[Bf-blender-cvs] [15483ba26d7] newboolean: First tri-tri test works.

Howard Trickey noreply at git.blender.org
Sun Sep 8 12:47:02 CEST 2019

Commit: 15483ba26d77706928a7ed9b2dbaaa7d176edb26
Author: Howard Trickey
Date:   Sun Sep 8 16:03:17 2019 +0530
Branches: newboolean

First tri-tri test works.


M	source/blender/bmesh/tools/bmesh_boolean.c


diff --git a/source/blender/bmesh/tools/bmesh_boolean.c b/source/blender/bmesh/tools/bmesh_boolean.c
index 92b8d03f733..27cab28425c 100644
--- a/source/blender/bmesh/tools/bmesh_boolean.c
+++ b/source/blender/bmesh/tools/bmesh_boolean.c
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
 #include "BLI_alloca.h"
-#include "BLI_array.h"
+#include "BLI_bitmap.h"
 #include "BLI_delaunay_2d.h"
 #include "BLI_linklist.h"
 #include "BLI_math.h"
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 #include "bmesh_boolean.h" /* own include */
-//#include "BLI_strict_flags.h"
+#include "BLI_strict_flags.h"
 /* NOTE: Work in progress. Initial implementation using slow data structures and algorithms
  * just to get the correct calculations down. After that, will replace data structures with
@@ -58,17 +58,6 @@ typedef struct IndexedIntSet {
   int size;
 } IndexedIntSet;
-/* A set of 3d coords, where each member gets an index
- * that can be used to access the member.
- * Comparisons for equality will be fuzzy (within epsilon).
- * TODO: faster structure for lookup.
- */
-typedef struct IndexedCoordSet {
-  LinkNodePair listhead; /* Links are pointers to 3 floats, allocated from arena. */
-  int index_offset;      /* "index" of an element will be position in above list plus offset. */
-  int size;
-} IndexedCoordSet;
 /* A map from int -> int.
  * TODO: faster structure for lookup.
@@ -141,6 +130,20 @@ typedef struct NewFace {
   int example; /* If not -1, example face in IMesh. */
 } NewFace;
+/* MeshDelete holds an incremental deletion to an IMesh.
+ * It records the indices of the edges and faces that need
+ * to be deleted. (As of now, we don't have to delete verts
+ * except those that recorded separately as merges.)
+ */
+typedef struct MeshDelete {
+  BLI_bitmap *vert_bmap;
+  BLI_bitmap *edge_bmap;
+  BLI_bitmap *face_bmap;
+  int totvert;
+  int totedge;
+  int totface;
+} MeshDelete;
 /* A MeshPart is a subset of the geometry of an IndexMesh,
  * with some possible additional geometry.
  * The indices refer to vertex, edges, and faces in the IndexMesh
@@ -231,6 +234,7 @@ ATTU static void dump_part(const MeshPart *part, const char *label);
 ATTU static void dump_partset(const MeshPartSet *pset);
 ATTU static void dump_partpartintersect(const PartPartIntersect *ppi, const char *label);
 ATTU static void dump_meshadd(const MeshAdd *ma, const char *label);
+ATTU static void dump_meshdelete(const MeshDelete *meshdelete, const char *label);
 ATTU static void dump_intintmap(const IntIntMap *map, const char *label, const char *prefix);
 ATTU static void dump_cdt_input(const CDT_input *cdt, const char *label);
 ATTU static void dump_cdt_result(const CDT_result *cdt, const char *label, const char *prefix);
@@ -240,8 +244,20 @@ ATTU static void dump_cdt_result(const CDT_result *cdt, const char *label, const
 static int min_int_in_array(int *array, int len);
 static LinkNode *linklist_shallow_copy_arena(LinkNode *list, struct MemArena *arena);
 static void calc_part_bb_eps(BoolState *bs, MeshPart *part, double eps);
-static float *coordset_coord(const IndexedCoordSet *coordset, int index);
 static bool find_in_intintmap(const IntIntMap *map, int key, int *r_val);
