[Bf-blender-cvs] [08310996645] blender2.8: Eevee: Principled BSDF: add support for specular tint + optimisation

Clément Foucault noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Jun 30 14:00:02 CEST 2017

Commit: 08310996645f0afb5d1d6ecd4c6b41a2ab22cd89
Author: Clément Foucault
Date:   Fri Jun 30 14:12:25 2017 +0200
Branches: blender2.8

Eevee: Principled BSDF: add support for specular tint + optimisation

Only use clearcoat version if there is something linked or if the clearcoat value is not 0.


M	source/blender/gpu/shaders/gpu_shader_material.glsl
M	source/blender/nodes/shader/nodes/node_shader_bsdf_principled.c


diff --git a/source/blender/gpu/shaders/gpu_shader_material.glsl b/source/blender/gpu/shaders/gpu_shader_material.glsl
index 2633c2965b1..0c36d6ca618 100644
--- a/source/blender/gpu/shaders/gpu_shader_material.glsl
+++ b/source/blender/gpu/shaders/gpu_shader_material.glsl
@@ -2573,13 +2573,41 @@ vec3 rotate_vector(vec3 p, vec3 n, float theta) {
-void convert_metallic_to_specular(vec4 basecol, float metallic, float specular_fac, out vec4 diffuse, out vec4 f0)
+void prepare_tangent(
+        float anisotropic, float anisotropic_rotation, float roughness, vec3 N, vec3 T,
+        out vec3 X, out vec3 Y, out float ax, out float ay)
-	vec4 dielectric = vec4(0.034) * specular_fac * 2.0;
-	diffuse = mix(basecol, vec4(0.0), metallic);
+	/* rotate tangent */
+	if (anisotropic_rotation != 0.0) {
+		T = rotate_vector(T, N, anisotropic_rotation * 2.0 * M_PI);
+	}
+	Y = normalize(cross(T, N));
+	float aspect = sqrt(1.0 - anisotropic * 0.9);
+	float a = sqr(roughness);
+	ax = max(0.001, a / aspect);
+	ay = max(0.001, a * aspect);
+void convert_metallic_to_specular(vec3 basecol, float metallic, float specular_fac, out vec3 diffuse, out vec3 f0)
+	vec3 dielectric = vec3(0.034) * specular_fac * 2.0;
+	diffuse = mix(basecol, vec3(0.0), metallic);
 	f0 = mix(dielectric, basecol, metallic);
+void convert_metallic_to_specular_tinted(
+        vec3 basecol, float metallic, float specular_fac, float specular_tint,
+        out vec3 diffuse, out vec3 f0)
+	vec3 dielectric = vec3(0.034) * specular_fac * 2.0;
+	float lum = dot(basecol, vec3(0.3, 0.6, 0.1)); /* luminance approx. */
+	vec3 tint = lum > 0 ? basecol / lum : vec3(1.0); /* normalize lum. to isolate hue+sat */
+	f0 = mix(dielectric * mix(vec3(1.0), tint, specular_tint), basecol, metallic);
+	diffuse = mix(basecol, vec3(0.0), metallic);
 /*********** NEW SHADER NODES ***************/
 #define NUM_LIGHTS 3
@@ -2656,50 +2684,10 @@ void node_bsdf_principled(vec4 base_color, float subsurface, vec3 subsurface_rad
 	float specular_tint, float roughness, float anisotropic, float anisotropic_rotation, float sheen, float sheen_tint, float clearcoat,
 	float clearcoat_roughness, float ior, float transmission, float transmission_roughness, vec3 N, vec3 CN, vec3 T, vec3 I, out vec4 result)
-	/* rotate tangent */
-	if (anisotropic_rotation != 0.0) {
-		T = rotate_vector(T, N, anisotropic_rotation * 2.0 * M_PI);
