[Bf-blender-cvs] [c5f4d5e448e] master: BLI: add LinearAllocator

Jacques Lucke noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Apr 24 23:55:59 CEST 2020

Commit: c5f4d5e448e4508586087e7ec8edfb0a2b6c38ec
Author: Jacques Lucke
Date:   Fri Apr 24 23:52:55 2020 +0200
Branches: master

BLI: add LinearAllocator

This allocator is useful when it is necessary to allocate many small elements.


A	source/blender/blenlib/BLI_linear_allocator.hh
A	tests/gtests/blenlib/BLI_linear_allocator_test.cc
M	tests/gtests/blenlib/CMakeLists.txt


diff --git a/source/blender/blenlib/BLI_linear_allocator.hh b/source/blender/blenlib/BLI_linear_allocator.hh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cebf878580c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/blender/blenlib/BLI_linear_allocator.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+/** \file
+ * \ingroup bli
+ *
+ * A linear allocator is the simplest form of an allocator. It never reuses any memory, and
+ * therefore does not need a deallocation method. It simply hands out consecutive buffers of
+ * memory. When the current buffer is full, it reallocates a new larger buffer and continues.
+ */
+#include "BLI_string_ref.hh"
+#include "BLI_utility_mixins.hh"
+#include "BLI_vector.hh"
+namespace BLI {
+template<typename Allocator = GuardedAllocator> class LinearAllocator : NonCopyable, NonMovable {
+ private:
+  Allocator m_allocator;
+  Vector<void *> m_owned_buffers;
+  Vector<ArrayRef<char>> m_unused_borrowed_buffers;
+  uintptr_t m_current_begin;
+  uintptr_t m_current_end;
+  uint m_next_min_alloc_size;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  uint m_debug_allocated_amount = 0;
+ public:
+  LinearAllocator()
+  {
+    m_current_begin = 0;
+    m_current_end = 0;
+    m_next_min_alloc_size = 64;
+  }
+  ~LinearAllocator()
+  {
+    for (void *ptr : m_owned_buffers) {
+      m_allocator.deallocate(ptr);
+    }
+  }
+  void provide_buffer(void *buffer, uint size)
+  {
+    m_unused_borrowed_buffers.append(ArrayRef<char>((char *)buffer, size));
+  }
+  template<uint Size, uint Alignment>
+  void provide_buffer(AlignedBuffer<Size, Alignment> &aligned_buffer)
+  {
+    this->provide_buffer(aligned_buffer.ptr(), Size);
+  }
+  template<typename T> T *allocate()
+  {
+    return (T *)this->allocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T));
+  }
+  template<typename T> MutableArrayRef<T> allocate_array(uint length)
+  {
+    return MutableArrayRef<T>((T *)this->allocate(sizeof(T) * length), length);
+  }
+  void *allocate(uint size, uint alignment = 4)
+  {
+    BLI_assert(alignment >= 1);
+    BLI_assert(is_power_of_2_i(alignment));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    m_debug_allocated_amount += size;
+    uintptr_t alignment_mask = alignment - 1;
+    uintptr_t potential_allocation_begin = (m_current_begin + alignment_mask) & ~alignment_mask;
+    uintptr_t potential_allocation_end = potential_allocation_begin + size;
+    if (potential_allocation_end <= m_current_end) {
+      m_current_begin = potential_allocation_end;
+      return (void *)potential_allocation_begin;
+    }
+    else {
+      this->allocate_new_buffer(size + alignment);
+      return this->allocate(size, alignment);
+    }
+  };
+  StringRefNull copy_string(StringRef str)
+  {
+    uint alloc_size = str.size() + 1;
+    char *buffer = (char *)this->allocate(alloc_size, 1);
+    str.copy(buffer, alloc_size);
+    return StringRefNull((const char *)buffer);
+  }
+  template<typename T, typename... Args> T *construct(Args &&... args)
