[Bf-blender-cvs] [bc5cdd6] gooseberry: Improved filtering for cache library content.

Lukas Tönne noreply at git.blender.org
Mon Mar 23 13:02:09 CET 2015

Commit: bc5cdd60d4640a8ed3d65277b6523e8b097d0b02
Author: Lukas Tönne
Date:   Mon Mar 2 14:44:56 2015 +0100
Branches: gooseberry

Improved filtering for cache library content.

In addition to the object name filtering, items in cache library groups
can now be filtered by type as well.

Existing items in the cache are always displayed, so as to not hide
important information (what gets stored in the cache). The filtering
is primarily a utility to simplify searching inside the group for things
that should be added to the cache.


M	release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_scene.py


diff --git a/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_scene.py b/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_scene.py
index f498926..b2053dd 100644
--- a/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_scene.py
+++ b/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_scene.py
@@ -403,34 +403,34 @@ class SCENE_PT_simplify(SceneButtonsPanel, Panel):
 # XXX temporary solution
-bpy.types.Scene.cache_library_filter = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Cache Library Filter", description="Filter cache libraries")
-class SCENE_PT_cache_manager(SceneButtonsPanel, Panel):
-    bl_label = "Cache Manager"
-    item_type_icon = { e.identifier : e.icon for e in bpy.types.CacheItem.bl_rna.properties['type'].enum_items }
-    @classmethod
-    def poll(cls, context):
-        return True
+bpy.types.CacheLibrary.filter_string = \
+    bpy.props.StringProperty(
+        name="Filter Object Name",
+        description="Filter cache library objects by name",
+        )
+bpy.types.CacheLibrary.filter_types = \
+    bpy.props.EnumProperty(
+        name="Filter Item Type",
+        description="Filter cache library items by type",
+        options={'ENUM_FLAG'},
+        items=[ (e.identifier, e.name, e.description, e.icon, 2**i) for i, e in enumerate(bpy.types.CacheItem.bl_rna.properties['type'].enum_items) ],
+        default=set( e.identifier for e in bpy.types.CacheItem.bl_rna.properties['type'].enum_items ),
+        )
-    def cachelib_objects(self, cachelib, filter_string):
-        filter_string = filter_string.lower()
+def cachelib_objects(cachelib, filter_string = ""):
+    filter_string = filter_string.lower()
-        if not cachelib.group:
-            objects = []
-        elif filter_string:
-            objects = filter(lambda ob: filter_string in ob.name.lower(), cachelib.group.objects)
-        else:
-            objects = cachelib.group.objects
+    if not cachelib.group:
+        return []
+    elif filter_string:
+        return filter(lambda ob: filter_string in ob.name.lower(), cachelib.group.objects)
+    else:
+        return cachelib.group.objects
-        for ob in objects:
-            yield ob
-    # yields (type, index, indent)
-    def cachelib_object_items(self, cachelib, ob):
+# Yields (item, type, index, indent, enabled)
+# Note that item can be None when not included in the cache yet
+def cachelib_object_items(cachelib, ob, filter_types = []):
+    def items_desc():
         yield 'OBJECT', -1, 0
         if (ob.type == 'MESH'):
@@ -443,10 +443,39 @@ class SCENE_PT_cache_manager(SceneButtonsPanel, Panel):
                 yield 'HAIR', index, 1
                 yield 'HAIR_PATHS', index, 1
+    for item_type, item_index, indent in items_desc():
+        item = cachelib.cache_item_find(ob, item_type, item_index)
+        show = False
+        enable = False
+        # always show existing items
+        if item:
+            show = True
+            enable = True
+        # always show selected types
+        if item_type in filter_types:
+            show = True
+            enable = True
+        # special case: OBJECT type used as top level, show but disable
+        elif item_type == 'OBJECT':
+            show = True
+            enable = False
+        if show:
+            yield item, item_type, item_index, indent, enable
-    # returns True if the item exists and is enabled
-    def draw_cache_item_button(self, context, layout, cachelib, ob, type, index=-1):
-        item = cachelib.cache_item_find(ob, type, index)
+class SCENE_PT_cache_manager(SceneButtonsPanel, Panel):
+    bl_label = "Cache Manager"
+    item_type_icon = { e.identifier : e.icon for e in bpy.types.CacheItem.bl_rna.properties['type'].enum_items }
+    @classmethod
+    def poll(cls, context):
+        return True
+    def draw_cache_item_button(self, context, layout, item, ob, type, index=-1):
         if not item:
             sub = layout.row()
             sub.context_pointer_set("cache_object", ob)
@@ -455,13 +484,14 @@ class SCENE_PT_cache_manager(SceneButtonsPanel, Panel):
             props.index = index
             layout.prop(item, "enabled", text="")
-        return item
-    def draw_cache_item(self, context, layout, cachelib, ob, type, index=-1):
+    def draw_cache_item(self, context, layout, cachelib, ob, item, type, index=-1, enabled=True):
         from bpy.types import CacheItem
         buttons = layout.row()
-        item = self.draw_cache_item_button(context, buttons, cachelib, ob, type, index)
+        buttons.enabled = enabled
+        self.draw_cache_item_button(context, buttons, item, ob, type, index)
         sub = buttons.column()
         sub.enabled = bool(item and item.enabled)
@@ -469,6 +499,7 @@ class SCENE_PT_cache_manager(SceneButtonsPanel, Panel):
         row = sub.row()
         row.label(text=name, icon=self.item_type_icon[type])
         return sub
     def draw_cachelib(self, context, layout, cachelib):
@@ -493,27 +524,33 @@ class SCENE_PT_cache_manager(SceneButtonsPanel, Panel):
         row.prop(cachelib, "read", text="Read", toggle=True)
-        objects = self.cachelib_objects(cachelib, context.scene.cache_library_filter)
+        row = layout.row(align=True)
+        row.label("Filter:")
+        row.prop(cachelib, "filter_types", icon_only=True, toggle=True)
+        row.prop(cachelib, "filter_string", icon='VIEWZOOM', text="")
+        objects = cachelib_objects(cachelib, cachelib.filter_string)
         first = True
         for ob in objects:
+            if not any(cachelib_object_items(cachelib, ob, cachelib.filter_types)):
+                continue
             if first:
                 first = False
-            for item_type, item_index, indent in self.cachelib_object_items(cachelib, ob):
+            for item, item_type, item_index, indent, enable in cachelib_object_items(cachelib, ob, cachelib.filter_types):
                 row = layout.row(align=True)
                 row.alignment = 'LEFT'
                 if indent:
                     row.label("  " * indent)
-                sub = self.draw_cache_item(context, row, cachelib, ob, item_type, item_index)
+                sub = self.draw_cache_item(context, row, cachelib, ob, item, item_type, item_index, enable)
     def draw(self, context):
         layout = self.layout
-        row = layout.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(context.scene, "cache_library_filter", icon='VIEWZOOM')
         for cachelib in context.blend_data.cache_libraries:
             box = layout.box()

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