[Bf-blender-cvs] [a49b749385c] soc-2019-npr: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into soc-2019-npr

YimingWu noreply at git.blender.org
Mon Aug 5 02:29:25 CEST 2019

Commit: a49b749385ca62ad0a64a090d54002f2dbfa63ed
Author: YimingWu
Date:   Mon Aug 5 08:24:30 2019 +0800
Branches: soc-2019-npr

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into soc-2019-npr



diff --cc source/blender/blenkernel/intern/gpencil.c
index 7fbb63f1b12,731e9aff926..3f5ec06f001
--- a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/gpencil.c
+++ b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/gpencil.c
@@@ -2663,315 -2057,84 +2663,397 @@@ bool BKE_gpencil_close_stroke(bGPDstrok
    return true;
 +/* Helper function to check materials with same color */
 +static int gpencil_check_same_material_color(Object *ob_gp, float color[4], Material *r_mat)
 +  Material *ma = NULL;
 +  float color_cu[4];
 +  linearrgb_to_srgb_v3_v3(color_cu, color);
 +  float hsv1[4];
 +  rgb_to_hsv_v(color_cu, hsv1);
 +  hsv1[3] = color[3];
 +  for (int i = 1; i <= ob_gp->totcol; i++) {
 +    ma = give_current_material(ob_gp, i);
 +    MaterialGPencilStyle *gp_style = ma->gp_style;
 +    /* Check color with small tolerance (better in HSV). */
 +    float hsv2[4];
 +    rgb_to_hsv_v(gp_style->fill_rgba, hsv2);
 +    hsv2[3] = gp_style->fill_rgba[3];
 +    if (compare_v4v4(hsv1, hsv2, 0.01f)) {
 +      r_mat = ma;
 +      return i - 1;
 +    }
 +  }
 +  r_mat = NULL;
 +  return -1;
 +/* Add gpencil material using curve material as base */
 +static Material *gpencil_add_from_curve_material(Main *bmain,
 +                                                 Object *ob_gp,
 +                                                 float cu_color[4],
 +                                                 const bool gpencil_lines,
 +                                                 const bool fill,
 +                                                 int *r_idx)
 +  Material *mat_gp = BKE_gpencil_object_material_new(
 +      bmain, ob_gp, (fill) ? "Material" : "Unassigned", r_idx);
 +  MaterialGPencilStyle *gp_style = mat_gp->gp_style;
 +  /* Stroke color. */
 +  if (gpencil_lines) {
 +    ARRAY_SET_ITEMS(gp_style->stroke_rgba, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
 +  }
 +  else {
 +    linearrgb_to_srgb_v4(gp_style->stroke_rgba, cu_color);
 +  }
 +  /* Fill color. */
 +  linearrgb_to_srgb_v4(gp_style->fill_rgba, cu_color);
 +  /* Fill is false if the original curva hasn't material assigned. */
 +  if (fill) {
 +    gp_style->flag |= GP_STYLE_FILL_SHOW;
 +  }
 +  return mat_gp;
 +/* Helper function to create new stroke section */
 +static void gpencil_add_new_points(bGPDstroke *gps,
 +                                   float *coord_array,
 +                                   float pressure,
 +                                   int init,
 +                                   int totpoints,
 +                                   float init_co[3],
 +                                   bool last)
 +  for (int i = 0; i < totpoints; i++) {
 +    bGPDspoint *pt = &gps->points[i + init];
 +    copy_v3_v3(&pt->x, &coord_array[3 * i]);
 +    /* Be sure the last point is not on top of the first point of the curve or
 +     * the close of the stroke will produce glitches. */
 +    if ((last) && (i > 0) && (i == totpoints - 1)) {
 +      float dist = len_v3v3(init_co, &pt->x);
 +      if (dist < 0.1f) {
 +        /* Interpolate between previous point and current to back slightly. */
