[Bf-blender-cvs] [42213dc3c32] temp-viewport-compositor-compiler: Viewport Compositor: Add initial node tree compiler

Omar Emara noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Feb 4 18:10:12 CET 2022

Commit: 42213dc3c3242099176a191ff83bc36b2844cd8c
Author: Omar Emara
Date:   Fri Feb 4 18:21:10 2022 +0200
Branches: temp-viewport-compositor-compiler

Viewport Compositor: Add initial node tree compiler

This patch adds an initial implementation of the node tree compiler for
the viewport compositor. The compiler computes the most optimal
evaluation schedule for nodes that minimizes the use of intermediate


M	source/blender/draw/engines/compositor/compositor_engine.cc


diff --git a/source/blender/draw/engines/compositor/compositor_engine.cc b/source/blender/draw/engines/compositor/compositor_engine.cc
index bca0fc98a25..c2f5dd62de1 100644
--- a/source/blender/draw/engines/compositor/compositor_engine.cc
+++ b/source/blender/draw/engines/compositor/compositor_engine.cc
@@ -24,14 +24,193 @@
 #include "DRW_render.h"
-#include "BLI_assert.h"
+#include "BLI_map.hh"
+#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
+#include "BLI_vector.hh"
+#include "BLI_vector_set.hh"
+#include "DNA_node_types.h"
 #include "IMB_colormanagement.h"
+#include "NOD_derived_node_tree.hh"
 #include "compositor_shader.hh"
 namespace blender::compositor {
+using namespace nodes::derived_node_tree_types;
+class Compiler {
+ public:
+ private:
+  /* The derived and reference node trees repressing the compositor setup. */
+  NodeTreeRefMap tree_ref_map_;
+  DerivedNodeTree tree_;
+  /* The output node whose result should be computed and drawn. */
+  DNode output_node_;
+  /* Stores a heuristic estimation of the number of needed intermediate buffers
+   * to compute every node and all of its dependencies. */
+  Map<DNode, int> needed_buffers_;
+  /* An ordered set of nodes defining the schedule of node execution. */
+  VectorSet<DNode> node_schedule_;
+ public:
+  Compiler(bNodeTree *scene_node_tree) : tree_(*scene_node_tree, tree_ref_map_){};
+  void compile()
+  {
+    compute_output_node();
+    compute_needed_buffers(output_node_);
+    compute_schedule(output_node_);
+  }
+  void dump_schedule()
+  {
+    for (const DNode &node : node_schedule_) {
+      std::cout << node->name() << std::endl;
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  /* Computes the output node whose result should be computed and drawn. The output node is the
+   * node marked as NODE_DO_OUTPUT. If multiple types of output nodes are marked, then the
+  void compute_output_node()
+  {
+    const NodeTreeRef &root_tree = tree_.root_context().tree();
+    for (const NodeRef *node : root_tree.nodes_by_type("CompositorNodeComposite")) {
+      if (node->bnode()->flag & NODE_DO_OUTPUT) {
+        output_node_ = DNode(&tree_.root_context(), node);
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    for (const NodeRef *node : root_tree.nodes_by_type("CompositorNodeViewer")) {
+      if (node->bnode()->flag & NODE_DO_OUTPUT) {
+        output_node_ = DNode(&tree_.root_context(), node);
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    for (const NodeRef *node : root_tree.nodes_by_type("CompositorNodeSplitViewer")) {
+      if (node->bnode()->flag & NODE_DO_OUTPUT) {
+        output_node_ = DNode(&tree_.root_context(), node);
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Computes a heuristic estimation of the number of needed intermediate buffers to compute this
+   * node and all of its dependencies. The method recursively computes the needed buffers for all
+   * node dependencies and stores them in the needed_buffers_ map. So the root/output node can be
+   * provided to compute the needed buffers for all nodes.
+   *
+   * Consider a node that takes n number of buffers as an input from a number of node dependencies,
+   * which we shall call the input nodes. The node also computes and outputs m number of buffers.
+   * In order for the node to compute its output, a number of intermediate buffers will be needed.
+   * Since the node takes n buffers and outputs m buffers, then the number of buffers directly
+   * needed by the node is (n + m). But each of the input buffers are computed by a node that, in
+   * turn, needs a number of buffers to compute its output. So the total number of buffers needed
+   * to compute the output of the node is max(n + m, d) where d is the number of buffers needed by
+   * the input node that needs the largest number of buffers. We only consider the input node that
+   * needs the largest number of buffers, because those buffers can be reused by any input node
+   * that needs a lesser number of buffers.
+   *
+   * If the node tree was, in fact, a tree, then this would be an accurate computation. However,
+   * the node tree is in fact a graph that allows output sharing, so the computation in this case
