[Bf-blender-cvs] [f633873] workspaces: Move screen drawing functions into new screen_draw.c

Julian Eisel noreply at git.blender.org
Thu Dec 8 23:18:49 CET 2016

Commit: f6338737846baaeb25d45103eda57443d3c35ccd
Author: Julian Eisel
Date:   Thu Dec 8 23:02:29 2016 +0100
Branches: workspaces

Move screen drawing functions into new screen_draw.c


M	source/blender/editors/screen/screen_draw.c
M	source/blender/editors/screen/screen_edit.c
M	source/blender/editors/screen/screen_intern.h


diff --git a/source/blender/editors/screen/screen_draw.c b/source/blender/editors/screen/screen_draw.c
index 4332112..c7c91ad 100644
--- a/source/blender/editors/screen/screen_draw.c
+++ b/source/blender/editors/screen/screen_draw.c
@@ -28,7 +28,332 @@
 #include "GPU_immediate.h"
 #include "WM_api.h"
+#include "WM_types.h"
+#include "screen_intern.h"
+ * Draw vertical shape visualizing future joining (left as well right direction of future joining).
+ */
+static void draw_horizontal_join_shape(ScrArea *sa, char dir)
+	vec2f points[10];
+	short i;
+	float w, h;
+	float width = sa->v3->vec.x - sa->v1->vec.x;
+	float height = sa->v3->vec.y - sa->v1->vec.y;
+	if (height < width) {
+		h = height / 8;
+		w = height / 4;
+	}
+	else {
+		h = width / 8;
+		w = width / 4;
+	}
+	points[0].x = sa->v1->vec.x;
+	points[0].y = sa->v1->vec.y + height / 2;
+	points[1].x = sa->v1->vec.x;
+	points[1].y = sa->v1->vec.y;
+	points[2].x = sa->v4->vec.x - w;
+	points[2].y = sa->v4->vec.y;
+	points[3].x = sa->v4->vec.x - w;
+	points[3].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height / 2 - 2 * h;
+	points[4].x = sa->v4->vec.x - 2 * w;
+	points[4].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height / 2;
+	points[5].x = sa->v4->vec.x - w;
+	points[5].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height / 2 + 2 * h;
+	points[6].x = sa->v3->vec.x - w;
+	points[6].y = sa->v3->vec.y;
+	points[7].x = sa->v2->vec.x;
+	points[7].y = sa->v2->vec.y;
+	points[8].x = sa->v4->vec.x;
+	points[8].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height / 2 - h;
+	points[9].x = sa->v4->vec.x;
+	points[9].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height / 2 + h;
+	if (dir == 'l') {
+		/* when direction is left, then we flip direction of arrow */
+		float cx = sa->v1->vec.x + width;
+		for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+			points[i].x -= cx;
+			points[i].x = -points[i].x;
+			points[i].x += sa->v1->vec.x;
+		}
+	}
+	glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
+	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+		glVertex2f(points[i].x, points[i].y);
+	glEnd();
+	glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
+	for (i = 4; i < 8; i++)
+		glVertex2f(points[i].x, points[i].y);
+	glVertex2f(points[0].x, points[0].y);
+	glEnd();
+	glRectf(points[2].x, points[2].y, points[8].x, points[8].y);
+	glRectf(points[6].x, points[6].y, points[9].x, points[9].y);
+ * Draw vertical shape visualizing future joining (up/down direction).
+ */
+static void draw_vertical_join_shape(ScrArea *sa, char dir)
+	vec2f points[10];
+	short i;
+	float w, h;
+	float width = sa->v3->vec.x - sa->v1->vec.x;
+	float height = sa->v3->vec.y - sa->v1->vec.y;
+	if (height < width) {
+		h = height / 4;
+		w = height / 8;
+	}
+	else {
+		h = width / 4;
+		w = width / 8;
+	}
+	points[0].x = sa->v1->vec.x + width / 2;
+	points[0].y = sa->v3->vec.y;
+	points[1].x = sa->v2->vec.x;
+	points[1].y = sa->v2->vec.y;
+	points[2].x = sa->v1->vec.x;
+	points[2].y = sa->v1->vec.y + h;
+	points[3].x = sa->v1->vec.x + width / 2 - 2 * w;
+	points[3].y = sa->v1->vec.y + h;
+	points[4].x = sa->v1->vec.x + width / 2;
+	points[4].y = sa->v1->vec.y + 2 * h;
+	points[5].x = sa->v1->vec.x + width / 2 + 2 * w;
+	points[5].y = sa->v1->vec.y + h;
+	points[6].x = sa->v4->vec.x;
