[Bf-blender-cvs] [e2cd13e8a7d] soc-2019-adaptive-cloth: Cloth: custom split edges function Now no need to call triangulate function after splitting edges, custom split edges function triangulates the face(s) that contain the edges that has been split

ishbosamiya noreply at git.blender.org
Tue Jun 11 13:04:23 CEST 2019

Commit: e2cd13e8a7d4d5e698f5c31f664962fcc8906e99
Author: ishbosamiya
Date:   Tue Jun 11 15:08:24 2019 +0530
Branches: soc-2019-adaptive-cloth

Cloth: custom split edges function
Now no need to call triangulate function after splitting edges, custom split edges function triangulates the face(s) that contain the edges that has been split


M	source/blender/blenkernel/intern/cloth.c


diff --git a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/cloth.c b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/cloth.c
index f4322330882..6da3b80cc32 100644
--- a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/cloth.c
+++ b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/cloth.c
@@ -476,7 +476,8 @@ static float cloth_remeshing_edge_size(BMesh *bm, BMEdge *edge, LinkNodePair *si
   float value = 0.0;
   float temp_v2[2];
   int index = BM_elem_index_get(&v1);
-  ClothSizing *sizing_temp = (ClothSizing *)BLI_linklist_find(sizing->list, index)->link;
+  /* ClothSizing *sizing_temp = (ClothSizing *)BLI_linklist_find(sizing->list, index)->link; */
+  ClothSizing *sizing_temp = (ClothSizing *)BLI_linklist_find(sizing->list, 0)->link;
   /* TODO(Ish): sizing_temp needs to be average of the both vertices, for static it doesn't matter
    * since all sizing are same */
   mul_v2_m2v2(temp_v2, sizing_temp->m, u12);
@@ -507,6 +508,67 @@ static int cloth_remeshing_find_bad_edges(BMesh *bm, LinkNodePair *sizing)
   return tagged;
+static BMVert *cloth_remeshing_split_edge_keep_triangles(BMesh *bm,
+                                                         BMEdge *e,
+                                                         BMVert *v,
+                                                         float fac)
+  BLI_assert(BM_vert_in_edge(e, v) == true);
+  /* find faces containing edge, should be only 2 */
+  BMFace *f;
+  BMIter fiter;
+  int face_i = 0;
+  BMFace *f1 = NULL, *f2 = NULL;
+  BM_ITER_ELEM_INDEX (f, &fiter, e, BM_FACES_OF_EDGE, face_i) {
+    if (face_i == 0) {
+      f1 = f;
+    }
+    else {
+      f2 = f;
+    }
+    printf("face_i: %d\n", face_i);
+  }
+  if (!f1) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  /* split the edge */
+  BMEdge *new_edge;
+  BMEdge old_edge = *e;
+  BMVert *new_v = BM_edge_split(bm, e, v, &new_edge, fac);
+  BM_elem_flag_disable(new_edge, BM_ELEM_TAG);
+  BMVert *vert;
+  BMIter viter;
+  /* search for vert within the face that is not part of input edge
+   * create new edge between this
+   * vert and newly created vert */
+  BM_ITER_ELEM (vert, &viter, f1, BM_VERTS_OF_FACE) {
+    if (vert == old_edge.v1 || vert == old_edge.v2 || vert == new_v) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    BM_face_create_quad_tri(bm, vert, old_edge.v1, new_v, NULL, NULL, BM_CREATE_NOP);
+    BM_face_create_quad_tri(bm, vert, new_v, old_edge.v2, NULL, NULL, BM_CREATE_NOP);
+    BM_face_kill(bm, f1);
+  }
+  if (f2) {
+    BM_ITER_ELEM (vert, &viter, f2, BM_VERTS_OF_FACE) {
+      if (vert == old_edge.v1 || vert == old_edge.v2 || vert == new_v) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      BM_face_create_quad_tri(bm, vert, old_edge.v1, new_v, NULL, NULL, BM_CREATE_NOP);
+      BM_face_create_quad_tri(bm, vert, new_v, old_edge.v2, NULL, NULL, BM_CREATE_NOP);
+      BM_face_kill(bm, f2);
+    }
+  }
+  return new_v;
 static bool cloth_remeshing_split_edges(ClothModifierData *clmd, LinkNodePair *sizing)
   BMesh *bm = clmd->clothObject->bm;
@@ -521,29 +583,30 @@ static bool cloth_remeshing_split_edges(ClothModifierData *clmd, LinkNodePair *s
     if (BM_elem_flag_test_bool(e, BM_ELEM_TAG)) {
       int v1_index = BM_elem_index_get(e->v1);
       int v2_index = BM_elem_index_get(e->v2);
-      BMEdge *new_e;
-      BMVert *new_v = BM_edge_split(bm, e, e->v1, &new_e, 0.5);
-      ClothSizing *sizing_mean = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(ClothSizing), "ClothSizing_single");
-      /* average of the sizing of the other 2 vertices */
-      ClothSizing *sizing_01 = (ClothSizing *)BLI_linklist_find(sizing->list, v1_index)->link;
-      ClothSizing *sizing_02 = (ClothSizing *)BLI_linklist_find(sizing->list, v2_index)->link;
-      add_m2_m2m2(sizing_mean->m,
-                  /* first vertex sizing */
-                  sizing_01->m,
-                  /* second vertex sizing */
-                  sizing_02->m);
-      mul_m2_fl(sizing_mean->m, 0.5f);
-      /* TODO(Ish): need to figure out the indexing between sizing and the vertices */
-      BLI_linklist_append(sizing, sizing_mean);
-      BM_elem_flag_disable(new_e, BM_ELEM_TAG);
+      BMEdge(*new_edges)[3];
+      int new_edge_count = 0;
+      BMVert *new_v = cloth_remeshing_split_edge_keep_triangles(bm, e, e->v1, 0.5);
       BM_elem_flag_disable(e, BM_ELEM_TAG);
+      /* ClothSizing *sizing_mean = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(ClothSizing), "ClothSizing_single"); */
+      /* /\* average of the sizing of the other 2 vertices *\/ */
+      /* ClothSizing *sizing_01 = (ClothSizing *)BLI_linklist_find(sizing->list, v1_index)->link;
+       */
+      /* ClothSizing *sizing_02 = (ClothSizing *)BLI_linklist_find(sizing->list, v2_index)->link;
+       */
+      /* add_m2_m2m2(sizing_mean->m, */
+      /*             /\* first vertex sizing *\/ */
+      /*             sizing_01->m, */
+      /*             /\* second vertex sizing *\/ */
+      /*             sizing_02->m); */
+      /* mul_m2_fl(sizing_mean->m, 0.5f); */
+      /* /\* TODO(Ish): need to figure out the indexing between sizing and the vertices *\/ */
+      /* BLI_linklist_append(sizing, sizing_mean); */
+      /* BM_elem_flag_disable(e, BM_ELEM_TAG); */
-  BM_mesh_triangulate(
   return true;

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