[Bf-blender-cvs] [a62392d] master: BGE: remove outdated doc of KX_PolygonMaterial, update doc of KX_BlenderMaterial

Quentin Wenger noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Jun 17 22:43:58 CEST 2015

Commit: a62392dea7e6c99ad00dda8a2080d3944e9536cf
Author: Quentin Wenger
Date:   Wed Jun 17 22:41:25 2015 +0200
Branches: master

BGE: remove outdated doc of KX_PolygonMaterial, update doc of KX_BlenderMaterial

This patch suppresses the outdated KX_PolygonMaterial.rst documentation file and moves the example contained in it into KX_BlenderMaterial.rst.
The file KX_BlenderMaterial.rst receives some extra formatting changes (lists are not supported in methods arguments types).

Reviewers: kupoman, campbellbarton, lordloki, panzergame, moguri

Reviewed By: panzergame, moguri

Projects: #game_engine

Differential Revision: https://developer.blender.org/D1355


M	doc/python_api/rst/bge_types/bge.types.KX_BlenderMaterial.rst
D	doc/python_api/rst/bge_types/bge.types.KX_PolygonMaterial.rst


diff --git a/doc/python_api/rst/bge_types/bge.types.KX_BlenderMaterial.rst b/doc/python_api/rst/bge_types/bge.types.KX_BlenderMaterial.rst
index 0dfc7a1..8045052 100644
--- a/doc/python_api/rst/bge_types/bge.types.KX_BlenderMaterial.rst
+++ b/doc/python_api/rst/bge_types/bge.types.KX_BlenderMaterial.rst
@@ -7,11 +7,66 @@ base class --- :class:`PyObjectPlus`
 .. class:: KX_BlenderMaterial(PyObjectPlus)
-   KX_BlenderMaterial
+   This is the interface to materials in the game engine.
+   Materials define the render state to be applied to mesh objects.
+   The example below shows a simple GLSL shader setup allowing to dynamically mix two texture channels
+   in a material. All materials of the object executing this script should have two textures using
+   separate UV maps in the two first texture channels.
+   The code works for both Multitexture and GLSL rendering modes.
+   .. code-block:: python
+      from bge import logic
+      vertex_shader = """
+      void main(void)
+      {
+         // simple projection of the vertex position to view space
+         gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
+         // coordinate of the 1st texture channel
+         gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
+         // coordinate of the 2nd texture channel
+         gl_TexCoord[1] = gl_MultiTexCoord1;
+      }
+      """
+      fragment_shader ="""
+      uniform sampler2D texture_0;
+      uniform sampler2D texture_1;
+      uniform float factor;
+      void main(void)
+      {
+         vec4 color_0 = texture2D(texture_0, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
+         vec4 color_1 = texture2D(texture_1, gl_TexCoord[1].st);
+         gl_FragColor = mix(color_0, color_1, factor);
+      }
+      """
+      object = logic.getCurrentController().owner
+      for mesh in object.meshes:
+          for material in mesh.materials:
+              shader = material.getShader()
+              if shader is not None:
+                  if not shader.isValid():
+                      shader.setSource(vertex_shader, fragment_shader, True)
+                  # get the first texture channel of the material
+                  shader.setSampler('texture_0', 0)
+                  # get the second texture channel of the material
+                  shader.setSampler('texture_1', 1)
+                  # pass another uniform to the shader
+                  shader.setUniform1f('factor', 0.3)
    .. attribute:: shader
-      The materials shader.
+      The material's shader.
       :type: :class:`BL_Shader`
@@ -38,35 +93,37 @@ base class --- :class:`PyObjectPlus`
       Set the pixel color arithmetic functions.
-      :arg src: Specifies how the red, green, blue, and alpha source blending factors are computed.
-      :type src: Value in...
-         * GL_ZERO,
-         * GL_ONE, 
-         * GL_SRC_COLOR, 
-         * GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, 
-         * GL_DST_COLOR, 
-         * GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, 
-         * GL_SRC_ALPHA, 
-         * GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, 
-         * GL_DST_ALPHA, 
-         * GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, 
-      :arg dest: Specifies how the red, green, blue, and alpha destination blending factors are computed.
-      :type dest: Value in...
-         * GL_ZERO
-         * GL_ONE
-         * GL_SRC_COLOR
-         * GL_DST_COLOR
-         * GL_SRC_ALPHA
-         * GL_DST_ALPHA
+      :arg src: Specifies how the red, green, blue, and alpha source blending factors are computed, one of...
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_ZERO`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_ONE`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_SRC_COLOR`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_DST_COLOR`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_DST_ALPHA`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE`
+      :type src: int
+      :arg dest: Specifies how the red, green, blue, and alpha destination blending factors are computed, one of...
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_ZERO`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_ONE`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_SRC_COLOR`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_DST_COLOR`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_DST_ALPHA`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA`
+         * :data:`~bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE`
