[Bf-blender-cvs] [bd5696f8571] master: CMake: store icon names

Campbell Barton noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Jan 24 01:21:58 CET 2018

Commit: bd5696f85718609bd42e46441df4bcdb0cdc4b76
Author: Campbell Barton
Date:   Wed Jan 24 11:29:29 2018 +1100
Branches: master

CMake: store icon names

Without this, adding/removing icons wouldn't force cmake to re-run
making builds fail.

This is the same issue with globbing source code.


M	build_files/cmake/macros.cmake
M	release/datafiles/prvicons.png
M	source/blender/editors/datafiles/CMakeLists.txt


diff --git a/build_files/cmake/macros.cmake b/build_files/cmake/macros.cmake
index f8350b9ab7f..406f50eb4f4 100644
--- a/build_files/cmake/macros.cmake
+++ b/build_files/cmake/macros.cmake
@@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ endfunction()
 # macro for converting pixmap directory to a png and then a c file
-	path_from
+	path_from icon_prefix icon_names
@@ -1390,8 +1390,11 @@ function(data_to_c_simple_icons
 	get_filename_component(_file_to_path ${_file_to} PATH)
-	# ideally we wouldn't glob, but storing all names for all pixmaps is a bit heavy
-	file(GLOB _icon_files "${path_from}/*.dat")
+	# Construct a list of absolute paths from input
+	set(_icon_files)
+	foreach(_var ${icon_names})
+		list(APPEND _icon_files "${_path_from_abs}/${icon_prefix}${_var}.dat")
+	endforeach()
 		OUTPUT  ${_file_from} ${_file_to}
diff --git a/release/datafiles/prvicons.png b/release/datafiles/prvicons.png
index ccd47438da6..d86d54f4599 100644
Binary files a/release/datafiles/prvicons.png and b/release/datafiles/prvicons.png differ
diff --git a/source/blender/editors/datafiles/CMakeLists.txt b/source/blender/editors/datafiles/CMakeLists.txt
index 2a84ca7f297..3f6de14180a 100644
--- a/source/blender/editors/datafiles/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/blender/editors/datafiles/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -31,6 +31,495 @@ set(SRC
+# Order matches "UI_icons.h", final name will be formatted: "icons{size}_{name}.dat"
+	question
+	error
+	cancel
+	tria_right
+	tria_down
+	tria_left
+	tria_up
+	arrow_leftright
+	plus
+	disclosure_tri_down
+	disclosure_tri_right
+	radiobut_off
+	radiobut_on
+	menu_panel
+	blender
+	grip
+	dot
+	collapsemenu
+	x
+	go_left
+	plug
+	ui
+	node
+	node_sel
+	fullscreen
+	splitscreen
+	rightarrow_thin
+	bordermove
+	viewzoom
+	zoomin
+	zoomout
+	panel_close
+	copy_id
+	eyedropper
+	link_area
+	auto
+	checkbox_dehlt
+	checkbox_hlt
+	unlocked
+	locked
+	unpinned
+	pinned
+	screen_back
+	rightarrow
+	downarrow_hlt
+	dotsup
+	dotsdown
+	link
+	inlink
+	plugin
+	help
+	ghost_enabled
+	color
+	linked
+	unlinked
+	hand
+	zoom_all
+	zoom_selected
+	zoom_previous
+	zoom_in
+	zoom_out
+	render_region
+	border_rect
+	border_lasso
+	freeze
+	stylus_pressure
+	ghost_disabled
+	new
+	file_tick
+	quit
+	url
+	recover_last
+	fullscreen_enter
+	fullscreen_exit
+	lamp
+	material
+	texture
+	anim
+	world
+	scene
+	edit
+	game
+	radio
+	script
+	particles
+	physics
+	speaker
+	texture_shaded
+	view3d
+	ipo
+	oops
+	buts
+	filesel
+	image_col
+	info
+	sequence
+	text
+	imasel
+	sound
+	action
+	nla
+	scriptwin
+	time
+	nodetree
+	logic
