[Bf-blender-cvs] [fb514173709] greasepencil-refactor: GPencil: Refactor: Move vertex shader logic to gpencil_common_lib.glsl

Clément Foucault noreply at git.blender.org
Tue Jan 7 15:31:30 CET 2020

Commit: fb514173709a57af02b44f7e0bcce240a7e2663c
Author: Clément Foucault
Date:   Mon Jan 6 18:31:17 2020 +0100
Branches: greasepencil-refactor

GPencil: Refactor: Move vertex shader logic to gpencil_common_lib.glsl

This is to be able to reuse the code in other engines/shaders.


M	source/blender/draw/engines/gpencil/shaders/gpencil_common_lib.glsl
M	source/blender/draw/engines/gpencil/shaders/gpencil_frag.glsl
M	source/blender/draw/engines/gpencil/shaders/gpencil_vert.glsl


diff --git a/source/blender/draw/engines/gpencil/shaders/gpencil_common_lib.glsl b/source/blender/draw/engines/gpencil/shaders/gpencil_common_lib.glsl
index 089442ed666..dd6716284b0 100644
--- a/source/blender/draw/engines/gpencil/shaders/gpencil_common_lib.glsl
+++ b/source/blender/draw/engines/gpencil/shaders/gpencil_common_lib.glsl
@@ -133,4 +133,393 @@ void blend_mode_output(
       frag_revealage = vec4(0.0);
\ No newline at end of file
+#  define IN_OUT out
+#  define IN_OUT in
+/* Shader interface. */
+IN_OUT vec4 finalColorMul;
+IN_OUT vec4 finalColorAdd;
+IN_OUT vec3 finalPos;
+IN_OUT vec2 finalUvs;
+noperspective IN_OUT float strokeThickness;
+flat IN_OUT vec2 strokePt1;
+flat IN_OUT vec2 strokePt2;
+flat IN_OUT int matFlag;
+flat IN_OUT float depth;
+float stroke_round_cap_mask(vec2 p1, vec2 p2, float thickness)
+  /* We create our own uv space to avoid issues with triangulation and linear
+   * interpolation artifacts. */
+  vec2 line = p2.xy - p1.xy;
+  vec2 pos = gl_FragCoord.xy - p1.xy;
+  float line_len = length(line);
+  float half_line_len = line_len * 0.5;
+  /* Normalize */
+  line = (line_len > 0.0) ? (line / line_len) : vec2(1.0, 0.0);
+  /* Create a uv space that englobe the whole segment into a capsule. */
+  vec2 uv_end;
+  uv_end.x = max(abs(dot(line, pos) - half_line_len) - half_line_len, 0.0);
+  uv_end.y = dot(vec2(-line.y, line.x), pos);
+  /* Divide by stroke radius. */
+  uv_end /= thickness;
+  return (dot(uv_end, uv_end) > 0.25) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
+/* TODO UBO */
+uniform vec2 sizeViewport;
+uniform vec2 sizeViewportInv;
+/* Per Object */
+uniform bool strokeOrder3d;
+uniform float thicknessScale;
+uniform float thicknessWorldScale;
+#  define thicknessIsScreenSpace (thicknessWorldScale < 0.0)
+/* Per Layer */
+uniform float thicknessOffset;
+uniform float vertexColorOpacity;
+uniform vec4 layerTint;
+uniform float layerOpacity; /* Used for onion skin. */
+uniform float strokeIndexOffset = 0.0;
+in vec4 ma;
+in vec4 ma1;
+in vec4 ma2;
+in vec4 ma3;
+#  define strength1 ma1.y
+#  define strength2 ma2.y
+#  define stroke_id1 ma1.z
+#  define point_id1 ma1.w
+/* Position contains thickness in 4th component. */
+in vec4 pos;  /* Prev adj vert */
+in vec4 pos1; /* Current edge */
+in vec4 pos2; /* Current edge */
+in vec4 pos3; /* Next adj vert */
+#  define thickness1 pos1.w
+#  define thickness2 pos2.w
+/* xy is UV for fills, z is U of stroke, w is cosine of UV angle with sign of sine.  */
+in vec4 uv1;
+in vec4 uv2;
+in vec4 col1;
+in vec4 col2;
+void discard_vert()
+  /* We set the vertex at the camera origin to generate 0 fragments. */
+  gl_Position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, -3e36, 0.0);
+vec2 project_to_screenspace(vec4 v)
+  return ((v.xy / v.w) * 0.5 + 0.5) * sizeViewport;
+vec2 rotate_90deg(vec2 v)
