[Bf-blender-cvs] [1e4c35d910e] master: PyDoc: correct sphinx syntax for gpu.state.blend_set

Campbell Barton noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Mar 31 08:49:27 CEST 2021

Commit: 1e4c35d910e18858c41924f9e27ef8e1070cbd0a
Author: Campbell Barton
Date:   Wed Mar 31 17:42:21 2021 +1100
Branches: master

PyDoc: correct sphinx syntax for gpu.state.blend_set


M	source/blender/python/gpu/gpu_py_state.c


diff --git a/source/blender/python/gpu/gpu_py_state.c b/source/blender/python/gpu/gpu_py_state.c
index 110f5a6ff55..e99fc91ac4c 100644
--- a/source/blender/python/gpu/gpu_py_state.c
+++ b/source/blender/python/gpu/gpu_py_state.c
@@ -85,19 +85,22 @@ PyDoc_STRVAR(
     "   Defines the fixed pipeline blending equation.\n"
     "   :param mode: The type of blend mode.\n"
-    "   * ``NONE`` No blending.\n"
-    "   * ``ALPHA`` The original color channels are interpolated according to the alpha value.\n"
-    "   * ``ALPHA_PREMULT`` The original color channels are interpolated according to the alpha "
-    "value with the new colors pre-multiplied by this value.\n"
-    "   * ``ADDITIVE`` The original color channels are added by the corresponding ones.\n"
-    "   * ``ADDITIVE_PREMULT`` The original color channels are added by the corresponding ones "
+    "      * ``NONE`` No blending.\n"
+    "      * ``ALPHA`` The original color channels are interpolated according to the alpha "
+    "value.\n"
+    "      * ``ALPHA_PREMULT`` The original color channels are interpolated according to the "
+    "alpha value with the new colors pre-multiplied by this value.\n"
+    "      * ``ADDITIVE`` The original color channels are added by the corresponding ones.\n"
+    "      * ``ADDITIVE_PREMULT`` The original color channels are added by the corresponding ones "
     "that are pre-multiplied by the alpha value.\n"
-    "   * ``MULTIPLY`` The original color channels are multiplied by the corresponding ones.\n"
-    "   * ``SUBTRACT`` The original color channels are subtracted by the corresponding ones.\n"
-    "   * ``INVERT`` The original color channels are replaced by its complementary color.\n"
-    //"   * ``OIT``.\n"
-    //"   * ``BACKGROUND`` .\n"
-    //"   * ``CUSTOM`` .\n"
+    "      * ``MULTIPLY`` The original color channels are multiplied by the corresponding ones.\n"
+    "      * ``SUBTRACT`` The original color channels are subtracted by the corresponding ones.\n"
+    "      * ``INVERT`` The original color channels are replaced by its complementary color.\n"
+#if 0
+    "      * ``OIT``.\n"
+    "      * ``BACKGROUND`` .\n"
+    "      * ``CUSTOM`` .\n"
     "   :type mode: str\n");
 static PyObject *pygpu_state_blend_set(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *value)

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