+	console
+	preferences
+	clip
+	asset_manager
+	object_datamode
+	editmode_hlt
+	facesel_hlt
+	vpaint_hlt
+	tpaint_hlt
+	wpaint_hlt
+	sculptmode_hlt
+	pose_hlt
+	particlemode
+	lightpaint
+	scene_data
+	renderlayers
+	world_data
+	object_data
+	mesh_data
+	curve_data
+	meta_data
+	lattice_data
+	lamp_data
+	material_data
+	texture_data
+	anim_data
+	camera_data
+	particle_data
+	library_data_direct
+	group
+	armature_data
+	pose_data
+	bone_data
+	constraint
+	shapekey_data
+	constraint_bone
+	camera_stereo
+	package
+	uglypackage
+	brush_data
+	image_data
+	file
+	fcurve
+	font_data
+	render_result
+	surface_data
+	empty_data
+	settings
+	render_animation
+	render_still
+	library_data_broken
+	boids
+	strands
+	library_data_indirect
+	greasepencil
+	line_data
+	group_bone
+	group_vertex
+	group_vcol
+	group_uvs
+	rna
+	rna_add
+	outliner_ob_empty
+	outliner_ob_mesh
+	outliner_ob_curve
+	outliner_ob_lattice
+	outliner_ob_meta
+	outliner_ob_lamp
+	outliner_ob_camera
+	outliner_ob_armature
+	outliner_ob_font
+	outliner_ob_surface
+	outliner_ob_speaker
+	outliner_ob_force_field
+	outliner_ob_group_instance
+	restrict_color_off
+	restrict_color_on
+	restrict_view_off
+	restrict_view_on
+	restrict_select_off
+	restrict_select_on
+	restrict_render_off
+	restrict_render_on
+	outliner_data_empty
+	outliner_data_mesh
+	outliner_data_curve
+	outliner_data_lattice
+	outliner_data_meta
+	outliner_data_lamp
+	outliner_data_camera
+	outliner_data_armature
+	outliner_data_font
+	outliner_data_surface
+	outliner_data_speaker
+	outliner_data_pose
+	mesh_plane
+	mesh_cube
+	mesh_circle
+	mesh_uvsphere
+	mesh_icosphere
+	mesh_grid
+	mesh_monkey
+	mesh_cylinder
+	mesh_torus
+	mesh_cone
+	mesh_capsule
+	lamp_point
+	lamp_sun
+	lamp_spot
+	lamp_hemi
+	lamp_area
+	meta_empty
+	meta_plane
+	meta_cube
+	meta_ball
+	meta_ellipsoid
+	meta_capsule
+	surface_ncurve
+	surface_ncircle
+	surface_nsurface
+	surface_ncylinder
+	surface_nsphere
+	surface_ntorus
+	curve_bezcurve
+	curve_bezcircle
+	curve_ncurve
+	curve_ncircle
+	curve_path
+	color_red
+	color_green
+	color_blue
+	tria_right_bar
+	tria_down_bar
+	tria_left_bar
+	tria_up_bar
+	force_force
+	force_wind
+	force_vortex
+	force_magnetic
+	force_harmonic
+	force_charge
+	force_lennardjones
+	force_texture
+	force_curve
+	force_boid
+	force_turbulence
+	force_drag
+	force_smokeflow
+	node_insert_on
+	node_insert_off
+	modifier
+	mod_wave
+	mod_build
+	mod_decim
+	mod_mirror
+	mod_soft
+	mod_subsurf
+	hook
+	mod_physics
+	mod_particles
+	mod_boolean
+	mod_edgesplit
+	mod_array
+	mod_uvproject
+	mod_displace
+	mod_curve
+	mod_lattice
+	constraint_data
+	mod_armature
+	mod_shrinkwrap
+	mod_cast
+	mod_meshdeform
+	mod_bevel
+	mod_smooth
+	mod_simpledeform
+	mod_mask
+	mod_cloth
+	mod_explode
+	mod_fluidsim
+	mod_multires
+	mod_smoke
+	mod_solidify
+	mod_screw
+	mod_vertex_weight
+	mod_dynamicpaint
+	mod_remesh
+	mod_ocean
+	mod_warp
+	mod_skin
+	mod_triangulate
+	mod_wireframe
+	mod_data_transfer
+	mod_normaledit
+	rec
+	play
+	ff
+	rew
+	pause
+	prev_keyframe
+	next_keyframe
+	play_audio
+	play_reverse
+	preview_range
+	action_tweak
+	pmarker_act
+	pmarker_sel
+	pmarker
+	marker_hlt
+	marker
+	space2
+	space3