-	}
-	/* calculate the tangent and bitangent */
-	vec3 Y = T;
-	vec3 X = normalize(cross(Y, N));
-	float aspect = sqrt(1.0 - anisotropic * 0.9);
-	float a = sqr(roughness);
-	float ax = max(0.001, a / aspect);
-	float ay = max(0.001, a * aspect);
+	vec3 X, Y;
+	float ax, ay;
+	prepare_tangent(anisotropic, anisotropic_rotation, roughness, N, T, X, Y, ax, ay);
-	vec4 diffuse, f0;
-	convert_metallic_to_specular(base_color, metallic, specular, diffuse, f0);
-	/* Original value is 0.25 but this one seems to fit cycles better */
-	clearcoat *= 0.5;
-#if 0 /* Wait until temporal AA (aka. denoising) */
-	/* Distribute N in anisotropy direction. */
-	vec4 surface_color = vec4(0.0);
-	for (float i = 0.0; i < 5.0; ++i) {
-		vec4 rand = texture(utilTex, vec3((gl_FragCoord.xy + i) / LUT_SIZE, 2.0));
-		float tmp = sqrt( rand.x / (1.0 - rand.x) );
-		float x = (ax > ay ? ax : 0.0) * tmp * rand.z;
-		float y = (ay > ax ? ay : 0.0) * tmp * rand.w;
-		vec3 Ht = normalize(vec3(x, y, 1.0));
-		N = tangent_to_world(Ht, N, Y, X);
-		if (dot(N, cameraVec) > 0) {
-			surface_color.rgb += eevee_surface_clearcoat_lit(N, diffuse.rgb, f0.rgb, sqrt(min(ax, ay)), CN, clearcoat, clearcoat_roughness, 1.0);
-			surface_color.a += 1.0;
-		}
-	}
-	result = vec4(surface_color.rgb / surface_color.a, 1.0);
-	result = vec4(eevee_surface_clearcoat_lit(N, diffuse.rgb, f0.rgb, sqrt(min(ax, ay)), CN, clearcoat * 0.5, clearcoat_roughness, 1.0), 1.0);
 	/* ambient light */
 	// TODO: set ambient light to an appropriate value
 	vec3 L = vec3(mix(0.1, 0.03, metallic)) * base_color.rgb;
@@ -2786,6 +2774,64 @@ void node_bsdf_principled(vec4 base_color, float subsurface, vec3 subsurface_rad
 	result = vec4(L, 1.0);
+void node_bsdf_principled_simple(vec4 base_color, float subsurface, vec3 subsurface_radius, vec4 subsurface_color, float metallic, float specular,
+	float specular_tint, float roughness, float anisotropic, float anisotropic_rotation, float sheen, float sheen_tint, float clearcoat,
+	float clearcoat_roughness, float ior, float transmission, float transmission_roughness, vec3 N, vec3 CN, vec3 T, vec3 I, out vec4 result)
+	vec3 diffuse, f0;
+	convert_metallic_to_specular_tinted(base_color.rgb, metallic, specular, specular_tint, diffuse, f0);
+	result = vec4(eevee_surface_lit(N, diffuse, f0, roughness, 1.0), 1.0);
+	node_bsdf_principled(base_color, subsurface, subsurface_radius, subsurface_color, metallic, specular,
+		specular_tint, roughness, anisotropic, anisotropic_rotation, sheen, sheen_tint, clearcoat,
+		clearcoat_roughness, ior, transmission, transmission_roughness, N, CN, T, I, result);
+void node_bsdf_principled_clearcoat(vec4 base_color, float subsurface, vec3 subsurface_radius, vec4 subsurface_color, float metallic, float specular,
+	float specular_tint, float roughness, float anisotropic, float anisotropic_rotation, float sheen, float sheen_tint, float clearcoat,
+	float clearcoat_roughness, float ior, float transmission, float transmission_roughness, vec3 N, vec3 CN, vec3 T, vec3 I, out vec4 result)
