[Bf-blender-cvs] [8ef0a9fdeaa] modifier-panels-ui: Layouts for great pencil modifiers

Hans Goudey noreply at git.blender.org
Tue Apr 28 21:53:08 CEST 2020

Commit: 8ef0a9fdeaaa4253a2b879b921e021765483acaa
Author: Hans Goudey
Date:   Tue Apr 28 14:52:59 2020 -0500
Branches: modifier-panels-ui

Layouts for great pencil modifiers

Worked out the layouts with Matias Mendiola and implemented them here.


M	release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_modifier.py
M	source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_gpencil_modifier.h
M	source/blender/blenkernel/intern/gpencil_modifier.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilarmature.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilarray.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilbuild.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilcolor.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilhook.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencillattice.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilmirror.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilmultiply.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilnoise.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpenciloffset.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilopacity.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilsimplify.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilsmooth.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilsubdiv.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpenciltexture.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpencilthick.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpenciltime.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_gpenciltint.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_ui_common.c
M	source/blender/gpencil_modifiers/intern/MOD_ui_common.h
M	source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_gpencil_modifier.c


diff --git a/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_modifier.py b/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_modifier.py
index c7788adff3e..449cd87861c 100644
--- a/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_modifier.py
+++ b/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_modifier.py
@@ -46,13 +46,6 @@ class DATA_PT_modifiers(ModifierButtonsPanel, Panel):
 class DATA_PT_gpencil_modifiers(ModifierButtonsPanel, Panel):
     bl_label = "Modifiers"
-    def check_conflicts(self, layout, ob):
-        for md in ob.grease_pencil_modifiers:
-            if md.type == 'GP_TIME':
-                row = layout.row()
-                row.label(text="Build and Time Offset modifier not compatible", icon='ERROR')
-                break
     def poll(cls, context):
         ob = context.object
@@ -64,457 +57,6 @@ class DATA_PT_gpencil_modifiers(ModifierButtonsPanel, Panel):
-    def gpencil_masking(self, layout, ob, md, use_vertex, use_curve=False):
-        gpd = ob.data
-        layout.separator()
-        layout.label(text="Influence Filters:")
-        split = layout.split(factor=0.25)
-        col1 = split.column()
-        col1.label(text="Layer:")
-        col1.label(text="Material:")
-        if use_vertex:
-            col1.label(text="Vertex Group:")
-        col2 = split.column()
-        split = col2.split(factor=0.6)
-        row = split.row(align=True)
-        row.prop_search(md, "layer", gpd, "layers", text="", icon='GREASEPENCIL')
-        row.prop(md, "invert_layers", text="", icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
-        row = split.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(md, "layer_pass", text="Pass")
-        row.prop(md, "invert_layer_pass", text="", icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
-        split = col2.split(factor=0.6)
-        row = split.row(align=True)
-        row.prop_search(md, "material", gpd, "materials", text="", icon='SHADING_TEXTURE')
-        row.prop(md, "invert_materials", text="", icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
-        row = split.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(md, "pass_index", text="Pass")
-        row.prop(md, "invert_material_pass", text="", icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
-        if use_vertex:
-            row = col2.row(align=True)
-            row.prop_search(md, "vertex_group", ob, "vertex_groups", text="")
-            row.prop(md, "invert_vertex", text="", icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
-        if use_curve:
-            col = layout.column()
-            col.separator()
-            col.prop(md, "use_custom_curve")
-            if md.use_custom_curve:
-                col.template_curve_mapping(md, "curve")
-    def GP_NOISE(self, layout, ob, md):
-        split = layout.split()
-        col = split.column()
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(md, "factor", text="Position")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(md, "factor_strength", text="Strength")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(md, "factor_thickness", text="Thickness")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(md, "factor_uvs", text="UV")
-        col.separator()
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(md, "random", text="", icon='TIME', toggle=True)
-        subrow = row.row(align=True)
-        subrow.enabled = md.random
-        subrow.prop(md, "step")
-        subrow.prop(md, "seed")
-        col.separator()
-        col.prop(md, "noise_scale")
-        self.gpencil_masking(layout, ob, md, True, True)
-    def GP_SMOOTH(self, layout, ob, md):
-        col = layout.column()
-        col.prop(md, "factor")
-        col.prop(md, "step", text="Repeat")
-        col.label(text="Affect:")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(md, "use_edit_position", text="Position", toggle=True)
-        row.prop(md, "use_edit_strength", text="Strength", toggle=True)
-        row.prop(md, "use_edit_thickness", text="Thickness", toggle=True)
-        row.prop(md, "use_edit_uv", text="UV", toggle=True)
-        self.gpencil_masking(layout, ob, md, True, True)
-    def GP_SUBDIV(self, layout, ob, md):
-        layout.row().prop(md, "subdivision_type", expand=True)