+  {
+    void *buffer = this->allocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T));
+    T *value = new (buffer) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+    return value;
+  }
+  template<typename T, typename... Args>
+  ArrayRef<T *> construct_elements_and_pointer_array(uint n, Args &&... args)
+  {
+    void *pointer_buffer = this->allocate(n * sizeof(T *), alignof(T *));
+    void *element_buffer = this->allocate(n * sizeof(T), alignof(T));
+    MutableArrayRef<T *> pointers((T **)pointer_buffer, n);
+    T *elements = (T *)element_buffer;
+    for (uint i : IndexRange(n)) {
+      pointers[i] = elements + i;
+    }
+    for (uint i : IndexRange(n)) {
+      new (elements + i) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+    }
+    return pointers;
+  }
+  template<typename T> MutableArrayRef<T> construct_array_copy(ArrayRef<T> source)
+  {
+    T *buffer = (T *)this->allocate(source.byte_size(), alignof(T));
+    uninitialized_copy_n(source.begin(), source.size(), buffer);
+    return MutableArrayRef<T>(buffer, source.size());
+  }
+ private:
+  void allocate_new_buffer(uint min_allocation_size)
+  {
+    for (uint i : m_unused_borrowed_buffers.index_range()) {
+      ArrayRef<char> buffer = m_unused_borrowed_buffers[i];
+      if (buffer.size() >= min_allocation_size) {
+        m_unused_borrowed_buffers.remove_and_reorder(i);
+        m_current_begin = (uintptr_t)buffer.begin();
+        m_current_end = (uintptr_t)buffer.end();
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    uint size_in_bytes = power_of_2_min_u(std::max(min_allocation_size, m_next_min_alloc_size));
+    m_next_min_alloc_size = size_in_bytes * 2;
+    void *buffer = m_allocator.allocate(size_in_bytes, __func__);
+    m_owned_buffers.append(buffer);
+    m_current_begin = (uintptr_t)buffer;
+    m_current_end = m_current_begin + size_in_bytes;
+  }
+}  // namespace BLI
+#endif /* __BLI_LINEAR_ALLOCATOR_HH__ */
diff --git a/tests/gtests/blenlib/BLI_linear_allocator_test.cc b/tests/gtests/blenlib/BLI_linear_allocator_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0c67d1e76c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gtests/blenlib/BLI_linear_allocator_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#include "BLI_linear_allocator.hh"
+#include "testing/testing.h"
+using namespace BLI;
+static bool is_aligned(void *ptr, uint alignment)
+  BLI_assert(is_power_of_2_i(alignment));
+  return (POINTER_AS_UINT(ptr) & (alignment - 1)) == 0;
+TEST(linear_allocator, AllocationAlignment)
+  LinearAllocator<> allocator;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(is_aligned(allocator.allocate(10, 4), 4));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(is_aligned(allocator.allocate(10, 4), 4));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(is_aligned(allocator.allocate(10, 4), 4));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(is_aligned(allocator.allocate(10, 8), 8));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(is_aligned(allocator.allocate(10, 4), 4));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(is_aligned(allocator.allocate(10, 16), 16));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(is_aligned(allocator.allocate(10, 4), 4));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(is_aligned(allocator.allocate(10, 64), 64));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(is_aligned(allocator.allocate(10, 64), 64));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(is_aligned(allocator.allocate(10, 8), 8));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(is_aligned(allocator.allocate(10, 128), 128));
