[Bf-blender-cvs] [4fbf19f3fd0] temp-derived-node-tree-refactor: remove old derived node tree

Jacques Lucke noreply at git.blender.org
Thu Mar 4 11:08:00 CET 2021

Commit: 4fbf19f3fd08935c31b2bb4f40fb0f9a9825d597
Author: Jacques Lucke
Date:   Thu Mar 4 10:10:59 2021 +0100
Branches: temp-derived-node-tree-refactor

remove old derived node tree


M	source/blender/nodes/CMakeLists.txt
D	source/blender/nodes/NOD_derived_node_tree.hh
M	source/blender/nodes/NOD_geometry_exec.hh
M	source/blender/nodes/NOD_node_tree_multi_function.hh
D	source/blender/nodes/intern/derived_node_tree.cc
M	source/blender/nodes/intern/node_geometry_exec.cc


diff --git a/source/blender/nodes/CMakeLists.txt b/source/blender/nodes/CMakeLists.txt
index e374f669d86..8d118c8ef3c 100644
--- a/source/blender/nodes/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/blender/nodes/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -296,7 +296,6 @@ set(SRC
-  intern/derived_node_tree.cc
@@ -317,7 +316,6 @@ set(SRC
-  NOD_derived_node_tree.hh
diff --git a/source/blender/nodes/NOD_derived_node_tree.hh b/source/blender/nodes/NOD_derived_node_tree.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index ea67f23eade..00000000000
--- a/source/blender/nodes/NOD_derived_node_tree.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#pragma once
-/** \file
- * \ingroup nodes
- *
- * DerivedNodeTree provides a flattened view on a bNodeTree, i.e. node groups are inlined. It
- * builds on top of NodeTreeRef and supports similar queries efficiently.
- *
- * Every inlined node remembers its path to the parent ("call stack").
- *
- * Unlinked group node inputs are handled separately from other sockets.
- *
- * There is a dot graph exporter for debugging purposes.
- */
-#include "NOD_node_tree_ref.hh"
-#include "BLI_vector_set.hh"
-namespace blender::nodes {
-class DSocket;
-class DInputSocket;
-class DOutputSocket;
-class DNode;
-class DParentNode;
-class DGroupInput;
-class DerivedNodeTree;
-class DSocket : NonCopyable, NonMovable {
- protected:
-  DNode *node_;
-  const SocketRef *socket_ref_;
-  int id_;
-  friend DerivedNodeTree;
- public:
-  const DNode &node() const;
-  int id() const;
-  int index() const;
-  bool is_input() const;
-  bool is_output() const;
-  const DSocket &as_base() const;
-  const DInputSocket &as_input() const;
-  const DOutputSocket &as_output() const;
-  PointerRNA *rna() const;
-  StringRefNull idname() const;
-  StringRefNull name() const;
-  StringRefNull identifier() const;
-  bNodeSocketType *typeinfo() const;
-  const SocketRef &socket_ref() const;
-  bNodeSocket *bsocket() const;
-  bool is_available() const;
-class DInputSocket : public DSocket {
- private:
-  Vector<DOutputSocket *> linked_sockets_;
-  Vector<DGroupInput *> linked_group_inputs_;
-  bool is_multi_input_socket_;
-  friend DerivedNodeTree;
- public:
-  const InputSocketRef &socket_ref() const;
-  Span<const DOutputSocket *> linked_sockets() const;
-  Span<const DGroupInput *> linked_group_inputs() const;
-  bool is_linked() const;
-  bool is_multi_input_socket() const;
-class DOutputSocket : public DSocket {
- private:
-  Vector<DInputSocket *> linked_sockets_;
-  friend DerivedNodeTree;
- public:
-  const OutputSocketRef &socket_ref() const;
-  Span<const DInputSocket *> linked_sockets() const;
-class DGroupInput : NonCopyable, NonMovable {
- private:
-  const InputSocketRef *socket_ref_;
-  DParentNode *parent_;
-  Vector<DInputSocket *> linked_sockets_;
-  int id_;
-  friend DerivedNodeTree;
- public:
-  const InputSocketRef &socket_ref() const;
-  bNodeSocket *bsocket() const;
-  const DParentNode *parent() const;
-  Span<const DInputSocket *> linked_sockets() const;
-  int id() const;
-  StringRefNull name() const;
-class DNode : NonCopyable, NonMovable {
- private:
-  const NodeRef *node_ref_;
-  DParentNode *parent_;
-  Span<DInputSocket *> inputs_;
-  Span<DOutputSocket *> outputs_;
-  int id_;
-  friend DerivedNodeTree;
- public:
-  const NodeRef &node_ref() const;
-  const DParentNode *parent() const;
-  Span<const DInputSocket *> inputs() const;
-  Span<const DOutputSocket *> outputs() const;
-  const DInputSocket &input(int index) const;
-  const DOutputSocket &output(int index) const;
-  const DInputSocket &input(int index, StringRef expected_name) const;
-  const DOutputSocket &output(int index, StringRef expected_name) const;
-  int id() const;
-  PointerRNA *rna() const;
-  StringRefNull idname() const;
-  StringRefNull name() const;
-  bNode *bnode() const;
-  bNodeType *typeinfo() const;
- private:
-  void destruct_with_sockets();
-class DParentNode : NonCopyable, NonMovable {
- private:
-  const NodeRef *node_ref_;
-  DParentNode *parent_;
-  int id_;
-  friend DerivedNodeTree;
- public:
-  const DParentNode *parent() const;
-  const NodeRef &node_ref() const;
-  int id() const;
-class DerivedNodeTree : NonCopyable, NonMovable {
