[Bf-blender-cvs] [44f04b5f534] blender2.8: Draw Manager: Remove unused function

mano-wii noreply at git.blender.org
Mon Aug 27 17:10:47 CEST 2018

Commit: 44f04b5f534db0ed63608dd90035a4aa5d997d4a
Author: mano-wii
Date:   Mon Aug 27 11:59:57 2018 -0300
Branches: blender2.8

Draw Manager: Remove unused function

Signed-off-by: fclem


M	source/blender/draw/intern/draw_view.c
M	source/blender/draw/intern/draw_view.h


diff --git a/source/blender/draw/intern/draw_view.c b/source/blender/draw/intern/draw_view.c
index 95835a691a3..31a79bcda94 100644
--- a/source/blender/draw/intern/draw_view.c
+++ b/source/blender/draw/intern/draw_view.c
@@ -77,486 +77,6 @@ void DRW_draw_region_info(void)
-/* ************************* Grid ************************** */
-static void gridline_range(double x0, double dx, double max, int *r_first, int *r_len)
-	/* determine range of gridlines that appear in this Area -- similar calc but separate ranges for x & y
-	 * x0 is gridline 0, the axis in screen space
-	 * Area covers [0 .. max) pixels */
-	int first = (int)ceil(-x0 / dx);
-	int last = (int)floor((max - x0) / dx);
-	if (first <= last) {
-		*r_first = first;
-		*r_len = last - first + 1;
-	}
-	else {
-		*r_first = 0;
-		*r_len = 0;
-	}
-static int gridline_count(ARegion *ar, double x0, double y0, double dx)
-	/* x0 & y0 establish the "phase" of the grid within this 2D region
-	 * dx is the frequency, shared by x & y directions
-	 * pass in dx of smallest (highest precision) grid we want to draw */
-	int first, x_len, y_len;
-	gridline_range(x0, dx, ar->winx, &first, &x_len);
-	gridline_range(y0, dx, ar->winy, &first, &y_len);
-	int total_len = x_len + y_len;
-	return total_len;
-static bool drawgrid_draw(
-        ARegion *ar, double x0, double y0, double dx, int skip_mod,
-        uint pos, uint col, GLubyte col_value[3])
-	/* skip every skip_mod lines relative to each axis; they will be overlaid by another drawgrid_draw
-	 * always skip exact x0 & y0 axes; they will be drawn later in color
-	 *
-	 * set grid color once, just before the first line is drawn
-	 * it's harmless to set same color for every line, or every vertex
-	 * but if no lines are drawn, color must not be set! */
-	const float x_max = (float)ar->winx;
-	const float y_max = (float)ar->winy;
-	int first, ct;
-	int x_len = 0, y_len = 0; /* count of lines actually drawn */
-	int lines_skipped_for_next_unit = 0;
-	/* draw vertical lines */
-	gridline_range(x0, dx, x_max, &first, &ct);
-	for (int i = first; i < first + ct; ++i) {
-		if (i == 0)
-			continue;
-		else if (skip_mod && (i % skip_mod) == 0) {
-			++lines_skipped_for_next_unit;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (x_len == 0)
-			immAttrib3ub(col, col_value[0], col_value[1], col_value[2]);
-		float x = (float)(x0 + i * dx);
-		immVertex2f(pos, x, 0.0f);
-		immVertex2f(pos, x, y_max);
-		++x_len;
-	}
-	/* draw horizontal lines */
-	gridline_range(y0, dx, y_max, &first, &ct);
-	for (int i = first; i < first + ct; ++i) {
-		if (i == 0)
-			continue;
-		else if (skip_mod && (i % skip_mod) == 0) {
-			++lines_skipped_for_next_unit;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (x_len + y_len == 0)
-			immAttrib3ub(col, col_value[0], col_value[1], col_value[2]);
-		float y = (float)(y0 + i * dx);
-		immVertex2f(pos, 0.0f, y);
-		immVertex2f(pos, x_max, y);
-		++y_len;
-	}
-	return lines_skipped_for_next_unit > 0;
-#define GRID_MIN_PX_D 6.0
-#define GRID_MIN_PX_F 6.0f
-static void drawgrid(UnitSettings *unit, ARegion *ar, View3D *v3d, const char **grid_unit)
-	RegionView3D *rv3d = ar->regiondata;
-	double fx = rv3d->persmat[3][0];