+  /* Counter Clock-Wise. */
+  return vec2(-v.y, v.x);
+mat4 model_matrix_get()
+  return ModelMatrix;
+vec3 transform_point(mat4 m, vec3 v)
+  return (m * vec4(v, 1.0)).xyz;
+vec2 safe_normalize(vec2 v)
+  float len_sqr = dot(v, v);
+  if (len_sqr > 0.0) {
+    return v / sqrt(len_sqr);
+  }
+  else {
+    return vec2(0.0);
+  }
+vec2 safe_normalize_len(vec2 v, out float len)
+  len = sqrt(dot(v, v));
+  if (len > 0.0) {
+    return v / len;
+  }
+  else {
+    return vec2(0.0);
+  }
+float stroke_thickness_modulate(float thickness)
+  /* Modify stroke thickness by object and layer factors.-*/
+  thickness *= thicknessScale;
+  thickness += thicknessOffset;
+  thickness = max(1.0, thickness);
+  if (thicknessIsScreenSpace) {
+    /* Multiply offset by view Z so that offset is constant in screenspace.
+     * (e.i: does not change with the distance to camera) */
+    thickness *= gl_Position.w;
+  }
+  else {
+    /* World space point size. */
+    thickness *= thicknessWorldScale * ProjectionMatrix[1][1] * sizeViewport.y;
+  }
+  return thickness;
+void color_output(vec4 stroke_col, vec4 vert_col, float vert_strength, float mix_tex)
+  /* Mix stroke with other colors. */
+  vec4 mixed_col = stroke_col;
+  mixed_col.rgb = mix(mixed_col.rgb, vert_col.rgb, vert_col.a * vertexColorOpacity);
+  mixed_col.rgb = mix(mixed_col.rgb, layerTint.rgb, layerTint.a);
+  mixed_col.a *= vert_strength * layerOpacity;
+  /**
+   * This is what the fragment shader looks like.
+   * out = col * finalColorMul + col.a * finalColorAdd.
+   * finalColorMul is how much of the texture color to keep.
+   * finalColorAdd is how much of the mixed color to add.
+   * Note that we never add alpha. This is to keep the texture act as a stencil.
+   * We do however, modulate the alpha (reduce it).
+   **/
+  /* We add the mixed color. This is 100% mix (no texture visible). */
+  finalColorMul = vec4(mixed_col.aaa, mixed_col.a);
+  finalColorAdd = vec4(mixed_col.rgb * mixed_col.a, 0.0);
+  /* Then we blend according to the texture mix factor.
+   * Note that we keep the alpha modulation. */
+  finalColorMul.rgb *= mix_tex;
+  finalColorAdd.rgb *= 1.0 - mix_tex;
+#  endif
+void stroke_vertex()
+  int m = int(ma1.x);
+  bool is_dot = false;
+  bool is_squares = false;
+  if (m != -1.0) {
+    is_dot = GP_FLAG_TEST(materials[m].flag, GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT);
+    is_squares = !GP_FLAG_TEST(materials[m].flag, GP_STROKE_DOTS);
+  }
+#  endif
+  /* Enpoints, we discard the vertices. */
+  if (ma1.x == -1.0 || (!is_dot && ma2.x == -1.0)) {
+    discard_vert();
+    return;
+  }
+  mat4 model_mat = model_matrix_get();
+  /* Avoid using a vertex attrib for quad positioning. */
+  float x = float(gl_VertexID & 1) * 2.0 - 1.0; /* [-1..1] */
+  float y = float(gl_VertexID & 2) - 1.0;       /* [-1..1] */
+  bool use_curr = is_dot || (x == -1.0);
+  vec3 wpos_adj = transform_point(model_mat, (use_curr) ? pos.xyz : pos3.xyz);
+  vec3 wpos1 = transform_point(model_mat, pos1.xyz);
+  vec3 wpos2 = transform_point(model_mat, pos2.xyz);
+  vec4 ndc_adj = point_world_to_ndc(wpos_adj);
+  vec4 ndc1 = point_world_to_ndc(wpos1);
+  vec4 ndc2 = point_world_to_ndc(wpos2);
+  gl_Position = (use_curr) ? ndc1 : ndc2;
+  finalPos = (use_curr) ? wpos1 : wpos2;
+  /* TODO case where ndc1 & ndc2 is behind camera */
+  vec2 ss_adj = project_to_screenspace(ndc_adj);
+  vec2 ss1 = project_to_screenspace(ndc1);
+  vec2 ss2 = project_to_screenspace(ndc2);
+  /* Screenspace Lines tangents. */
+  float line_len;
