[Bf-blender-cvs] [2eec83867bd] master: Cleanup: remove dead code in softbody forces evaluation.

Bastien Montagne noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Jan 16 19:44:05 CET 2019

Commit: 2eec83867bdf3db364aa89253997569524cfbe25
Author: Bastien Montagne
Date:   Wed Jan 16 17:50:10 2019 +0100
Branches: master

Cleanup: remove dead code in softbody forces evaluation.

This code has been disabled (hidden behind a specific debug value) for
over 10 years now! More than time to get rid of it...


M	source/blender/blenkernel/intern/softbody.c


diff --git a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/softbody.c b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/softbody.c
index 87687e33f8f..3696431f7ff 100644
--- a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/softbody.c
+++ b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/softbody.c
@@ -2187,7 +2187,7 @@ static void sb_cf_threads_run(Scene *scene, Object *ob, float forcetime, float t
-static void softbody_calc_forcesEx(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Object *ob, float forcetime, float timenow)
+static void softbody_calc_forces(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Object *ob, float forcetime, float timenow)
 	/* rule we never alter free variables :bp->vec bp->pos in here !
 	 * this will ruin adaptive stepsize AKA heun! (BM)
@@ -2230,256 +2230,6 @@ static void softbody_calc_forcesEx(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Ob
-static void softbody_calc_forces(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Object *ob, float forcetime, float timenow)
-	/* redirection to the new threaded Version */
-	if (!(G.debug_value & 0x10)) { // 16
-		softbody_calc_forcesEx(depsgraph, scene, ob, forcetime, timenow);
-		return;
-	}
-	else {
-		/* so the following will die  */
-		/* |||||||||||||||||||||||||| */
-		/*backward compatibility note:
-		fixing bug [17428] which forces adaptive step size to tiny steps
-		in some situations
-		.. keeping G.debug_value==17 0x11 option for old files 'needing' the bug*/
-		/* rule we never alter free variables :bp->vec bp->pos in here !
-		 * this will ruin adaptive stepsize AKA heun! (BM)
-		 */
-		SoftBody *sb= ob->soft;	/* is supposed to be there */
-		BodyPoint  *bp;
-		/* BodyPoint *bproot; */ /* UNUSED */
-		BodySpring *bs;
-		float iks, ks, kd, gravity[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
-		float fieldfactor = -1.0f, windfactor  = 0.25f;
-		float tune = sb->ballstiff;
-		int do_deflector, do_selfcollision, do_springcollision, do_aero;
-		if (scene->physics_settings.flag & PHYS_GLOBAL_GRAVITY) {
-			copy_v3_v3(gravity, scene->physics_settings.gravity);
-			mul_v3_fl(gravity, sb_grav_force_scale(ob)*sb->effector_weights->global_gravity);
-		}
-		/* check conditions for various options */
-		do_deflector= query_external_colliders(depsgraph, sb->collision_group);
-		do_selfcollision=((ob->softflag & OB_SB_EDGES) && (sb->bspring)&& (ob->softflag & OB_SB_SELF));
-		do_springcollision=do_deflector && (ob->softflag & OB_SB_EDGES) &&(ob->softflag & OB_SB_EDGECOLL);
-		do_aero=((sb->aeroedge)&& (ob->softflag & OB_SB_EDGES));
-		iks  = 1.0f/(1.0f-sb->inspring)-1.0f ;/* inner spring constants function */
-		/* bproot= sb->bpoint; */ /* need this for proper spring addressing */ /* UNUSED */
-		if (do_springcollision || do_aero)  scan_for_ext_spring_forces(depsgraph, scene, ob, timenow);
-		/* after spring scan because it uses Effoctors too */
-		ListBase *effectors = BKE_effectors_create(depsgraph, ob, NULL, ob->soft->effector_weights);
-		if (do_deflector) {
-			float defforce[3];
-			do_deflector = sb_detect_aabb_collisionCached(defforce, ob, timenow);
