[Bf-blender-cvs] [de1f2c41fa8] temp_bmesh_multires: * BM_mesh_remap can now reorder loops * Wrote yet another BKE_pbvh_reorder_bmesh function

Joseph Eagar noreply at git.blender.org
Sat Aug 21 05:38:29 CEST 2021

Commit: de1f2c41fa8ce284ecd445803002fff944e2fd92
Author: Joseph Eagar
Date:   Wed Aug 18 21:43:59 2021 -0700
Branches: temp_bmesh_multires

* BM_mesh_remap can now reorder loops
* Wrote yet another BKE_pbvh_reorder_bmesh function


M	source/blender/blenkernel/intern/pbvh_bmesh.c
M	source/blender/bmesh/intern/bmesh_log.c
M	source/blender/bmesh/intern/bmesh_mesh.c
M	source/blender/bmesh/intern/bmesh_mesh.h
M	source/blender/editors/mesh/editmesh_tools.c
M	source/blender/python/bmesh/bmesh_py_types.c


diff --git a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/pbvh_bmesh.c b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/pbvh_bmesh.c
index cead721ffef..42d353eb0da 100644
--- a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/pbvh_bmesh.c
+++ b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/pbvh_bmesh.c
@@ -48,8 +48,10 @@ Topology rake:
 #include "BLI_math.h"
 #include "BLI_memarena.h"
 #include "BLI_rand.h"
+#include "BLI_sort_utils.h"
 #include "BLI_task.h"
 #include "BLI_utildefines.h"
 #include "PIL_time.h"
 #include "atomic_ops.h"
@@ -1339,6 +1341,87 @@ void BKE_pbvh_recalc_bmesh_boundary(PBVH *pbvh)
+void BKE_pbvh_update_all_boundary_bmesh(PBVH *pbvh)
+  // update boundary flags in a hopefully faster manner then v->e iteration
+  // XXX or not, it's slower
+  BMIter iter;
+  BMEdge *e;
+  BMVert *v;
+  const int cd_fset = CustomData_get_offset(&pbvh->bm->pdata, CD_SCULPT_FACE_SETS);
+  BM_ITER_MESH (v, &iter, pbvh->bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH) {
+    MDynTopoVert *mv = BKE_PBVH_DYNVERT(pbvh->cd_dyn_vert, v);
+                  DYNVERT_VERT_FSET_HIDDEN);
+    if (cd_fset >= 0 && v->e && v->e->l) {
+      mv->flag |= DYNVERT_VERT_FSET_HIDDEN;
+    }
+  }
+  BM_ITER_MESH (e, &iter, pbvh->bm, BM_EDGES_OF_MESH) {
+    if (!e->l || e->l == e->l->radial_next) {
+      MDynTopoVert *mv1 = BKE_PBVH_DYNVERT(pbvh->cd_dyn_vert, e->v1);
+      MDynTopoVert *mv2 = BKE_PBVH_DYNVERT(pbvh->cd_dyn_vert, e->v2);
+      mv1->flag |= DYNVERT_BOUNDARY;
+      mv2->flag |= DYNVERT_BOUNDARY;
+    }
+    if (!e->l) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (cd_fset < 0) {
+      MDynTopoVert *mv1 = BKE_PBVH_DYNVERT(pbvh->cd_dyn_vert, e->v1);
+      MDynTopoVert *mv2 = BKE_PBVH_DYNVERT(pbvh->cd_dyn_vert, e->v2);
+      BMLoop *l = e->l;
+      do {
+        if (l->f->len > 3) {
+          mv1->flag |= DYNVERT_NEED_TRIANGULATE;
+          mv2->flag |= DYNVERT_NEED_TRIANGULATE;
+          break;
+        }
+        l = l->radial_next;
+      } while (l != e->l);
+      continue;
+    }
+    MDynTopoVert *mv1 = BKE_PBVH_DYNVERT(pbvh->cd_dyn_vert, e->v1);
+    MDynTopoVert *mv2 = BKE_PBVH_DYNVERT(pbvh->cd_dyn_vert, e->v2);
+    BMLoop *l = e->l;
+    int lastfset = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_INT(l->f, cd_fset);
+    do {
+      int fset = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_INT(l->f, cd_fset);
+      if (l->f->len > 3) {
+        mv1->flag |= DYNVERT_NEED_TRIANGULATE;
+        mv2->flag |= DYNVERT_NEED_TRIANGULATE;
+      }
+      if (fset > 0) {
+        MDynTopoVert *mv = BKE_PBVH_DYNVERT(pbvh->cd_dyn_vert, l->v);
+        mv->flag &= ~DYNVERT_VERT_FSET_HIDDEN;
+      }
+      if (lastfset != fset) {
+        mv1->flag |= DYNVERT_FSET_BOUNDARY;
+        mv2->flag |= DYNVERT_FSET_BOUNDARY;
+      }
+      lastfset = fset;
+      l = l->radial_next;
+    } while (l != e->l);
+  }
 /* Build a PBVH from a BMesh */
 void BKE_pbvh_build_bmesh(PBVH *pbvh,
                           BMesh *bm,
@@ -1373,6 +1456,8 @@ void BKE_pbvh_build_bmesh(PBVH *pbvh,
   BMIter iter;
   BMVert *v;
