[Bf-blender-cvs] [eed6bf22a4f] master: Cleanup: doxygen comments in ghost

Campbell Barton noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Nov 6 04:38:56 CET 2020

Commit: eed6bf22a4f74136cd10159ea32b788ae93d7850
Author: Campbell Barton
Date:   Fri Nov 6 14:18:55 2020 +1100
Branches: master

Cleanup: doxygen comments in ghost

Use colon after parameters, use hash to reference symbols.


M	intern/ghost/GHOST_C-api.h
M	intern/ghost/GHOST_IContext.h
M	intern/ghost/GHOST_IEventConsumer.h
M	intern/ghost/GHOST_ISystem.h
M	intern/ghost/GHOST_ITimerTask.h
M	intern/ghost/GHOST_IWindow.h
M	intern/ghost/GHOST_Rect.h
M	intern/ghost/GHOST_Types.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_Buttons.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_CallbackEventConsumer.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_Context.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_ContextCGL.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_ContextD3D.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_ContextEGL.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_ContextGLX.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_ContextNone.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_ContextSDL.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_ContextWGL.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_DisplayManager.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_DisplayManagerCocoa.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_DisplayManagerWin32.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_DisplayManagerX11.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_DropTargetWin32.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_DropTargetX11.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_Event.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_EventButton.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_EventCursor.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_EventDragnDrop.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_EventKey.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_EventManager.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_EventPrinter.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_EventString.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_EventTrackpad.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_IXrGraphicsBinding.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_ImeWin32.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_ModifierKeys.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_System.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_SystemCocoa.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_SystemCocoa.mm
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_SystemWin32.cpp
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_SystemWin32.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_SystemX11.cpp
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_SystemX11.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_TimerManager.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_TimerTask.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_Window.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_WindowCocoa.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_WindowManager.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_WindowNULL.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_WindowSDL.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_WindowWayland.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_WindowWin32.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_WindowX11.h
M	intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_XrContext.cpp


