[Bf-blender-cvs] [0c02c063060] soc-2019-fast-io: [Fast import/export] Ran clang-format

Hugo Sales noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Jun 14 14:44:10 CEST 2019

Commit: 0c02c063060d95e9456a70068747444d01a37df8
Author: Hugo Sales
Date:   Mon Jun 10 17:24:31 2019 +0100
Branches: soc-2019-fast-io

[Fast import/export] Ran clang-format


M	source/blender/editors/io/intern/common.cpp
M	source/blender/editors/io/intern/common.hpp
M	source/blender/editors/io/intern/obj.cpp
M	source/blender/editors/io/intern/obj.h
M	source/blender/editors/io/intern/stl.cpp
M	source/blender/editors/io/intern/stl.h
M	source/blender/editors/io/io_common.c
M	source/blender/editors/io/io_common.h
M	source/blender/editors/io/io_obj.c
M	source/blender/editors/io/io_obj.h
M	source/blender/editors/io/io_stl.c
M	source/blender/makesdna/DNA_space_types.h


diff --git a/source/blender/editors/io/intern/common.cpp b/source/blender/editors/io/intern/common.cpp
index 4dbecaeceef..6653e935fb2 100644
--- a/source/blender/editors/io/intern/common.cpp
+++ b/source/blender/editors/io/intern/common.cpp
@@ -28,204 +28,223 @@ extern "C" {
 // Anonymous namespace for internal functions
 namespace {
-	inline void name_compat(std::string& ob_name, const std::string& mesh_name) {
-		if(ob_name.compare(mesh_name) != 0) {
-			ob_name += "_" + mesh_name;
-		}
-		size_t start_pos;
-		while((start_pos = ob_name.find(" ")) != std::string::npos)
-			ob_name.replace(start_pos, 1, "_");
-	}
-	inline void change_single_axis_orientation(float (&mat)[4][4],
-	                                     int axis_from, int axis_to) {
-		bool negate = false;
-		switch (axis_to) {
-		case AXIS_X: // Fallthrough
-		case AXIS_Y: // Fallthrough
-		case AXIS_Z:
-			break; // Just swap
-		case AXIS_NEG_X: // Fallthrough
-		case AXIS_NEG_Y: // Fallthrough
-		case AXIS_NEG_Z:
-			axis_to -= AXIS_NEG_X; // Transform the enum into an index
-			negate = true;         // Swap and negate
-			break;
-		}
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-			float t = mat[i][axis_to];
-			mat[i][axis_to] = (negate ? -1 : 1) * mat[i][axis_from];
-			mat[i][axis_from] = t;
-		}
-	}
+inline void name_compat(std::string &ob_name, const std::string &mesh_name)
+  if (ob_name.compare(mesh_name) != 0) {
+    ob_name += "_" + mesh_name;
+  }
+  size_t start_pos;
+  while ((start_pos = ob_name.find(" ")) != std::string::npos)
+    ob_name.replace(start_pos, 1, "_");
+inline void change_single_axis_orientation(float (&mat)[4][4], int axis_from, int axis_to)
+  bool negate = false;
+  switch (axis_to) {
+    case AXIS_X:  // Fallthrough
+    case AXIS_Y:  // Fallthrough
+    case AXIS_Z:
+      break;          // Just swap
+    case AXIS_NEG_X:  // Fallthrough
+    case AXIS_NEG_Y:  // Fallthrough
+    case AXIS_NEG_Z:
+      axis_to -= AXIS_NEG_X;  // Transform the enum into an index
+      negate = true;          // Swap and negate
+      break;
+  }
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+    float t = mat[i][axis_to];
+    mat[i][axis_to] = (negate ? -1 : 1) * mat[i][axis_from];
+    mat[i][axis_from] = t;
+  }
+}  // namespace
 namespace common {
-	bool object_is_smoke_sim(const Object * const ob) {
-		ModifierData *md = modifiers_findByType((Object *) ob, eModifierType_Smoke);
-		if (md) {
-			SmokeModifierData *smd = (SmokeModifierData *) md;
-			return (smd->type == MOD_SMOKE_TYPE_DOMAIN);
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	bool object_type_is_exportable(const Object * const ob) {
-		switch (ob->type) {
-		case OB_MESH:
-			return !object_is_smoke_sim(ob);
-			/* case OB_CURVE: */
-			/* case OB_SURF: */
-		case OB_LAMP:
-		case OB_EMPTY:
-		case OB_CAMERA:
-			return false;
-		default:
-			// TODO someone Print in debug only
