[Bf-blender-cvs] [832f7a66484] blender2.8: Merge branch 'master' into blender2.8

Brecht Van Lommel noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Feb 9 21:07:44 CET 2018

Commit: 832f7a6648439b2b47121900d73aee6c2a710ec0
Author: Brecht Van Lommel
Date:   Fri Feb 9 20:36:37 2018 +0100
Branches: blender2.8

Merge branch 'master' into blender2.8



diff --cc source/blender/gpu/intern/gpu_material.c
index 2e6c1cbf9df,33eac16dadf..4efb8ca07b2
--- a/source/blender/gpu/intern/gpu_material.c
+++ b/source/blender/gpu/intern/gpu_material.c
@@@ -455,346 -490,6 +455,350 @@@ GPUMatType GPU_Material_get_type(GPUMat
  	return material->type;
 +GPUPass *GPU_material_get_pass(GPUMaterial *material)
 +	return material->pass;
 +GPUUniformBuffer *GPU_material_get_uniform_buffer(GPUMaterial *material)
 +	return material->ubo;
 + * Create dynamic UBO from parameters
 + * \param ListBase of BLI_genericNodeN(GPUInput)
 + */
 +void GPU_material_create_uniform_buffer(GPUMaterial *material, ListBase *inputs)
 +	material->ubo = GPU_uniformbuffer_dynamic_create(inputs, NULL);
 +void GPU_material_uniform_buffer_tag_dirty(ListBase *gpumaterials)
 +	for (LinkData *link = gpumaterials->first; link; link = link->next) {
 +		GPUMaterial *material = link->data;
 +		if (material->ubo != NULL) {
 +			GPU_uniformbuffer_tag_dirty(material->ubo);
 +		}
 +		if (material->sss_profile != NULL) {
 +			material->sss_dirty = true;
 +		}
 +	}
 +/* Eevee Subsurface scattering. */
 +/* Based on Separable SSS. by Jorge Jimenez and Diego Gutierrez */
 +#define SSS_SAMPLES 65
 +#define SSS_EXPONENT 2.0f /* Importance sampling exponent */
 +typedef struct GPUSssKernelData {
 +	float kernel[SSS_SAMPLES][4];
 +	float param[3], max_radius;
 +	int samples;
 +} GPUSssKernelData;
 +static void sss_calculate_offsets(GPUSssKernelData *kd, int count, float exponent)
 +	float step = 2.0f / (float)(count - 1);
 +	for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 +		float o = ((float)i) * step - 1.0f;
 +		float sign = (o < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
 +		float ofs = sign * fabsf(powf(o, exponent));
 +		kd->kernel[i][3] = ofs;
 +	}
 +#define GAUSS_TRUNCATE 12.46f
 +static float gaussian_profile(float r, float radius)
 +	const float v = radius * radius * (0.25f * 0.25f);
 +	const float Rm = sqrtf(v * GAUSS_TRUNCATE);
 +	if (r >= Rm) {
 +		return 0.0f;
 +	}
 +	return expf(-r * r / (2.0f * v)) / (2.0f * M_PI * v);
 +#define BURLEY_TRUNCATE     16.0f
 +#define BURLEY_TRUNCATE_CDF 0.9963790093708328f // cdf(BURLEY_TRUNCATE)
 +static float burley_profile(float r, float d)
 +	float exp_r_3_d = expf(-r / (3.0f * d));
 +	float exp_r_d = exp_r_3_d * exp_r_3_d * exp_r_3_d;
 +	return (exp_r_d + exp_r_3_d) / (4.0f * d);
 +static float cubic_profile(float r, float radius, float sharpness)
 +	float Rm = radius * (1.0f + sharpness);
 +	if (r >= Rm) {
 +		return 0.0f;
 +	}
 +	/* custom variation with extra sharpness, to match the previous code */
 +	const float y = 1.0f / (1.0f + sharpness);
 +	float Rmy, ry, ryinv;
 +	Rmy = powf(Rm, y);
 +	ry = powf(r, y);
 +	ryinv = (r > 0.0f) ? powf(r, y - 1.0f) : 0.0f;
 +	const float Rmy5 = (Rmy * Rmy) * (Rmy * Rmy) * Rmy;
 +	const float f = Rmy - ry;
 +	const float num = f * (f * f) * (y * ryinv);
 +	return (10.0f * num) / (Rmy5 * M_PI);
 +static float eval_profile(float r, short falloff_type, float sharpness, float param)
 +	r = fabsf(r);
- 	if (falloff_type == SHD_SUBSURFACE_BURLEY) {
++	if (falloff_type == SHD_SUBSURFACE_BURLEY ||
