[Bf-blender-cvs] [b6702aa604f] master: Curves: separate sculpt brushes into separate files

Jacques Lucke noreply at git.blender.org
Thu Mar 17 10:06:28 CET 2022

Commit: b6702aa604f2b022186e4d6663531341d4082947
Author: Jacques Lucke
Date:   Thu Mar 17 10:03:46 2022 +0100
Branches: master

Curves: separate sculpt brushes into separate files

This makes it easier to work on these brushes in parallel.


M	source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/CMakeLists.txt
A	source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/curves_sculpt_comb.cc
A	source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/curves_sculpt_delete.cc
A	source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/curves_sculpt_intern.hh
M	source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/curves_sculpt_ops.cc
A	source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/curves_sculpt_snake_hook.cc


diff --git a/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/CMakeLists.txt b/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/CMakeLists.txt
index ccbdb3c4145..a2043c9be21 100644
--- a/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -27,7 +27,10 @@ set(INC
+  curves_sculpt_comb.cc
+  curves_sculpt_delete.cc
+  curves_sculpt_snake_hook.cc
@@ -72,6 +75,7 @@ set(SRC
+  curves_sculpt_intern.hh
diff --git a/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/curves_sculpt_comb.cc b/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/curves_sculpt_comb.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..318c7c0c668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/curves_sculpt_comb.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "curves_sculpt_intern.hh"
+#include "BLI_float4x4.hh"
+#include "BLI_index_mask_ops.hh"
+#include "BLI_kdtree.h"
+#include "BLI_rand.hh"
+#include "BLI_vector.hh"
+#include "PIL_time.h"
+#include "DEG_depsgraph.h"
+#include "BKE_attribute_math.hh"
+#include "BKE_brush.h"
+#include "BKE_bvhutils.h"
+#include "BKE_context.h"
+#include "BKE_curves.hh"
+#include "BKE_mesh.h"
+#include "BKE_mesh_runtime.h"
+#include "BKE_paint.h"
+#include "BKE_spline.hh"
+#include "DNA_brush_enums.h"
+#include "DNA_brush_types.h"
+#include "DNA_curves_types.h"
+#include "DNA_mesh_types.h"
+#include "DNA_meshdata_types.h"
+#include "DNA_object_types.h"
+#include "DNA_screen_types.h"
+#include "DNA_space_types.h"
+#include "ED_screen.h"
+#include "ED_view3d.h"
+namespace blender::ed::sculpt_paint {
+using blender::bke::CurvesGeometry;
+ * Moves individual points under the brush and does a length preservation step afterwards.
+ */
+class CombOperation : public CurvesSculptStrokeOperation {
+ private:
+  float2 last_mouse_position_;
+ public:
+  void on_stroke_extended(bContext *C, const StrokeExtension &stroke_extension) override
+  {
+    BLI_SCOPED_DEFER([&]() { last_mouse_position_ = stroke_extension.mouse_position; });
+    if (stroke_extension.is_first) {
+      return;
+    }
+    Scene &scene = *CTX_data_scene(C);
+    Object &object = *CTX_data_active_object(C);
+    ARegion *region = CTX_wm_region(C);
+    View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C);
+    RegionView3D *rv3d = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C);
+    CurvesSculpt &curves_sculpt = *scene.toolsettings->curves_sculpt;
+    Brush &brush = *BKE_paint_brush(&curves_sculpt.paint);
+    const float brush_radius = BKE_brush_size_get(&scene, &brush);
+    const float brush_strength = BKE_brush_alpha_get(&scene, &brush);
+    const float4x4 ob_mat = object.obmat;
+    const float4x4 ob_imat = ob_mat.inverted();
+    float4x4 projection;
+    ED_view3d_ob_project_mat_get(rv3d, &object, projection.values);
+    Curves &curves_id = *static_cast<Curves *>(object.data);
+    CurvesGeometry &curves = CurvesGeometry::wrap(curves_id.geometry);
+    MutableSpan<float3> positions = curves.positions();
+    const float2 mouse_prev = last_mouse_position_;
+    const float2 mouse_cur = stroke_extension.mouse_position;
+    const float2 mouse_diff = mouse_cur - mouse_prev;
+    const float mouse_diff_len = math::length(mouse_diff);
+    threading::parallel_for(curves.curves_range(), 256, [&](const IndexRange curves_range) {
+      for (const int curve_i : curves_range) {
+        const IndexRange curve_points = curves.range_for_curve(curve_i);
+        /* Compute lengths of the segments. Those are used to make sure that the lengths don't
+         * change. */
+        Vector<float, 16> segment_lengths(curve_points.size() - 1);
+        for (const int segment_i : IndexRange(curve_points.size() - 1)) {
+          const float3 &p1 = positions[curve_points[segment_i]];
+          const float3 &p2 = positions[curve_points[segment_i] + 1];
+          const float length = math::distance(p1, p2);
+          segment_lengths[segment_i] = length;
+        }
+        bool curve_changed = false;
+        for (const int point_i : curve_points.drop_front(1)) {
+          const float3 old_position = positions[point_i];
+          /* Find the position of the point in screen space. */
+          float2 old_position_screen;
+          ED_view3d_project_float_v2_m4(
+              region, old_position, old_position_screen, projection.values);
+          /* Project the point onto the line drawn by the mouse. Note, it's projected on the
+           * infinite line, not only on the line segment. */
+          float2 old_position_screen_proj;
+          /* t is 0 when the point is closest to the previous mouse position and 1 when it's
