[Bf-blender-cvs] [935b518ec7d] soc-2020-custom-menus: Custom Menu: link section to panel and add header elements

TempoDev noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Jun 3 14:37:01 CEST 2020

Commit: 935b518ec7dbd9a6ddf7edacdce69131a07dda05
Author: TempoDev
Date:   Tue Jun 2 16:50:36 2020 +0200
Branches: soc-2020-custom-menus

Custom Menu: link section to panel and add header elements


A	release/scripts/modules/rna_custom_menu_ui.py
M	release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/space_userpref.py
M	source/blender/editors/space_userpref/space_userpref.c


diff --git a/release/scripts/modules/rna_custom_menu_ui.py b/release/scripts/modules/rna_custom_menu_ui.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c085b67ef0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/scripts/modules/rna_custom_menu_ui.py
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+# <pep8 compliant>
+__all__ = (
+    "draw_kmi",
+    "draw_custom_menu",
+import bpy
+from bpy.app.translations import pgettext_iface as iface_
+from bpy.app.translations import contexts as i18n_contexts
+def _indented_layout(layout, level):
+    indentpx = 16
+    if level == 0:
+        level = 0.0001   # Tweak so that a percentage of 0 won't split by half
+    indent = level * indentpx / bpy.context.region.width
+    split = layout.split(factor=indent)
+    col = split.column()
+    col = split.column()
+    return col
+# shortcut has to be added. keep this to later use
+def draw_kmi(display_keymaps, kc, km, kmi, layout, level):
+    map_type = kmi.map_type
+    col = _indented_layout(layout, level)
+    if kmi.show_expanded:
+        col = col.column(align=True)
+        box = col.box()
+    else:
+        box = col.column()
+    split = box.split()
+    # header bar
+    row = split.row(align=True)
+    row.prop(kmi, "show_expanded", text="", emboss=False)
+    row.prop(kmi, "active", text="", emboss=False)
+    if km.is_modal:
+        row.separator()
+        row.prop(kmi, "propvalue", text="")
+    else:
+        row.label(text=kmi.name)
+    row = split.row()
+    row.prop(kmi, "map_type", text="")
+    if map_type == 'KEYBOARD':
+        row.prop(kmi, "type", text="", full_event=True)
+    elif map_type == 'MOUSE':
+        row.prop(kmi, "type", text="", full_event=True)
+    elif map_type == 'NDOF':
+        row.prop(kmi, "type", text="", full_event=True)
+    elif map_type == 'TWEAK':
+        subrow = row.row()
+        subrow.prop(kmi, "type", text="")
+        subrow.prop(kmi, "value", text="")
+    elif map_type == 'TIMER':
+        row.prop(kmi, "type", text="")
+    else:
+        row.label()
+    if (not kmi.is_user_defined) and kmi.is_user_modified:
+        row.operator("preferences.keyitem_restore", text="", icon='BACK').item_id = kmi.id
+    else:
+        row.operator(
+            "preferences.keyitem_remove",
+            text="",
+            # Abusing the tracking icon, but it works pretty well here.
+            icon=('TRACKING_CLEAR_BACKWARDS' if kmi.is_user_defined else 'X')
+        ).item_id = kmi.id
+    # Expanded, additional event settings
+    if kmi.show_expanded:
+        box = col.box()
+        split = box.split(factor=0.4)
+        sub = split.row()
+        if km.is_modal:
+            sub.prop(kmi, "propvalue", text="")
+        else:
+            # One day...
+            # sub.prop_search(kmi, "idname", bpy.context.window_manager, "operators_all", text="")
+            sub.prop(kmi, "idname", text="")
+        if map_type not in {'TEXTINPUT', 'TIMER'}:
+            sub = split.column()
+            subrow = sub.row(align=True)
+            if map_type == 'KEYBOARD':
+                subrow.prop(kmi, "type", text="", event=True)
+                subrow.prop(kmi, "value", text="")
+                subrow_repeat = subrow.row(align=True)
+                subrow_repeat.active = kmi.value in {'ANY', 'PRESS'}
+                subrow_repeat.prop(kmi, "repeat", text="Repeat")
+            elif map_type in {'MOUSE', 'NDOF'}:
+                subrow.prop(kmi, "type", text="")
+                subrow.prop(kmi, "value", text="")
+            subrow = sub.row()
+            subrow.scale_x = 0.75
+            subrow.prop(kmi, "any", toggle=True)
+            subrow.prop(kmi, "shift", toggle=True)
+            subrow.prop(kmi, "ctrl", toggle=True)
+            subrow.prop(kmi, "alt", toggle=True)
+            subrow.prop(kmi, "oskey", text="Cmd", toggle=True)