++	    falloff_type == SHD_SUBSURFACE_RANDOM_WALK)
++	{
 +		return burley_profile(r, param) / BURLEY_TRUNCATE_CDF;
 +	}
 +	else if (falloff_type == SHD_SUBSURFACE_CUBIC) {
 +		return cubic_profile(r, param, sharpness);
 +	}
 +	else {
 +		return gaussian_profile(r, param);
 +	}
 +/* Resolution for each sample of the precomputed kernel profile */
 +static float eval_integral(float x0, float x1, short falloff_type, float sharpness, float param)
 +	const float range = x1 - x0;
 +	const float step = range / INTEGRAL_RESOLUTION;
 +	float integral = 0.0f;
 +	for (int i = 0; i < INTEGRAL_RESOLUTION; ++i) {
 +		float x = x0 + range * ((float)i + 0.5f) / (float)INTEGRAL_RESOLUTION;
 +		float y = eval_profile(x, falloff_type, sharpness, param);
 +		integral += y * step;
 +	}
 +	return integral;
 +static void compute_sss_kernel(
 +        GPUSssKernelData *kd, float *radii, int sample_ct, int falloff_type, float sharpness)
 +	float rad[3];
 +	/* Minimum radius */
 +	rad[0] = MAX2(radii[0], 1e-15f);
 +	rad[1] = MAX2(radii[1], 1e-15f);
 +	rad[2] = MAX2(radii[2], 1e-15f);
 +	/* Christensen-Burley fitting */
 +	float l[3], d[3];
- 	if (falloff_type == SHD_SUBSURFACE_BURLEY) {
++	if (falloff_type == SHD_SUBSURFACE_BURLEY ||
++	    falloff_type == SHD_SUBSURFACE_RANDOM_WALK)
++	{
 +		mul_v3_v3fl(l, rad, 0.25f * M_1_PI);
 +		const float A = 1.0f;
 +		const float s = 1.9f - A + 3.5f * (A - 0.8f) * (A - 0.8f);
 +		/* XXX 0.6f Out of nowhere to match cycles! Empirical! Can be tweak better. */
 +		mul_v3_v3fl(d, l, 0.6f / s);
 +		mul_v3_v3fl(rad, d, BURLEY_TRUNCATE);
 +		kd->max_radius = MAX3(rad[0], rad[1], rad[2]);
 +		copy_v3_v3(kd->param, d);
 +	}
 +	else if (falloff_type == SHD_SUBSURFACE_CUBIC) {
 +		copy_v3_v3(kd->param, rad);
 +		mul_v3_fl(rad, 1.0f + sharpness);
 +		kd->max_radius = MAX3(rad[0], rad[1], rad[2]);
 +	}
 +	else {
 +		kd->max_radius = MAX3(rad[0], rad[1], rad[2]);
 +		copy_v3_v3(kd->param, rad);
 +	}
 +	/* Compute samples locations on the 1d kernel [-1..1] */
 +	sss_calculate_offsets(kd, sample_ct, SSS_EXPONENT);
 +	/* Weights sum for normalization */
 +	float sum[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
 +	/* Compute integral of each sample footprint */
 +	for (int i = 0; i < sample_ct; i++) {
 +		float x0, x1;
 +		if (i == 0) {
 +			x0 = kd->kernel[0][3] - fabsf(kd->kernel[0][3] - kd->kernel[1][3]) / 2.0f;
 +		}
 +		else {
 +			x0 = (kd->kernel[i - 1][3] + kd->kernel[i][3]) / 2.0f;
 +		}
 +		if (i == sample_ct - 1) {
 +			x1 = kd->kernel[sample_ct - 1][3] + fabsf(kd->kernel[sample_ct - 2][3] - kd->kernel[sample_ct - 1][3]) / 2.0f;
 +		}
 +		else {
 +			x1 = (kd->kernel[i][3] + kd->kernel[i + 1][3]) / 2.0f;
 +		}
 +		x0 *= kd->max_radius;
 +		x1 *= kd->max_radius;
 +		kd->kernel[i][0] = eval_integral(x0, x1, falloff_type, sharpness, kd->param[0]);
 +		kd->kernel[i][1] = eval_integral(x0, x1, falloff_type, sharpness, kd->param[1]);
 +		kd->kernel[i][2] = eval_integral(x0, x1, falloff_type, sharpness, kd->param[2]);
 +		sum[0] += kd->kernel[i][0];
 +		sum[1] += kd->kernel[i][1];
 +		sum[2] += kd->kernel[i][2];
 +	}
 +	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
 +		if (sum[i] > 0.0f) {
 +			/* Normalize */
 +			for (int j = 0; j < sample_ct; j++) {
 +				kd->kernel[j][i] /= sum[i];
 +			}
 +		}
 +		else {
 +			/* Avoid 0 kernel sum. */
 +			kd->kernel[sample_ct / 2][i] = 1.0f;
 +		}
 +	}
 +	/* Put center sample at the start of the array (to sample first) */
 +	float tmpv[4];
 +	copy_v4_v4(tmpv, kd->kernel[sample_ct / 2]);
 +	for (int i = sample_ct / 2; i > 0; i--) {
