[Bf-blender-cvs] [c0a7082fb97] fluid-mantaflow: improved setObstacleVelocity() function

Sebastián Barschkis noreply at git.blender.org
Sat May 27 22:54:07 CEST 2017

Commit: c0a7082fb97ce0f1292238dfb7838fcfebefabfc
Author: Sebastián Barschkis
Date:   Wed May 24 22:31:57 2017 +0200
Branches: fluid-mantaflow

improved setObstacleVelocity() function

now checking if obvel present before interpolating. also added some sanity checks


M	intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/gitinfo.h
M	intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/plugin/extforces.cpp
M	intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/tbb/gitinfo.h
M	intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/tbb/plugin/extforces.cpp
M	intern/mantaflow/intern/strings/liquid_script.h
M	intern/mantaflow/intern/strings/smoke_script.h


diff --git a/intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/gitinfo.h b/intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/gitinfo.h
index 54fad6dcbc6..eebc85605d8 100644
--- a/intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/gitinfo.h
+++ b/intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/gitinfo.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#define MANTA_GIT_VERSION "commit c4966b1a3585ab866bbdff3e961f09052a3c5025" 
+#define MANTA_GIT_VERSION "commit f861be0512e18a6b588b666c2b710304f9321c8d" 
diff --git a/intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/plugin/extforces.cpp b/intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/plugin/extforces.cpp
index 11c727427e1..2cc1a02da7d 100644
--- a/intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/plugin/extforces.cpp
+++ b/intern/mantaflow/intern/manta_pp/omp/plugin/extforces.cpp
@@ -370,26 +370,47 @@ void setWallBcs(FlagGrid& flags, MACGrid& vel, MACGrid* fractions = 0, Grid<Real
 } static PyObject* _W_5 (PyObject* _self, PyObject* _linargs, PyObject* _kwds) { try { PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds); FluidSolver *parent = _args.obtainParent(); bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0); pbPreparePlugin(parent, "setWallBcs" , !noTiming ); PyObject *_retval = 0; { ArgLocker _lock; FlagGrid& flags = *_args.getPtr<FlagGrid >("flags",0,&_lock); MACGrid& vel = *_args.getPtr<MACGrid >("vel",1,&_lock); MACGrid* fractions = _args.getPtrOpt<MACGrid >("fractions",2,0, [...]
-//! add obstacle velocity between obs/obs, obs/fl and/or obs,em cells. expects centered obsvels, sets staggered vels
+//! add obstacle velocity between obs/obs, obs/fl and/or obs,em cells. expects centered obvels, sets staggered vels
- struct KnSetObstacleVelocity : public KernelBase { KnSetObstacleVelocity(FlagGrid& flags, MACGrid& vel, Grid<Vec3>& obsvel, int boundaryWidth, int borderWidth) :  KernelBase(&flags,boundaryWidth) ,flags(flags),vel(vel),obsvel(obsvel),boundaryWidth(boundaryWidth),borderWidth(borderWidth)   { runMessage(); run(); }  inline void op(int i, int j, int k, FlagGrid& flags, MACGrid& vel, Grid<Vec3>& obsvel, int boundaryWidth, int borderWidth )  {
+ struct KnSetObstacleVelocity : public KernelBase { KnSetObstacleVelocity(FlagGrid& flags, MACGrid& vel, Grid<Vec3>& obvel, int boundaryWidth, int borderWidth) :  KernelBase(&flags,boundaryWidth) ,flags(flags),vel(vel),obvel(obvel),boundaryWidth(boundaryWidth),borderWidth(borderWidth)   { runMessage(); run(); }  inline void op(int i, int j, int k, FlagGrid& flags, MACGrid& vel, Grid<Vec3>& obvel, int boundaryWidth, int borderWidth )  {