-	double fy = rv3d->persmat[3][1];
-	double fw = rv3d->persmat[3][3];
-	const double wx = 0.5 * ar->winx;  /* use double precision to avoid rounding errors */
-	const double wy = 0.5 * ar->winy;
-	double x = wx * fx / fw;
-	double y = wy * fy / fw;
-	double vec4[4] = { v3d->grid, v3d->grid, 0.0, 1.0 };
-	mul_m4_v4d(rv3d->persmat, vec4);
-	fx = vec4[0];
-	fy = vec4[1];
-	fw = vec4[3];
-	double dx = fabs(x - wx * fx / fw);
-	if (dx == 0) dx = fabs(y - wy * fy / fw);
-	x += wx;
-	y += wy;
-	/* now x, y, and dx have their final values
-	 * (x,y) is the world origin (0,0,0) mapped to Area-relative screen space
-	 * dx is the distance in pixels between grid lines -- same for horiz or vert grid lines */
-	glLineWidth(1.0f);
-#if 0 /* TODO: write to UI/widget depth buffer, not scene depth */
-	glDepthMask(GL_FALSE);  /* disable write in zbuffer */
-	GPUVertFormat *format = immVertexFormat();
-	uint pos = GPU_vertformat_attr_add(format, "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT);
-	uint color = GPU_vertformat_attr_add(format, "color", GPU_COMP_U8, 3, GPU_FETCH_INT_TO_FLOAT_UNIT);
-	immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_2D_FLAT_COLOR);
-	uchar col[3], col2[3];
-	UI_GetThemeColor3ubv(TH_GRID, col);
-	if (unit->system) {
-		const void *usys;
-		int len;
-		bUnit_GetSystem(unit->system, B_UNIT_LENGTH, &usys, &len);
-		bool first = true;
-		if (usys) {
-			int i = len;
-			while (i--) {
-				double scalar = bUnit_GetScaler(usys, i);
-				double dx_scalar = dx * scalar / (double)unit->scale_length;
-				if (dx_scalar < (GRID_MIN_PX_D * 2.0)) {
-					/* very very small grid items are less useful when dealing with units */
-					continue;
-				}
-				if (first) {
-					first = false;
-					/* Store the smallest drawn grid size units name so users know how big each grid cell is */
-					*grid_unit = bUnit_GetNameDisplay(usys, i);
-					rv3d->gridview = (float)((scalar * (double)v3d->grid) / (double)unit->scale_length);
-					int gridline_len = gridline_count(ar, x, y, dx_scalar);
-					if (gridline_len == 0)
-						goto drawgrid_cleanup; /* nothing to draw */
-					immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINES, gridline_len * 2);
-				}
-				float blend_fac = 1.0f - ((GRID_MIN_PX_F * 2.0f) / (float)dx_scalar);
-				/* tweak to have the fade a bit nicer */
-				blend_fac = (blend_fac * blend_fac) * 2.0f;
-				CLAMP(blend_fac, 0.3f, 1.0f);
-				UI_GetThemeColorBlend3ubv(TH_HIGH_GRAD, TH_GRID, blend_fac, col2);
-				const int skip_mod = (i == 0) ? 0 : (int)round(bUnit_GetScaler(usys, i - 1) / scalar);
-				if (!drawgrid_draw(ar, x, y, dx_scalar, skip_mod, pos, color, col2))
-					break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		const double sublines = v3d->gridsubdiv;
-		const float  sublines_fl = v3d->gridsubdiv;
-		int grids_to_draw = 2; /* first the faint fine grid, then the bold coarse grid */
-		if (dx < GRID_MIN_PX_D) {
-			rv3d->gridview *= sublines_fl;
-			dx *= sublines;
-			if (dx < GRID_MIN_PX_D) {
-				rv3d->gridview *= sublines_fl;
-				dx *= sublines;
-				if (dx < GRID_MIN_PX_D) {
-					rv3d->gridview *= sublines_fl;
-					dx *= sublines;
-					grids_to_draw = (dx < GRID_MIN_PX_D) ? 0 : 1;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			if (dx > (GRID_MIN_PX_D * 10.0)) {  /* start blending in */
-				rv3d->gridview /= sublines_fl;
-				dx /= sublines;
-				if (dx > (GRID_MIN_PX_D * 10.0)) {  /* start blending in */
-					rv3d->gridview /= sublines_fl;
-					dx /= sublines;
-					if (dx > (GRID_MIN_PX_D * 10.0)) {
-						grids_to_draw = 1;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		int gridline_len = gridline_count(ar, x, y, dx);
