[Bf-blender-cvs] [3ca3098ed79] temp_bmesh_multires: DynTopo: Enable BLI_linklist_stack type checking for clang-cl and fix a few errors.

Joseph Eagar noreply at git.blender.org
Mon May 24 20:40:50 CEST 2021

Commit: 3ca3098ed7941bc0c8a9c1bd0fc0ab2ba3ff3f4d
Author: Joseph Eagar
Date:   Mon May 24 11:40:05 2021 -0700
Branches: temp_bmesh_multires

DynTopo: Enable BLI_linklist_stack type checking for clang-cl
and fix a few errors.


M	source/blender/blenlib/BLI_linklist_stack.h
M	source/blender/blenlib/BLI_strict_flags.h
M	source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/sculpt_expand.c
M	source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/sculpt_geodesic.c


diff --git a/source/blender/blenlib/BLI_linklist_stack.h b/source/blender/blenlib/BLI_linklist_stack.h
index be98304e6b5..9af98172b78 100644
--- a/source/blender/blenlib/BLI_linklist_stack.h
+++ b/source/blender/blenlib/BLI_linklist_stack.h
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 #define BLI_LINKSTACK_SIZE(var) BLI_mempool_len(var##_pool_)
 /* check for typeof() */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
 #  define BLI_LINKSTACK_PUSH(var, ptr) \
     (CHECK_TYPE_INLINE(ptr, typeof(var##_type_)), \
      BLI_linklist_prepend_pool(&(var), ptr, var##_pool_))
diff --git a/source/blender/blenlib/BLI_strict_flags.h b/source/blender/blenlib/BLI_strict_flags.h
index efe89dffa97..142782c6d86 100644
--- a/source/blender/blenlib/BLI_strict_flags.h
+++ b/source/blender/blenlib/BLI_strict_flags.h
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
+/* While regular clang defines __GNUC__ and is handled by the code above, clang-cl does not and
+ * needs to be handled separately. */
 #  ifdef __clang__
 #    pragma clang diagnostic error "-Wsign-conversion"
 #    pragma clang diagnostic error "-Wsign-compare"
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@
 #    pragma clang diagnostic error "-Wimplicit-int-conversion"
 #    pragma clang diagnostic error "-Wimplicit-int"
 #    pragma clang diagnostic error "-Wshadow"
+/* Normal MSVC */
 #  else
 #    pragma warning(error : 4018) /* signed/unsigned mismatch */
 #    pragma warning(error : 4244) /* conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data */
diff --git a/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/sculpt_expand.c b/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/sculpt_expand.c
index 39d251ca44d..c7ad2bb20bd 100644
--- a/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/sculpt_expand.c
+++ b/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/sculpt_expand.c
@@ -2071,7 +2071,7 @@ static void sculpt_expand_delete_face_set_id_bmesh(int *r_face_sets,
     SculptFaceRef fref = BKE_pbvh_table_index_to_face(ss->pbvh, i);
     if (r_face_sets[i] == delete_id) {
+      BLI_LINKSTACK_PUSH(queue, (BMFace *)(fref.i));
diff --git a/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/sculpt_geodesic.c b/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/sculpt_geodesic.c
index 9f5a1435c96..f560f717d5e 100644
--- a/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/sculpt_geodesic.c
+++ b/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/sculpt_geodesic.c
@@ -175,42 +175,42 @@ static float fast_geodesic_distance_propagate_across_triangle(
         xintercept =
             -(0.5 * (dist2 * dist2 - v2lensqr - (dist1 * dist1)) *
-                  fabsf((double)(((v2lensqr - (v2z * v2z)) * v0z - (2 * v0y * v2y * v2z)) * v0z +
-                                 (v2lensqr - (v2y * v2y)) * (v0y * v0y) -
-                                 ((2 * (v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z) * v2x -
-                                   ((v2y * v2y + v2z * v2z) * v0x)) *
-                                  v0x))) -
+                  fabsf((float)(((v2lensqr - (v2z * v2z)) * v0z - (2 * v0y * v2y * v2z)) * v0z +
+                                (v2lensqr - (v2y * v2y)) * (v0y * v0y) -
+                                ((2 * (v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z) * v2x -
+                                  ((v2y * v2y + v2z * v2z) * v0x)) *
+                                 v0x))) -
               ((v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z + v0x * v2x) * the_hh_sqrt * v2len)) /
-                  (double)(((v2lensqr - (v2z * v2z)) * v0z - (2 * v0y * v2y * v2z)) * v0z +
-                           (v2lensqr - (v2y * v2y)) * (v0y * v0y) -