 	bool curFluid = flags.isFluid(i,j,k);
 	bool curObs   = flags.isObstacle(i,j,k);
 	if (!curFluid && !curObs) return;
-	// Set vel for obstacles: getting centered vels and setting staggered
-	// Affects all cells inside obstacle. obsvels end exactly at obs/fl or obs/em border
-	if (flags.isObstacle(i-1,j,k) || (curObs && flags.isFluid(i-1,j,k)) || (curObs && flags.isEmpty(i-1,j,k)))
-		vel(i,j,k).x = 0.5*(obsvel(i-1,j,k).x + obsvel(i,j,k).x);
-	if (flags.isObstacle(i,j-1,k) || (curObs && flags.isFluid(i,j-1,k)) || (curObs && flags.isEmpty(i,j-1,k)))
-		vel(i,j,k).y = 0.5*(obsvel(i,j-1,k).y + obsvel(i,j,k).y);
-	if (vel.is3D() && (flags.isObstacle(i,j,k-1) || (curObs && flags.isFluid(i,j,k-1)) || (curObs && flags.isEmpty(i,j,k-1))))
-		vel(i,j,k).z = 0.5*(obsvel(i,j,k-1).z + obsvel(i,j,k).z);
+	// Set vel for obstacle cells: getting centered vels and setting staggered
+	// Affects all cells inside obstacle. obvels end exactly at obs/fl or obs/em border
+	if (flags.isObstacle(i-1,j,k) || (curObs && flags.isFluid(i-1,j,k)) || (curObs && flags.isEmpty(i-1,j,k))) {
+		// Sanity check: if neighbour cell has no velocity, then do not interpolate. Just use centered obvel of current cell
+		// Should not happen if obvels are present in all obstacle cell inside and some around obstacle
+		if (obvel(i-1,j,k).x == 0.)
+			vel(i,j,k).x = obvel(i,j,k).x;
+		else
+			vel(i,j,k).x = 0.5*(obvel(i-1,j,k).x + obvel(i,j,k).x);
+	}
+	if (flags.isObstacle(i,j-1,k) || (curObs && flags.isFluid(i,j-1,k)) || (curObs && flags.isEmpty(i,j-1,k))) {
+		if (obvel(i,j-1,k).y == 0.)
+			vel(i,j,k).y = obvel(i,j,k).y;
+		else
+			vel(i,j,k).y = 0.5*(obvel(i,j-1,k).y + obvel(i,j,k).y);
+	}
+	if (vel.is3D() && (flags.isObstacle(i,j,k-1) || (curObs && flags.isFluid(i,j,k-1)) || (curObs && flags.isEmpty(i,j,k-1)))) {
+		if (obvel(i,j,k-1).z == 0.)
+			vel(i,j,k).z = obvel(i,j,k).z;
+		else
+			vel(i,j,k).z = 0.5*(obvel(i,j,k-1).z + obvel(i,j,k).z);
+	}
 	// Optional border velocities outside of obstacle
-	if (!borderWidth) return;
+	if (borderWidth <= 0) return;
 	for (int d=1; d<1+borderWidth; ++d)
+		// Sanity check: do not check cells that dont exist
+		if (i-d<0 || i+d>=vel.getSizeX() || j-d<0 || j+d>=vel.getSizeY()) return;
+		if (vel.is3D() && (k-d<0 || k+d>=vel.getSizeZ())) return;
+		// Is the neighbour cell an obstacle and has obvel (i.e. is it a moving obstacle cell)?
 		bool rObs = flags.isObstacle(i+d,j,k); // right
 		bool lObs = flags.isObstacle(i-d,j,k); // left
 		bool uObs = flags.isObstacle(i,j+d,k); // up
@@ -409,28 +430,41 @@ void setWallBcs(FlagGrid& flags, MACGrid& vel, MACGrid* fractions = 0, Grid<Real
 		if (rObs || lObs || uObs || dObs || tObs || bObs
 			|| rupObs || rdtObs || lupObs || ldtObs || rubObs || rdbObs || lubObs || ldbObs) {
-			vel(i,j,k).x = 0.5*(obsvel(i-1,j,k).x + obsvel(i,j,k).x);
-			vel(i,j,k).y = 0.5*(obsvel(i,j-1,k).y + obsvel(i,j,k).y);
-			if (vel.is3D()) {
-			vel(i,j,k).z = 0.5*(obsvel(i,j,k-1).z + obsvel(i,j,k).z); }
+			// Sanity check: if neighbour cell has no obvel, then do not interpolate. Just use centered obvel of current cell
+			// Should not happen if obvels were extrapolated outside of obstacle beforehand
