[Bf-blender-cvs] [0b48bfa] temp_display_optimization: Merge branch 'master' into temp_display_optimization

Antony Riakiotakis noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Jul 15 18:46:14 CEST 2015

Commit: 0b48bfae87993ffdf34c7c9e6f8170ea673b7006
Author: Antony Riakiotakis
Date:   Wed Jul 15 18:46:04 2015 +0200
Branches: temp_display_optimization

Merge branch 'master' into temp_display_optimization




diff --cc source/blender/blenkernel/intern/cdderivedmesh.c
index d6aa1e0,b773bfe..5b25a32
--- a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/cdderivedmesh.c
+++ b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/cdderivedmesh.c
@@@ -623,22 -627,22 +629,23 @@@ static void cdDM_drawFacesTex
  	cdDM_drawFacesTex_common(dm, setDrawOptions, NULL, compareDrawOptions, userData, uvflag);
- static void cdDM_drawMappedFaces(DerivedMesh *dm,
-                                  DMSetDrawOptions setDrawOptions,
-                                  DMSetMaterial setMaterial,
-                                  DMCompareDrawOptions compareDrawOptions,
-                                  void *userData, DMDrawFlag flag)
+ static void cdDM_drawMappedFaces(
+         DerivedMesh *dm,
+         DMSetDrawOptions setDrawOptions,
+         DMSetMaterial setMaterial,
+         DMCompareDrawOptions compareDrawOptions,
+         void *userData, DMDrawFlag flag)
  	CDDerivedMesh *cddm = (CDDerivedMesh *) dm;
 -	MVert *mv = cddm->mvert;
  	MFace *mf = cddm->mface;
  	MCol *mcol;
 -	const float *nors = DM_get_tessface_data_layer(dm, CD_NORMAL);
 -	const short (*lnors)[4][3] = dm->getTessFaceDataArray(dm, CD_TESSLOOPNORMAL);
 -	int colType, useColors = flag & DM_DRAW_USE_COLORS;
 +	int colType, useColors = flag & DM_DRAW_USE_COLORS, useHide = flag & DM_DRAW_SKIP_HIDDEN;
  	int i, orig;
 +	int start_element = 0, tot_element, tot_drawn;
 +	int totpoly;
 +	int tottri;
 +	int mat_index;
 +	GPUBuffer *findex_buffer = NULL;
  	/* double lookup */
  	const int *index_mf_to_mpoly = dm->getTessFaceDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX);
@@@ -647,158 -651,223 +654,160 @@@
  		index_mp_to_orig = NULL;
 -	colType = CD_TEXTURE_MCOL;
 -	mcol = DM_get_tessface_data_layer(dm, colType);
 -	if (!mcol) {
 -		colType = CD_PREVIEW_MCOL;
 -		mcol = DM_get_tessface_data_layer(dm, colType);
 -	}
 -	if (!mcol) {
 -		colType = CD_MCOL;
 -		mcol = DM_get_tessface_data_layer(dm, colType);
 -	}
 -	/* back-buffer always uses legacy since VBO's would need the
 -	 * color array temporarily overwritten for drawing, then reset. */
 +	/* fist, setup common buffers */
 +	GPU_vertex_setup(dm);
 +	GPU_triangle_setup(dm);
 +	/* if we do selection, fill the selection buffer color */
  	if (G.f & G_BACKBUFSEL) {
 -		DEBUG_VBO("Using legacy code. cdDM_drawMappedFaces\n");
 -		for (i = 0; i < dm->numTessFaceData; i++, mf++) {
 -			int drawSmooth = ((flag & DM_DRAW_ALWAYS_SMOOTH) || lnors) ? 1 : (mf->flag & ME_SMOOTH);
 -			DMDrawOption draw_option = DM_DRAW_OPTION_NORMAL;
 +		Mesh *me = userData;
 +		unsigned int *fi_map;
 -			orig = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, i) : i;
 -			if (orig == ORIGINDEX_NONE)
 -				draw_option = setMaterial(mf->mat_nr + 1, NULL);
 -			else if (setDrawOptions != NULL)
 -				draw_option = setDrawOptions(userData, orig);
 +		findex_buffer = GPU_buffer_alloc(dm->drawObject->tot_loop_verts * sizeof(int), false);
 +		fi_map = GPU_buffer_lock(findex_buffer);
 -			if (draw_option != DM_DRAW_OPTION_SKIP) {
 -				unsigned char *cp = NULL;
 +		if (fi_map) {
 +			for (i = 0; i < dm->numTessFaceData; i++, mf++) {
