[Bf-blender-cvs] [51bbdfbef39] tmp-buildbot-cleanup: Moved to new git repo

James Monteath noreply at git.blender.org
Fri May 28 12:19:02 CEST 2021

Commit: 51bbdfbef3968b53a835d1a92c0622676453421a
Author: James Monteath
Date:   Fri May 28 12:16:45 2021 +0200
Branches: tmp-buildbot-cleanup

Moved to new git repo


D	release/darwin/README.txt
D	release/darwin/blender.applescript
D	release/darwin/bundle.sh
D	release/freedesktop/snap/README.txt
D	release/freedesktop/snap/bundle.py
D	release/freedesktop/snap/snapcraft.yaml.in
D	release/steam/README.md
D	release/steam/blender_app_build.vdf.template
D	release/steam/create_steam_builds.py
D	release/steam/depot_build_linux.vdf.template
D	release/steam/depot_build_macos.vdf.template
D	release/steam/depot_build_win.vdf.template
D	release/windows/msix/create_msix_package.py


diff --git a/release/darwin/README.txt b/release/darwin/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 626ce8820ab..00000000000
--- a/release/darwin/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-macOS app bundling guide
-Install Code Signing Certificate
-* Go to https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/certificates/list
-* Download the Developer ID Application certificate.
-* Double click the file and add to key chain (default options).
-* Delete the file from the Downloads folder.
-* You will also need to install a .p12 public/private key file for the
-  certificate. This is only available for the owner of the Blender account,
-  or can be exported and copied from another system that already has code
-  signing set up.
-Find the codesigning identity by running:
-$ security find-identity -v -p codesigning
-"Developer ID Application: Stichting Blender Foundation" is the identity needed.
-The long code at the start of the line is used as <identity> below.
-Setup Apple ID
-* The Apple ID must have two step verification enabled.
-* Create an app specific password for the code signing app (label can be anything):
-* Add the app specific password to keychain:
-$ security add-generic-password -a <apple-id> -w <app-specific-password> -s altool-password
-When running the bundle script, there will be a popup. To avoid that either:
-* Click Always Allow in the popup
-* In the Keychain Access app, change the Access Control settings on altool-password
-Then the bundle is created as follows:
-$ ./bundle.sh --source <sourcedir> --dmg <dmg> --bundle-id <bundleid> --username <apple-id> --password "@keychain:altool-password" --codesign <identity>
-<sourcedir>  directory where built Blender.app is
-<dmg>	       location and name of the final disk image
-<bundleid>   id on notarization, for example org.blenderfoundation.blender.release
-<apple-id>   your appleid email
-<identity>   codesigning identity
-When specifying only --sourcedir and --dmg, the build will not be signed.
-Example :
-$ ./bundle.sh --source /data/build/bin --dmg /data/Blender-2.8-alpha-macOS-10.11.dmg --bundle-id org.blenderfoundation.blender.release --username "foo at mac.com" --password "@keychain:altool-password" --codesign AE825E26F12D08B692F360133210AF46F4CF7B97
diff --git a/release/darwin/blender.applescript b/release/darwin/blender.applescript
deleted file mode 100644
index 130dc2eb64c..00000000000
--- a/release/darwin/blender.applescript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-tell application "Finder"
-          tell disk "Blender"
-               open
-               set current view of container window to icon view
-               set toolbar visible of container window to false
-               set statusbar visible of container window to false
-               set the bounds of container window to {100, 100, 640, 472}
-               set theViewOptions to icon view options of container window
-               set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged
-               set icon size of theViewOptions to 128
-               set background picture of theViewOptions to file ".background:background.tif"
-               set position of item " " of container window to {400, 190}
-               set position of item "blender.app" of container window to {135, 190}
-               update without registering applications
-               delay 5
-               close
-     end tell
-end tell
diff --git a/release/darwin/bundle.sh b/release/darwin/bundle.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 6d8695a441d..00000000000
--- a/release/darwin/bundle.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Script to create a macOS dmg file for Blender builds, including code
-# signing and notarization for releases.
-# Check that we have all needed tools.
-for i in osascript git codesign hdiutil xcrun ; do
-    if [ ! -x "$(which ${i})" ]; then
-        echo "Unable to execute command $i, macOS broken?"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-# Defaults settings.
-_script_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
-_tmp_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
-# Handle arguments.
-while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
-    key=$1
-    case $key in
-        -s|--source)
-            SRC_DIR="$2"
-            shift
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -d|--dmg)
-            DEST_DMG="$2"
-            shift
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -b|--bundle-id)
-            N_BUNDLE_ID="$2"
-            shift
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -u|--username)