+			if (obvel(i-1,j,k).x == 0.)
+				vel(i,j,k).x = obvel(i,j,k).x;
+			else
+				vel(i,j,k).x = 0.5*(obvel(i-1,j,k).x + obvel(i,j,k).x);
+			if (obvel(i,j-1,k).y == 0.)
+				vel(i,j,k).y = obvel(i,j,k).y;
+			else
+				vel(i,j,k).y = 0.5*(obvel(i,j-1,k).y + obvel(i,j,k).y);
+			if (vel.is3D() && obvel(i,j,k-1).z == 0.)
+				vel(i,j,k).z = obvel(i,j,k).z;
+			else
+				vel(i,j,k).z = 0.5*(obvel(i,j,k-1).z + obvel(i,j,k).z);
-}   inline FlagGrid& getArg0() { return flags; } typedef FlagGrid type0;inline MACGrid& getArg1() { return vel; } typedef MACGrid type1;inline Grid<Vec3>& getArg2() { return obsvel; } typedef Grid<Vec3> type2;inline int& getArg3() { return boundaryWidth; } typedef int type3;inline int& getArg4() { return borderWidth; } typedef int type4; void runMessage() { debMsg("Executing kernel KnSetObstacleVelocity ", 3); debMsg("Kernel range" <<  " x "<<  maxX  << " y "<< maxY  << " z "<< minZ<<" - [...]
+}   inline FlagGrid& getArg0() { return flags; } typedef FlagGrid type0;inline MACGrid& getArg1() { return vel; } typedef MACGrid type1;inline Grid<Vec3>& getArg2() { return obvel; } typedef Grid<Vec3> type2;inline int& getArg3() { return boundaryWidth; } typedef int type3;inline int& getArg4() { return borderWidth; } typedef int type4; void runMessage() { debMsg("Executing kernel KnSetObstacleVelocity ", 3); debMsg("Kernel range" <<  " x "<<  maxX  << " y "<< maxY  << " z "<< minZ<<" -  [...]
 #pragma omp parallel 
 #pragma omp for  
-  for (int k=minZ; k < maxZ; k++) for (int j=boundaryWidth; j < _maxY; j++) for (int i=boundaryWidth; i < _maxX; i++) op(i,j,k,flags,vel,obsvel,boundaryWidth,borderWidth);  } } else { const int k=0; 
+  for (int k=minZ; k < maxZ; k++) for (int j=boundaryWidth; j < _maxY; j++) for (int i=boundaryWidth; i < _maxX; i++) op(i,j,k,flags,vel,obvel,boundaryWidth,borderWidth);  } } else { const int k=0; 
 #pragma omp parallel 
 #pragma omp for  
-  for (int j=boundaryWidth; j < _maxY; j++) for (int i=boundaryWidth; i < _maxX; i++) op(i,j,k,flags,vel,obsvel,boundaryWidth,borderWidth);  } }  } FlagGrid& flags; MACGrid& vel; Grid<Vec3>& obsvel; int boundaryWidth; int borderWidth;   };
+  for (int j=boundaryWidth; j < _maxY; j++) for (int i=boundaryWidth; i < _maxX; i++) op(i,j,k,flags,vel,obvel,boundaryWidth,borderWidth);  } }  } FlagGrid& flags; MACGrid& vel; Grid<Vec3>& obvel; int boundaryWidth; int borderWidth;   };
 #line 297 "plugin/extforces.cpp"
-void setObstacleVelocity(FlagGrid& flags, MACGrid& vel, Grid<Vec3>& obsvel, int boundaryWidth=1, int borderWidth=0) {
-	KnSetObstacleVelocity(flags, vel, obsvel, boundaryWidth, borderWidth);
-} static PyObject* _W_6 (PyObject* _self, PyObject* _linargs, PyObject* _kwds) { try { PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds); FluidSolver *parent = _args.obtainParent(); bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0); pbPreparePlugin(parent, "setObstacleVelocity" , !noTiming ); PyObject *_retval = 0; { ArgLocker _lock; FlagGrid& flags = *_args.getPtr<FlagGrid >("flags",0,&_lock); MACGrid& vel = *_args.getPtr<MACGrid >("vel",1,&_lock); Grid<Vec3>& obsvel = *_args.getPtr<Grid<Vec3> >("obsve [...]
+void setObstacleVelocity(FlagGrid& flags, MACGrid& vel, Grid<Vec3>& obvel, int boundaryWidth=1, int bord

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