 +				int selcol = 0xFFFFFFFF;
 +				orig = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, i) : i;
 -				if (draw_option == DM_DRAW_OPTION_STIPPLE) {
 -					glEnable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
 -					glPolygonStipple(stipple_quarttone);
 +				if ((orig != ORIGINDEX_NONE) && (!useHide || !(me->mpoly[orig].flag & ME_HIDE))) {
 +					WM_framebuffer_index_get(orig + 1, &selcol);
 -				if (useColors && mcol)
 -					cp = (unsigned char *)&mcol[i * 4];
 -				/* no need to set shading mode to flat because
 -				 *  normals are already used to change shading */
 -				glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);
 -				glBegin(mf->v4 ? GL_QUADS : GL_TRIANGLES);
 -				if (lnors) {
 -					if (cp) glColor3ub(cp[3], cp[2], cp[1]);
 -					glNormal3sv((const GLshort *)lnors[0][0]);
 -					glVertex3fv(mv[mf->v1].co);
 -					if (cp) glColor3ub(cp[7], cp[6], cp[5]);
 -					glNormal3sv((const GLshort *)lnors[0][1]);
 -					glVertex3fv(mv[mf->v2].co);
 -					if (cp) glColor3ub(cp[11], cp[10], cp[9]);
 -					glNormal3sv((const GLshort *)lnors[0][2]);
 -					glVertex3fv(mv[mf->v3].co);
 -					if (mf->v4) {
 -						if (cp) glColor3ub(cp[15], cp[14], cp[13]);
 -						glNormal3sv((const GLshort *)lnors[0][3]);
 -						glVertex3fv(mv[mf->v4].co);
 -					}
 -				}
 -				else if (!drawSmooth) {
 -					if (nors) {
 -						glNormal3fv(nors);
 -					}
 -					else {
 -						float nor[3];
 -						if (mf->v4) {
 -							normal_quad_v3(nor, mv[mf->v1].co, mv[mf->v2].co, mv[mf->v3].co, mv[mf->v4].co);
 -						}
 -						else {
 -							normal_tri_v3(nor, mv[mf->v1].co, mv[mf->v2].co, mv[mf->v3].co);
 -						}
 -						glNormal3fv(nor);
 -					}
 +				fi_map[start_element++] = selcol;
 +				fi_map[start_element++] = selcol;
 +				fi_map[start_element++] = selcol;
 -					if (cp) glColor3ub(cp[3], cp[2], cp[1]);
 -					glVertex3fv(mv[mf->v1].co);
 -					if (cp) glColor3ub(cp[7], cp[6], cp[5]);
 -					glVertex3fv(mv[mf->v2].co);
 -					if (cp) glColor3ub(cp[11], cp[10], cp[9]);
 -					glVertex3fv(mv[mf->v3].co);
 -					if (mf->v4) {
 -						if (cp) glColor3ub(cp[15], cp[14], cp[13]);
 -						glVertex3fv(mv[mf->v4].co);
 -					}
 -				}
 -				else {
 -					if (cp) glColor3ub(cp[3], cp[2], cp[1]);
 -					glNormal3sv(mv[mf->v1].no);
 -					glVertex3fv(mv[mf->v1].co);
 -					if (cp) glColor3ub(cp[7], cp[6], cp[5]);
 -					glNormal3sv(mv[mf->v2].no);
 -					glVertex3fv(mv[mf->v2].co);
 -					if (cp) glColor3ub(cp[11], cp[10], cp[9]);
 -					glNormal3sv(mv[mf->v3].no);
 -					glVertex3fv(mv[mf->v3].co);
 -					if (mf->v4) {
 -						if (cp) glColor3ub(cp[15], cp[14], cp[13]);
 -						glNormal3sv(mv[mf->v4].no);
 -						glVertex3fv(mv[mf->v4].co);
 -					}
 +				if (mf->v4) {
 +					fi_map[start_element++] = selcol;
 +			}
 -				glEnd();
 +			start_element = 0;
 +			mf = cddm->mface;
 -				if (draw_option == DM_DRAW_OPTION_STIPPLE)
 -					glDisable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
 -			}
 -			if (nors)
 -				nors += 3;
 -			if (lnors)
 -				lnors++;
 +			GPU_buffer_unlock(findex_buffer);
 +			GPU_buffer_bind_as_color(findex_buffer);
 -	else { /* use OpenGL VBOs or Vertex Arrays instead for better, faster rendering */
 -		int start_element = 0, tot_element, tot_drawn;
 -		int totpoly;
 -		int tottri;
 -		int mat_index;
 -		GPU_vertex_setup(dm);
 +	else {
 -		GPU_triangle_setup(dm);
 -		if (useColors && mcol) {
 -			GPU_color_setup(dm, colType);
 +		if (useColors) {
 +			colType = CD_TEXTURE_MCOL;
 +			mcol = DM_get_tessface_data_layer(dm, colType);
 +			if (!mcol) {
