[Bf-blender-cvs] [92567c072a9] master: Cleanup: Fix clang format

Antonio Vazquez noreply at git.blender.org
Thu Jan 28 11:03:12 CET 2021

Commit: 92567c072a97cbacf2edf0d84a8000d139fb8dbe
Author: Antonio Vazquez
Date:   Thu Jan 28 11:01:08 2021 +0100
Branches: master

Cleanup: Fix clang format

Due a problem in the mergetool, the clang format was totally wrong in the previous commit.


M	source/blender/draw/engines/gpencil/gpencil_engine.c


diff --git a/source/blender/draw/engines/gpencil/gpencil_engine.c b/source/blender/draw/engines/gpencil/gpencil_engine.c
index f437223aae3..cecaefa0ca8 100644
--- a/source/blender/draw/engines/gpencil/gpencil_engine.c
+++ b/source/blender/draw/engines/gpencil/gpencil_engine.c
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
  * Copyright 2017, Blender Foundation.
- /** \file
-  * \ingroup draw
-  */
+/** \file
+ * \ingroup draw
+ */
 #include "DRW_engine.h"
 #include "DRW_render.h"
@@ -53,948 +53,940 @@
 #include "UI_resources.h"
-  /* *********** FUNCTIONS *********** */
+/* *********** FUNCTIONS *********** */
-void GPENCIL_engine_init(void* ved)
+void GPENCIL_engine_init(void *ved)
-	GPENCIL_Data* vedata = (GPENCIL_Data*)ved;
-	GPENCIL_StorageList* stl = vedata->stl;
-	GPENCIL_TextureList* txl = vedata->txl;
-	GPENCIL_FramebufferList* fbl = vedata->fbl;
-	DefaultTextureList* dtxl = DRW_viewport_texture_list_get();
-	DefaultFramebufferList* dfbl = DRW_viewport_framebuffer_list_get();
-	const DRWContextState* ctx = DRW_context_state_get();
-	const View3D* v3d = ctx->v3d;
-	if (!stl->pd) {
-		stl->pd = MEM_callocN(sizeof(GPENCIL_PrivateData), "GPENCIL_PrivateData");
-	}
-	if (txl->dummy_texture == NULL) {
-		const float pixels[1][4] = { {1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f} };
-		txl->dummy_texture = DRW_texture_create_2d(1, 1, GPU_RGBA8, DRW_TEX_WRAP, (float*)pixels);
-	}
-	GPENCIL_ViewLayerData* vldata = GPENCIL_view_layer_data_ensure();
-	/* Resize and reset memblocks. */
-	BLI_memblock_clear(vldata->gp_light_pool, gpencil_light_pool_free);
-	BLI_memblock_clear(vldata->gp_material_pool, gpencil_material_pool_free);
-	BLI_memblock_clear(vldata->gp_object_pool, NULL);
-	BLI_memblock_clear(vldata->gp_layer_pool, NULL);
-	BLI_memblock_clear(vldata->gp_vfx_pool, NULL);
-	BLI_memblock_clear(vldata->gp_maskbit_pool, NULL);
-	stl->pd->gp_light_pool = vldata->gp_light_pool;
-	stl->pd->gp_material_pool = vldata->gp_material_pool;
-	stl->pd->gp_maskbit_pool = vldata->gp_maskbit_pool;
-	stl->pd->gp_object_pool = vldata->gp_object_pool;
-	stl->pd->gp_layer_pool = vldata->gp_layer_pool;
-	stl->pd->gp_vfx_pool = vldata->gp_vfx_pool;
-	stl->pd->view_layer = ctx->view_layer;
-	stl->pd->scene = ctx->scene;
-	stl->pd->v3d = ctx->v3d;
-	stl->pd->last_light_pool = NULL;
-	stl->pd->last_material_pool = NULL;
-	stl->pd->tobjects.first = NULL;
-	stl->pd->tobjects.last = NULL;
-	stl->pd->tobjects_infront.first = NULL;
-	stl->pd->tobjects_infront.last = NULL;
-	stl->pd->sbuffer_tobjects.first = NULL;
-	stl->pd->sbuffer_tobjects.last = NULL;
-	stl->pd->dummy_tx = txl->dummy_texture;
-	stl->pd->draw_depth_only = !DRW_state_is_fbo();
-	stl->pd->draw_wireframe = (v3d && v3d->shading.type == OB_WIRE) && !stl->pd->draw_depth_only;
-	stl->pd->scene_depth_tx = stl->pd->draw_depth_only ? txl->dummy_texture : dtxl->depth;
-	stl->pd->scene_fb = dfbl->default_fb;
-	stl->pd->is_render = txl->render_depth_tx || (v3d && v3d->shading.type == OB_RENDER);
-	stl->pd->is_viewport = (v3d != NULL);
-	stl->pd->global_light_pool = gpencil_light_pool_add(stl->pd);
-	stl->pd->shadeless_light_pool = gpencil_light_pool_add(stl->pd);