-                           ((2 * (v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z) * v2x - ((v2y * v2y + v2z * v2z) * v0x)) *
-                            v0x))) +
+                  (float)(((v2lensqr - (v2z * v2z)) * v0z - (2 * v0y * v2y * v2z)) * v0z +
+                          (v2lensqr - (v2y * v2y)) * (v0y * v0y) -
+                          ((2 * (v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z) * v2x - ((v2y * v2y + v2z * v2z) * v0x)) *
+                           v0x))) +
               the_hh_sqrt * v2len) *
         if (xintercept >= 0.0 && xintercept <= v2len) {
           float result =
-              (0.5 * sqrt((double)((2.0 * (v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z + v0x * v2x) - (dist1 * dist1) +
-                                    (dist2 + v2len) * (dist2 - v2len)) *
-                                       (2.0 * (v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z + v0x * v2x) -
-                                        (dist1 * dist1) + (dist2 + v2len) * (dist2 - v2len)) +
-                                   4.0 * ((fabsf((double)(((v2lensqr - (v2z * v2z)) * v0z -
-                                                           (2 * v0y * v2y * v2z)) *
-                                                              v0z +
-                                                          (v2lensqr - (v2y * v2y)) * (v0y * v0y) -
-                                                          ((2 * (v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z) * v2x -
-                                                            ((v2y * v2y + v2z * v2z) * v0x)) *
-                                                           v0x))) +
-                                           the_hh_sqrt * v2len) *
-                                          (fabsf((double)(((v2lensqr - (v2z * v2z)) * v0z -
-                                                           (2 * v0y * v2y * v2z)) *
-                                                              v0z +
-                                                          (v2lensqr - (v2y * v2y)) * (v0y * v0y) -
-                                                          ((2 * (v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z) * v2x -
-                                                            ((v2y * v2y + v2z * v2z) * v0x)) *
-                                                           v0x))) +
-                                           the_hh_sqrt * v2len))))) /
+              (0.5 * sqrt((float)((2.0 * (v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z + v0x * v2x) - (dist1 * dist1) +
+                                   (dist2 + v2len) * (dist2 - v2len)) *
+                                      (2.0 * (v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z + v0x * v2x) -
+                                       (dist1 * dist1) + (dist2 + v2len) * (dist2 - v2len)) +
+                                  4.0 * ((fabsf((float)(((v2lensqr - (v2z * v2z)) * v0z -
+                                                         (2 * v0y * v2y * v2z)) *
+                                                            v0z +
+                                                        (v2lensqr - (v2y * v2y)) * (v0y * v0y) -
+                                                        ((2 * (v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z) * v2x -
+                                                          ((v2y * v2y + v2z * v2z) * v0x)) *
+                                                         v0x))) +
+                                          the_hh_sqrt * v2len) *
+                                         (fabsf((float)(((v2lensqr - (v2z * v2z)) * v0z -
+                                                         (2 * v0y * v2y * v2z)) *
+                                                            v0z +
+                                                        (v2lensqr - (v2y * v2y)) * (v0y * v0y) -
+                                                        ((2 * (v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z) * v2x -
+                                                          ((v2y * v2y + v2z * v2z) * v0x)) *
+                                                         v0x))) +
+                                          the_hh_sqrt * v2len))))) /
           printf("%.7f : %.7f\n",

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