+	points[6].y = sa->v4->vec.y + h;
+	points[7].x = sa->v3->vec.x;
+	points[7].y = sa->v3->vec.y;
+	points[8].x = sa->v1->vec.x + width / 2 - w;
+	points[8].y = sa->v1->vec.y;
+	points[9].x = sa->v1->vec.x + width / 2 + w;
+	points[9].y = sa->v1->vec.y;
+	if (dir == 'u') {
+		/* when direction is up, then we flip direction of arrow */
+		float cy = sa->v1->vec.y + height;
+		for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+			points[i].y -= cy;
+			points[i].y = -points[i].y;
+			points[i].y += sa->v1->vec.y;
+		}
+	}
+	glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
+	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+		glVertex2f(points[i].x, points[i].y);
+	glEnd();
+	glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
+	for (i = 4; i < 8; i++)
+		glVertex2f(points[i].x, points[i].y);
+	glVertex2f(points[0].x, points[0].y);
+	glEnd();
+	glRectf(points[2].x, points[2].y, points[8].x, points[8].y);
+	glRectf(points[6].x, points[6].y, points[9].x, points[9].y);
+ * Draw join shape due to direction of joining.
+ */
+static void draw_join_shape(ScrArea *sa, char dir)
+	if (dir == 'u' || dir == 'd')
+		draw_vertical_join_shape(sa, dir);
+	else
+		draw_horizontal_join_shape(sa, dir);
+ * Draw screen area darker with arrow (visualization of future joining).
+ */
+static void scrarea_draw_shape_dark(ScrArea *sa, char dir)
+	glColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 50);
+	draw_join_shape(sa, dir);
+ * Draw screen area ligher with arrow shape ("eraser" of previous dark shape).
+ */
+static void scrarea_draw_shape_light(ScrArea *sa, char UNUSED(dir))
+	/* value 181 was hardly computed: 181~105 */
+	glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, 50);
+	/* draw_join_shape(sa, dir); */
+	glRecti(sa->v1->vec.x, sa->v1->vec.y, sa->v3->vec.x, sa->v3->vec.y);
+static void drawscredge_area_draw(int sizex, int sizey, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2)
+	/* right border area */
+	if (x2 < sizex - 1) {
+		glVertex2s(x2, y1);
+		glVertex2s(x2, y2);
+	}
+	/* left border area */
+	if (x1 > 0) { /* otherwise it draws the emboss of window over */
+		glVertex2s(x1, y1);
+		glVertex2s(x1, y2);
+	}
+	/* top border area */
+	if (y2 < sizey - 1) {
+		glVertex2s(x1, y2);
+		glVertex2s(x2, y2);
+	}
+	/* bottom border area */
+	if (y1 > 0) {
+		glVertex2s(x1, y1);
+		glVertex2s(x2, y1);
+	}
+ * \brief Screen edges drawing.
+ */
+static void drawscredge_area(ScrArea *sa, int sizex, int sizey)
+	short x1 = sa->v1->vec.x;
+	short y1 = sa->v1->vec.y;
+	short x2 = sa->v3->vec.x;
+	short y2 = sa->v3->vec.y;
+	drawscredge_area_draw(sizex, sizey, x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ * Only for edge lines between areas, and the blended join arrows.
+ */
+void ED_screen_draw(wmWindow *win)
+	bScreen *screen = WM_window_get_active_screen(win);
+	const int winsize_x = WM_window_pixels_x(win);
+	const int winsize_y = WM_window_pixels_y(win);
+	ScrArea *sa;
+	ScrArea *sa1 = NULL;
+	ScrArea *sa2 = NULL;
+	ScrArea *sa3 = NULL;
+	wmSubWindowSet(win, screen->mainwin);
+	/* Note: first loop only draws if U.pixelsize > 1, skip otherwise */
+	if (U.pixelsize > 1.0f) {
+		/* FIXME: doesn't our glLineWidth already scale by U.pixelsize? */
+		glLineWidth((2.0f * U.pixelsize) - 1);
+		glColor3ub(0x50, 0x50, 0x50);
+		glBegin(GL_LINES);
+		for (sa = screen->areabase.first; sa; sa = sa->next)
+			drawscredge_area(sa, winsize_x, winsize_y);
+		glEnd();
+	}
+	glLineWidth(1);
+	glColor3ub(0, 0, 0);
+	glBegin(GL_LINES);
+	for (sa = screen->areabase.first; sa; sa = sa->next) {
+		drawscredge_area(sa, winsize_x, winsize_y);
+		/* gather area split/join info */
+		if (sa->flag & AREA_FLAG_DRAWJOINFROM) sa1 = sa;
+		if (sa->flag & AREA_FLAG_DRAWJOINTO) sa2 = sa;
+		if (sa->flag & (AREA_FLAG_DRAWSPLIT_H | AREA_FLAG_DRAWSPLIT_V)) sa3 = sa;
+	}