-	/* Small HACK: we don't want the global pool to be reused,
-	 * so we set the last light pool to NULL. */
-	stl->pd->last_light_pool = NULL;
-	bool use_scene_lights = false;
-	bool use_scene_world = false;
-	if (v3d) {
-		use_scene_lights = ((v3d->shading.type == OB_MATERIAL) &&
-			(v3d->shading.flag & V3D_SHADING_SCENE_LIGHTS)) ||
-			((v3d->shading.type == OB_RENDER) &&
-				(v3d->shading.flag & V3D_SHADING_SCENE_LIGHTS_RENDER));
-		use_scene_world = ((v3d->shading.type == OB_MATERIAL) &&
-			(v3d->shading.flag & V3D_SHADING_SCENE_WORLD)) ||
-			((v3d->shading.type == OB_RENDER) &&
-				(v3d->shading.flag & V3D_SHADING_SCENE_WORLD_RENDER));
-		stl->pd->v3d_color_type = (v3d->shading.type == OB_SOLID) ? v3d->shading.color_type : -1;
-		/* Special case: If Vertex Paint mode, use always Vertex mode. */
-		if (v3d->shading.type == OB_SOLID && ctx->obact && ctx->obact->type == OB_GPENCIL &&
-			ctx->obact->mode == OB_MODE_VERTEX_GPENCIL) {
-			stl->pd->v3d_color_type = V3D_SHADING_VERTEX_COLOR;
-		}
-		copy_v3_v3(stl->pd->v3d_single_color, v3d->shading.single_color);
-		/* For non active frame, use only lines in multiedit mode. */
-		const bool overlays_on = (v3d->flag2 & V3D_HIDE_OVERLAYS) == 0;
-		stl->pd->use_multiedit_lines_only = !overlays_on ||
-			(v3d->gp_flag & V3D_GP_SHOW_MULTIEDIT_LINES) != 0;
-		const bool shmode_xray_support = v3d->shading.type <= OB_SOLID;
-		stl->pd->xray_alpha = (shmode_xray_support && XRAY_ENABLED(v3d)) ? XRAY_ALPHA(v3d) : 1.0f;
-	}
-	else if (stl->pd->is_render) {
-		use_scene_lights = true;
-		use_scene_world = true;
-		stl->pd->use_multiedit_lines_only = false;
-		stl->pd->xray_alpha = 1.0f;
-		stl->pd->v3d_color_type = -1;
-	}
-	stl->pd->use_lighting = (v3d && v3d->shading.type > OB_SOLID) || stl->pd->is_render;
-	stl->pd->use_lights = use_scene_lights;
-	if (txl->render_depth_tx != NULL) {
-		stl->pd->scene_depth_tx = txl->render_depth_tx;
-		stl->pd->scene_fb = fbl->render_fb;
-	}
-	gpencil_light_ambient_add(stl->pd->shadeless_light_pool, (float[3]) { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f });
-	World* world = ctx->scene->world;
-	if (world != NULL && use_scene_world) {
-		gpencil_light_ambient_add(stl->pd->global_light_pool, &world->horr);
-	}
-	else if (v3d) {
-		float world_light[3];
-		copy_v3_fl(world_light, v3d->shading.studiolight_intensity);
-		gpencil_light_ambient_add(stl->pd->global_light_pool, world_light);
-	}
-	float viewmatinv[4][4];
-	DRW_view_viewmat_get(NULL, viewmatinv, true);
-	copy_v3_v3(stl->pd->camera_z_axis, viewmatinv[2]);
-	copy_v3_v3(stl->pd->camera_pos, viewmatinv[3]);
-	stl->pd->camera_z_offset = dot_v3v3(viewmatinv[3], viewmatinv[2]);
-	if (ctx && ctx->rv3d && v3d) {
-		stl->pd->camera = (ctx->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) ? v3d->camera : NULL;
-	}
-	else {
-		stl->pd->camera = NULL;
-	}
+  GPENCIL_Data *vedata = (GPENCIL_Data *)ved;
+  GPENCIL_StorageList *stl = vedata->stl;
+  GPENCIL_TextureList *txl = vedata->txl;
+  GPENCIL_FramebufferList *fbl = vedata->fbl;
+  DefaultTextureList *dtxl = DRW_viewport_texture_list_get();
+  DefaultFramebufferList *dfbl = DRW_viewport_framebuffer_list_get();
+  const DRWContextState *ctx = DRW_context_state_get();
+  const View3D *v3d = ctx->v3d;
+  if (!stl->pd) {
+    stl->pd = MEM_callocN(sizeof(GPENCIL_PrivateData), "GPENCIL_PrivateData");
+  }
+  if (txl->dummy_texture == NULL) {
+    const float pixels[1][4] = {{1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}};
+    txl->dummy_texture = DRW_texture_create_2d(1, 1, GPU_RGBA8, DRW_TEX_WRAP, (float *)pixels);
+  }
+  GPENCIL_ViewLayerData *vldata = GPENCIL_view_layer_data_ensure();
