +    shadow_eln = lineart_find_matching_eln(shadow_elns, ob_info->obindex);
 +  }
-   // Start of the edge/seg arr
+   /* Start of the edge/seg arr */
    LineartEdge *la_edge;
    LineartEdgeSegment *la_seg;
    la_edge = la_edge_arr;
@@@ -2560,17 -2373,17 +2555,21 @@@ static void lineart_object_load_single_
                                                  float use_mat[4][4],
                                                  bool is_render,
                                                  LineartObjectLoadTaskInfo *olti,
--                                                int thread_count)
++                                                int thread_count,
++                                                int obindex)
    LineartObjectInfo *obi = lineart_mem_acquire(&rb->render_data_pool, sizeof(LineartObjectInfo));
    obi->usage = lineart_usage_check(scene->master_collection, ob, is_render);
    obi->override_intersection_mask = lineart_intersection_mask_check(scene->master_collection, ob);
++  obi->silhouette_group = lineart_silhouette_group_check(scene->master_collection, ob);
    Mesh *use_mesh;
    if (obi->usage == OBJECT_LRT_EXCLUDE) {
++  obi->obindex = obindex << LRT_OBINDEX_SHIFT;
    /* Prepare the matrix used for transforming this specific object (instance). This has to be
     * done before mesh boundbox check because the function needs that. */
    mul_m4db_m4db_m4fl_uniq(obi->model_view_proj, rb->view_projection, use_mat);
@@@ -2672,6 -2482,6 +2671,10 @@@ static void lineart_main_load_geometrie
    bool is_render = eval_mode == DAG_EVAL_RENDER;
++    /* Do the increment even for discarded objects, so that in different culling conditions we can
++     * get the same reference to the same object. */
++    obindex++;
      Object *eval_ob = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, ob);
      if (!eval_ob) {
@@@ -2679,17 -2489,17 +2682,34 @@@
      if (BKE_object_visibility(eval_ob, eval_mode) & OB_VISIBLE_SELF) {
--      lineart_object_load_single_instance(
--          rb, depsgraph, scene, eval_ob, eval_ob, eval_ob->obmat, is_render, olti, thread_count);
++      lineart_object_load_single_instance(rb,
++                                          depsgraph,
++                                          scene,
++                                          eval_ob,
++                                          eval_ob,
++                                          eval_ob->obmat,
++                                          is_render,
++                                          olti,
++                                          thread_count,
++                                          obindex);
      if (allow_duplicates) {
        ListBase *dupli = object_duplilist(depsgraph, scene, eval_ob);
        LISTBASE_FOREACH (DupliObject *, dob, dupli) {
++        obindex++;
          if (BKE_object_visibility(eval_ob, eval_mode) &
            Object *ob_ref = (dob->type & OB_DUPLIPARTS) ? eval_ob : dob->ob;
--          lineart_object_load_single_instance(
--              rb, depsgraph, scene, dob->ob, ob_ref, dob->mat, is_render, olti, thread_count);
++          lineart_object_load_single_instance(rb,
++                                              depsgraph,
++                                              scene,
++                                              dob->ob,
++                                              ob_ref,
++                                              dob->mat,
++                                              is_render,
++                                              olti,
++                                              thread_count,
++                                              obindex);
@@@ -3561,21 -3344,14 +3587,24 @@@ static void lineart_destroy_render_data
    for (int i = 0; i < rb->bounding_area_initial_count; i++) {
++  lineart_free_bounding_area_memories(rb);
 -  if (rb->pending_edges.array) {
 -    MEM_freeN(rb->pending_edges.array);
 +  lineart_mem_destroy(&rb->render_data_pool);
 +static void lineart_destroy_render_data(LineartRenderBuffer *rb)