+	glEnd();
+	/* blended join arrow */
+	if (sa1 && sa2) {
+		int dir = area_getorientation(sa1, sa2);
+		int dira = -1;
+		if (dir != -1) {
+			switch (dir) {
+				case 0: /* W */
+					dir = 'r';
+					dira = 'l';
+					break;
+				case 1: /* N */
+					dir = 'd';
+					dira = 'u';
+					break;
+				case 2: /* E */
+					dir = 'l';
+					dira = 'r';
+					break;
+				case 3: /* S */
+					dir = 'u';
+					dira = 'd';
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+		glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+		scrarea_draw_shape_dark(sa2, dir);
+		scrarea_draw_shape_light(sa1, dira);
+		glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+	}
+	/* splitpoint */
+	if (sa3) {
+		glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+		glBegin(GL_LINES);
+		glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, 100);
+		if (sa3->flag & AREA_FLAG_DRAWSPLIT_H) {
+			glVertex2s(sa3->totrct.xmin, win->eventstate->y);
+			glVertex2s(sa3->totrct.xmax, win->eventstate->y);
+			glColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 100);
+			glVertex2s(sa3->totrct.xmin, win->eventstate->y + 1);
+			glVertex2s(sa3->totrct.xmax, win->eventstate->y + 1);
+		}
+		else {
+			glVertex2s(win->eventstate->x, sa3->totrct.ymin);
+			glVertex2s(win->eventstate->x, sa3->totrct.ymax);
+			glColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 100);
+			glVertex2s(win->eventstate->x + 1, sa3->totrct.ymin);
+			glVertex2s(win->eventstate->x + 1, sa3->totrct.ymax);
+		}
+		glEnd();
+		glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+	}
+	screen->do_draw = false;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Screen Thumbnail Preview */
  * Calculates a scale factor to squash the preview for \a screen into a rectangle of given size and aspect.
diff --git a/source/blender/editors/screen/screen_edit.c b/source/blender/editors/screen/screen_edit.c
index 657b8cd..ef5eecc 100644
--- a/source/blender/editors/screen/screen_edit.c
+++ b/source/blender/editors/screen/screen_edit.c
@@ -53,9 +53,6 @@
 #include "BKE_scene.h"
 #include "BKE_workspace.h"
-#include "BIF_gl.h"
-#include "BIF_glutil.h"
 #include "WM_api.h"
 #include "WM_types.h"
@@ -844,217 +841,6 @@ static void screen_test_scale(bScreen *sc, int winsize_x, int winsize_y)
-/* *********************** DRAWING **************************************** */
-/* draw vertical shape visualizing future joining (left as well
- * right direction of future joining) */
-static void draw_horizontal_join_shape(ScrArea *sa, char dir)
-	vec2f points[10];
-	short i;
-	float w, h;
-	float width = sa->v3->vec.x - sa->v1->vec.x;
-	float height = sa->v3->vec.y - sa->v1->vec.y;
-	if (height < width) {
-		h = height / 8;
-		w = height / 4;
-	}
-	else {
-		h = width / 8;
-		w = width / 4;
-	}
-	points[0].x = sa->v1->vec.x;
-	points[0].y = sa->v1->vec.y + height / 2;
-	points[1].x = sa->v1->vec.x;
-	points[1].y = sa->v1->vec.y;
-	points[2].x = sa->v4->vec.x - w;
-	points[2].y = sa->v4->vec.y;
-	points[3].x = sa->v4->vec.x - w;
-	points[3].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height / 2 - 2 * h;
-	points[4].x = sa->v4->vec.x - 2 * w;
-	points[4].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height / 2;
-	points[5].x = sa->v4->vec.x - w;
-	points[5].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height / 2 + 2 * h;
-	points[6].x = sa->v3->vec.x - w;
-	points[6].y = sa->v3->vec.y;
-	points[7].x = sa->v2->vec.x;
-	points[7].y = sa->v2->vec.y;
-	points[8].x = sa->v4->vec.x;
-	points[8].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height / 2 - h;
-	points[9].x = sa->v4->vec.x;
-	points[9].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height / 2 + h;
-	if (dir == 'l')

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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