-            N_USERNAME="$2"
-            shift
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -p|--password)
-            N_PASSWORD="$2"
-            shift
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -c|--codesign)
-            C_CERT="$2"
-            shift
-            shift
-            ;;
-        --background-image)
-            _background_image="$2"
-            shift
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -h|--help)
-            echo "Usage:"
-            echo " $(basename "$0") --source DIR --dmg IMAGENAME "
-            echo "    optional arguments:"
-            echo "    --codesign <certname>"
-            echo "    --username <username>"
-            echo "    --password <password>"
-            echo "    --bundle-id <bundleid>"
-            echo " Check https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/notarizing_your_app_before_distribution/customizing_the_notarization_workflow "
-            exit 1
-            ;;
-    esac
-if [ ! -d "${SRC_DIR}/Blender.app" ]; then
-    echo "use --source parameter to set source directory where Blender.app can be found"
-    exit 1
-if [ -z "${DEST_DMG}" ]; then
-    echo "use --dmg parameter to set output dmg name"
-    exit 1
-# Destroy destination dmg if there is any.
-test -f "${DEST_DMG}" && rm "${DEST_DMG}"
-if [ -d "${_mount_dir}" ]; then
-    echo -n "Ejecting existing blender volume.."
-    DEV_FILE=$(mount | grep "${_mount_dir}" | awk '{ print $1 }')
-    diskutil eject "${DEV_FILE}" || exit 1
-    echo
-# Copy dmg contents.
-echo -n "Copying Blender.app..."
-cp -r "${SRC_DIR}/Blender.app" "${_tmp_dir}/" || exit 1
-# Create the disk image.
-_directory_size=$(du -sh ${_tmp_dir} | awk -F'[^0-9]*' '$0=$1')
-_image_size=$(echo "${_directory_size}" + 400 | bc) # extra 400 need for codesign to work (why on earth?)
-echo -n "Creating disk image of size ${_image_size}M.."
-test -f "${_tmp_dmg}" && rm "${_tmp_dmg}"
-hdiutil create -size "${_image_size}m" -fs HFS+ -srcfolder "${_tmp_dir}" -volname "${_volume_name}" -format UDRW "${_tmp_dmg}" -mode 755
-echo "Mounting readwrite image..."
-hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify -noautoopen "${_tmp_dmg}"
-echo "Setting background picture.."
-if ! test -z "${_background_image}"; then
-    echo "Copying background image ..."
-    test -d "${_mount_dir}/.background" || mkdir "${_mount_dir}/.background"
-    _background_image_NAME=$(basename "${_background_image}")
-    cp "${_background_image}" "${_mount_dir}/.background/${_background_image_NAME}"
-echo "Creating link to /Applications ..."
-ln -s /Applications "${_mount_dir}/Applications"
-echo "Renaming Applications to empty string."
-mv ${_mount_dir}/Applications "${_mount_dir}/ "
-echo "Running applescript to set folder looks ..."
-cat "${_script_dir}/blender.applescript" | osascript
-echo "Waiting after applescript ..."
-sleep 5
-if [ ! -z "${C_CERT}" ]; then
-    # Codesigning requires all libs and binaries to be signed separately.
-    echo -n "Codesigning Python"
-    for f in $(find "${_mount_dir}/Blender.app/Contents/Resources" -name "python*"); do
-        if [ -x ${f} ] && [ ! -d ${f} ]; then
-            codesign --remove-signature "${f}"
-            codesign --timestamp --options runtime --entitlements="${_entitlements}" --sign "${C_CERT}" "${f}"
-        fi
-    done
-    echo ; echo -n "Codesigning .dylib and .so libraries"
-    for f in $(find "${_mount_dir}/Blender.app" -name "*.dylib" -o -name "*.so"); do
-        codesign --remove-signature "${f}"
-        codesign --timestamp --options runtime --entitlements="${_entitlements}" --sign "${C_CERT}" "${f}"
-    done
-    echo ; echo -n "Codesigning Blender.app"
-    codesign --remove-signature "${_mount_dir}/Blender.app"
-    codesign --timestamp --options runtime --entitlements="${_entitlements}" --sign "${C_CERT}" "${_mount_dir}/Blender.app"
-    echo
-    echo "No codesigning cert given, skipping..."
-# Need to eject dev files to remove /dev files and free .dmg for converting
-echo "Unmounting rw disk image ..."
-DEV_FILE=$(mount | grep "${_mount_dir}" | awk '{ print $1 }')
-diskutil eject "${DEV_FILE}"
-sleep 3
-echo "Compressing disk image ..."
-hdiutil convert "${_tmp_dmg}" -format UDZO -o "${DEST_DMG}"
-# Codesign the dmg
-if [ ! -z "${C_CERT}" ]; then
-    echo -n "Codesigning dmg..."
-    codesign --timestamp --force --sign "${C_CERT}" "${DEST_DMG}"
-    echo
-# Cleanup
-rm -rf "${_tmp_dir}"
-rm "${_tmp_dmg}"
-# Notarize
-if [ ! -z "${N_USERNAME}" ] && [ ! -z "${N_PASSWORD}" ] && [ ! -z "${N_BUNDLE_ID}" ]; then
-    # Send to Apple
-    echo "Sending ${DEST_DMG} for notarization..."
-    _tmpout=$(mktemp)
-    echo xcrun altool --notarize-app --verbose -f "${DEST_DMG}" --primary-bundle-id "${N_BUNDLE_ID}" --username "${N_USERNAME}" --password "${N_PASSWORD}"
-    xcrun altool --notarize-app --verbose -f "${DEST_DMG}" --primary-bundle-id "${N_BUNDLE_ID}" --username "${N_USERNAME}" --password "${N_PASSWORD}" >${_tmpout} 2>&1
-    # Parse request uuid
-    _requuid=$(cat "${_tmpout}" | grep "RequestUUID" | awk '{ print $3 }')
-    echo "RequestUUID: ${_requuid}"
-    if [ ! -z "${_requuid}" ]; then
-        # Wait for Apple to confirm notarization is complete
-        echo "Waiting for notarization to be complete.."
-        for c in {20..0};do
-            sleep 600
-            xcrun 

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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