+static int meshadd_totvert(const MeshAdd *meshadd);
+static int meshadd_totedge(const MeshAdd *meshadd);
+static int meshadd_totface(const MeshAdd *meshadd);
+static NewVert *meshadd_get_newvert(const MeshAdd *meshadd, int v);
+static NewEdge *meshadd_get_newedge(const MeshAdd *meshadd, int e);
+static NewFace *meshadd_get_newface(const MeshAdd *meshadd, int f);
+static int meshadd_facelen(const MeshAdd *meshadd, int f);
+static int meshadd_face_vert(const MeshAdd *meshadd, int f, int index);
+static void meshadd_get_vert_co(const MeshAdd *meshadd, int v, float *r_coords);
+static void meshadd_get_edge_verts(const MeshAdd *meshadd, int e, int *r_v1, int *r_v2);
+static bool meshdelete_find_edge(MeshDelete *meshdelete, int e);
+static bool meshdelete_find_face(MeshDelete *meshdelete, int f);
+static int find_edge_by_verts_in_meshadd(const MeshAdd *meshadd, int v1, int v2);
 /** IndexedIntSet functions. */
@@ -287,67 +303,6 @@ static int intset_get_index_for_value(const IndexedIntSet *intset, int value)
   return BLI_linklist_index(intset->listhead.list, POINTER_FROM_INT(value));
-/** IndexedCoordSet functions. */
-/* Indices in IndexedCoordSets start at index_offset. */
-ATTU static void init_coordset(IndexedCoordSet *coordset, int index_offset)
-  coordset->listhead.list = NULL;
-  coordset->listhead.last_node = NULL;
-  coordset->index_offset = index_offset;
-  coordset->size = 0;
-ATTU static int add_to_coordset(BoolState *bs,
-                                IndexedCoordSet *coordset,
-                                const float p[3],
-                                bool do_dup_check)
-  LinkNode *ln;
-  float *q;
-  int i;
-  int index = -1;
-  float feps = (float)bs->eps;
-  if (do_dup_check) {
-    i = coordset->index_offset;
-    for (ln = coordset->listhead.list; ln; ln = ln->next) {
-      q = (float *)ln->link;
-      /* Note: compare_v3v3 checks if all three coords are within (<=) eps of each other. */
-      if (compare_v3v3(p, q, feps)) {
-        index = i;
-        break;
-      }
-      i++;
-    }
-    if (index != -1) {
-      return index;
-    }
-  }
-  q = BLI_memarena_alloc(bs->mem_arena, 3 * sizeof(float));
-  copy_v3_v3(q, p);
-  BLI_linklist_append_arena(&coordset->listhead, q, bs->mem_arena);
-  index = coordset->index_offset + coordset->size;
-  coordset->size++;
-  return index;
-ATTU static float *coordset_coord(const IndexedCoordSet *coordset, int index)
-  int i;
-  i = index - coordset->index_offset;
-  if (i < 0 || i >= coordset->size) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  LinkNode *ln = BLI_linklist_find(coordset->listhead.list, i);
-  if (ln) {
-    return (float *)(ln->link);
-  }
-  return NULL;
 /** IntIntMap functions. */
 static void init_intintmap(IntIntMap *intintmap)
@@ -1042,30 +997,49 @@ static int imesh_test_face(const IMesh *im, int (*test_fn)(void *, void *), void
-#if 0
-static void apply_isect_out_to_bmesh(BMesh *bm, const IntersectOutput *isect_out)
-  int bm_tot_v, tot_new_v, tot_new_e, i, j, v1, v2, v1_out, v2_out;
-  int tot_new_f, fstart, flen, v, v_out;
-  BMVert **new_bmvs, *bmv, *bmv1, *bmv2;
-  float *co;
-  LinkNode *ln, *ln_map;
-  CDT_result *cdt;
-  IntIntMap *vmap;
-  BMVert **vv = NULL;
-  BLI_array_staticdeclare(vv, BM_DEFAULT_NGON_STACK_SIZE);
-  printf("\n\nAPPLY_ISECT_OUT_TO_BMESH\n\n");
-  /* Create the new BMVerts. */
+static int resolve_merge(int v, const IntIntMap *vert_merge_map)
+  int vmapped = v;
+  int target;
+  while (find_in_intintmap(vert_merge_map, vmapped, &target)) {
+    vmapped = target;
