[Bf-blender-cvs] [7755a2ed788] newboolean: Fix a coplanar case - two cubes forming steps.

Howard Trickey noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Jul 31 00:00:48 CEST 2020

Commit: 7755a2ed788b577989e35ee103c8ba7b46442b9d
Author: Howard Trickey
Date:   Thu Jul 30 17:58:36 2020 -0400
Branches: newboolean

Fix a coplanar case - two cubes forming steps.

Needed careful logic about what to do with zero volume cells.
It worked before on some cases by accident, but now it should
work on any depth stack of coincident faces.


M	source/blender/blenlib/intern/boolean.cc
M	source/blender/blenlib/intern/mesh_intersect.cc
M	tests/gtests/blenlib/BLI_boolean_test.cc
M	tests/gtests/blenlib/BLI_mesh_intersect_test.cc


diff --git a/source/blender/blenlib/intern/boolean.cc b/source/blender/blenlib/intern/boolean.cc
index 9be59f93151..51d83d875ad 100644
--- a/source/blender/blenlib/intern/boolean.cc
+++ b/source/blender/blenlib/intern/boolean.cc
@@ -365,7 +365,11 @@ class Cell {
   Vector<int> patches_;
   Array<int> winding_;
   bool winding_assigned_{false};
+  /* flag_ will be true when this cell should be in the output volume. */
   bool flag_{false};
+  /* zero_volume_ will be true when this is a zero-volume cell (inside a stack of identical
+   * triangles). */
+  bool zero_volume_{false};
   Cell() = default;
@@ -413,18 +417,66 @@ class Cell {
     return winding_assigned_;
+  bool zero_volume() const
+  {
+    return zero_volume_;
+  }
+  /* Call this when it is possible that this Cell has zero volume,
+   * and if it does, set zero_volume_ to true.
+   */
+  void check_for_zero_volume(int this_cell_index, const PatchesInfo &pinfo, const Mesh &mesh);
 static std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Cell &cell)
   os << "Cell patches " << cell.patches();
   if (cell.winding().size() > 0) {
-    os << " winding " << cell.winding();
-    os << " flag " << cell.flag();
+    os << " winding=" << cell.winding();
+    os << " flag=" << cell.flag();
+  os << " zv=" << cell.zero_volume();
   return os;
+static bool tris_have_same_verts(const Mesh &mesh, int t1, int t2)
+  const Face &tri1 = *mesh.face(t1);
+  const Face &tri2 = *mesh.face(t2);
+  BLI_assert(tri1.size() == 3 && tri2.size() == 3);
+  if (tri1.vert[0] == tri2.vert[0]) {
+    return ((tri1.vert[1] == tri2.vert[1] && tri1.vert[2] == tri2.vert[2]) ||
+            (tri1.vert[1] == tri2.vert[2] && tri1.vert[2] == tri2.vert[1]));
+  }
+  if (tri1.vert[0] == tri2.vert[1]) {
+    return ((tri1.vert[1] == tri2.vert[0] && tri1.vert[2] == tri2.vert[2]) ||
+            (tri1.vert[1] == tri2.vert[2] && tri1.vert[2] == tri2.vert[0]));
+  }
+  if (tri1.vert[0] == tri2.vert[2]) {
+    return ((tri1.vert[1] == tri2.vert[0] && tri1.vert[2] == tri2.vert[1]) ||
+            (tri1.vert[1] == tri2.vert[1] && tri1.vert[2] == tri2.vert[0]));
+  }
+  return false;
+/* A Cell will have zero volume if it is bounded by exactly two patches and those
+ * patches are geometrically identical triangles (perhaps flipped versions of each other).
+ * If this Cell has zero volume, set its zero_volume_ member to true.
+ */
+void Cell::check_for_zero_volume(int this_cell_index, const PatchesInfo &pinfo, const Mesh &mesh)
+  if (patches_.size() == 2) {
+    const Patch &p1 = pinfo.patch(patches_[0]);
+    const Patch &p2 = pinfo.patch(patches_[1]);
+    if (p1.tot_tri() == 1 && p2.tot_tri() == 1) {
+      if (tris_have_same_verts(mesh, p1.tri(0), p2.tri(0))) {
+        zero_volume_ = true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
 /* Information about all the Cells. */
 class CellsInfo {
   Vector<Cell> cell_;
@@ -876,6 +928,7 @@ static void find_cells_from_edge(const Mesh &tm,