 +        bGPDspoint *pt_prev = &gps->points[i + init - 1];
 +        interp_v3_v3v3(&pt->x, &pt_prev->x, &pt->x, 0.95f);
 +      }
 +    }
 +    pt->pressure = pressure;
 +    pt->strength = 1.0f;
 +  }
 +/* Helper function to get the first collection that includes the object. */
 +static Collection *gpencil_get_parent_collection(Scene *scene, Object *ob)
 +  Collection *mycol = NULL;
 +  FOREACH_SCENE_COLLECTION_BEGIN (scene, collection) {
 +    for (CollectionObject *cob = collection->gobject.first; cob; cob = cob->next) {
 +      if ((mycol == NULL) && (cob->ob == ob)) {
 +        mycol = collection;
 +      }
 +    }
 +  }
 +  return mycol;
 +/* Helper function to convert one spline to grease pencil stroke. */
 +static void gpencil_convert_spline(Main *bmain,
 +                                   Scene *scene,
 +                                   Object *ob_gp,
 +                                   Object *ob_cu,
 +                                   const bool gpencil_lines,
 +                                   const bool use_collections,
 +                                   bGPDframe *gpf,
 +                                   Nurb *nu)
 +  Curve *cu = (Curve *)ob_cu->data;
 +  bool cyclic = true;
 +  /* Create Stroke. */
 +  bGPDstroke *gps = MEM_callocN(sizeof(bGPDstroke), "bGPDstroke");
 +  gps->thickness = 1.0f;
 +  gps->gradient_f = 1.0f;
 +  ARRAY_SET_ITEMS(gps->gradient_s, 1.0f, 1.0f);
 +  gps->inittime = 0.0f;
 +  /* Enable recalculation flag by default. */
 +  gps->flag &= ~GP_STROKE_SELECT;
 +  gps->flag |= GP_STROKE_3DSPACE;
 +  gps->mat_nr = 0;
 +  /* Count total points
 +   * The total of points must consider that last point of each segment is equal to the first
 +   * point of next segment.
 +   */
 +  int totpoints = 0;
 +  int segments = 0;
 +  int resolu = nu->resolu + 1;
 +  segments = nu->pntsu;
 +  if (((nu->flagu & CU_NURB_CYCLIC) == 0) || (nu->pntsu == 2)) {
 +    segments--;
 +    cyclic = false;
 +  }
 +  totpoints = (resolu * segments) - (segments - 1);
 +  /* Allocate memory for storage points, but keep empty. */
 +  gps->totpoints = totpoints;
 +  gps->points = MEM_callocN(sizeof(bGPDspoint) * gps->totpoints, "gp_stroke_points");
 +  /* Initialize triangle memory to dummy data. */
 +  gps->tot_triangles = 0;
 +  gps->triangles = NULL;
 +  /* Materials
 +   * Notice: The color of the material is the color of viewport and not the final shader color.
 +   */
 +  Material *mat_gp = NULL;
 +  bool fill = true;
 +  /* Check if grease pencil has a material with same color.*/
 +  float color[4];
 +  if ((cu->mat) && (*cu->mat)) {
 +    Material *mat_cu = *cu->mat;
 +    copy_v4_v4(color, &mat_cu->r);
 +  }
 +  else {
 +    /* Pink (unassigned) */
 +    zero_v4(color);
 +    color[0] = 1.0f;
 +    color[2] = 1.0f;
 +    color[3] = 1.0f;
 +    fill = false;
 +  }
 +  /* Special case: If the color was created by the SVG add-on and the name contains '_stroke' and
 +   * there is only one color, the stroke must not be closed, fill to false and use for
 +   * stroke the fill color.
 +   */
 +  bool only_stroke = false;
 +  if (ob_cu->totcol == 1) {
 +    Material *ma_stroke = give_current_material(ob_cu, 1);
 +    if ((ma_stroke) && (strstr(ma_stroke->id.name, "_stroke") != NULL)) {
 +      only_stroke = true;
 +    }
 +  }
 +  int r_idx = gpencil_check_same_material_color(ob_gp, color, mat_gp);
 +  if (r_idx < 0) {
 +    Material *ma_stroke = NULL;
 +    mat_gp = gpencil_add_from_curve_material(bmain, ob_gp, color, gpencil_lines, fill, &r_idx);