+           * closest to the current mouse position. */
+          const float t = closest_to_line_v2(
+              old_position_screen_proj, old_position_screen, mouse_prev, mouse_cur);
+          /* Compute the distance to the mouse line segment. */
+          const float2 old_position_screen_proj_segment = mouse_prev +
+                                                          std::clamp(t, 0.0f, 1.0f) * mouse_diff;
+          const float distance_screen = math::distance(old_position_screen,
+                                                       old_position_screen_proj_segment);
+          if (distance_screen > brush_radius) {
+            /* Ignore the point because it's too far away. */
+            continue;
+          }
+          /* Compute a falloff that is based on how far along the point along the last stroke
+           * segment is. */
+          const float t_overshoot = brush_radius / mouse_diff_len;
+          const float t_falloff = 1.0f - std::max(t, 0.0f) / (1.0f + t_overshoot);
+          /* A falloff that is based on how far away the point is from the stroke. */
+          const float radius_falloff = pow2f(1.0f - distance_screen / brush_radius);
+          /* Combine the different falloffs and brush strength. */
+          const float weight = brush_strength * t_falloff * radius_falloff;
+          /* Offset the old point position in screen space and transform it back into 3D space. */
+          const float2 new_position_screen = old_position_screen + mouse_diff * weight;
+          float3 new_position;
+          ED_view3d_win_to_3d(
+              v3d, region, ob_mat * old_position, new_position_screen, new_position);
+          new_position = ob_imat * new_position;
+          positions[point_i] = new_position;
+          curve_changed = true;
+        }
+        if (!curve_changed) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        /* Ensure that the length of each segment stays the same. */
+        for (const int segment_i : IndexRange(curve_points.size() - 1)) {
+          const float3 &p1 = positions[curve_points[segment_i]];
+          float3 &p2 = positions[curve_points[segment_i] + 1];
+          const float3 direction = math::normalize(p2 - p1);
+          const float desired_length = segment_lengths[segment_i];
+          p2 = p1 + direction * desired_length;
+        }
+      }
+    });
+    curves.tag_positions_changed();
+    DEG_id_tag_update(&curves_id.id, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY);
+    ED_region_tag_redraw(region);
+  }
+std::unique_ptr<CurvesSculptStrokeOperation> new_comb_operation()
+  return std::make_unique<CombOperation>();
+}  // namespace blender::ed::sculpt_paint
diff --git a/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/curves_sculpt_delete.cc b/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/curves_sculpt_delete.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a87fb729ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/curves_sculpt_delete.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "curves_sculpt_intern.hh"
+#include "BLI_float4x4.hh"
+#include "BLI_index_mask_ops.hh"
+#include "BLI_kdtree.h"
+#include "BLI_rand.hh"
+#include "BLI_vector.hh"
+#include "PIL_time.h"
+#include "DEG_depsgraph.h"
+#include "BKE_attribute_math.hh"
+#include "BKE_brush.h"
+#include "BKE_bvhutils.h"
+#include "BKE_context.h"
+#include "BKE_curves.hh"
+#include "BKE_mesh.h"
+#include "BKE_mesh_runtime.h"
+#include "BKE_paint.h"
+#include "BKE_spline.hh"
+#include "DNA_brush_enums.h"
+#include "DNA_brush_types.h"
+#include "DNA_curves_types.h"
+#include "DNA_mesh_types.h"
+#include "DNA_meshdata_types.h"
+#include "DNA_object_types.h"
+#include "DNA_screen_types.h"
+#include "DNA_space_types.h"
+#include "ED_screen.h"
+#include "ED_view3d.h"
+namespace blender::ed::sculpt_paint {
+using blender::bke::CurvesGeometry;
+class DeleteOperation : public CurvesSculptStrokeOperation {
+ private:
+  float2 last_mouse_position_;
+ public:
+  void on_stroke_extended(bContext *C, const StrokeExtension &stroke_extension) override
+  {
+    Scene &scene = *CTX_data_scene(C);
+    Object &object = *CTX_data_active_object(C);
+    ARegion *region = CTX_wm_region(C);
+    RegionView3D *rv3d = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C);
+    CurvesSculpt &curves_sculpt = *scene.toolsettings->curves_sculpt;
+    Brush &brush = *BKE_paint_brush(&curves_sculpt.paint);
+    const float brush_radius = BKE_brush_size_get(&scene, &brush);
+    float4x4 projection;
+    ED_view3d_ob_project_mat_get(rv3d, &object, projection.values);
+    Curves &curves_id = *static_cast<Curves *>(object.data);
+    CurvesGeometry &curves = CurvesGeometry::wrap(curves_id.geometry);
+    MutableSpan<float3> positions = curves.positions();
+    const float2 mouse_start = stroke_extension.is_first ? stroke_extension.mouse_position :
+                                                           last_mouse_position_;
+    const float2 mouse_end = stroke_extension.mouse_position;
+    /* Find indices of curves that have to be removed. */
+    Vector<int64_t> indices;
+    const IndexMask curves_to_remove = index_mask_ops::find_indices_based_on_predicate(
+        curves.curves_range(), 512, indices, [&](const int curve_i) {
+          const IndexRange point_range = curves.range_for_curve(curve_i);
+          for (const int segment_i : IndexRange(point_range.size() - 1)) {
+            const flo

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