[Bf-blender-cvs] [9dbee5ccc23] blender2.8: Merge branch 'master' into blender2.8

Campbell Barton noreply at git.blender.org
Sat Jul 14 10:27:10 CEST 2018

Commit: 9dbee5ccc23ff0ce2f7b9b198ab1c816f0a2b9dd
Author: Campbell Barton
Date:   Sat Jul 14 10:22:15 2018 +0200
Branches: blender2.8

Merge branch 'master' into blender2.8



diff --cc release/scripts/modules/bpy_extras/keyconfig_utils_experimental.py
index a0ea87d1c93,00000000000..6e7b0205a65
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/release/scripts/modules/bpy_extras/keyconfig_utils_experimental.py
+++ b/release/scripts/modules/bpy_extras/keyconfig_utils_experimental.py
@@@ -1,244 -1,0 +1,244 @@@
 +#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 +#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 +#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 +#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 +#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 +#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 +#  GNU General Public License for more details.
 +#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 +#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 +#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 +# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
 +# <pep8 compliant>
 +__all__ = (
 +    "keyconfig_export_as_data",
 +    "keyconfig_import_from_data",
 +def indent(levels):
 +    return levels * "    "
 +def round_float_32(f):
 +    from struct import pack, unpack
 +    return unpack("f", pack("f", f))[0]
 +def repr_f32(f):
 +    f_round = round_float_32(f)
 +    f_str = repr(f)
 +    f_str_frac = f_str.partition(".")[2]
 +    if not f_str_frac:
 +        return f_str
 +    for i in range(1, len(f_str_frac)):
 +        f_test = round(f, i)
 +        f_test_round = round_float_32(f_test)
 +        if f_test_round == f_round:
 +            return "%.*f" % (i, f_test)
 +    return f_str
 +def kmi_args_as_data(kmi):
 +    s = [
 +        f"\"type\": '{kmi.type}'",
 +        f"\"value\": '{kmi.value}'"
 +    ]
 +    if kmi.any:
 +        s.append("\"any\": True")
 +    else:
 +        if kmi.shift:
 +            s.append("\"shift\": True")
 +        if kmi.ctrl:
 +            s.append("\"ctrl\": True")
 +        if kmi.alt:
 +            s.append("\"alt\": True")
 +        if kmi.oskey:
 +            s.append("\"oskey\": True")
 +    if kmi.key_modifier and kmi.key_modifier != 'NONE':
 +        s.append(f"\"key_modifier\": '{kmi.key_modifier}'")
 +    return "{" + ", ".join(s) + "}"
 +def _kmi_properties_to_lines_recursive(level, properties, lines):
 +    from bpy.types import OperatorProperties
 +    def string_value(value):
 +        if isinstance(value, (str, bool, int)):
 +            return repr(value)
 +        elif isinstance(value, float):
 +            return repr_f32(value)
 +        elif getattr(value, '__len__', False):
 +            return repr(tuple(value))
 +        raise Exception(f"Export key configuration: can't write {value!r}")
 +    for pname in properties.bl_rna.properties.keys():
 +        if pname != "rna_type":
 +            value = getattr(properties, pname)
 +            if isinstance(value, OperatorProperties):
 +                lines_test = []
 +                _kmi_properties_to_lines_recursive(level + 2, value, lines_test)
 +                if lines_test:
 +                    lines.append(f"{indent(level)}(\n")
 +                    lines.append(f"{indent(level + 1)}\"{pname}\",\n")
 +                    lines.append(f"{indent(level + 1)}" "[\n")
 +                    lines.extend(lines_test)
 +                    lines.append(f"{indent(level + 1)}" "],\n")
 +                    lines.append(f"{indent(level)}" "),\n")
 +                del lines_test
 +            elif properties.is_property_set(pname):
 +                value = string_value(value)
 +                lines.append((f"{indent(level)}(\"{pname}\", {value:s}),\n"))
 +def _kmi_properties_to_lines(level, kmi_props, lines):
 +    if kmi_props is None:
 +        return
 +    lines_test = [f"{indent(level)}\"properties\": " "[\n"]
 +    _kmi_properties_to_lines_recursive(level + 1, kmi_props, lines_test)
 +    if len(lines_test) > 1:
 +        lines_test.append(f"{indent(level)}" "],\n")
 +        lines.extend(lines_test)
 +def _kmi_attrs_or_none(level, kmi):
 +    lines = []
 +    _kmi_properties_to_lines(level + 1, kmi.properties, lines)
 +    if kmi.active is False:
 +        lines.append(f"{indent(level)}\"active\":" "False,\n")
 +    if not lines:
 +        return None
 +    return "".join(lines)
- def keyconfig_export_as_data(wm, kc, filepath):
++def keyconfig_export_as_data(wm, kc, filepath, *, all_keymaps=False):
 +    # Alternate foramt
 +    # Generate a list of keymaps to export:
 +    #
 +    # First add all user_modified keymaps (found in keyconfigs.user.keymaps list),
 +    # then add all remaining keymaps from the currently active custom keyconfig.
 +    #
 +    # This will create a final list of keymaps that can be used as a "diff" against
 +    # the default blender keyconfig, recreating the current setup from a fresh blender