+  }
+  return vmapped;
+static void apply_meshadd_to_bmesh(BMesh *bm,
+                                   const MeshAdd *meshadd,
+                                   MeshDelete *meshdelete,
+                                   const IntIntMap *vert_merge_map)
+  int bm_tot_v, bm_tot_e, bm_tot_f, tot_new_v, tot_new_e, tot_new_f;
+  int i, v, e, f, v1, v2;
+  int facelen, max_facelen;
+  NewVert *newvert;
+  NewEdge *newedge;
+  NewFace *newface;
+  BMVert **new_bmvs, **face_bmvs;
+  BMVert *bmv, *bmv1, *bmv2;
+  BMEdge **new_bmes, **face_bmes;
+  BMEdge *bme, *bme_eg;
+  BMFace *bmf, *bmf_eg;
+  printf("\n\nAPPLY_MESHADD_TO_BMESH\n\n");
+  /* Create new BMVerts. */
   bm_tot_v = bm->totvert;
-  tot_new_v = isect_out->new_verts.size;
+  tot_new_v = meshadd_totvert(meshadd);
   if (tot_new_v > 0) {
     new_bmvs = BLI_array_alloca(new_bmvs, (size_t)tot_new_v);
-    for (i = 0; i < tot_new_v; i++) {
-      co = coordset_coord(&isect_out->new_verts, bm_tot_v + i);
-      /* TODO: use an example vert if there is one */
-      new_bmvs[i] = BM_vert_create(bm, co, NULL, 0);
-      printf("new_bmv[%d]=%p, at (%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n", i, new_bmvs[i], F3(co));
+    for (v = meshadd->vindex_start; v < meshadd->vindex_start + tot_new_v; v++) {
+      newvert = meshadd_get_newvert(meshadd, v);
+      if (newvert->example != -1) {
+        printf("implement using example to create BMVert\n");
+      }
+      BLI_assert(newvert != NULL);
+      bmv = BM_vert_create(bm, newvert->co, NULL, 0);
+      new_bmvs[v - meshadd->vindex_start] = bmv;
@@ -1075,94 +1049,120 @@ static void apply_isect_out_to_bmesh(BMesh *bm, const IntersectOutput *isect_out
   BM_mesh_elem_table_ensure(bm, BM_VERT);
-  /* Now create edges and faces from each cdt_output */
-  for (ln = isect_out->cdt_outputs.list, ln_map = isect_out->vertmaps.list; ln;
-       ln = ln->next, ln_map = ln_map->next) {
-    printf("\napply cdt output\n");
-    cdt = (CDT_result *)ln->link;
-    vmap = (IntIntMap *)ln_map->link;
-    tot_new_e = cdt->edges_len;
-    for (i = 0; i < tot_new_e; i++) {
-      v1 = cdt->edges[i][0];
-      v2 = cdt->edges[i][1];
-      if (!find_in_intintmap(vmap, v1, &v1_out)) {
-        printf("whoops, v1 map entry missing\n");
-        BLI_assert(false);
-        v1_out = v1;
+  /* Now the edges. */
+  bm_tot_e = bm->totedge;
+  tot_new_e = meshadd_totedge(meshadd);
+  if (tot_new_e > 0) {
+    new_bmes = BLI_array_alloca(new_bmes, (size_t)tot_new_e);
+    for (e = meshadd->eindex_start; e < meshadd->eindex_start + tot_new_e; e++) {
+      newedge = meshadd_get_newedge(meshadd, e);
+      BLI_assert(newedge != NULL);
+      if (newedge->example != -1) {
+        /* Not really supposed to access bm->etable directly but even
+         * though it may be technically dirty, all of the example indices
+         * will still be OK. */
+        bme_eg = bm->etable[newedge->example];
-      if (!find_in_intintmap(vmap, v2, &v2_out)) {
-        printf("whoops, v2 map entry missing\n");
-        BLI_assert(false);
-        v2_out = v2;
+      else {
+        bme_eg = NULL;
-      printf("make edge %d %d\n", v1_out, v2_out);
-      if (v1_out < bm_tot_v) {
-        bmv1 = BM_vert_at_index(bm, v1_out);
+      v1 = newedge->v1;
+      v2 = newedge->v2;
+      if (v1 < bm_tot_v) {
+        v1 = resolve_merge(v1, vert_merge_map);
+        bmv1 = BM_vert_at_index(bm, v1);
+      }
+      else 

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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