+      :type dest: int
    .. method:: getMaterialIndex()
diff --git a/doc/python_api/rst/bge_types/bge.types.KX_PolygonMaterial.rst b/doc/python_api/rst/bge_types/bge.types.KX_PolygonMaterial.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 3421e19..0000000
--- a/doc/python_api/rst/bge_types/bge.types.KX_PolygonMaterial.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-.. module:: bge.types
-base class --- :class:`PyObjectPlus`
-.. class:: KX_PolygonMaterial(PyObjectPlus)
-   This is the interface to materials in the game engine.
-   Materials define the render state to be applied to mesh objects.
-   .. warning::
-      Some of the methods/variables are CObjects.  If you mix these up, you will crash blender.
-   .. code-block:: python
-      from bge import logic
-      vertex_shader = """
-      void main(void)
-      {
-         // original vertex position, no changes
-         gl_Position = ftransform();
-         // coordinate of the 1st texture channel
-         gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
-         // coordinate of the 2nd texture channel
-         gl_TexCoord[1] = gl_MultiTexCoord1;
-      }
-      """
-      fragment_shader ="""
-      uniform sampler2D color_0;
-      uniform sampler2D color_1;
-      uniform float factor;
-      void main(void)
-      {
-         vec4 color_0 = texture2D(color_0, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
-         vec4 color_1 = texture2D(color_1, gl_TexCoord[1].st);
-         gl_FragColor = mix(color_0, color_1, factor);
-      }
-      """
-      object = logic.getCurrentController().owner
-      object = cont.owner
-      for mesh in object.meshes:
-          for material in mesh.materials:
-              shader = material.getShader()
-              if shader != None:
-                  if not shader.isValid():
-                      shader.setSource(vertex_shader, fragment_shader, True)
-                  # get the first texture channel of the material
-                  shader.setSampler('color_0', 0)
-                  # get the second texture channel of the material
-                  shader.setSampler('color_1', 1)
-                  # pass another uniform to the shader
-                  shader.setUniform1f('factor', 0.3)
-   .. attribute:: texture
-      Texture name.
-      :type: string (read-only)
-   .. attribute:: gl_texture
-      OpenGL texture handle (eg for glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl_texture).
-      :type: integer (read-only)
-   .. attribute:: material
-      Material name.
-      :type: string (read-only)
-   .. attribute:: tface
-      Texture face properties.
-      :type: CObject (read-only)
-   .. attribute:: tile
-      Texture is tiling.
-      :type: boolean
-   .. attribute:: tilexrep
-      Number of tile repetitions in x direction.
-      :type: integer
-   .. attribute:: tileyrep
-      Number of tile repetitions in y direction.
-      :type: integer
-   .. attribute:: drawingmode
-      Drawing mode for the material.
-      - 2  (drawingmode & 4)     Textured
-      - 4  (drawingmode & 16)    Light
-      - 14 (drawingmode & 16384) 3d Polygon Text.
-      :type: bitfield
-   .. attribute:: transparent
-      This material is transparent. All meshes with this
-      material will be rendered after non transparent meshes from back
-      to front.
-      :type: boolean
-   .. attribute:: zsort
-      Transparent polygons in meshes with this material will be sorted back to
-      front before rendering.
-      Non-Transparent polygons will be sorted front to back before rendering.
-      :type: boolean
-   .. attribute:: diffuse
-      The diffuse color of the material. black = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] white = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0].
-      :type: list [r, g, b]
-   .. attribute:: specular
-      The specular color of the material. black = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] white = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0].
-      :type: list [r, g, b]
-   .. attribute:: shininess
-      The shininess (specular exponent) of the material. 0.0 <= shininess <= 128.0.
-      :type: float
-   .. attribute:: specularity
-      The amount of specular of the material. 0.0 <= specularity <= 1.0.
-      :type: float
-   .. method:: updateTexture(tface, rasty)
-      Updates a realtime animation.
-      :arg tface: Texture face (eg mat.tface)
-      :type tface: CObject
-      :arg rasty: Rasterizer
-      :type rasty: CObject
-   .. method:: setTexture(tface)
-      Sets texture render state.
-      :arg tface: Texture face
-      :type tface: CObject
-      .. code-block:: python
-         mat.setTexture(mat.tface)
-   .. method:: activate(rasty, cachingInfo)
-      Sets material parameters for this object for rendering.
-      Material Parameters set:
-      #. Texture
-      #. Backface culling
-      #. Line drawing
-      #. Specular Colour
-      #. Shininess
-      #. Diffuse Colour
-      #. Polygon Offset.
-      :arg rasty: Rasterizer instance.
-      :type rasty: CObject
-      :arg cachingInfo: Material cache instance.
-      :type cachingInfo: CObject
-   .. method:: setCustomMaterial(material)
-      Sets the material state setup object.
-      Using this method, you can extend or completely replace the gameengine material
-      to do your own advanced multipass effects.
-      Use this method to

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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