[Bf-blender-cvs] [2fd55e1] id_override_static: Add first basic working auto-override.

Bastien Montagne noreply at git.blender.org
Mon Jan 2 22:13:28 CET 2017

Commit: 2fd55e1443c7e0dea32701608f755bec310f748e
Author: Bastien Montagne
Date:   Mon Jan 2 22:08:50 2017 +0100
Branches: id_override_static

Add first basic working auto-override.

Still called from pre-depsgraph eval step, does an RNA comparison and
generate overriding rules for changed props...

Note: we most certainly do not want to run this on all depsgraph eval.
Own current idea would be to just tag IDs e.g. in depsgraph callback,
and run actual auto-generation e.g. in a low-priority job, maybe? not
sure... :|

Also, fix stupid mistake in RNA applying of override (used when reading
file to apply static override), and add object's loc/rot/scale as
overridable properties.


M	source/blender/blenkernel/intern/library_override.c
M	source/blender/editors/object/object_relations.c
M	source/blender/makesrna/RNA_access.h
M	source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_access.c
M	source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_object.c


diff --git a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/library_override.c b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/library_override.c
index fed8b3f..0ce436f 100644
--- a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/library_override.c
+++ b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/library_override.c
@@ -178,7 +178,16 @@ bool BKE_override_operations_create(ID *local)
 	BLI_assert(local->override != NULL);
 	if (local->flag & LIB_AUTOOVERRIDE) {
-		printf("Should generate static override rules for %s\n", local->name);
+		PointerRNA rnaptr_local, rnaptr_reference;
+		RNA_id_pointer_create(local, &rnaptr_local);
+		RNA_id_pointer_create(local->override->reference, &rnaptr_reference);
+		if (RNA_struct_auto_override(&rnaptr_local, &rnaptr_reference, local->override)) {
+			printf("We did generate static override rules for %s\n", local->name);
+		}
+		else {
+			printf("No new static override rules for %s\n", local->name);
+		}
 	return false;
diff --git a/source/blender/editors/object/object_relations.c b/source/blender/editors/object/object_relations.c
index 070ef49..2082731 100644
--- a/source/blender/editors/object/object_relations.c
+++ b/source/blender/editors/object/object_relations.c
@@ -2366,15 +2366,15 @@ static int make_override_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
 	/* Note that we most likely want to do this in a more BKE generic function later, but for now will do for testing. */
 	id_copy(bmain, &refobj->id, (ID **)&locobj, false);
-	locobj->id.flag |= LIB_AUTOOVERRIDE;
 	/* Remapping *before* defining override (this will have to be fixed btw, remapping of ref pointer...). */
 	BKE_libblock_remap(bmain, refobj, locobj, ID_REMAP_SKIP_INDIRECT_USAGE);
 	IDOverride *override = BKE_override_init(&locobj->id, &refobj->id);
+	locobj->id.flag |= LIB_AUTOOVERRIDE;
 	/* For testing only of course! This will have to be auto-generated/editable by user... */
-	{
+	if (0) {
 		IDOverrideProperty *overp = MEM_callocN(sizeof(IDOverrideProperty), __func__);
 		overp->rna_path = BLI_strdup("location");
diff --git a/source/blender/makesrna/RNA_access.h b/source/blender/makesrna/RNA_access.h
index 8d0b667..9aa07ab 100644
--- a/source/blender/makesrna/RNA_access.h
+++ b/source/blender/makesrna/RNA_access.h
@@ -1225,6 +1225,8 @@ void RNA_property_override_apply(struct PointerRNA *dst,
         struct PointerRNA *src, struct PropertyRNA *prop, struct IDOverrideProperty *op);
 void RNA_struct_override_apply(struct PointerRNA *dst, struct PointerRNA *src, struct IDOverride *override);
+bool RNA_struct_auto_override(struct PointerRNA *local, struct PointerRNA *reference, struct IDOverride *override);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_access.c b/source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_access.c
index 5c6882c..61040f4 100644
--- a/source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_access.c
+++ b/source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_access.c
@@ -6826,7 +6826,7 @@ bool RNA_property_copy(PointerRNA *ptr, PointerRNA *fromptr, PropertyRNA *prop,
 					RNA_property_float_get_array(fromptr, fromprop, tmparray);
 					RNA_property_float_set_array(ptr, prop, tmparray);
 				else {
@@ -7158,11 +7158,91 @@ void RNA_struct_override_apply(PointerRNA *dst, PointerRNA *src, IDOverride *ove
 			BLI_assert(src_prop == dst_prop);
-			RNA_property_override_apply(&src_data, &dst_data, src_prop, op);
+			RNA_property_override_apply(&dst_data, &src_data, src_prop, op);
+/** Automatically define override rules by comparing \a local and \a reference RNA structs. */
+bool RNA_struct_auto_override(PointerRNA *local, PointerRNA *reference, IDOverride *override)
+	CollectionPropertyIterator iter;
+	PropertyRNA *iterprop;
+	bool changed = false;
+	BLI_assert(local->type == reference->type);
+	BLI_assert(local->id.data && reference->id.data);
+	if ((((ID *)local->id.data)->flag & LIB_AUTOOVERRIDE) == 0) {
+		return changed;
+	}
+	iterprop = RNA_struct_iterator_property(local->type);
+	for (RNA_property_collection_begin(local, iterprop, &iter); iter.valid; RNA_property_collection_next(&iter)) {
+		PropertyRNA *prop = iter.ptr.data;
+		IDOverrideProperty *op = NULL;