+            subrow.prop(kmi, "key_modifier", text="", event=True)
+        # Operator properties
+        box.template_keymap_item_properties(kmi)
+        # Modal key maps attached to this operator
+        if not km.is_modal:
+            kmm = kc.keymaps.find_modal(kmi.idname)
+            if kmm:
+                draw_km(display_keymaps, kc, kmm, None, layout, level + 1)
+                layout.context_pointer_set("keymap", km)
+def draw_shortcut(context, layout):
+    display_keymaps = keyconfig_merge(kc_user, kc_user)
+def draw_custom_menu(context, layout):
+    from bl_keymap_utils.io import keyconfig_merge
+    wm = context.window_manager
+    kc_user = wm.keyconfigs.user
+    kc_active = wm.keyconfigs.active
+    spref = context.space_data
+    menu_name_active = None
+    if not menu_name_active:
+        menu_name_active = "Quick favourites"
+    space_name_active = None
+    if not space_name_active:
+        space_name_active = "3D View"
+    spacesub_name_active = None
+    if not spacesub_name_active:
+        spacesub_name_active = "Edit Mode (Mesh)"
+    type_name_active = None
+    if not type_name_active:
+        type_name_active = "List"
+    split = layout.split(factor=0.4)
+    row = split.row()
+    rowsub = row.row(align=True)
+    rowsub.menu("USERPREF_MT_keyconfigs", text=menu_name_active)
+    rowsub.operator("wm.keyconfig_preset_add", text="", icon='ADD')
+    rowsub.operator("wm.keyconfig_preset_add", text="", icon='REMOVE').remove_active = True
+    rowsub = split.row(align=True)
+    rowsub.menu("USERPREF_MT_keyconfigs", text=space_name_active)
+    rowsub = split.row(align=True)
+    rowsub.menu("USERPREF_MT_keyconfigs", text=spacesub_name_active)
+    rowsub = split.row(align=True)
+    rowsub.operator("preferences.keyconfig_import", text="", icon='IMPORT')
+    rowsub.operator("preferences.keyconfig_export", text="", icon='EXPORT')
+    row = layout.row()
+    col = layout.column()
+    rowsub = row.split(factor=0.4, align=True)
+    layout.separator()
+    rowsub = row.row(align=True)
+    rowsub.label(text="Display type :")
+    rowsub.menu("USERPREF_MT_keyconfigs", text=type_name_active)
+    rowsub = row.row(align=True)
+    rowsub.label(text="Shortcut :")
+    draw_shortcut(context, layout)
+    row = layout.row()
+    col = layout.column()
+    rowsub = row.split(factor=0.4, align=True)
+    layout.separator()
diff --git a/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/space_userpref.py b/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/space_userpref.py
index 46a3da683b4..808f806a10f 100644
--- a/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/space_userpref.py
+++ b/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/space_userpref.py
@@ -1674,32 +1674,17 @@ class USERPREF_PT_keymap(KeymapPanel, Panel):
 class CustomMenuPanel:
     bl_space_type = 'PREFERENCES'
     bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
-    bl_context = "CustomMenu"
-#class USERPREF_MT_keyconfigs(Menu):
-#    bl_label = "KeyPresets"
-#    preset_subdir = "keyconfig"
-#    preset_operator = "preferences.keyconfig_activate"
-#    def draw(self, context):
-#        Menu.draw_preset(self, context)
+    bl_context = "custom_menu"
 class USERPREF_PT_custom_menu(CustomMenuPanel, Panel):
-    bl_label = "CustomMenu"
+    bl_label = "custom_menu"
     bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'}
     def draw(self, context):
-        from rna_keymap_ui import draw_keymaps
+        from rna_custom_menu_ui import draw_custom_menu
         layout = self.layout
-        import time
-        start = time.time()
-        draw_keymaps(context, layout)
-        print("runtime", time.time() - start)
+        draw_custom_menu(context, layout)
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Add-On Panels
diff --git a/source/blender/editors/space_userpref/space_userpref.c b/source/blender/editors/space_userpref/space_userpref.c
index 9eae722d5c8..cc62962af38 100644
--- a/source/blender/editors/space_userpref/space_userpref.c
+++ b/source/blender/editors/space_userpref/space_userpref.c
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ static void userpref_main_region_layout(const bContext *C, ARegion *region)
       i = 0;
     const char *id = items[i].identifier;
     BLI_assert(strlen(id) < sizeof(id_lower));
     STRNCPY(id_lower, id);
     BLI_str_tolower_ascii(id_lower, strlen(id_lower));

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