+  // BKE_pbvh_update_all_boundary_bmesh(pbvh);
   int cd_vcol_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_PROP_COLOR);
   BM_ITER_MESH (v, &iter, bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH) {
@@ -2558,6 +2643,316 @@ static void scan_edge_split(BMesh *bm, BMEdge **edges, int totedge)
+#define MAX_RE_CHILD 3
+typedef struct ReVertNode {
+  int totvert, totchild;
+  struct ReVertNode *parent;
+  struct ReVertNode *children[MAX_RE_CHILD];
+  BMVert *verts[];
+} ReVertNode;
+ATTR_NO_OPT BMesh *BKE_pbvh_reorder_bmesh(PBVH *pbvh)
+  /*try to compute size of verts per node*/
+  int vsize = sizeof(BMVert);
+  vsize += pbvh->bm->vdata.totsize;
+  // perhaps aim for l2 cache?
+  const int limit = 1024;
+  int leaf_limit = MAX2(limit / vsize, 4);
+  const int cd_vcol = CustomData_get_offset(&pbvh->bm->vdata, CD_PROP_COLOR);
+  BLI_mempool *pool = BLI_mempool_create(sizeof(ReVertNode) + sizeof(void *) * vsize, 0, 8192, 0);
+  ReVertNode **vnodemap = MEM_calloc_arrayN(pbvh->bm->totvert, sizeof(void *), "vnodemap");
+  printf("leaf_limit: %d\n", leaf_limit);
+  BMIter iter;
+  BMVert *v;
+  const char flag = BM_ELEM_TAG_ALT;
+  int i = 0;
+  BM_ITER_MESH (v, &iter, pbvh->bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH) {
+    BM_elem_flag_disable(v, flag);
+    v->head.index = i++;
+  }
+  BMVert **stack = NULL;
+  BLI_array_declare(stack);
+  BM_ITER_MESH (v, &iter, pbvh->bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH) {
+    if (BM_elem_flag_test(v, flag)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    ReVertNode *node = BLI_mempool_calloc(pool);
+    BLI_array_clear(stack);
+    BLI_array_append(stack, v);
+    BM_elem_flag_enable(v, flag);
+    vnodemap[v->head.index] = node;
+    node->verts[node->totvert++] = v;
+    while (BLI_array_len(stack) > 0) {
+      BMVert *v2 = BLI_array_pop(stack);
+      BMEdge *e;
+      if (node->totvert >= leaf_limit) {
+        break;
+      }
+      if (!v2->e) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      int len = node->totvert;
+      e = v2->e;
+      do {
+        BMVert *v3 = BM_edge_other_vert(e, v2);
+        if (!BM_elem_flag_test(v3, flag) && len < leaf_limit) {
+          BM_elem_flag_enable(v3, flag);
+          vnodemap[v3->head.index] = node;
+          node->verts[node->totvert++] = v3;
+          len++;
+          BLI_array_append(stack, v3);
+        }
+        e = e->v1 == v2 ? e->v1_disk_link.next : e->v2_disk_link.next;
+      } while (e != v2->e);
+    }
+  }
+  const int steps = 4;
+  ReVertNode **roots = NULL;
+  BLI_array_declare(roots);
+  for (int step = 0; step < steps; step++) {
+    const bool last_step = step == steps - 1;
+    BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (v, &iter, pbvh->bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, i) {
+      BMEdge *e = v->e;
+      if (!e) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      ReVertNode *node = vnodemap[v->head.index];
+      if (node->parent) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      ReVertNode *other_node = NULL;
+      ReVertNode *parent = BLI_mempool_calloc(pool);
+      parent->children[0] = node;
+      parent->totchild = 1;
+      do {
+        BMVert *v2 = BM_edge_other_vert(e, v);
+        ReVertNode *node2 = vnodemap[v2->head.index];
+        bool ok = node != node2 && !node2->parent;
+        for (int j = 0; j < parent->totchild; j++) {
+          if (parent->children[j] == node2) {
+            ok = false;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (ok) {
+          parent->children[parent->totchild++] = node2;
+          break;
+        }
+        e = e->v1 == v ? e->v1_disk_link.next : e->v2_disk_link.next;
+      } while (e != v->e);
+      if (parent->totchild == 1) {
+        BLI_mempool_free(pool, parent);