 +    /* If object has more than 1 material, use second material for stroke color. */
 +    if (ob_cu->totcol > 1) {
 +      ma_stroke = give_current_material(ob_cu, 2);
 +      linearrgb_to_srgb_v3_v3(mat_gp->gp_style->stroke_rgba, &ma_stroke->r);
 +      mat_gp->gp_style->stroke_rgba[3] = ma_stroke->a;
 +    }
 +    else if (only_stroke) {
 +      /* Also use the first color if the fill is none for stroke color. */
 +      ma_stroke = give_current_material(ob_cu, 1);
 +      linearrgb_to_srgb_v3_v3(mat_gp->gp_style->stroke_rgba, &ma_stroke->r);
 +      mat_gp->gp_style->stroke_rgba[3] = ma_stroke->a;
 +      /* set fill to off. */
 +      mat_gp->gp_style->flag &= ~GP_STYLE_FILL_SHOW;
 +    }
 +  }
 +  /* Assign material index to stroke. */
 +  gps->mat_nr = r_idx;
 +  /* Add stroke to frame.*/
 +  BLI_addtail(&gpf->strokes, gps);
 +  /* Read all segments of the curve. */
 +  int init = 0;
 +  resolu = nu->resolu + 1;
 +  segments = nu->pntsu;
 +  if (((nu->flagu & CU_NURB_CYCLIC) == 0) || (nu->pntsu == 2)) {
 +    segments--;
 +  }
 +  /* Get all interpolated curve points of Beziert */
 +  float init_co[3];
 +  for (int s = 0; s < segments; s++) {
 +    int inext = (s + 1) % nu->pntsu;
 +    BezTriple *prevbezt = &nu->bezt[s];
 +    BezTriple *bezt = &nu->bezt[inext];
 +    bool last = (bool)(s == segments - 1);
 +    float *coord_array = MEM_callocN((size_t)3 * resolu * sizeof(float), __func__);
 +    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
 +      BKE_curve_forward_diff_bezier(prevbezt->vec[1][j],
 +                                    prevbezt->vec[2][j],
 +                                    bezt->vec[0][j],
 +                                    bezt->vec[1][j],
 +                                    coord_array + j,
 +                                    resolu - 1,
 +                                    3 * sizeof(float));
 +    }
 +    /* Save first point coordinates. */
 +    if (s == 0) {
 +      copy_v3_v3(init_co, &coord_array[0]);
 +    }
 +    /* Add points to the stroke */
 +    gpencil_add_new_points(gps, coord_array, bezt->radius, init, resolu, init_co, last);
 +    /* Free memory. */
 +    MEM_SAFE_FREE(coord_array);
 +    /* As the last point of segment is the first point of next segment, back one array
 +     * element to avoid duplicated points on the same location.
 +     */
 +    init += resolu - 1;
 +  }
 +  /* Cyclic curve, close stroke. */
 +  if ((cyclic) && (!only_stroke)) {
 +    BKE_gpencil_close_stroke(gps);
 +  }
 +/* Convert a curve object to grease pencil stroke.
 + *
 + * \param bmain: Main thread pointer
 + * \param scene: Original scene.
 + * \param ob_gp: Grease pencil object to add strokes.
 + * \param ob_cu: Curve to convert.
 + * \param gpencil_lines: Use lines for strokes.
 + * \param use_collections: Create layers using collection names.
 + */
 +void BKE_gpencil_convert_curve(Main *bmain,
 +                               Scene *scene,
 +                               Object *ob_gp,
 +                               Object *ob_cu,
 +                               const bool gpencil_lines,
 +                               const bool use_collections)
 +  if (ELEM(NULL, ob_gp, ob_cu) || (ob_gp->type != OB_GPENCIL) || (ob_gp->data == NULL)) {
 +    return;
 +  }
 +  Curve *cu = (Curve *)ob_cu->data;
 +  bGPdata *gpd = (bGPdata *)ob_gp->data;
 +  bGPDlayer *gpl = NULL;
 +  /* If the curve is empty, 

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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