+		if (!(prop->flag & PROP_OVERRIDABLE)) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* XXX TODO this will have to be refined to handle collections insertions, and array items */
+		char *rna_path = RNA_path_from_ID_to_property(local, prop);
+		if (rna_path == NULL) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (STREQ(prop->identifier, "location")) {
+			printf("loc: %d\n", rna_property_equals(local, reference, prop, RNA_EQ_STRICT, override, NULL, true, true));
+		}
+		if (!rna_property_equals(local, reference, prop, RNA_EQ_STRICT, override, NULL, true, true)) {
+			switch (RNA_property_type(prop)) {
+				case PROP_POINTER:
+				{
+					PointerRNA sub_local, sub_reference;
+					sub_local = RNA_property_pointer_get(local, prop);
+					sub_reference = RNA_property_pointer_get(reference, prop);
+					changed = changed || RNA_struct_auto_override(&sub_local, &sub_reference, override);
+					break;
+				}
+					/* TODO... of course... */
+					break;
+				default:
+				{
+					/* All other types. */
+					/* TODO: handle arrays! */
+					op = BKE_override_property_find(override, rna_path);
+					if (op != NULL) {
+						/* Already overriden prop, later we'll have to check arrays items and such,
+						 * for now assume we have nothing to do. */
+						break;
+					}
+					op = MEM_callocN(sizeof(IDOverrideProperty), __func__);
+					op->rna_path = BLI_strdup(rna_path);
+					IDOverridePropertyOperation *opop = MEM_callocN(sizeof(IDOverridePropertyOperation), __func__);
+					opop->subitem_local_index = opop->subitem_reference_index = -1;
+					opop->operation = IDOVERRIDE_REPLACE;
+					BLI_addtail(&op->operations, opop);
+					BLI_addtail(&override->properties, op);
+					changed = true;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		MEM_SAFE_FREE(rna_path);
+	}
+	RNA_property_collection_end(&iter);
+	return changed;
 bool RNA_path_resolved_create(
         PointerRNA *ptr, struct PropertyRNA *prop,
diff --git a/source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_object.c b/source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_object.c
index 0cffba4..28714c8 100644
--- a/source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_object.c
+++ b/source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_object.c
@@ -2341,6 +2341,7 @@ static void rna_def_object(BlenderRNA *brna)
 	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "location", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_TRANSLATION);
 	RNA_def_property_float_sdna(prop, NULL, "loc");
 	RNA_def_property_editable_array_func(prop, "rna_Object_location_editable");
+	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_OVERRIDABLE);
 	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Location", "Location of the object");
 	RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, 1, RNA_TRANSLATION_PREC_DEFAULT);
 	RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_OBJECT | ND_TRANSFORM, "rna_Object_internal_update");
@@ -2348,6 +2349,7 @@ static void rna_def_object(BlenderRNA *brna)
 	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "rotation_quaternion", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_QUATERNION);
 	RNA_def_property_float_sdna(prop, NULL, "quat");
 	RNA_def_property_editable_array_func(prop, "rna_Object_rotation_4d_editable");
+	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_OVERRIDABLE);
 	RNA_def_property_float_array_default(prop, default_quat);
 	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Quaternion Rotation", "Rotation in Quaternions");
 	RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_OBJECT | ND_TRANSFORM, "rna_Object_internal_update");
@@ -2361,12 +2363,14 @@ static void rna_def_object(BlenderRNA *brna)
 	                             "rna_Object_rotation_axis_angle_set", NULL);
 	RNA_def_property_editable_array_func(prop, "rna_Object_rotation_4d_editable");
 	RNA_def_property_float_array_default(prop, default_axisAngle);
+	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_OVERRIDABLE);
 	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Axis-Angle Rotation", "Angle of Rotation for Axis-Angle rotation representation");
 	RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_OBJECT | ND_TRANSFORM, "rna_Object_internal_update");
 	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "rotation_euler", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_EULER);
 	RNA_def_property_float_sdna(prop, NULL, "rot");
 	RNA_def_property_editable_array_func(prop, "rna_Object_rotation_euler_editable");
+	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_OVERRIDABLE);
 	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Euler Rotation", "Rotation in Eulers");
 	RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_OBJECT | ND_TRANSFORM, "rna_Object_internal_update");
@@ -2379,7 +2383,7 @@ static void rna_def_object(BlenderRNA *brna)
 	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "scale", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_XYZ);
 	RNA_def_property_float_sdna(prop, NULL, "size");
-	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_PROPORTIONAL);
+	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_PROPORTIONAL | PROP_OVERRIDABLE);
 	RNA_def_property_editable_array_func(prop, "rna_Object_scale_editable");
 	RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, 1, 3);
 	RNA_def_property_float_array_default(prop, default_scale);

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