diff --git a/intern/ghost/GHOST_C-api.h b/intern/ghost/GHOST_C-api.h
index 2046b55c97f..64740b68c0c 100644
--- a/intern/ghost/GHOST_C-api.h
+++ b/intern/ghost/GHOST_C-api.h
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ extern "C" {
  * Definition of a callback routine that receives events.
- * \param event The event received.
- * \param userdata The callback's user data, supplied to GHOST_CreateSystem.
+ * \param event: The event received.
+ * \param userdata: The callback's user data, supplied to #GHOST_CreateSystem.
 typedef int (*GHOST_EventCallbackProcPtr)(GHOST_EventHandle event, GHOST_TUserDataPtr userdata);
@@ -49,21 +49,20 @@ extern void GHOST_SystemInitDebug(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle, int is_debug_
  * Disposes the one and only system.
- * \param systemhandle The handle to the system
+ * \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
  * \return An indication of success.
 extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_DisposeSystem(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle);
  * Show a system message box to the user
- * \param systemhandle    The handle to the system
- * \param title           Title of the message box
- * \param message         Message of the message box
- * \param help_label      Text to show on the help button that opens a link
- * \param continue_label  Text to show on the ok button that continues
- * \param link            Optional (hyper)link to a webpage to show when pressing help
- * \param dialog_options  Options to configure the message box.
- * \return void.
+ * \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
+ * \param title: Title of the message box.
+ * \param message: Message of the message box.
+ * \param help_label: Text to show on the help button that opens a link.
+ * \param continue_label: Text to show on the ok button that continues.
+ * \param link: Optional (hyper)link to a webpage to show when pressing help.
+ * \param dialog_options: Options to configure the message box.
 extern void GHOST_ShowMessageBox(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
                                  const char *title,
@@ -75,15 +74,15 @@ extern void GHOST_ShowMessageBox(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
  * Creates an event consumer object
- * \param eventCallback The event callback routine.
- * \param userdata Pointer to user data returned to the callback routine.
+ * \param eventCallback: The event callback routine.
+ * \param userdata: Pointer to user data returned to the callback routine.
 extern GHOST_EventConsumerHandle GHOST_CreateEventConsumer(
     GHOST_EventCallbackProcPtr eventCallback, GHOST_TUserDataPtr userdata);
  * Disposes an event consumer object
- * \param consumerhandle Handle to the event consumer.
+ * \param consumerhandle: Handle to the event consumer.
  * \return An indication of success.
 extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_DisposeEventConsumer(GHOST_EventConsumerHandle consumerhandle);
@@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_DisposeEventConsumer(GHOST_EventConsumerHandle consu
  * Returns the system time.
  * Returns the number of milliseconds since the start of the system process.
  * Based on ANSI clock() routine.
- * \param systemhandle The handle to the system
+ * \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
  * \return The number of milliseconds.
 extern GHOST_TUns64 GHOST_GetMilliSeconds(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle);
@@ -101,11 +100,11 @@ extern GHOST_TUns64 GHOST_GetMilliSeconds(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle);
  * Installs a timer.
  * Note that, on most operating systems, messages need to be processed in order
  * for the timer callbacks to be invoked.
- * \param systemhandle The handle to the system
- * \param delay The time to wait for the first call to the timerProc (in milliseconds)
- * \param interval The interval between calls to the timerProc (in milliseconds)
- * \param timerProc The callback invoked when the interval expires,
- * \param userData Placeholder for user data.
+ * \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
+ * \param delay: The time to wait for the first call to the timerProc (in milliseconds).
+ * \param interval: The interval between calls to the timerProc (in milliseconds).
+ * \param timerProc: The callback invoked when the interval expires.
+ * \param userData: Placeholder for user data.
  * \return A timer task (0 if timer task installation failed).
 extern GHOST_TimerTaskHandle GHOST_InstallTimer(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
@@ -116,8 +115,8 @@ extern GHOST_TimerTaskHandle GHOST_InstallTimer(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
  * Removes a timer.
- * \param systemhandle The handle to the system
- * \param timertaskhandle Timer task to be removed.
+ * \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
+ * \param timertaskhandle: Timer task to be removed.
  * \return Indication of success.
 extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_RemoveTimer(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
@@ -129,17 +128,16 @@ extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_RemoveTimer(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
  * Returns the number of displays on this system.
- * \param systemhandle The handle to the system
+ * \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
  * \return The number of displays.
 extern GHOST_TUns8 GHOST_GetNumDisplays(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle);
  * Returns the dimensions of the main display on this system.
- * \param systemhandle The handle to the system
- * \param width A pointer the width gets put in
- * \param height A pointer the height gets put in
- * \return void.
+ * \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
+ * \param width: A pointer the width gets put in.
+ * \param height: A pointer the height gets put in.
 extern void GHOST_GetMainDisplayDimensions(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
                                            GHOST_TUns32 *width,
@@ -149,10 +147,9 @@ extern void GHOST_GetMainDisplayDimensions(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
  * Returns the dimensions of all displays combine
  * (the current workspace).
  * No need to worry about overlapping monitors.
- * \param systemhandle The handle to the system
- * \param width A pointer the width gets put in
- * \param height A pointer the height gets put in
- * \return void.
+ * \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
+ * \param width: A pointer the width gets put in.
+ * \param height: A pointer the height gets put in.
 extern void GHOST_GetAllDisplayDimensions(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
                                           GHOST_TUns32 *width,
@@ -162,15 +159,15 @@ extern void GHOST_GetAllDisplayDimensions(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
  * Create a new window.
  * The new window is added to the list of windows managed.
  * Never explicitly delete the window, use disposeWindow() instead.
- * \param systemhandle The handle to the system
- * \param title The name of the window
+ * \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
+ * \param title: The name of the window.
  * (displayed in the title bar of the window if the OS supports it).
- * \param left The coordinate of the left edge of the window.
- * \param top The coordinate of the top edge of the window.
- * \param width The width the window.
- * \param height The height the window.
- * \param state The state of the window when opened.
- * \param type The type of drawing context installed in this window.
+ * \param left: The coordinate of the left edge of the window.
+ * \param top: The coordinate of the top edge of the window.
+ * \param width: The width the window.
+ * \param height: The height the window.
+ * \param state: The state of the window when opened.
+ * \param type: The type of drawing context installed in this window.
  * \param glSettings: Misc OpenGL options.
  * \return A handle to the new window ( == NULL if creation failed).
@@ -198,8 +195,8 @@ extern GHOST_WindowHandle GHOST_CreateDialogWindow(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhand
  * Create a new offscreen context.
  * Never explicitly delete the context, use disposeContext() instead.
- * \param systemhandle The handle to the system
- * \param platform_support_callback An optional callback to check platform support
+ * \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
+ * \param platform_support_callback: An optional callback to check platform support.
  * \return A handle to the new context ( == NULL if creation failed).
 extern GHOST_ContextHandle GHOST_CreateOpenGLContext(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
@@ -207,8 +204,8 @@ extern GHOST_ContextHandle GHOST_CreateOpenGLContext(GHOST_SystemHandle systemha
  * Dispose of a context.
- * \param systemhandle The handle to the system
- * \param contexthandle Handle to the context to be disposed.
+ * \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
+ * \param contexthandle: Handle to the context to be disposed.
  * \return Indication of success.
 extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_DisposeOpenGLContext(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
@@ -216,15 +213,15 @@ extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_DisposeOpenGLContext(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle
  * Returns the window user data.
- * \param windowhandle The handle to the window
+ * \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
  * \return The window user data.
 extern GHOST_TUserDataPtr GHOST_GetWindowUserData(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
  * Changes the window user data.
- * \param windowhandle The handle to the window
- * \param userdata The window user data.
+ * \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
+ * \param userdata: The window user data.
 extern void GHOST_SetWindowUserData(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, GHOST_TUserDataPtr userdata);
@@ -232,8 +229,8 @@ extern int GHOST_IsDialogWindow(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
  * Dispose a window.
- * \param systemhandle The handle to the system
- * \param windowhandle Handle to the window to be disposed.
+ * \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
+ * \param windowhandle: Handle to the window to be disposed.
  * \return Indication of success.
 extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_DisposeWindow(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
@@ -241,17 +238,17 @@ extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_DisposeWindow(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
  * Returns whether a window is valid.
- * \param systemhandle The handle to the system
- * \pa

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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