- private:
-  LinearAllocator<> allocator_;
-  Vector<DNode *> nodes_by_id_;
-  Vector<DGroupInput *> group_inputs_;
-  Vector<DParentNode *> parent_nodes_;
-  Vector<DSocket *> sockets_by_id_;
-  Vector<DInputSocket *> input_sockets_;
-  Vector<DOutputSocket *> output_sockets_;
-  MultiValueMap<const bNodeType *, DNode *> nodes_by_type_;
-  VectorSet<const NodeTreeRef *> used_node_tree_refs_;
-  bNodeTree *btree_;
- public:
-  DerivedNodeTree(bNodeTree *btree, NodeTreeRefMap &node_tree_refs);
-  ~DerivedNodeTree();
-  bNodeTree *btree() const;
-  Span<const DNode *> nodes() const;
-  Span<const DNode *> nodes_by_type(StringRefNull idname) const;
-  Span<const DNode *> nodes_by_type(const bNodeType *nodetype) const;
-  Span<const DSocket *> sockets() const;
-  Span<const DInputSocket *> input_sockets() const;
-  Span<const DOutputSocket *> output_sockets() const;
-  Span<const DGroupInput *> group_inputs() const;
-  Span<const NodeTreeRef *> used_node_tree_refs() const;
-  bool has_link_cycles() const;
-  std::string to_dot() const;
- private:
-  /* Utility functions used during construction. */
-  void insert_nodes_and_links_in_id_order(const NodeTreeRef &tree_ref,
-                                          DParentNode *parent,
-                                          Vector<DNode *> &all_nodes);
-  DNode &create_node(const NodeRef &node_ref,
-                     DParentNode *parent,
-                     MutableSpan<DSocket *> r_sockets_map);
-  void expand_groups(Vector<DNode *> &all_nodes,
-                     Vector<DGroupInput *> &all_group_inputs,
-                     Vector<DParentNode *> &all_parent_nodes,
-                     NodeTreeRefMap &node_tree_refs);
-  void expand_group_node(DNode &group_node,
-                         Vector<DNode *> &all_nodes,
-                         Vector<DGroupInput *> &all_group_inputs,
-                         Vector<DParentNode *> &all_parent_nodes,
-                         NodeTreeRefMap &node_tree_refs);
-  void create_group_inputs_for_unlinked_inputs(DNode &node,
-                                               Vector<DGroupInput *> &all_group_inputs);
-  void relink_group_inputs(const NodeTreeRef &group_ref,
-                           Span<DNode *> nodes_by_id,
-                           DNode &group_node);
-  void relink_group_outputs(const NodeTreeRef &group_ref,
-                            Span<DNode *> nodes_by_id,
-                            DNode &group_node);
-  void remove_expanded_group_interfaces(Vector<DNode *> &all_nodes);
-  void remove_unused_group_inputs(Vector<DGroupInput *> &all_group_inputs);
-  void relink_and_remove_muted_nodes(Vector<DNode *> &all_nodes);
-  void relink_muted_node(DNode &muted_node);
-  void store_in_this_and_init_ids(Vector<DNode *> &&all_nodes,
-                                  Vector<DGroupInput *> &&all_group_inputs,
-                                  Vector<DParentNode *> &&all_parent_nodes);
-namespace derived_node_tree_types {
-using nodes::DerivedNodeTree;
-using nodes::DGroupInput;
-using nodes::DInputSocket;
-using nodes::DNode;
-using nodes::DOutputSocket;
-using nodes::DParentNode;
-};  // namespace derived_node_tree_types
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
- * DSocket inline methods.
- */
-inline const DNode &DSocket::node() const
-  return *node_;
-inline int DSocket::id() const
-  return id_;
-inline int DSocket::index() const
-  return socket_ref_->index();
-inline bool DSocket::is_input() const
-  return socket_ref_->is_input();
-inline bool DSocket::is_output() const
-  return socket_ref_->is_output();
-inline const DSocket &DSocket::as_base() const
-  return *this;
-inline const DInputSocket &DSocket::as_input() const
-  return static_cast<const DInputSocket &>(*this);
-inline const DOutputSocket &DSocket::as_output() const
-  return static_cast<const DOutputSocket &>(*this);
-inline PointerRNA *DSocket::rna() const
-  return socket_ref_->rna();
-inline StringRefNull DSocket::idname() const
-  return socket_ref_->idname();
-inline StringRefNull DSocket::name() const
-  return socket_ref_->name();
-inline StringRefNull DSocket::identifier() const
-  return socket_ref_->identifier();
-inline bNodeSocketType *DSocket::typeinfo() const
-  return socket_ref_->bsocket()->typeinfo;
-inline const SocketRef &DSocket::socket_ref() const
-  return *socket_ref_;
-inline bNodeSocket *DSocket::bsocket() const
-  return socket_ref_->bsocket();
-inline bool DSocket::is_available() const
-  return (socket_ref_->bsocket()->flag & SOCK_UNAVAIL) == 0;
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
- * DInputSocket inline methods.
- */
-inline const InputSocketRef &DInputSocket::socket_ref() const
-  return socket_ref_->as_input();
-inline Span<const DOutputSocket *> DInputSocket::link

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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