-			fprintf(stderr, "Export for this object type is not yet defined %s\n", ob->id.name);
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	// Whether the object should be exported
-	bool should_export_object(const ExportSettings * const settings, const Object * const ob) {
-		if (!object_type_is_exportable(ob))
-			return false;
-		// If the object is a dupli, it's export satus depends on the parent
-		if (!(ob->flag & BASE_FROM_DUPLI)) {
-			/* These tests only make sense when the object isn't being instanced
-			 * into the scene. When it is, its exportability is determined by
-			 * its dupli-object and the DupliObject::no_draw property. */
-			return  (settings->selected_only && (ob->flag & BASE_SELECTED) != 0) ||
-				// FIXME Sybren: handle these cleanly (maybe just remove code),
-				// now using active scene layer instead.
-				(settings->visible_only && (ob->flag & BASE_VISIBLE) != 0) ||
-				(settings->renderable_only && (ob->flag & BASE_ENABLED_RENDER) != 0);
-		} else if (!(ob->parent != NULL && ob->parent->transflag & OB_DUPLI))
-			return should_export_object(settings, ob->parent);
-		else {
-			BLI_assert(!"should_export_object");
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	void change_orientation(float (&mat)[4][4], int forward, int up) {
-		change_single_axis_orientation(mat, AXIS_X, forward);
-		change_single_axis_orientation(mat, AXIS_Z, up);
-	}
-	bool get_final_mesh(const ExportSettings * const settings, const Scene * const escene,
-	                    const Object *ob, Mesh **mesh /* out */) {
-		/* Based on abc_mesh.cc */
-		/* Temporarily disable modifiers if we shouldn't apply them */
-		if (!settings->apply_modifiers)
-			for(ModifierData &md : common::modifier_iter{ob})
-				md.mode |= eModifierMode_DisableTemporary;
-		float scale_mat[4][4];
-		scale_m4_fl(scale_mat, settings->global_scale);
-		change_orientation(scale_mat, settings->axis_forward, settings->axis_up);
-		// TODO someone Unsure if necessary
-		// scale_mat[3][3] = m_settings.global_scale;  /* also scale translation */
-		// TODO someone Doesn't seem to do anyhing. Is it necessary to update the object somehow?
-		mul_m4_m4m4((float (*)[4]) ob->obmat, ob->obmat, scale_mat);
-		// yup_mat[3][3] /= m_settings.global_scale;  /* normalise the homogeneous component */
-		if (determinant_m4(ob->obmat) < 0.0)
-			;               /* TODO someone flip normals */
-		/* Object *ob = DEG_get_evaluated_object(settings->depsgraph, ob); */
-		// *mesh = mesh_get_eval_final(settings->depsgraph, (Scene *) escene,
-		//                             (Object *) ob, &CD_MASK_MESH);
-		if (settings->render_modifiers) // vv Depends on depsgraph type
-			*mesh = mesh_create_eval_final_render(settings->depsgraph, (Scene *) escene,
-			                                      (Object *) ob, &CD_MASK_MESH);
-		else
-			*mesh = mesh_create_eval_final_view(settings->depsgraph, (Scene *) escene,
-			                                    (Object *) ob, &CD_MASK_MESH);
-		if (!settings->apply_modifiers)
-			for(ModifierData &md : common::modifier_iter{ob})
-				md.mode &= ~eModifierMode_DisableTemporary;
-		if (settings->triangulate) {
-			struct BMeshCreateParams bmcp = {false};
-			struct BMeshFromMeshParams bmfmp = {true, false, false, 0};
-			BMesh *bm = BKE_mesh_to_bmesh_ex(*mesh, &bmcp, &bmfmp);
-			BM_mesh_triangulate(bm, settings->quad_method, settings->ngon_method, 4,
-			                    false /* tag_only */, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-			Mesh *result = BKE_mesh_from_bmesh_for_eval_nomain(bm, 0);
-			BM_mesh_free(bm);
-			*mesh = result;
-			/* Needs to free? */
-			return true;
-		}
-		/* Needs to free? */
-		return false;
-	}
-	void free_mesh(Mesh *mesh, bool needs_free) {
-		if (needs_free)