       Cell &cell = cinfo.cell(c);
+      cell.check_for_zero_volume(c, pinfo, tm);
       if (dbg_level > 0) {
         std::cout << "  made new cell " << c << "\n";
         std::cout << "  p" << r_index << "." << (r_flipped ? "cell_below" : "cell_above") << " = c"
@@ -887,25 +940,29 @@ static void find_cells_from_edge(const Mesh &tm,
     else if (*r_follow_cell != NO_INDEX && *rnext_prev_cell == NO_INDEX) {
       int c = *r_follow_cell;
       *rnext_prev_cell = c;
-      cinfo.cell(c).add_patch(rnext_index);
+      Cell &cell = cinfo.cell(c);
+      cell.add_patch(rnext_index);
+      cell.check_for_zero_volume(c, pinfo, tm);
       if (dbg_level > 0) {
-        std::cout << "  p" << r_index << "." << (r_flipped ? "cell_below" : "cell_above") << " = c"
-                  << c << "\n";
+        std::cout << "  p" << rnext_index << "." << (rnext_flipped ? "cell_above" : "cell_below")
+                  << " = c" << c << "\n";
     else if (*r_follow_cell == NO_INDEX && *rnext_prev_cell != NO_INDEX) {
       int c = *rnext_prev_cell;
       *r_follow_cell = c;
-      cinfo.cell(c).add_patch(r_index);
+      Cell &cell = cinfo.cell(c);
+      cell.add_patch(r_index);
+      cell.check_for_zero_volume(c, pinfo, tm);
       if (dbg_level > 0) {
-        std::cout << "  p" << rnext_index << "." << (rnext_flipped ? "cell_above" : "cell_below")
-                  << " = c" << c << "\n";
+        std::cout << "  p" << r_index << "." << (r_flipped ? "cell_below" : "cell_above") << " = c"
+                  << c << "\n";
     else {
       if (*r_follow_cell != *rnext_prev_cell) {
         std::cout << "IMPLEMENT ME: MERGE CELLS\n";
-        BLI_assert(false);
+        // BLI_assert(false);
@@ -1238,14 +1295,133 @@ static bool apply_bool_op(int bool_optype, const Array<int> &winding)
+/* Special processing for extract_from_flag_diffs to handle
+ * triangles that are part of stacks of geometrically identical
+ * triangles enclosing zero volume cells.
+ */
+static void extract_zero_volume_cell_tris(Vector<Facep> &out_tris,
+                                          const Mesh &tm_subdivided,
+                                          const PatchesInfo &pinfo,
+                                          const CellsInfo &cinfo,
+                                          MArena *arena)
+  int dbg_level = 0;
+  if (dbg_level > 0) {
+    std::cout << "extract_zero_volume_cell_tris\n";
+  }
+  /* Find patches that are adjacent to zero-volume cells. */
+  Array<bool> adj_to_zv(pinfo.tot_patch());
+  for (int p : pinfo.index_range()) {
+    const Patch &patch = pinfo.patch(p);
+    if (cinfo.cell(patch.cell_above).zero_volume() || cinfo.cell(patch.cell_below).zero_volume()) {
+      adj_to_zv[p] = true;
+    }
+    else {
+      adj_to_zv[p] = false;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Partition the adj_to_zv patches into stacks. */
+  Vector<Vector<int>> patch_stacks;
+  Array<bool> allocated_to_stack(pinfo.tot_patch(), false);
+  for (int p : pinfo.index_range()) {
+    if (!adj_to_zv[p] || allocated_to_stack[p]) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    int stack_index = patch_stacks.size();
+    patch_stacks.append(Vector<int>{p});
+    Vector<int> &stack = patch_stacks[stack_index];
+    Vector<bool> flipped{false};
+    allocated_to_stack[p] = true;
+    /* We arbitrarily choose p's above and below directions as above and below for whole stack.
+     * Triangles in the stack that don't follow that convention are makred with flipped = true.
+     * The non-zero-volume cell above the whole stack, following this convention, is