 +		copy_v4_v4(kd->kernel[i], kd->kernel[i - 1]);
 +	}
 +	copy_v4_v4(kd->kernel[0], tmpv);
 +	kd->samples = sample_ct;
 +static void compute_sss_translucence_kernel(
 +        const GPUSssKernelData *kd, int resolution, short falloff_type, float sharpness, float **output)
 +	float (*texels)[4];
 +	texels = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * 4 * resolution, "compute_sss_translucence_kernel");
 +	*output = (float *)texels;
 +	/* Last texel should be black, hence the - 1. */
 +	for (int i = 0; i < resolution - 1; ++i) {
 +		/* Distance from surface. */
 +		float d = kd->max_radius * ((float)i + 0.00001f) / ((float)resolution);
 +		/* For each distance d we compute the radiance incomming from an hypothetic parallel plane. */
 +		/* Compute radius of the footprint on the hypothetic plane */
 +		float r_fp = sqrtf(kd->max_radius * kd->max_radius - d * d);
 +		float r_step = r_fp / INTEGRAL_RESOLUTION;
 +		float area_accum = 0.0f;
 +		for (float r = 0.0f; r < r_fp; r += r_step) {
 +			/* Compute distance to the "shading" point through the medium. */
 +			/* r_step * 0.5f to put sample between the area borders */
 +			float dist = hypotf(r + r_step * 0.5f, d);
 +			float profile[3];
 +			profile[0] = eval_profile(dist, falloff_type, sharpness, kd->param[0]);
 +			profile[1] = eval_profile(dist, falloff_type, sharpness, kd->param[1]);
 +			profile[2] = eval_profile(dist, falloff_type, sharpness, kd->param[2]);
 +			/* Since the profile and configuration are radially symetrical we
 +			 * can just evaluate it once and weight it accordingly */
 +			float r_next = r + r_step;
 +			float disk_area = (M_PI * r_next * r_next) - (M_PI * r * r);
 +			mul_v3_fl(profile, disk_area);
 +			add_v3_v3(texels[i], profile);
 +			area_accum += disk_area;
 +		}
 +		/* Normalize over the disk. */
 +		mul_v3_fl(texels[i], 1.0f / (area_accum));
 +	}
 +	/* Normalize */
 +	for (int j = resolution - 2; j > 0; j--) {
 +		texels[j][0] /= (texels[0][0] > 0.0f) ? texels[0][0] : 1.0f;
 +		texels[j][1] /= (texels[0][1] > 0.0f) ? texels[0][1] : 1.0f;
 +		texels[j][2] /= (texels[0][2] > 0.0f) ? texels[0][2] : 1.0f;
 +	}
 +	/* First texel should be white */
 +	texels[0][0] = (texels[0][0] > 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
 +	texels[0][1] = (texels[0][1] > 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
 +	texels[0][2] = (texels[0][2] > 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
 +	/* dim the last few texels for smoother transition */
 +	mul_v3_fl(texels[resolution - 2], 0.25f);
 +	mul_v3_fl(texels[resolution - 3], 0.5f);
 +	mul_v3_fl(texels[resolution - 4], 0.75f);
 +void GPU_material_sss_profile_create(GPUMaterial *material, float *radii, short *falloff_type, float *sharpness)
 +	material->sss_radii = radii;
 +	material->sss_falloff = falloff_type;
 +	material->sss_sharpness = sharpness;
 +	material->sss_dirty = true;
 +	/* Update / Create UBO */
 +	if (material->sss_profile == NULL) {
 +		material->sss_profile = GPU_uniformbuffer_create(sizeof(GPUSssKernelData), NULL, NULL);
 +	}
 +struct GPUUniformBuffer *GPU_material_sss_profile_get(GPUMaterial *material, int sample_ct, GPUTexture **tex_profile)
 +	if (material->sss_radii == NULL)
 +		return NULL;
 +	if (material->sss_dirty || (material->sss_samples != sample_ct)) {
 +		GPUSssKernelData kd;
 +		float sharpness = (material->sss_sharpness != NULL) ? *materi

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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