+  vec2 line = safe_normalize_len(ss2 - ss1, line_len);
+  vec2 line_adj = safe_normalize((use_curr) ? (ss1 - ss_adj) : (ss_adj - ss2));
+  float thickness = abs((use_curr) ? thickness1 : thickness2);
+  thickness = stroke_thickness_modulate(thickness);
+  finalUvs = vec2(x, y) * 0.5 + 0.5;
+  if (is_dot) {
+    int alignement = materials[m].flag & GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT;
+#  endif
+    vec2 x_axis;
+    if (alignement == GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT_STROKE) {
+      x_axis = (ma2.x == -1.0) ? line_adj : line;
+    }
+    else if (alignement == GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT_OBJECT) {
+      vec4 ndc_x = point_world_to_ndc(wpos1 + model_mat[0].xyz);
+      vec2 ss_x = project_to_screenspace(ndc_x);
+      x_axis = safe_normalize(ss_x - ss1);
+    }
+#  endif
+    {
+      x_axis = vec2(1.0, 0.0);
+    }
+    /* Rotation: Encoded as Cos + Sin sign. */
+    float rot_sin = sqrt(1.0 - uv1.w * uv1.w) * sign(uv1.w);
+    float rot_cos = abs(uv1.w);
+    x_axis = mat2(rot_cos, -rot_sin, rot_sin, rot_cos) * x_axis;
+    vec2 y_axis = rotate_90deg(x_axis);
+    gl_Position.xy += (x * x_axis + y * y_axis) * sizeViewportInv.xy * thickness;
+    strokePt1 = ss1;
+    strokePt2 = ss1 + vec2(0.5, 0.0);
+    strokeThickness = (is_squares) ? 1e18 : (thickness / gl_Position.w);
+  }
+  else {
+    /* Mitter tangent vector. */
+    vec2 miter_tan = safe_normalize(line_adj + line);
+    float miter_dot = dot(miter_tan, line_adj);
+    /* Break corners after a certain angle to avoid really thick corners. */
+    const float miter_limit = 0.5; /* cos(60°) */
+    miter_tan = (miter_dot < miter_limit) ? line : (miter_tan / miter_dot);
+    vec2 miter = rotate_90deg(miter_tan);
+    strokePt1.xy = ss1;
+    strokePt2.xy = ss2;
+    strokeThickness = thickness / gl_Position.w;
+    /* Reminder: we packed the cap flag into the sign of stength and thickness sign. */
+    bool is_stroke_start = (ma.x == -1.0 && x == -1.0 && strength1 > 0.0);
+    bool is_stroke_end = (ma3.x == -1.0 && x == 1.0 && thickness1 > 0.0);
+    vec2 screen_ofs = miter * y;
+    if (is_stroke_start || is_stroke_end) {
+      screen_ofs += line * x * 2.0;
+    }
+    gl_Position.xy += screen_ofs * sizeViewportInv.xy * thickness;
+    finalUvs.x = (use_curr) ? uv1.z : uv2.z;
+    finalUvs.x *= materials[m].stroke_u_scale;
+#  endif
+  }
+  vec4 vert_col = (use_curr) ? col1 : col2;
+  float vert_strength = abs((use_curr) ? strength1 : strength2);
+  vec4 stroke_col = materials[m].stroke_color;
+  float mix_tex = materials[m].stroke_texture_mix;
+  color_output(stroke_col, vert_col, vert_strength, mix_tex);
+  matFlag = materials[m].flag & ~GP_FILL_FLAGS;
+#  endif
+  if (strokeOrder3d) {
+    /* Use the fragment depth (see fragment shader). */
+    depth = -1.0;
+    /* We still offset the fills a little to avoid overlaps */
+    gl_Position.z -= (stroke_id1 + strokeIndexOffset + 1.0) * 0.000002;
+  }
+  else if (GP_FLAG_TEST(materials[m].flag, GP_STROKE_OVERLAP)) {
+    /* Use the index of the point as depth.
+     * This means the stroke can overlap itself. */
+    depth = (point_id1 + 1.0) * 0.0000002;
+  }
+#  endif
+  else {
+    /* Use the index of first point of the stroke as depth.
+     * We render using a greater depth test this means the stroke
+     * cannot overlap itself.
+     * We offset by one so that the fill can be overlapped by its stroke.
+     * The offset is ok since we pad the strokes data be

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