 +    # without needing to export keymaps which haven't been edited.
 +    from .keyconfig_utils import keyconfig_merge
 +    class FakeKeyConfig:
 +        keymaps = []
 +    edited_kc = FakeKeyConfig()
 +    for km in wm.keyconfigs.user.keymaps:
-         if km.is_user_modified:
++        if all_keymaps or km.is_user_modified:
 +            edited_kc.keymaps.append(km)
 +    # merge edited keymaps with non-default keyconfig, if it exists
 +    if kc != wm.keyconfigs.default:
 +        export_keymaps = keyconfig_merge(edited_kc, kc)
 +    else:
 +        export_keymaps = keyconfig_merge(edited_kc, edited_kc)
 +    with open(filepath, "w") as fh:
 +        fw = fh.write
 +        fw("keyconfig_data = [\n")
 +        for km, kc_x in export_keymaps:
 +            km = km.active()
 +            fw(f"{indent(1)}" "(\n")
 +            fw(f"{indent(2)}" f"\"{km.name:s}\",\n")
 +            fw(f"{indent(2)}" "{")
 +            fw(f"\"space_type\": '{km.space_type:s}'")
 +            fw(f", \"region_type\": '{km.region_type:s}'")
 +            # We can detect from the kind of items.
 +            if km.is_modal:
 +                fw(", \"modal\": True")
 +            fw("},\n")
 +            fw(f"{indent(2)}" "{\n")
 +            is_modal = km.is_modal
 +            fw(f"{indent(3)}" "\"items\": [\n")
 +            for kmi in km.keymap_items:
 +                if is_modal:
 +                    kmi_id = kmi.propvalue
 +                else:
 +                    kmi_id = kmi.idname
 +                fw(f"{indent(4)}" "(")
 +                kmi_args = kmi_args_as_data(kmi)
 +                kmi_data = _kmi_attrs_or_none(5, kmi)
 +                if kmi_data is not None:
 +                    fw("\n" f"{indent(5)}")
 +                fw(f"\"{kmi_id:s}\"")
 +                if kmi_data is None:
 +                    fw(f", ")
 +                else:
 +                    fw(",\n" f"{indent(5)}")
 +                fw(kmi_args)
 +                if kmi_data is None:
 +                    fw(", None),\n")
 +                else:
 +                    fw(",\n")
 +                    fw(f"{indent(5)}" "{\n")
 +                    fw(kmi_data)
 +                    fw(f"{indent(5)}" "}\n")
 +                    fw(f"{indent(4)}" "),\n")
 +            fw(f"{indent(3)}" "],\n")
 +            fw(f"{indent(2)}" "},\n")
 +            fw(f"{indent(1)}" "),\n")
 +        fw("]\n")
 +        fw("\n\n")
 +        fw("if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n")
 +        fw("    import os\n")
 +        fw("    from bpy_extras.keyconfig_utils import keyconfig_import_from_data\n")
 +        fw("    keyconfig_import_from_data(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0], keyconfig_data)\n")
 +def keyconfig_import_from_data(name, keyconfig_data):
 +    # Load data in the format defined above.
 +    #
 +    # Runs at load time, keep this fast!
 +    def kmi_props_setattr(kmi_props, attr, value):
 +        if type(value) is list:
 +            kmi_subprop = getattr(kmi_props, attr)
 +            for subattr, subvalue in value:
 +                kmi_props_setattr(kmi_subprop, subattr, subvalue)
 +            return
 +        try:
 +            setattr(kmi_props, attr, value)
 +        except AttributeError:
 +            print(f"Warning: property '{attr}' not found in keymap item '{kmi_props.__class__.__name__}'")
 +        except Exception as ex:
 +            print(f"Warning: {ex!r}")
 +    import bpy
 +    wm = bpy.context.window_manager
 +    kc = wm.keyconfigs.new(name)
 +    del name
 +    for (km_name, km_args, km_content) in keyconfig_data:
 +        km = kc.keymaps.new(km_name, **km_args)
 +        is_modal = km_args.get("modal", False)
 +        new_fn = getattr(km.keymap_items, "new_modal" if is_modal else "new")
 +        for (kmi_idname, kmi_args, kmi_data) in km_content["items"]:
 +            kmi = new_fn(kmi_idname, **kmi_args)
 +            if kmi_data is not None:
 +                if not kmi_data.get("active", True):
 +                    kmi.active = False
 +                kmi_props_data = kmi_data.get("properties", None)
 +                if kmi_props_data is not None:
 +                    kmi_props = kmi.properties
 +                    for attr, value in kmi_props_data:
 +                        kmi_props_setattr(kmi_props, attr, value)
diff --cc release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/wm.py
index fe367973323,edca3a521ee..cfbc96696d6
--- a/release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/wm.py
+++ b/release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/wm.py
@@@ -1608,7 -1629,12 +1608,12 @@@ class WM_OT_keyconfig_export(Operator)
      bl_idname = "wm.keyconfig_export"
      bl_label = "Export Key Configuration..."
 -    all = BoolProperty(
++    all: BoolProperty(
+         name="All Keymaps",
+         default=False,
+         description="Write all keymaps (not just user modified)",
+     )
 -    filepath = StringProperty(
 +    filepath: StringProperty(

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