-		}
-		bp = sb->bpoint;
-		for (int a = sb->totpoint; a > 0; a--, bp++) {
-			/* clear forces  accumulator */
-			bp->force[0] = bp->force[1] = bp->force[2] = 0.0;
-			/* naive ball self collision */
-			/* needs to be done if goal snaps or not */
-			if (do_selfcollision) {
-				int attached;
-				BodyPoint   *obp;
-				int c, b;
-				float velcenter[3], dvel[3], def[3];
-				float distance;
-				float compare;
-				for (c=sb->totpoint, obp= sb->bpoint; c>=a; c--, obp++) {
-					//if ((bp->octantflag & obp->octantflag) == 0) continue;
-					compare = (obp->colball + bp->colball);
-					sub_v3_v3v3(def, bp->pos, obp->pos);
-					/* rather check the AABBoxes before ever calculating the real distance */
-					/* mathematically it is completely nuts, but performance is pretty much (3) times faster */
-					if ((ABS(def[0]) > compare) || (ABS(def[1]) > compare) || (ABS(def[2]) > compare)) continue;
-					distance = normalize_v3(def);
-					if (distance < compare ) {
-						/* exclude body points attached with a spring */
-						attached = 0;
-						for (b=obp->nofsprings;b>0;b--) {
-							bs = sb->bspring + obp->springs[b-1];
-							if (( sb->totpoint-a == bs->v2) || ( sb->totpoint-a == bs->v1)) {
-								attached=1;
-								continue;}
-						}
-						if (!attached) {
-							float f = tune / (distance) + tune / (compare * compare) * distance - 2.0f * tune/compare;
-							mid_v3_v3v3(velcenter, bp->vec, obp->vec);
-							sub_v3_v3v3(dvel, velcenter, bp->vec);
-							mul_v3_fl(dvel, _final_mass(ob, bp));
-							madd_v3_v3fl(bp->force, def, f * (1.0f - sb->balldamp));
-							madd_v3_v3fl(bp->force, dvel, sb->balldamp);
-							/* exploit force(a, b) == -force(b, a) part2/2 */
-							sub_v3_v3v3(dvel, velcenter, obp->vec);
-							mul_v3_fl(dvel, (_final_mass(ob, bp)+_final_mass(ob, obp))/2.0f);
-							madd_v3_v3fl(obp->force, dvel, sb->balldamp);
-							madd_v3_v3fl(obp->force, def, -f * (1.0f - sb->balldamp));
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			/* naive ball self collision done */
-			if (_final_goal(ob, bp) < SOFTGOALSNAP) {  /* omit this bp when it snaps */
-				float auxvect[3];
-				float velgoal[3];
-				/* do goal stuff */
-				if (ob->softflag & OB_SB_GOAL) {
-					/* true elastic goal */
-					sub_v3_v3v3(auxvect, bp->pos, bp->origT);
-					ks  = 1.0f / (1.0f- _final_goal(ob, bp) * sb->goalspring) - 1.0f;
-					bp->force[0]+= -ks*(auxvect[0]);
-					bp->force[1]+= -ks*(auxvect[1]);
-					bp->force[2]+= -ks*(auxvect[2]);
-					/* calculate damping forces generated by goals*/
-					sub_v3_v3v3(velgoal, bp->origS, bp->origE);
-					kd = sb->goalfrict * sb_fric_force_scale(ob);
-					add_v3_v3v3(auxvect, velgoal, bp->vec);
-					if (forcetime > 0.0f) { /* make sure friction does not become rocket motor on time reversal */
-						bp->force[0]-= kd * (auxvect[0]);
-						bp->force[1]-= kd * (auxvect[1]);
-						bp->force[2]-= kd * (auxvect[2]);
-					}
-					else {
-						bp->force[0]-= kd * (velgoal[0] - bp->vec[0]);
-						bp->force[1]-= kd * (velgoal[1] - bp->vec[1]);
-						bp->force[2]-= kd * (velgoal[2] - bp->vec[2]);
-					}
-				}
-				/* done goal stuff */
-				/* gravitation */
-				madd_v3_v3fl(bp->force, gravity, _final_mass(ob, bp)); /* individual mass of node here */
-				/* particle field & vortex */
-				if (effectors) {
-					EffectedPoint epoint;
-					float force[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
-					float speed[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
-					float eval_sb_fric_force_scale = sb_fric_force_scale(ob); /* just for calling function once */
-					pd_point_from_soft(scene, bp->pos, bp->vec, sb->bpoint-bp, &epoint);
