[Bf-blender-cvs] [99a6bbf7dd] master: Cleanup: Spelling, Spaces --> Tabs, Whitespace

Aaron Carlisle noreply at git.blender.org
Thu Feb 16 23:06:14 CET 2017

Commit: 99a6bbf7dd285bda5d62fadf4ed5a641b5584bc5
Author: Aaron Carlisle
Date:   Thu Feb 16 17:06:03 2017 -0500
Branches: master

Cleanup: Spelling, Spaces --> Tabs, Whitespace


M	make.bat


diff --git a/make.bat b/make.bat
index 337a551765..a23aa87960 100644
--- a/make.bat
+++ b/make.bat
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ REM This is for users who like to configure & build Blender with a single comman
 set BLENDER_DIR=%~dp0
-	echo There are spaces detected in the build path "%BLENDER_DIR%", this is currently not supported, exiting.... 
+	echo There are spaces detected in the build path "%BLENDER_DIR%", this is currently not supported, exiting....
 	goto EOF
 set BUILD_DIR=%BLENDER_DIR%..\build_windows
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ if NOT "%1" == "" (
 	set NOBUILD=1
 	)	else if "%1" == "showhash" (
 		for /f "delims=" %%i in ('git rev-parse HEAD') do echo Branch_hash=%%i
-		cd release/datafiles/locale 
+		cd release/datafiles/locale
 		for /f "delims=" %%i in ('git rev-parse HEAD') do echo Locale_hash=%%i
 		cd %~dp0
 		cd release/scripts/addons
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ if "%BUILD_ARCH%"=="x64" (
 if "%target%"=="Release" (
-		rem for vc12 check for both cuda 7.5 and 8 
+		rem for vc12 check for both cuda 7.5 and 8
 		if "%CUDA_PATH%"=="" (
 			echo Cuda Not found, aborting!
 			goto EOF
-		-C"%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\cmake\config\blender_release.cmake" 
+		-C"%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\cmake\config\blender_release.cmake"
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ if DEFINED MSVC_VC_DIR goto msvc_detect_finally
 if DEFINED MSVC_VC_DIR call "%MSVC_VC_DIR%\vcvarsall.bat"
 if DEFINED MSVC_VC_DIR goto sanity_checks
-rem MSVC Build environment 2017 and up. 
+rem MSVC Build environment 2017 and up.
 for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=1-2*" %%A IN (`REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SXS\VS7" /v %BUILD_VS_VER%.0 2^>nul`) DO set MSVC_VS_DIR=%%C
 if DEFINED MSVC_VS_DIR goto msvc_detect_finally_2017
 REM Check 32 bits
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ if NOT EXIST %BLENDER_DIR%..\lib\nul (
 if "%TARGET%"=="" (
 	echo Error: Convenience target not set
 	echo This is required for building, aborting!
-	echo . 
+	echo .
 	goto HELP
@@ -272,9 +272,9 @@ goto EOF
 		echo Convenience targets
-		echo - release ^(identical to the offical blender.org builds^)
+		echo - release ^(identical to the official blender.org builds^)
 		echo - full ^(same as release minus the cuda kernels^)
-		echo - lite 
+		echo - lite
 		echo - headless
 		echo - cycles
 		echo - bpy
@@ -289,11 +289,10 @@ goto EOF
 		echo - with_tests ^(enable building unit tests^)
 		echo - debug ^(Build an unoptimized debuggable build^)
 		echo - packagename [newname] ^(override default cpack package name^)
-		echo - x86 ^(override host autodetect and build 32 bit code^)
-		echo - x64 ^(override host autodetect and build 64 bit code^)
+		echo - x86 ^(override host auto-detect and build 32 bit code^)
+		echo - x64 ^(override host auto-detect and build 64 bit code^)
 		echo - 2013 ^(build with visual studio 2013^)
 		echo - 2015 ^(build with visual studio 2015^) [EXPERIMENTAL]

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