[Bf-blender-cvs] [8cb741a598d] master: Fix T51836: Cycles: Fix incorrect PDF approximations of the MultiGGX closures

Lukas Stockner noreply at git.blender.org
Thu Jun 22 00:11:06 CEST 2017

Commit: 8cb741a598d6898328e0666c2cafddaaf9d830fd
Author: Lukas Stockner
Date:   Wed Jun 21 02:51:34 2017 +0200
Branches: master

Fix T51836: Cycles: Fix incorrect PDF approximations of the MultiGGX closures

The PDF of the MultiGGX sampling is approximated by the singlescattering GGX
term as well as a scaled diffuse term that makes up for the energy in the
multiscattering component that's missed by GGX.

However, there were two problems with the glossy terms: The diffuse term missed
a normalization factor, and the singlescattering term was not properly scaled
down based on the albedo estimate.

The glass term was completely wrong and has been rewritten. It uses the fresnel
factor to weight reflection vs. refraction and uses the glossy MultiGGX model
for reflection.
For refraction, the correct singlescattering term is now used, and a new
albedo approximation is used that was derived by evaluating GGX albedo for
roughnesses from 0 to 1 and IORs from 1 to 3 and fitting numerical
approximations to it. The resulting model has a mean relative error of 9e-5,
but could probably be simplified without losing noticable accuracy in the
final render.

The improved PDFs help with glossy highlights (due to better light sampling vs.
closure sampling MIS) and fix the situation described in T51836 where mixing
MultiGGX with other closures (as it happens in e.g. the Principled
BSDF) causes incorrect darkening.


M	intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_microfacet_multi.h


diff --git a/intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_microfacet_multi.h b/intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_microfacet_multi.h
index b07b515c405..165666d5368 100644
--- a/intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_microfacet_multi.h
+++ b/intern/cycles/kernel/closure/bsdf_microfacet_multi.h
@@ -245,35 +245,69 @@ ccl_device_forceinline float mf_ggx_albedo(float r)
 	return saturate(albedo);
+ccl_device_inline float mf_ggx_transmission_albedo(float a, float ior)
+	if(ior < 1.0f) {
+		ior = 1.0f/ior;
+	}
+	a = saturate(a);
+	ior = clamp(ior, 1.0f, 3.0f);
+	float I_1 = 0.0476898f*expf(-0.978352f*(ior-0.65657f)*(ior-0.65657f)) - 0.033756f*ior + 0.993261f;
+	float R_1 = (((0.116991f*a - 0.270369f)*a + 0.0501366f)*a - 0.00411511f)*a + 1.00008f;
+	float I_2 = (((-2.08704f*ior + 26.3298f)*ior - 127.906f)*ior + 292.958f)*ior - 287.946f + 199.803f/(ior*ior) - 101.668f/(ior*ior*ior);
+	float R_2 = ((((5.3725f*a -24.9307f)*a + 22.7437f)*a - 3.40751f)*a + 0.0986325f)*a + 0.00493504f;
+	return saturate(1.0f + I_2*R_2*0.0019127f - (1.0f - I_1)*(1.0f - R_1)*9.3205f);
 ccl_device_forceinline float mf_ggx_pdf(const float3 wi, const float3 wo, const float alpha)
 	float D = D_ggx(normalize(wi+wo), alpha);
 	float lambda = mf_lambda(wi, make_float2(alpha, alpha));
+	float singlescatter = 0.25f * D / max((1.0f + lambda) * wi.z, 1e-7f);
+	float multiscatter = wo.z * M_1_PI_F;
 	float albedo = mf_ggx_albedo(alpha);
-	return 0.25f * D / max((1.0f + lambda) * wi.z, 1e-7f) + (1.0f - albedo) * wo.z;
+	return albedo*singlescatter + (1.0f - albedo)*multiscatter;
 ccl_device_forceinline float mf_ggx_aniso_pdf(const float3 wi, const float3 wo, const float2 alpha)
-	return 0.25f * D_ggx_aniso(normalize(wi+wo), alpha) / ((1.0f + mf_lambda(wi, alpha)) * wi.z) + (1.0f - mf_ggx_albedo(sqrtf(alpha.x*alpha.y))) * wo.z;
+	float D = D_ggx_aniso(normalize(wi+wo), alpha);
+	float lambda = mf_lambda(wi, alpha);
+	float singlescatter = 0.25f * D / max((1.0f + lambda) * wi.z, 1e-7f);
+	float multiscatter = wo.z * M_1_PI_F;
+	float albedo = mf_ggx_albedo(sqrtf(alpha.x*alpha.y));
+	return albedo*singlescatter + (1.0f - albedo)*multiscatter;
 ccl_device_forceinline float mf_glass_pdf(const float3 wi, const float3 wo, const float alpha, const float eta)
-	float3 wh;
-	float fresnel;
-	if(wi.z*wo.z > 0.0f) {
-		wh = normalize(wi + wo);
-		fresnel = fresnel_dielectric_cos(dot(wi, wh), eta);
-	}
-	else {
-		wh = normalize(wi + wo*eta);
-		fresnel = 1.0f - fresnel_dielectric_cos(dot(wi, wh), eta);
-	}
+	bool reflective = (wi.z*wo.z > 0.0f);
+	float wh_len;
+	float3 wh = normalize_len(wi + (reflective? wo : (wo*eta)), &wh_len);
 	if(wh.z < 0.0f)
 		wh = -wh;
 	float3 r_wi = (wi.z < 0.0f)? -wi: wi;
-	return fresnel * max(0.0f, dot(r_wi, wh)) * D_ggx(wh, alpha) / ((1.0f + mf_lambda(r_wi, make_float2(alpha, alpha))) * r_wi.z) + fabsf(wo.z);
+	float lambda = mf_lambda(r_wi, make_float2(alpha, alpha));
+	float D = D_ggx(wh, alpha);
+	float fresnel = fresnel_dielectric_cos(dot(r_wi, wh), eta);
+	float multiscatter = fabsf(wo.z * M_1_PI_F);
+	if(reflective) {
+		float singlescatter = 0.25f * D / max((1.0f + lambda) * r_wi.z, 1e-7f);
+		float albedo = mf_ggx_albedo(alpha);
+		return fresnel * (albedo*singlescatter + (1.0f - albedo)*multiscatter);
+	}
+	else {
+		float singlescatter = fabsf(dot(r_wi, wh)*dot(wo, wh) * D * eta*eta / max((1.0f + lambda) * r_wi.z * wh_len*wh_len, 1e-7f));
+		float albedo = mf_ggx_transmission_albedo(alpha, eta);
+		return (1.0f - fresnel) * (albedo*singlescatter + (1.0f - albedo)*multiscatter);
+	}
 /* === Actual random walk implementations, one version of mf_eval and mf_sample per phase function. === */

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