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (last_step) {
+        BLI_array_append(roots, parent);
+      }
+      for (int j = 0; j < parent->totchild; j++) {
+        parent->children[j]->parent = parent;
+      }
+    }
+    BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (v, &iter, pbvh->bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, i) {
+      while (vnodemap[i]->parent) {
+        vnodemap[i] = vnodemap[i]->parent;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  BLI_mempool_iter loopiter;
+  BLI_mempool_iternew(pbvh->bm->lpool, &loopiter);
+  BMLoop *l = BLI_mempool_iterstep(&loopiter);
+  BMEdge *e;
+  BMFace *f;
+  for (i = 0; l; l = BLI_mempool_iterstep(&loopiter), i++) {
+    l->head.hflag &= ~flag;
+  }
+  BM_ITER_MESH (e, &iter, pbvh->bm, BM_EDGES_OF_MESH) {
+    e->head.hflag &= ~flag;
+  }
+  BM_ITER_MESH (f, &iter, pbvh->bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH) {
+    f->head.hflag &= ~flag;
+  }
+  int totroot = BLI_array_len(roots);
+  ReVertNode **nstack = NULL;
+  BLI_array_declare(nstack);
+  int vorder = 0, eorder = 0, lorder = 0, forder = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < totroot; i++) {
+    BLI_array_clear(nstack);
+    ReVertNode *node = roots[i];
+    BLI_array_append(nstack, node);
+    while (BLI_array_len(nstack) > 0) {
+      ReVertNode *node2 = BLI_array_pop(nstack);
+      if (node2->totchild == 0) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < node2->totvert; j++) {
+          v = node2->verts[j];
+#if 0
+          if (cd_vcol >= 0) {
+            MPropCol *col = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(node2->verts[j], cd_vcol);
+            float r = 0.0f, g = 0.0f, b = 0.0f;
+            unsigned int p = (unsigned int)node2->parent;
+            p = p % 65535;
+            unsigned int p2 = (unsigned int)node2->parent;
+            p2 = p2 % 65535;
+            r = ((float)vorder) * 0.01;
+            g = ((float)p2) / 65535.0f;
+            b = ((float)p) / 65535.0f;
+            r = cosf(r * 17.2343) * 0.5 + 0.5;
+            g = cosf(g * 11.2343) * 0.5 + 0.5;
+            b = cosf(b * 19.2343) * 0.5 + 0.5;
+            col->color[0] = r;
+            col->color[1] = g;
+            col->color[2] = b;
+            col->color[3] = 1.0f;
+          }
+          v->head.index = vorder++;
+          BMEdge *e = v->e;
+          if (!e) {
+            continue;
+          }
+          do {
+            if (!(e->head.hflag & flag)) {
+              e->head.hflag |= flag;
+              e->head.index = eorder++;
+            }
+            if (e->l) {
+              BMLoop *l = e->l;
+              do {
+                if (!(l->head.hflag & flag)) {
+                  l->head.hflag |= flag;
+                  l->head.index = lorder++;
+                }
+                if (!(l->f->head.hflag & flag)) {
+                  l->f->head.hflag |= flag;
+                  l->f->head.index = forder++;
+                }
+                l = l->radial_next;
+              } while (l != e->l);
+            }
+            e = e->v1 == v ? e->v1_disk_link.next : e->v2_disk_link.next;
+          } while (e != v->e);
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        for (int j = 0; j < node2->totchild; j++) {
+          BLI_array_append(nstack, node2->children[j]);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  uint *vidx, *eidx, *lidx, *fidx;
+  vidx = MEM_malloc_arrayN(pbvh->bm->totvert, sizeof(*vidx), "vorder");
+  eidx = MEM_malloc_arrayN(pbvh->bm->totedge, sizeof(*eidx), "eorder");
+  lidx = MEM_malloc_arrayN(pbvh->bm->totloop, sizeof(*lidx), "lorder");
+  fidx = MEM_malloc_arrayN(pbvh->bm->totface, sizeof(*fidx), "forder");
+  printf("v %d %d\n", vorder, 

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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