+TEST(linear_allocator, PackedAllocation)
+  LinearAllocator<> allocator;
+  BLI::AlignedBuffer<256, 32> buffer;
+  allocator.provide_buffer(buffer);
+  uintptr_t ptr1 = (uintptr_t)allocator.allocate(10, 4); /*  0 - 10 */
+  uintptr_t ptr2 = (uintptr_t)allocator.allocate(10, 4); /* 12 - 22 */
+  uintptr_t ptr3 = (uintptr_t)allocator.allocate(8, 32); /* 32 - 40 */
+  uintptr_t ptr4 = (uintptr_t)allocator.allocate(16, 8); /* 40 - 56 */
+  uintptr_t ptr5 = (uintptr_t)allocator.allocate(1, 8);  /* 56 - 57 */
+  uintptr_t ptr6 = (uintptr_t)allocator.allocate(1, 4);  /* 60 - 61 */
+  uintptr_t ptr7 = (uintptr_t)allocator.allocate(1, 1);  /* 61 - 62 */
+  EXPECT_EQ(ptr2 - ptr1, 12); /* 12 -  0 = 12 */
+  EXPECT_EQ(ptr3 - ptr2, 20); /* 32 - 12 = 20 */
+  EXPECT_EQ(ptr4 - ptr3, 8);  /* 40 - 32 =  8 */
+  EXPECT_EQ(ptr5 - ptr4, 16); /* 56 - 40 = 16 */
+  EXPECT_EQ(ptr6 - ptr5, 4);  /* 60 - 56 =  4 */
+  EXPECT_EQ(ptr7 - ptr6, 1);  /* 61 - 60 =  1 */
+TEST(linear_allocator, CopyString)
+  LinearAllocator<> allocator;
+  BLI::AlignedBuffer<256, 1> buffer;
+  allocator.provide_buffer(buffer);
+  StringRefNull ref1 = allocator.copy_string("Hello");
+  StringRefNull ref2 = allocator.copy_string("World");
+  EXPECT_EQ(ref1, "Hello");
+  EXPECT_EQ(ref2, "World");
+  EXPECT_EQ(ref2.data() - ref1.data(), 6);
+TEST(linear_allocator, AllocateArray)
+  LinearAllocator<> allocator;
+  MutableArrayRef<int> array = allocator.allocate_array<int>(5);
+  EXPECT_EQ(array.size(), 5);
+TEST(linear_allocator, Construct)
+  LinearAllocator<> allocator;
+  std::array<int, 5> values = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+  Vector<int> *vector = allocator.construct<Vector<int>>(values);
+  EXPECT_EQ(vector->size(), 5);
+  EXPECT_EQ((*vector)[3], 4);
+  vector->~Vector();
+TEST(linear_allocator, ConstructElementsAndPointerArray)
+  LinearAllocator<> allocator;
+  std::array<int, 7> values = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
+  ArrayRef<Vector<int> *> vectors = allocator.construct_elements_and_pointer_array<Vector<int>>(
+      5, values);
+  EXPECT_EQ(vectors.size(), 5);
+  EXPECT_EQ(vectors[3]->size(), 7);
+  EXPECT_EQ((*vectors[2])[5], 6);
+  for (Vector<int> *vector : vectors) {
+    vector->~Vector();
+  }
+TEST(linear_allocator, ConstructArrayCopy)
+  LinearAllocator<> allocator;
+  Vector<int> values = {1, 2, 3};
+  MutableArrayRef<int> array1 = allocator.construct_array_copy(values.as_ref());
+  MutableArrayRef<int> array2 = allocator.construct_array_copy(values.as_ref());
+  EXPECT_NE(array1.begin(), array2.begin());
+  EXPECT_EQ(array1.size(), 3);
+  EXPECT_EQ(array2.size(), 3);
+  EXPECT_EQ(array1[1], 2);
+  EXPECT_EQ(array2[2], 3);
diff --git a/tests/gtests/blenlib/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/gtests/blenlib/CMakeLists.txt
index 119b54fa0d4..a0621448630 100644
--- a/tests/gtests/blenlib/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/gtests/blenlib/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ BLENDER_TEST(BLI_heap "bf_blenlib")
 BLENDER_TEST(BLI_heap_simple "bf_blenlib")
 BLENDER_TEST(BLI_index_range "bf_blenlib")
 BLENDER_TEST(BLI_kdopbvh "bf_blenlib;bf_intern_numaapi")
+BLENDER_TEST(BLI_linear_allocator "bf_blenlib")
 BLENDER_TEST(BLI_linklist_lockfree "bf_blenlib;bf_intern_numaapi")
 BLENDER_TEST(BLI_listbase "bf_blenlib")
 BLENDER_TEST(BLI_map "bf_blenlib")

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