+	vec3 diffuse, f0;
+	convert_metallic_to_specular_tinted(base_color.rgb, metallic, specular, specular_tint, diffuse, f0);
+	clearcoat *= 0.25;
+#if 0 /* Wait until temporal AA (aka. denoising) */
+	vec3 X, Y;
+	float ax, ay;
+	prepare_tangent(anisotropic, anisotropic_rotation, roughness, N, T, X, Y, ax, ay);
+	/* Distribute N in anisotropy direction. */
+	vec4 surface_color = vec4(0.0);
+	for (float i = 0.0; i < 5.0; ++i) {
+		vec4 rand = texture(utilTex, vec3((gl_FragCoord.xy + i) / LUT_SIZE, 2.0));
+		float tmp = sqrt( rand.x / (1.0 - rand.x) );
+		float x = (ax > ay ? ax : 0.0) * tmp * rand.z;
+		float y = (ay > ax ? ay : 0.0) * tmp * rand.w;
+		vec3 Ht = normalize(vec3(x, y, 1.0));
+		N = tangent_to_world(Ht, N, Y, X);
+		if (dot(N, cameraVec) > 0) {
+			surface_color.rgb += eevee_surface_clearcoat_lit(N, diffuse, f0, sqrt(min(ax, ay)), CN, clearcoat, clearcoat_roughness, 1.0);
+			surface_color.a += 1.0;
+		}
+	}
+	result = vec4(surface_color.rgb / surface_color.a, 1.0);
+	result = vec4(eevee_surface_clearcoat_lit(N, diffuse, f0, roughness, CN, clearcoat, clearcoat_roughness, 1.0), 1.0);
+	node_bsdf_principled(base_color, subsurface, subsurface_radius, subsurface_color, metallic, specular,
+		specular_tint, roughness, anisotropic, anisotropic_rotation, sheen, sheen_tint, clearcoat,
+		clearcoat_roughness, ior, transmission, transmission_roughness, N, CN, T, I, result);
@@ -3885,10 +3931,10 @@ void node_eevee_metallic(
         float clearcoat, float clearcoat_roughness, vec3 clearcoat_normal,
         float occlusion, out vec4 result)
-	vec4 diffuse, f0;
-	convert_metallic_to_specular(basecol, metallic, specular, diffuse, f0);
+	vec3 diffuse, f0;
+	convert_metallic_to_specular(basecol.rgb, metallic, specular, diffuse, f0);
-	result = vec4(eevee_surface_lit(normal, diffuse.rgb, f0.rgb, roughness, occlusion) + emissive.rgb, 1.0 - transp);
+	result = vec4(eevee_surface_lit(normal, diffuse, f0, roughness, occlusion) + emissive.rgb, 1.0 - transp);
 void node_eevee_specular(
diff --git a/source/blender/nodes/shader/nodes/node_shader_bsdf_principled.c b/source/blender/nodes/shader/nodes/node_shader_bsdf_principled.c
index c3940573a29..7e90397dc50 100644
--- a/source/blender/nodes/shader/nodes/node_shader_bsdf_principled.c
+++ b/source/blender/nodes/shader/nodes/node_shader_bsdf_principled.c
@@ -98,7 +98,13 @@ static int node_shader_gpu_bsdf_principled(GPUMaterial *mat, bNode *UNUSED(node)
-	return GPU_stack_link(mat, "node_bsdf_principled", in, out, GPU_builtin(GPU_VIEW_POSITION));
+	/* Only use complex versions when needed. */
+	if (!in[12].link && (in[12].vec[0] == 0.0f)) {
+		return GPU_stack_link(mat, "node_bsdf_principled_simple", in, out, GPU_builtin(GPU_VIEW_POSITION));
+	}
+	else {
+		return GPU_stack_link(mat, "node_bsdf_principled_clearcoat", in, out, GPU_builtin(GPU_VIEW_POSITION));
+	}
 static void node_shader_update_principled(bNodeTree *UNUSED(ntree), bNode *node)

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