 +  if (rb == NULL) {
 +    return;
 -  lineart_free_bounding_area_memories(rb);
 +  BLI_spin_end(&rb->lock_task);
 +  BLI_spin_end(&rb->lock_cuts);
 +  BLI_spin_end(&rb->render_data_pool.lock_mem);
 +  lineart_destroy_render_data_keep_init(rb);
+   lineart_mem_destroy(&rb->render_data_pool);
  void MOD_lineart_destroy_render_data(LineartGpencilModifierData *lmd)
@@@ -4260,31 -4078,6 +4340,32 @@@ static void lineart_bounding_area_link_
 +static void lineart_clear_linked_edges_recursive(LineartRenderBuffer *rb,
 +                                                 LineartBoundingArea *root_ba)
 +  if (root_ba->child) {
 +    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
 +      lineart_clear_linked_edges_recursive(rb, &root_ba->child[i]);
 +    }
 +  }
-   else {
-     root_ba->line_count = 0;
-     root_ba->max_line_count = 128;
-     root_ba->linked_lines = lineart_mem_acquire(&rb->render_data_pool,
-                                                 sizeof(LineartEdge *) * root_ba->max_line_count);
++  if (root_ba->linked_lines) {
++    MEM_freeN(root_ba->linked_lines);
 +  }
++  root_ba->line_count = 0;
++  root_ba->max_line_count = 128;
++  root_ba->linked_lines = MEM_callocN(sizeof(LineartEdge *) * root_ba->max_line_count,
++                                      "cleared lineart edges");
 +static void lineart_clear_linked_edges(LineartRenderBuffer *rb)
 +  LineartBoundingArea *ba = rb->initial_bounding_areas;
-   for (int i = 0; i < rb->tile_count_x; i++) {
++  for (int i = 0; i < rb->tile_count_y; i++) {
 +    for (int j = 0; j < rb->tile_count_x; j++) {
-       lineart_clear_linked_edges_recursive(rb, &ba[i * LRT_BA_ROWS + j]);
++      lineart_clear_linked_edges_recursive(rb, &ba[i * rb->tile_count_x + j]);
 +    }
 +  }
   * Link lines to their respective bounding areas.
@@@ -4529,47 -4324,31 +4613,31 @@@ static void lineart_create_edges_from_i
      if (!th->current) {
-     total_lines += th->current;
-   }
-   if (!total_lines) {
-     return;
-   }
-   /* We don't care about removing duplicated vert in this method, chaning can handle that,
-    * and it saves us from using locks and look up tables. */
-   LineartVert *v = lineart_mem_acquire(rb->edge_data_pool, sizeof(LineartVert) * total_lines * 2);
-   LineartEdge *e = lineart_mem_acquire(rb->edge_data_pool, sizeof(LineartEdge) * total_lines);
-   LineartEdgeSegment *es = lineart_mem_acquire(rb->edge_data_pool,
-                                                sizeof(LineartEdgeSegment) * total_lines);
-   LineartElementLinkNode *eln = lineart_mem_acquire(rb->edge_data_pool,
-                                                     sizeof(LineartElementLinkNode));
-   eln->element_count = total_lines;
-   eln->pointer = e;
-   BLI_addhead(&rb->line_buffer_pointers, eln);
-   for (int i = 0; i < d->thread_count; i++) {
-     LineartIsecThread *th = &d->threads[i];
-     if (!th->current) {
-       continue;
-     }
+     /* We don't care about removing duplicated vert in this method, chaning can handle that, and it
+      * saves us from using locks and look up tables. */
+     LineartVertIntersection *v = lineart_mem_acquire(
+         &rb->render_data_pool, sizeof(LineartVertIntersection) * th->current * 2);
+     LineartEdge *e = lineart_mem_acquire(&rb->render_data_pool, sizeof(LineartEdge) * th->current);
+     LineartEdgeSegment *es = lineart_mem_acquire(&rb->render_data_pool,
+                                                  sizeof(LineartEdgeSegment) * th->current);
      for (int j = 0; j < th->current; j++) {
-       LineartVert *v1 = v;
-       LineartVert *v2 = v + 1;
+       LineartVertIntersection *v1i = v;
+       LineartVertIntersection *v2i = v + 1;
        LineartIsecSingle *is = &th->array[j];
+       v1i->intersecting_with = is->tri1;
+       v2i->intersecting_with = is->tri2;
+       LineartVert *v1 = (LineartVert *)v1i;
+       LineartVert *v2 = (LineartVert *)v2i;
+       v1->flag |= LRT_VERT_HAS_INTERSECTI

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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