[Bf-blender-cvs] [7945bb2] temp-sybren-poselib: More UI stuff, still very rough and depends on pose lib preview property.

Sybren A. Stüvel noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Sep 30 18:12:38 CEST 2016

Commit: 7945bb2062c2d5ad5b35d7da7184bf8042e4cb01
Author: Sybren A. Stüvel
Date:   Fri Sep 30 18:12:29 2016 +0200
Branches: temp-sybren-poselib

More UI stuff, still very rough and depends on pose lib preview property.


M	release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/__init__.py
M	release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/poselib.py
M	release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/__init__.py
M	release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_armature.py


diff --git a/release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/__init__.py b/release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/__init__.py
index a696410..01c954d 100644
--- a/release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/__init__.py
+++ b/release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/__init__.py
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ _modules = [
+    "poselib",
diff --git a/release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/poselib.py b/release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/poselib.py
index 7b550df..d74b2c0 100644
--- a/release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/poselib.py
+++ b/release/scripts/startup/bl_operators/poselib.py
@@ -38,8 +38,11 @@ from bpy.props import (
 class POSELIB_OT_render_previews(Operator):
     "Renders a preview image for each pose in the pose library"
+    import logging as __logging
     bl_idname = "poselib.render_previews"
     bl_label = "Render pose previews"
+    log = __logging.getLogger('bpy.ops.%s' % bl_idname)
     render_method = EnumProperty(
@@ -51,6 +54,7 @@ class POSELIB_OT_render_previews(Operator):
     plib_index = 0
     def poll(cls, context):
         """Running only makes sense if there are any poses in the library."""
@@ -58,21 +62,54 @@ class POSELIB_OT_render_previews(Operator):
         return bool(plib and plib.pose_markers)
     def execute(self, context):
+        return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
+    def modal(self, context, event):
+        if event.type == 'ESC':
+            self._finish(context)
+            self.report({'INFO'}, 'Canceled rendering pose library previews')
+            return {'CANCELLED'}
+        if event.type != 'TIMER':
+            return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
         plib = context.object.pose_library
-        if self.plib_index >= len(plib.pose_markers):
+        pose_count = len(plib.pose_markers)
+        if self.plib_index >= pose_count:
+            self._finish(context)
+            self.report({'INFO'}, 'Done rendering pose library previews')
             return {'FINISHED'}
-        self.render_pose(self.plib_index)
+        self.render_pose(context, plib, self.plib_index)
         self.plib_index += 1
         return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
-    def render_pose(self, plib_index):
+    def render_pose(self, context, plib, plib_index):
+        import os.path
+        frame = plib.pose_markers[plib_index].frame
+        self.log.info('Rendering pose %i at frame %i', plib_index, frame)
+        context.scene.frame_set(frame)
+        fname = '%03d.png' % (plib_index+1)
+        context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(plib.pose_previews_dir, fname)
+        bpy.ops.render.opengl(write_still=True)
     def invoke(self, context, event):
         wm = context.window_manager
+        self.wm = context.window_manager
+        self.timer = self.wm.event_timer_add(0.01, context.window)
         self.plib_index = 0
+        self.orig_filepath = context.scene.render.filepath
         return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
+    def _finish(self, context):
+        self.wm.event_timer_remove(self.timer)
+        context.scene.render.filepath = self.orig_filepath
diff --git a/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/__init__.py b/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/__init__.py
index 2389be6..1dfca22 100644
--- a/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/__init__.py
+++ b/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/__init__.py
@@ -145,6 +145,9 @@ def register():
 def unregister():
+    from . import properties_data_armature
+    properties_data_armature.unload_custom_icons()
 # Define a default UIList, when a list does not need any custom drawing...
 # Keep in sync with its #defined name in UI_interface.h
diff --git a/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_armature.py b/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_armature.py
index d47a7e5..aaa80fb 100644
--- a/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_armature.py
+++ b/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_armature.py
@@ -161,6 +161,61 @@ class DATA_PT_bone_groups(ArmatureButtonsPanel, Panel):
         sub.operator("pose.group_deselect", text="Deselect")
+class POSELIB_UL_poses(bpy.types.UIList):
+    # The draw_item function is called for each item of the collection that is visible in the list.
+    #   data is the RNA object containing the collection,
+    #   item is the currently drawn item of the collection,
+    #   icon is the "computed" icon for the item (as an integer, because some objects like materials or textures
+    #   have custom icons ID, which are not available as enum items).
+    #   active_data is the RNA object containing the active property for the collection (i.e. integer pointing to the
+    #   active item of the collection).
+    #   active_propname is the name of the active property (use 'getattr(active_data, active_propname)').
+    #   index is index of the current item in the collection.
+    #   flt_flag is the result of the filtering process for this item.
+    #   Note: as index and flt_flag are optional arguments, you do not have to use/declare them here if you don't
+    #         need them.
+    def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname):
+        if self.layout_type != 'GRID':
+            super().draw_item(context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname)
+        if icon == 17:
+            if icons is None: load_custom_icons()
+            icon = icons['POSE_NOT_HERE'].icon_id
+        col = layout.column(align=True)
+        col.alignment = 'CENTER'
+        col.label(text='', icon_value=icon)
+        col.label(text=item.name)
+icons = None
+def load_custom_icons():
+    global icons
+    if icons is not None:
+        # Already loaded
+        return
+    import bpy.utils.previews
+    import blender_cloud
+    import os.path
+    icons = bpy.utils.previews.new()
+    icons.load('POSE_NOT_HERE', bpy.path.abspath('//agent_thumbs/001.png'), 'IMAGE')
+def unload_custom_icons():
+    global icons
+    if icons is None:
+        # Already unloaded
+        return
+    bpy.utils.previews.remove(icons)
+    icons = None
 class DATA_PT_pose_library(ArmatureButtonsPanel, Panel):
     bl_label = "Pose Library"
     bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
@@ -180,11 +235,16 @@ class DATA_PT_pose_library(ArmatureButtonsPanel, Panel):
         if not poselib:
+        # layout.template_icon_view(
+        #     poselib, 'pose_markers',
+        #     show_labels=True,
+        # )
         # list of poses in pose library
         row = layout.row()
-        row.template_list("UI_UL_list", "pose_markers", poselib, "pose_markers",
-                          poselib.pose_markers, "active_index", rows=5)
+        row.template_list("POSELIB_UL_poses", "pose_markers",
+                          poselib, "pose_markers",
+                          poselib.pose_markers, "active_index",
+                          rows=5, type='GRID')
         # column of operators for active pose
         # - goes beside list
         col = row.column(align=True)
@@ -211,7 +271,9 @@ class DATA_PT_pose_library(ArmatureButtonsPanel, Panel):
             layout.prop(pose_marker_active, "camera",
                         text='Camera for %s' % pose_marker_active.name)
-        # layout.operator("poselib.render_previews")
+        col.operator_context = 'INVOKE_DEFAULT'
+        layout.operator("poselib.render_previews")
 # TODO: this panel will soon be deprecated too
 class DATA_PT_ghost(ArmatureButtonsPanel, Panel):

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