-		if (gridline_len == 0)
-			goto drawgrid_cleanup; /* nothing to draw */
-		immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINES, gridline_len * 2);
-		if (grids_to_draw == 2) {
-			UI_GetThemeColorBlend3ubv(TH_HIGH_GRAD, TH_GRID, dx / (GRID_MIN_PX_D * 6.0), col2);
-			if (drawgrid_draw(ar, x, y, dx, v3d->gridsubdiv, pos, color, col2)) {
-				drawgrid_draw(ar, x, y, dx * sublines, 0, pos, color, col);
-			}
-		}
-		else if (grids_to_draw == 1) {
-			drawgrid_draw(ar, x, y, dx, 0, pos, color, col);
-		}
-	}
-	/* draw visible axes */
-	/* horizontal line */
-	if (0 <= y && y < ar->winy) {
-		UI_make_axis_color(col, col2, ELEM(rv3d->view, RV3D_VIEW_RIGHT, RV3D_VIEW_LEFT) ? 'Y' : 'X');
-		immAttrib3ub(color, col2[0], col2[1], col2[2]);
-		immVertex2f(pos, 0.0f, y);
-		immVertex2f(pos, (float)ar->winx, y);
-	}
-	/* vertical line */
-	if (0 <= x && x < ar->winx) {
-		UI_make_axis_color(col, col2, ELEM(rv3d->view, RV3D_VIEW_TOP, RV3D_VIEW_BOTTOM) ? 'Y' : 'Z');
-		immAttrib3ub(color, col2[0], col2[1], col2[2]);
-		immVertex2f(pos, x, 0.0f);
-		immVertex2f(pos, x, (float)ar->winy);
-	}
-	immEnd();
-	immUnbindProgram();
-#if 0 /* depth write is left enabled above */
-	glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);  /* enable write in zbuffer */
-#undef DEBUG_GRID
-#undef GRID_MIN_PX_D
-#undef GRID_MIN_PX_F
-static void drawfloor(Scene *scene, View3D *v3d, const char **grid_unit)
-	/* draw only if there is something to draw */
-	if (v3d->gridflag & (V3D_SHOW_FLOOR | V3D_SHOW_X | V3D_SHOW_Y | V3D_SHOW_Z)) {
-		/* draw how many lines?
-		 * trunc(v3d->gridlines / 2) * 4
-		 * + 2 for xy axes (possibly with special colors)
-		 * + 1 for z axis (the only line not in xy plane)
-		 * even v3d->gridlines are honored, odd rounded down */
-		const int gridlines = v3d->gridlines / 2;
-		const float grid_scale = ED_view3d_grid_scale(scene, v3d, grid_unit);
-		const float grid = gridlines * grid_scale;
-		const bool show_floor = (v3d->gridflag & V3D_SHOW_FLOOR) && gridlines >= 1;
-		bool show_axis_x = (v3d->gridflag & V3D_SHOW_X) != 0;
-		bool show_axis_y = (v3d->gridflag & V3D_SHOW_Y) != 0;
-		bool show_axis_z = (v3d->gridflag & V3D_SHOW_Z) != 0;
-		uchar col_grid[3], col_axis[3];
-		glLineWidth(1.0f);
-		UI_GetThemeColor3ubv(TH_GRID, col_grid);
-		if (show_floor) {
-			const uint vertex_len = 2 * (gridlines * 4 + 2);
-			const int sublines = v3d->gridsubdiv;
-			uchar col_bg[3], col_grid_emphasise[3], col_grid_light[3];
-			GPUVertFormat *format = immVertexFormat();
-			uint pos = GPU_vertformat_attr_add(format, "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT);
-			uint color = GPU_vertformat_attr_add(format, "color", GPU_COMP_U8, 3, GPU_FETCH_INT_TO_FLOAT_UNIT);
-			immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_3D_FLAT_COLOR);
-			immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINES, vertex_len);
-			/* draw normal grid lines */
-			UI_GetColorPtrShade3ubv(col_grid, col_grid_light, 10);
-			for (int a = 1; a <= gridlines; a++) {
-				/* skip emphasised divider lines */
-				if (a % sublines != 0) {
-					const float line = a * grid_scale;
-					immAttrib3ubv(color, col_grid_light);
-					immVertex2f(pos, -grid, -line);
-					immVertex2f(pos, +grid, -line);
-					immVertex2f(pos, -grid, +line);
-					immVertex2f(pos, +grid, +line);
-					immVertex2f(pos, -line, -grid);
-					immVertex2f(pos, -line, +grid);
-					immVertex2f(pos, +line, -grid);
-					immVertex2f(pos, +line, +grid);
-				}
-			}
-			/* draw emphasised grid l

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