+  /* Resize and reset memblocks. */
+  BLI_memblock_clear(vldata->gp_light_pool, gpencil_light_pool_free);
+  BLI_memblock_clear(vldata->gp_material_pool, gpencil_material_pool_free);
+  BLI_memblock_clear(vldata->gp_object_pool, NULL);
+  BLI_memblock_clear(vldata->gp_layer_pool, NULL);
+  BLI_memblock_clear(vldata->gp_vfx_pool, NULL);
+  BLI_memblock_clear(vldata->gp_maskbit_pool, NULL);
+  stl->pd->gp_light_pool = vldata->gp_light_pool;
+  stl->pd->gp_material_pool = vldata->gp_material_pool;
+  stl->pd->gp_maskbit_pool = vldata->gp_maskbit_pool;
+  stl->pd->gp_object_pool = vldata->gp_object_pool;
+  stl->pd->gp_layer_pool = vldata->gp_layer_pool;
+  stl->pd->gp_vfx_pool = vldata->gp_vfx_pool;
+  stl->pd->view_layer = ctx->view_layer;
+  stl->pd->scene = ctx->scene;
+  stl->pd->v3d = ctx->v3d;
+  stl->pd->last_light_pool = NULL;
+  stl->pd->last_material_pool = NULL;
+  stl->pd->tobjects.first = NULL;
+  stl->pd->tobjects.last = NULL;
+  stl->pd->tobjects_infront.first = NULL;
+  stl->pd->tobjects_infront.last = NULL;
+  stl->pd->sbuffer_tobjects.first = NULL;
+  stl->pd->sbuffer_tobjects.last = NULL;
+  stl->pd->dummy_tx = txl->dummy_texture;
+  stl->pd->draw_depth_only = !DRW_state_is_fbo();
+  stl->pd->draw_wireframe = (v3d && v3d->shading.type == OB_WIRE) && !stl->pd->draw_depth_only;
+  stl->pd->scene_depth_tx = stl->pd->draw_depth_only ? txl->dummy_texture : dtxl->depth;
+  stl->pd->scene_fb = dfbl->default_fb;
+  stl->pd->is_render = txl->render_depth_tx || (v3d && v3d->shading.type == OB_RENDER);
+  stl->pd->is_viewport = (v3d != NULL);
+  stl->pd->global_light_pool = gpencil_light_pool_add(stl->pd);
+  stl->pd->shadeless_light_pool = gpencil_light_pool_add(stl->pd);
+  /* Small HACK: we don't want the global pool to be reused,
+   * so we set the last light pool to NULL. */
+  stl->pd->last_light_pool = NULL;
+  bool use_scene_lights = false;
+  bool use_scene_world = false;
+  if (v3d) {
+    use_scene_lights = ((v3d->shading.type == OB_MATERIAL) &&
+                        (v3d->shading.flag & V3D_SHADING_SCENE_LIGHTS)) ||
+                       ((v3d->shading.type == OB_RENDER) &&
+                        (v3d->shading.flag & V3D_SHADING_SCENE_LIGHTS_RENDER));
+    use_scene_world = ((v3d->shading.type == OB_MATERIAL) &&
+                       (v3d->shading.flag & V3D_SHADING_SCENE_WORLD)) ||
+                      ((v3d->shading.type == OB_RENDER) &&
+                       (v3d->shading.flag & V3D_SHADING_SCENE_WORLD_RENDER));
+    stl->pd->v3d_color_type = (v3d->shading.type == OB_SOLID) ? v3d->shading.color_type : -1;
+    /* Special case: If Vertex Paint mode, use always Vertex mode. */
+    if (v3d->shading.type == OB_SOLID && ctx->obact && ctx->obact->type == OB_GPENCIL &&
+        ctx->obact->mode == OB_MODE_VERTEX_GPENCIL) {
+      stl->pd->v3d_color_type = V3D_SHADING_VERTEX_COLOR;
+    }
+    copy_v3_v3(stl->pd->v3d_single_color, v3d->shading.single_color);
+    /* For non active frame, use only lines in multiedit mode. */
+    const bool overlays_on = (v3d->flag2 & V3D_HIDE_OVERLAYS) == 0;
+    stl->pd->use_multiedit_lines_only = !overlays_on ||
+                                        (v3d->gp_flag & V3D_GP_SHOW_MULTIEDIT_LINES) != 0;
+    const bool shmode_xray_support = v3d->shading.type <= OB_SOLID;
+    stl->pd->xray_alpha = (shmode_xray_support && XRAY_ENABLED(v3d)) ? XRAY_ALPHA(v3d) : 1.0f;
+  }
+  else if (stl->pd->is_render) {
+    use_scene_lights = true;
+    use_scene_world = true;
+    stl->pd->use_mu

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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