-					BKE_effectors_apply(effectors, NULL, sb->effector_weights, &epoint, force, speed);
-					/* apply forcefield*/
-					mul_v3_fl(force, fieldfactor* eval_sb_fric_force_scale);
-					add_v3_v3(bp->force, force);
-					/* BP friction in moving media */
-					kd= sb->mediafrict* eval_sb_fric_force_scale;
-					bp->force[0] -= kd * (bp->vec[0] + windfactor*speed[0]/eval_sb_fric_force_scale);
-					bp->force[1] -= kd * (bp->vec[1] + windfactor*speed[1]/eval_sb_fric_force_scale);
-					bp->force[2] -= kd * (bp->vec[2] + windfactor*speed[2]/eval_sb_fric_force_scale);
-					/* now we'll have nice centrifugal effect for vortex */
-				}
-				else {
-					/* BP friction in media (not) moving*/
-					kd= sb->mediafrict* sb_fric_force_scale(ob);
-					/* assume it to be proportional to actual velocity */
-					bp->force[0]-= bp->vec[0]*kd;
-					bp->force[1]-= bp->vec[1]*kd;
-					bp->force[2]-= bp->vec[2]*kd;
-					/* friction in media done */
-				}
-				/* +++cached collision targets */
-				bp->choke = 0.0f;
-				bp->choke2 = 0.0f;
-				bp->loc_flag &= ~SBF_DOFUZZY;
-				if (do_deflector) {
-					float cfforce[3], defforce[3] ={0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, vel[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, facenormal[3], cf = 1.0f, intrusion;
-					kd = 1.0f;
-					if (sb_deflect_face(ob, bp->pos, facenormal, defforce, &cf, timenow, vel, &intrusion)) {
-						if (intrusion < 0.0f) {
-							if (G.debug_value & 0x01) { // 17 we did check for bit 0x10 before
-								/* fixing bug [17428] this forces adaptive step size to tiny steps
-								 * in some situations .. keeping G.debug_value==17 option for old files 'needing' the bug
-								 */
-								/* bjornmose:  uugh.. what an evil hack
-								 * violation of the 'don't touch bp->pos in here' rule
-								 * but works nice, like this-->
-								 * we predict the solution being out of the collider
-								 * in heun step No1 and leave the heun step No2 adapt to it
-								 * so we kind of introduced a implicit solver for this case
-								 */
-								madd_v3_v3fl(bp->pos, facenormal, -intrusion);
-							}
-							else {
-								sub_v3_v3v3(cfforce, bp->vec, vel);
-								madd_v3_v3fl(bp->force, cfforce, -cf * 50.0f);
-							}
-							sb->scratch->flag |= SBF_DOFUZZY;
-							bp->loc_flag |= SBF_DOFUZZY;
-							bp->choke = sb->choke*0.01f;
-						}
-						else {
-							sub_v3_v3v3(cfforce, bp->vec, vel);
-							madd_v3_v3fl(bp->force, cfforce, -cf * 50.0f);
-						}
-						madd_v3_v3fl(bp->force, defforce, kd);
-					}
-				}
-				/* ---cached collision targets */
-				/* +++springs */
-				if (ob->softflag & OB_SB_EDGES) {
-					if (sb->bspring) { /* spring list exists at all ? */
-						for (int b = bp->nofsprings; b > 0; b--) {
-							bs = sb->bspring + bp->springs[b-1];
-							if (do_springcollision || do_aero) {
-								add_v3_v3(bp->force, bs->ext_force);
-								if (bs->flag & BSF_INTERSECT)
-									bp->choke = bs->cf;
-							}
-							// sb_spring_force(Object *ob, int bpi, BodySpring *bs, float iks, float forcetime)
-							// rather remove nl_falgs from code .. will make things a lot cleaner
-							sb_spring_force(ob, sb->totpoint-a, bs, iks, forcetime);
-						}/* loop springs */
-					}/* existing spring list */
-				}/*any edges*/
-				/* ---springs */
-			}/*omit on snap */
-		}/*loop all bp's*/
-		/* finally add forces caused by face collision */
-		if (ob->softflag & OB_SB_FACECOLL) scan_for_ext_face_forces(ob, timenow);
-		BKE_effectors_free(effector

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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