+     * above_stack_cell. The non-zero-volume cell below the whole stack is below_stack_cell.
+     */
+    /* First, walk in the above_cell direction from p. */
+    int pwalk = p;
+    const Patch *pwalk_patch = &pinfo.patch(pwalk);
+    int c = pwalk_patch->cell_above;
+    const Cell *cell = &cinfo.cell(c);
+    while (cell->zero_volume()) {
+      /* In zero-volume cells, the cell should have exactly two patches. */
+      BLI_assert(cell->patches().size() == 2);
+      int pother = cell->patches()[0] == pwalk ? cell->patches()[1] : cell->patches()[0];
+      bool flip = pinfo.patch(pother).cell_above == c;
+      flipped.append(flip);
+      stack.append(pother);
+      allocated_to_stack[pother] = true;
+      pwalk = pother;
+      pwalk_patch = &pinfo.patch(pwalk);
+      c = flip ? pwalk_patch->cell_below : pwalk_patch->cell_above;
+      cell = &cinfo.cell(c);
+    }
+    const Cell *above_stack_cell = cell;
+    /* Now walk in the below_cell direction from p. */
+    pwalk = p;
+    pwalk_patch = &pinfo.patch(pwalk);
+    c = pwalk_patch->cell_below;
+    cell = &cinfo.cell(c);
+    while (cell->zero_volume()) {
+      BLI_assert(cell->patches().size() == 2);
+      int pother = cell->patches()[0] == pwalk ? cell->patches()[1] : cell->patches()[0];
+      bool flip = pinfo.patch(pother).cell_below == c;
+      flipped.append(flip);
+      stack.append(pother);
+      allocated_to_stack[pother] = true;
+      pwalk = pother;
+      pwalk_patch = &pinfo.patch(pwalk);
+      c = flip ? pwalk_patch->cell_above : pwalk_patch->cell_below;
+      cell = &cinfo.cell(c);
+    }
+    const Cell *below_stack_cell = cell;
+    if (dbg_level > 0) {
+      std::cout << "process zero-volume patch stack " << stack << "\n";
+      std::cout << "flipped = ";
+      for (bool b : flipped) {
+        std::cout << b << " ";
+      }
+      std::cout << "\n";
+    }
+    if (above_stack_cell->flag() ^ below_stack_cell->flag()) {
+      bool need_flipped_tri = above_stack_cell->flag();
+      if (dbg_level > 0) {
+        std::cout << "need tri " << (need_flipped_tri ? "flipped" : "") << "\n";
+      }
+      int t_to_add = NO_INDEX;
+      for (int i : stack.index_range()) {
+        if (flipped[i] == need_flipped_tri) {
+          t_to_add = pinfo.patch(stack[i]).tri(0);
+          if (dbg_level > 0) {
+            std::cout << "using tri " << t_to_add << "\n";
+          }
+          out_tris.append(tm_subdivided.face(t_to_add));
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (t_to_add == NO_INDEX) {
+        Facep f = tm_subdivided.face(pinfo.patch(p).tri(0));
+        const Face &tri = *f;
+        /* We must need flipped version or else we would have found it above. */
+        Array<Vertp> flipped_vs = {tri[0], tri[2], tri[1]};
+        Array<int> flipped_e_origs = {tri.edge_orig[2], tri.edge_orig[1], tri.edge_orig[0]};
+        Array<bool> flipped_is_intersect = {
+            tri.is_intersect[2], tri.is_intersect[1], tri.is_intersect[0]};
+        Facep flipped_f = arena->add_face(
+            flipped_vs, f->orig, flipped_e_origs, flipped_is_intersect);
+        out_tris.append(flipped_f);
+      }
+    }
+  }
 /* Extract the output mesh from tm_subdivided and return it as a new mesh.
  * The cells in cinfo must have cells-to-be-retained flagged.
  * We keep only triangles between flagged and unflagged cells.
  * We flip the normals of any triangle that has a flagged cell above
  * and an unflagged cell below.
- * For all stacks of exact duplicate coplanar triangles, add up orientations
- * as +1 or

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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