+	keyingset
+	key_dehlt
+	key_hlt
+	mute_ipo_off
+	mute_ipo_on
+	visible_ipo_off
+	visible_ipo_on
+	driver
+	solo_off
+	solo_on
+	frame_prev
+	frame_next
+	nla_pushdown
+	ipo_constant
+	ipo_linear
+	ipo_bezier
+	ipo_sine
+	ipo_quad
+	ipo_cubic
+	ipo_quart
+	ipo_quint
+	ipo_expo
+	ipo_circ
+	ipo_bounce
+	ipo_elastic
+	ipo_back
+	ipo_ease_in
+	ipo_ease_out
+	ipo_ease_in_out
+	normalize_fcurves
+	vertexsel
+	edgesel
+	facesel
+	loopsel
+	rotate
+	cursor
+	rotatecollection
+	rotatecenter
+	rotactive
+	align
+	smoothcurve
+	spherecurve
+	rootcurve
+	sharpcurve
+	lincurve
+	nocurve
+	rndcurve
+	prop_off
+	prop_on
+	prop_con
+	particle_point
+	particle_tip
+	particle_path
+	man_trans
+	man_rot
+	man_scale
+	manipul
+	snap_off
+	snap_on
+	snap_normal
+	snap_grid
+	snap_vertex
+	snap_edge
+	snap_face
+	snap_volume
+	snap_increment
+	sticky_uvs_loc
+	sticky_uvs_disable
+	sticky_uvs_vert
+	clipuv_dehlt
+	clipuv_hlt
+	snap_peel_object
+	grid
+	pastedown
+	copydown
+	pasteflipup
+	pasteflipdown
+	snap_surface
+	automerge_on
+	automerge_off
+	retopo
+	uv_vertexsel
+	uv_edgesel
+	uv_facesel
+	uv_islandsel
+	uv_sync_select
+	bbox
+	wire
+	solid
+	smooth
+	potato
+	ortho
+	lockview_off
+	lockview_on
+	axis_side
+	axis_front
+	axis_top
+	ndof_dom
+	ndof_turn
+	ndof_fly
+	ndof_trans
+	layer_used
+	layer_active
+	sortalpha
+	sortbyext
+	sorttime
+	sortsize
+	longdisplay
+	shortdisplay
+	ghost
+	imgdisplay
+	save_as
+	save_copy
+	bookmarks
+	fontpreview
+	filter
+	newfolder
+	open_recent
+	file_parent
+	file_refresh
+	file_folder
+	file_blend
+	file_image
+	file_movie
+	file_script
+	file_sound
+	file_font
+	file_text
+	recover_auto
+	save_prefs
+	link_blend
+	append_blend
+	import
+	export
+	external_data
+	load_factory
+	loop_back
+	loop_forwards
+	back
+	forward
+	file_hidden
+	file_backup
+	disk_drive
+	matplane
+	matsphere
+	matcube
+	monkey
+	hair
+	aliased
+	antialiased
+	mat_sphere_sky
+	wordwrap_off
+	wordwrap_on
+	syntax_off
+	syntax_on
+	linenumbers_off
+	linenumbers_on
+	scriptplugins
+	seq_sequencer
+	seq_preview
+	seq_luma_waveform
+	seq_chroma_scope
+	seq_histogram
+	seq_splitview
+	image_rgb
+	image_rgb_alpha
+	image_alpha
+	image_zdepth
+	imagefile
 data_to_c_simple(../../../../release/datafiles/bfont.pfb SRC)
 data_to_c_simple(../../../../release/datafiles/bfont.ttf SRC)
 data_to_c_simple(../../../../release/datafiles/bmonofont.ttf SRC)
@@ -53,12 +542,12 @@ if(WITH_BLENDER)
 		           #90 SRC)
-		data_to_c_simple_icons(../../../../release/datafiles/blender_icons16 SRC)
+		data_to_c_simple_icons(../../../../release/datafiles/blender_icons16 "icon16_" "${ICON_NAMES}" SRC)
 		#data_to_c_simple(../../../../release/datafiles/blender_icons16.png SRC)
 		           #180 SRC)
-		data_to_c_simple_icons(../../../../release/datafiles/blender_icons32 SRC)
+		data_to_c_simple_icons(../../../../release/datafiles/blender_icons32 "icon32_" "${ICON_NAMES}" SRC)
 		#data_to_c_simple(../../../../release/datafiles/blender_icons32.png SRC)
@@ -130,4 +619,6 @@ if(WITH_BLENDER)
 	data_to_c_simple(../../../../release/datafiles/startup.blend SRC)
 blender_add_lib(bf_editor_datafiles "${SRC}" "${INC}" "${INC_SYS}")

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