+   * is merely a heuristic estimation that works well in most cases. */
+  int compute_needed_buffers(DNode node)
+  {
+    /* Compute the number of buffers that the node takes as an input as well as the number of
+     * buffers needed to compute the most demanding dependency node. */
+    int input_buffers = 0;
+    int buffers_needed_by_dependencies = 0;
+    for (const InputSocketRef *input_ref : node->inputs()) {
+      const DInputSocket input{node.context(), input_ref};
+      /* Only consider inputs that are linked, that is, those that take a buffer. */
+      input.foreach_origin_socket([&](const DSocket origin) {
+        input_buffers++;
+        /* The origin node was already computed before, so skip it. */
+        if (needed_buffers_.contains(origin.node())) {
+          return;
+        }
+        /* Recursively compute the number of buffers needed to compute this dependency node. */
+        const int buffers_needed_by_origin = compute_needed_buffers(origin.node());
+        if (buffers_needed_by_origin > buffers_needed_by_dependencies) {
+          buffers_needed_by_dependencies = buffers_needed_by_origin;
+        }
+      });
+    }
+    /* Compute the number of buffers that will be computed/output by this node. */
+    int output_buffers = 0;
+    for (const OutputSocketRef *output : node->outputs()) {
+      if (output->logically_linked_sockets().size() != 0) {
+        output_buffers++;
+      }
+    }
+    /* Compute the heuristic estimation of the number of needed intermediate buffers to compute
+     * this node and all of its dependencies. */
+    const int total_buffers = MAX2(input_buffers + output_buffers, buffers_needed_by_dependencies);
+    needed_buffers_.add_new(node, total_buffers);
+    return total_buffers;
+  }
+  /* Computes the most optimal execution schedule of the nodes and stores the schedule in
+   * node_schedule_. This is essentially a post-order depth first traversal of the node tree from
+   * the output node to the leaf input nodes, with informed order of traversal of children.
+   *
+   * There are multiple different possible orders of evaluating a node graph, each of which needs
+   * to allocate a number of intermediate buffers to store its intermediate results. It follows
+   * that we need to find the evaluation order which uses the least amount of intermediate buffers.
+   * For instance, consider a node that takes two input buffers A and B. Each of those buffers is
+   * computed through a number of nodes constituting a sub-graph whose root is the node that
+   * outputs that buffer. Suppose the number of intermediate buffers needed to compute A and B are
+   * N(A) and N(B) respectively and N(A) > N(B). Then evaluating the sub-graph computing A would be
+   * a better option than that of B, because had B was computed first, its outputs will need to be
+   * stored in extra buffers in addition to the buffers needed by A.
+   *
+   * This is a heuristic generalization of the Sethi–Ullman algorithm, a generalization that
+   * doesn't always guarantee an optimal evaluation order, as the optimal evaluation order is very
+   * difficult to compute, however, this method works well in most cases. */
+  void compute_schedule(DNode node)
+  {
+    /* Compute the nodes directly connected to the node inputs sorted by their needed buffers such
+     * that the node with the highest number of needed buffers comes first. */
+    Vector<DNode> sorted_origin_nodes;
+    for (const InputSocketRef *input_ref : node->inputs()) {
+      const DInputSocket input{node.context(), input_ref};
+      input.foreach_origin_socket([&](const DSocket origin) {
+        /* The origin node was added before or was already schedule, so skip it. The number of
+         * origin nodes is very small, so linear search is okay.
+         */
+        if (sorted_origin_nodes.contains(origin.node()) ||
+            node_schedule_.contains(origin.node())) {
+          return;
+        }
+        /* Sort on insertion, the number of origin nodes is very small, so this is okay. */
+        int insertion_position = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < sorted_origin_nodes.size(); i++) {
+          if (needed_buffers_.lookup(origin.node()) >
+              needed_buffers_.lookup(sorted_origin_nodes[i])) {
+            break;
+          }
+          insertion_position++;
+        }
+        sorted_origin_nodes.insert(insertion_position, origin.node());
+      });
+    }
+    /* Recursively schedule origin nodes. Nodes with higher number of needed intermediate buffers
+     * are scheduled first. */
+    for (const DNode &origin_node : sorted_origin_nodes) {
+      compute_schedule(origin_node);
+    }
+    node_schedule_.add_new(node);
+  }
 /* Keep in sync with CompositorData in compositor_lib.glsl. */
 typedef struct CompositorData {
   float luminance_coefficients[3];

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