 +				colType = CD_PREVIEW_MCOL;
 +				mcol = DM_get_tessface_data_layer(dm, colType);
 +			}
 +			if (!mcol) {
 +				colType = CD_MCOL;
 +				mcol = DM_get_tessface_data_layer(dm, colType);
 +			}
 +			if (useColors && mcol) {
 +				GPU_color_setup(dm, colType);
 +			}
 -		glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);
 +	}
 -		tottri = dm->drawObject->tot_triangle_point;
 -		if (tottri == 0) {
 -			/* avoid buffer problems in following code */
 -		}
 -		else if (setDrawOptions == NULL) {
 -			/* just draw the entire face array */
 -			GPU_buffer_draw_elements(dm->drawObject->triangles, GL_TRIANGLES, 0, tottri);
 -		}
 -		else {
 -			for (mat_index = 0; mat_index < dm->drawObject->totmaterial; mat_index++) {
 -				GPUBufferMaterial *bufmat = dm->drawObject->materials + mat_index;
 -				DMDrawOption draw_option = DM_DRAW_OPTION_NORMAL;
 -				int next_actualFace = bufmat->polys[0];
 -				totpoly = bufmat->totpolys;
 -				tot_element = 0;
 -				tot_drawn = 0;
 -				start_element = 0;
 -				if (setMaterial)
 -					draw_option = setMaterial(bufmat->mat_nr + 1, NULL);
 -				if (draw_option != DM_DRAW_OPTION_SKIP) {
 -					for (i = 0; i < totpoly; i++) {
 -						//int actualFace = dm->drawObject->triangle_to_mface[i];
 -						int actualFace = next_actualFace;
 -						int flush = 0;
 -						draw_option = DM_DRAW_OPTION_NORMAL;
 +	glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);
 -						if (i != totpoly - 1)
 -							next_actualFace = bufmat->polys[i + 1];
 +	tottri = dm->drawObject->tot_triangle_point;
 -						orig = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, actualFace) : actualFace;
 +	if (tottri == 0) {
 +		/* avoid buffer problems in following code */
 +	}
 +	else if (setDrawOptions == NULL) {
 +		/* just draw the entire face array */
 +		GPU_buffer_draw_elements(dm->drawObject->triangles, GL_TRIANGLES, 0, tottri);
 +	}
 +	else {
 +		for (mat_index = 0; mat_index < dm->drawObject->totmaterial; mat_index++) {
 +			GPUBufferMaterial *bufmat = dm->drawObject->materials + mat_index;
 +			DMDrawOption draw_option = DM_DRAW_OPTION_NORMAL;
 +			int next_actualFace = bufmat->polys[0];
 +			totpoly = bufmat->totpolys;
 -						if (setDrawOptions != NULL && (orig != ORIGINDEX_NONE))
 -							draw_option = setDrawOptions(userData, orig);
 +			tot_element = 0;
 +			start_element = 0;
 +			tot_drawn = 0;
 -						if (draw_option == DM_DRAW_OPTION_STIPPLE) {
 -							glEnable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
 -							glPolygonStipple(stipple_quarttone);
 -						}
 +			if (setMaterial)
 +				draw_option = setMaterial(bufmat->mat_nr + 1, NULL);
 +			if (draw_option != DM_DRAW_OPTION_SKIP) {
 +				for (i = 0; i < totpoly; i++) {
 +					int actualFace = next_actualFace;
 +					int flush = 0;
 +					draw_option = DM_DRAW_OPTION_NORMAL;
 -						/* Goal is to draw as long of a contiguous triangle
 -						 * array as possible, so draw when we hit either an
 -						 * invisible triangle or at the end of the array */
 +					if (i != totpoly - 1)
 +						next_actualFace = bufmat->polys[i + 1];
 -						/* flush buffer if current triangle isn't drawable or it's last triangle... */
 -						flush = (ELEM(draw_option, DM_DRAW_OPTION_SKIP, DM_DRAW_OPTION_STIPPLE)) || (i == totpoly - 1);
 +					orig = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, actualFace) : actualFace;
 -						if (!flush && compareDrawOptions) {
 -							flush |= compareDrawOptions(userData, actualFac

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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