[Bf-blender-cvs] [f3515ffed99] temp-py-gpubatch-draw-advanced: Python: Add index and instance based parameter to GPUBatch.draw.

Jeroen Bakker noreply at git.blender.org
Mon Dec 12 21:54:14 CET 2022

Commit: f3515ffed996b5cba63a46316c14ca9d7e903658
Author: Jeroen Bakker
Date:   Mon Dec 12 21:38:51 2022 +0100
Branches: temp-py-gpubatch-draw-advanced

Python: Add index and instance based parameter to GPUBatch.draw.

GPUBatch.draw only supported basic drawing methods. Although all
supported platforms support drawing a subset of the index buffer and/or
drawing of multiple instances of the same set of indexes.

This patch adds parameters to the existing `GPUBatch.draw` method to add
support for these drawing methods.

For drawing a subset of the index buffer the parameters `index_start`
and `index_count` can be used.

`my_batch.draw(my_shader, index_start=10, index_count=5)`

For drawing multiple indexes the parameters `instance_start` and
`instance_count` can be used.

`my_batch.draw(my_shader, instance_start=0, instance_count=10)`

Both set of parameters can be used together.

`my_batch.draw(my_shader, index_start=10, index_count=5, instance_start=0, instance_count=10)`

For compatibility reasons the `program` isn't required to be named as
demonstrated by `my_shader`.


M	source/blender/python/gpu/gpu_py_batch.c


diff --git a/source/blender/python/gpu/gpu_py_batch.c b/source/blender/python/gpu/gpu_py_batch.c
index 25fe31322b1..97001598a44 100644
--- a/source/blender/python/gpu/gpu_py_batch.c
+++ b/source/blender/python/gpu/gpu_py_batch.c
@@ -204,18 +204,56 @@ static PyObject *pygpu_batch_program_set(BPyGPUBatch *self, BPyGPUShader *py_sha
-             ".. method:: draw(program=None)\n"
+             ".. method:: draw("
+             "program=None, "
+             "index_start=0, "
+             "index_count=0, "
+             "instance_start=0, "
+             "instance_count=0)\n"
              "   Run the drawing program with the parameters assigned to the batch.\n"
              "   :arg program: Program that performs the drawing operations.\n"
              "      If ``None`` is passed, the last program set to this batch will run.\n"
-             "   :type program: :class:`gpu.types.GPUShader`\n");
-static PyObject *pygpu_batch_draw(BPyGPUBatch *self, PyObject *args)
+             "   :type program: :class:`gpu.types.GPUShader`\n"
+             "   :arg index_start: First index to draw.\n"
+             "   :type index_start: int\n"
+             "   :arg index_count: Number of indexes to draw.\n"
+             "   :type index_count: int\n"
+             "   :arg instance_start: First instance to draw.\n"
+             "   :type instance_start: int\n"
+             "   :arg instance_count: Number of instances to draw.\n"
+             "   :type instance_count: int\n");
+static PyObject *pygpu_batch_draw(BPyGPUBatch *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
   BPyGPUShader *py_program = NULL;
+  int index_start = 0;
+  int index_count = 0;
+  int instance_start = 0;
+  int instance_count = 0;
-  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|O!:GPUBatch.draw", &BPyGPUShader_Type, &py_program)) {
+  static const char *_keywords[] = {
+      "program", "index_start", "index_count", "instance_start", "instance_count", NULL};
+  static _PyArg_Parser _parser = {
+      "O!" /* `program` Optional argument for compatibility reasons. */
+      "|$" /* Optional, keyword only arguments. */
+      "i"  /* `index_start' */
+      "i"  /* `index_count' */
+      "i"  /* `instance_start' */
+      "i"  /* `instance_count' */
+      ":GPUBatch.draw",
+      _keywords,
+      0,
+  };
+  if (!_PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywordsFast(args,
+                                        kw,
+                                        &_parser,
+                                        &BPyGPUShader_Type,
+                                        &py_program,
+                                        &index_start,
+                                        &index_count,
+                                        &instance_start,
+                                        &instance_count)) {
     return NULL;
   if (py_program == NULL) {
@@ -227,7 +265,7 @@ static PyObject *pygpu_batch_draw(BPyGPUBatch *self, PyObject *args)
     GPU_batch_set_shader(self->batch, py_program->shader);
-  GPU_batch_draw(self->batch);
+  GPU_batch_draw_advanced(self->batch, index_start, index_count, instance_start, instance_count);
@@ -252,7 +290,7 @@ static PyObject *pygpu_batch_program_use_end(BPyGPUBatch *self)
 static struct PyMethodDef pygpu_batch__tp_methods[] = {
     {"vertbuf_add", (PyCFunction)pygpu_batch_vertbuf_add, METH_O, pygpu_batch_vertbuf_add_doc},
     {"program_set", (PyCFunction)pygpu_batch_program_set, METH_O, pygpu_batch_program_set_doc},
-    {"draw", (PyCFunction)pygpu_batch_draw, METH_VARARGS, pygpu_batch_draw_doc},
+    {"draw", (PyCFunction)pygpu_batch_draw, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, pygpu_batch_draw_doc},
     {"_program_use_begin", (PyCFunction)pygpu_batch_program_use_begin, METH_NOARGS, ""},
     {"_program_use_end", (PyCFunction)pygpu_batch_program_use_end, METH_NOARGS, ""},
     {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},

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