-        split = layout.split()
-        col = split.column()
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(md, "level", text="Subdivisions")
-        self.gpencil_masking(layout, ob, md, False)
-    def GP_SIMPLIFY(self, layout, ob, md):
-        gpd = ob.data
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.prop(md, "mode")
-        split = layout.split()
-        col = split.column()
-        col.label(text="Settings:")
-        if md.mode == 'FIXED':
-            col.prop(md, "step")
-        elif md.mode == 'ADAPTIVE':
-            col.prop(md, "factor")
-        elif md.mode == 'SAMPLE':
-            col.prop(md, "length")
-        elif md.mode == 'MERGE':
-            col.prop(md, "distance")
-        self.gpencil_masking(layout, ob, md, False)
-    def GP_THICK(self, layout, ob, md):
-        col = layout.column()
-        col.prop(md, "normalize_thickness")
-        if md.normalize_thickness:
-            col.prop(md, "thickness")
-        else:
-            col.prop(md, "thickness_factor")
-        self.gpencil_masking(layout, ob, md, True, True)
-    def GP_TEXTURE(self, layout, ob, md):
-        col = layout.column()
-        col.prop(md, "mode")
-        if md.mode in {'STROKE', 'STROKE_AND_FILL'}:
-            col.label(text="Stroke Texture Control:")
-            col.prop(md, "fit_method")
-            col.prop(md, "uv_offset")
-            col.prop(md, "uv_scale")
-        if md.mode == 'STROKE_AND_FILL':
-            col.separator()
-        if md.mode in {'FILL', 'STROKE_AND_FILL'}:
-            col.label(text="Fill Texture Control:")
-            col.prop(md, "fill_rotation", text="Rotation")
-            col.prop(md, "fill_offset", text="Location")
-            col.prop(md, "fill_scale", text="Scale")
-        self.gpencil_masking(layout, ob, md, True)
-    def GP_TINT(self, layout, ob, md):
-        layout.row().prop(md, "tint_type", expand=True)
-        if md.tint_type == 'UNIFORM':
-            col = layout.column()
-            col.prop(md, "color")
-            col.separator()
-            col.prop(md, "factor")
-        if md.tint_type == 'GRADIENT':
-            col = layout.column()
-            col.label(text="Colors:")
-            col.template_color_ramp(md, "colors")
-            col.separator()
-            col.label(text="Object:")
-            col.prop(md, "object", text="")
-            col.separator()
-            row = col.row(align=True)
-            row.prop(md, "radius")
-            row.prop(md, "factor")
-        col.separator()
-        col.prop(md, "vertex_mode")
-        self.gpencil_masking(layout, ob, md, True, True)
-    def GP_TIME(self, layout, ob, md):
-        gpd = ob.data
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.prop(md, "mode", text="Mode")
-        row = layout.row()
-        if md.mode == 'FIX':
-            txt = "Frame"
-        else:
-            txt = "Frame Offset"
-        row.prop(md, "offset", text=txt)
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.enabled = md.mode != 'FIX'
-        row.prop(md, "frame_scale")
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.separator()
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.enabled = md.mode != 'FIX'
-        row.prop(md, "use_custom_frame_range")
-        row = layout.row(align=True)
-        row.enabled = md.mode != 'FIX' and md.use_custom_frame_range is True
-        row.prop(md, "frame_start")
-        row.prop(md, "frame_end")
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.enabled = md.mode != 'FIX'
-        row.prop(md, "use_keep_loop")
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.label(text="Layer:")
-        row = layout.row(align=True)
-        row.prop_search(md, "layer", gpd, "layers", text="", icon='GREASEPENCIL')
-        row.prop(md, "invert_layers", text="", icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
-        row = layout.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(md, "layer_pass", text="Pass")
-        row.prop(md, "invert_layer_pass", text="", icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
-    def GP_COLOR(self, layout, ob, md):
-        split = layout.split()
-        col = split.column()
-        col.label(text="Color:")
-        col.prop(md, "hue", text="H", slider=True)
-        col.prop(md, "saturation", text="S", slider=True)
-        col.prop(md, "value", text="V", slider=True)
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.prop(md, "modify_color")
-        self.gpencil_masking(layout, ob, md, False, True)
-    def GP_OPACITY(self, layout, ob, md):
-        split = layout.split()
-        col = split.column()
-        col.prop(md, "modify_color")
-        if md.modify_color == 'HARDNESS':
-            col.prop(md, "hardness")
-            show = False
-        else:
-            col.prop(md, "normalize_opacity")
-            if md.normalize_opacity is True:
-                text="Strength"
-            else:
-                text="Opacity Factor"
-            col.prop(md, "factor", text=text)
-            show = True
-        self.gpencil_masking(layout, ob, md, show, show)
-    def GP_ARRAY(self, layout, ob, md):
-        col = layout.column()
-        col.prop(md, "count")
-        split = layout.split()
-        col = split.column()
-        col.prop(md, "use_constant_offset", text="Constant Offset")
-        subcol = col.column()
-        subcol.enabled = md.use_constant_offset
-        subcol.prop(md, "constant_offset", text="")
-        col.prop(md, "use_object_offset")
-        subcol = col.column()
-        subcol.enabled = md.use_object_offset
-        subcol.prop(md, "offset_object", text="")
-        col = split.column()
-        col.prop(md, "use_relative_offset", text="Relative Offset")
-        subcol = col.column()
-        subcol.enabled = md.use_relative_offset
-        subcol.prop(md, "relative_offset", text="")
-        split = layout.split()
-        col = split.column()
-        col.label(text="Random Offset:")
-        col.prop(md, "random_offset", text="")
-        col = split.column()
-        col.label(text="Random Rotation:")
-        col.prop(md, "random_rotation", tex

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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