-			BKE_id_free(NULL, mesh); // TODO someoene null? (alembic)
-	}
-	std::string get_object_name(const Object * const eob, const Mesh * const mesh) {
-		std::string name{eob->id.name + 2};
-		std::string mesh_name{mesh->id.name + 2};
-		name_compat(name /* modifies */, mesh_name);
-		return name;
-	}
-	std::string get_version_string() {
-		return ""; // TODO someone implement
-	}
-	void export_start(bContext *UNUSED(C), ExportSettings * const settings) {
-		/* From alembic_capi.cc
-		 * XXX annoying hack: needed to prevent data corruption when changing
-		 * scene frame in separate threads
-		 */
-		G.is_rendering = true; // TODO someone Should use BKE_main_lock(bmain);?
-		BKE_spacedata_draw_locks(true);
-		DEG_graph_build_from_view_layer(settings->depsgraph,
-		                                settings->main,
-		                                settings->scene,
-		                                settings->view_layer);
-		BKE_scene_graph_update_tagged(settings->depsgraph, settings->main);
-	}
-	bool export_end(bContext *UNUSED(C), ExportSettings * const settings) {
-		G.is_rendering = false;
-		BKE_spacedata_draw_locks(false);
-		DEG_graph_free(settings->depsgraph);
-		MEM_freeN(settings);
-		return true;
-	}
-	bool time_export(bContext *C, ExportSettings * const settings,
-	                 void (*start)(bContext *C, ExportSettings * const settings),
-	                 void (*end)(bContext *C, ExportSettings * const settings) {
-		auto f = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
-		start(C, settings);
-		auto ret = end(C, settings);
-		std::cout << "Took " << (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - f).count() << "ns\n";
-		return ret;
-	}
-	const std::array<float, 3> calculate_normal(const Mesh * const mesh,
-	                                            const MPoly &mp) {
-		float no[3];
-		BKE_mesh_calc_poly_normal(&mp, mesh->mloop + mp.loopstart,
-		                          mesh->mvert, no);
-		return std::array<float, 3>{no[0], no[1], no[2]};
-	}
+bool object_is_smoke_sim(const Object *const ob)
+  ModifierData *md = modifiers_findByType((Object *)ob, eModifierType_Smoke);
+  if (md) {
+    SmokeModifierData *smd = (SmokeModifierData *)md;
+    return (smd->type == MOD_SMOKE_TYPE_DOMAIN);
+  }
+  return false;
+bool object_type_is_exportable(const Object *const ob)
+  switch (ob->type) {
+    case OB_MESH:
+      return !object_is_smoke_sim(ob);
+      /* case OB_CURVE: */
+      /* case OB_SURF: */
+    case OB_LAMP:
+    case OB_EMPTY:
+    case OB_CAMERA:
+      return false;
+    default:
+      // TODO someone Print in debug only
+      fprintf(stderr, "Export for this object type is not yet defined %s\n", ob->id.name);
+      return false;
+  }
+// Whether the object should be exported
+bool should_export_object(const ExportSettings *const settings, const Object *const ob)
+  if (!object_type_is_exportable(ob))
+    return false;
+  // If the object is a dupli, it's export satus depends on the parent
+  if (!(ob->flag & BASE_FROM_DUPLI)) {
+    /* These tests only make sense when the object isn't being instanced
+     * into the scene. When it is, its exportability is determined by
+     * its dupli-object and the DupliObject::no_draw property. */
+    return (settings->selected_only && (ob->flag & BASE_SELECTED) != 0) ||
+           // FIXME Sybren: handle these cleanly (maybe just remove code),
+           // now using active scene layer instead.
+           (settings->visible_only && (ob->flag & BASE_VISIBLE) != 0) ||
+           (settings->renderable_only && (ob->flag & BASE_ENABLED_RENDER) != 0);
+  }
+  else if (!(ob->parent != NULL && ob->parent-

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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