[Bf-blender-cvs] [e9e37dd] mathutils_bvhtree: Another alternative BVH Tree representation for totally custom user geometry.

Lukas Tönne noreply at git.blender.org
Tue Jul 14 17:28:26 CEST 2015

Commit: e9e37ddeb62595c62dc2fddfd02a4cdc7d96d53c
Author: Lukas Tönne
Date:   Tue Jul 14 17:27:01 2015 +0200
Branches: mathutils_bvhtree

Another alternative BVH Tree representation for totally custom user

The new constructor method allows creating a BVHTree from a list of
vertices and triangles directly, without a separate mesh representation.


M	source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_bvhutils.h
M	source/blender/blenkernel/intern/bvhutils.c
M	source/blender/python/mathutils/mathutils_bvhtree.c
M	source/blender/python/mathutils/mathutils_bvhtree.h


diff --git a/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_bvhutils.h b/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_bvhutils.h
index a360511..8109f46 100644
--- a/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_bvhutils.h
+++ b/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_bvhutils.h
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ void free_bvhtree_from_mesh(struct BVHTreeFromMesh *data);
  * Math functions used by callbacks
 float bvhtree_ray_tri_intersection(const BVHTreeRay *ray, const float m_dist, const float v0[3], const float v1[3], const float v2[3]);
+float bvhtree_sphereray_tri_intersection(const BVHTreeRay *ray, float radius, const float m_dist, const float v0[3], const float v1[3], const float v2[3]);
 float nearest_point_in_tri_surface_squared(const float v0[3], const float v1[3], const float v2[3], const float p[3], int *v, int *e, float nearest[3]);
diff --git a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/bvhutils.c b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/bvhutils.c
index 1a4a4bd..2213869 100644
--- a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/bvhutils.c
+++ b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/bvhutils.c
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ float bvhtree_ray_tri_intersection(const BVHTreeRay *ray, const float UNUSED(m_d
 	return FLT_MAX;
-static float sphereray_tri_intersection(const BVHTreeRay *ray, float radius, const float m_dist, const float v0[3], const float v1[3], const float v2[3])
+float bvhtree_sphereray_tri_intersection(const BVHTreeRay *ray, float radius, const float m_dist, const float v0[3], const float v1[3], const float v2[3])
 	float idist;
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ static void mesh_faces_spherecast(void *userdata, int index, const BVHTreeRay *r
 		if (data->sphere_radius == 0.0f)
 			dist = bvhtree_ray_tri_intersection(ray, hit->dist, t0, t1, t2);
-			dist = sphereray_tri_intersection(ray, data->sphere_radius, hit->dist, t0, t1, t2);
+			dist = bvhtree_sphereray_tri_intersection(ray, data->sphere_radius, hit->dist, t0, t1, t2);
 		if (dist >= 0 && dist < hit->dist) {
 			hit->index = index;
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ static void editmesh_faces_spherecast(void *userdata, int index, const BVHTreeRa
 		if (data->sphere_radius == 0.0f)
 			dist = bvhtree_ray_tri_intersection(ray, hit->dist, t0, t1, t2);
-			dist = sphereray_tri_intersection(ray, data->sphere_radius, hit->dist, t0, t1, t2);
+			dist = bvhtree_sphereray_tri_intersection(ray, data->sphere_radius, hit->dist, t0, t1, t2);
 		if (dist >= 0 && dist < hit->dist) {
 			hit->index = index;
diff --git a/source/blender/python/mathutils/mathutils_bvhtree.c b/source/blender/python/mathutils/mathutils_bvhtree.c
index 7d4d4ef..310ec41 100644
--- a/source/blender/python/mathutils/mathutils_bvhtree.c
+++ b/source/blender/python/mathutils/mathutils_bvhtree.c
@@ -73,6 +73,26 @@ typedef struct {
 	int bmtotlooptris;
 } PyBVHTree_BMesh;
+typedef struct BVHVertex {
+	float co[3];
+} BVHVertex;
+typedef struct BVHTriangle {
+	int v1, v2, v3;
+} BVHTriangle;
+typedef struct PyBVHTree_Custom {
+	PyBVHTree base;
+	/* geometry data */
+	struct BVHTree *tree;
+	struct BVHVertex *vert;
+	struct BVHTriangle *tri;
+	int totvert, tottri;
+	float epsilon;
+} PyBVHTree_Custom;
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Utility helper functions */
@@ -691,6 +711,360 @@ PyTypeObject PyBVHTreeBMesh_Type = {
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* BVHTreeCustom */
+static BVHTree *bvhtree_from_triangles_create_tree(float epsilon, int tree_type, int axis,
+                                                   BVHVertex *vert, BVHTriangle *tri, int numtris)
+	BVHTree *tree = NULL;
+	int i;
+	if (numtris == 0 || !vert || !tri)
+		return NULL;
+	/* Create a bvh-tree of the given target */
+	tree = BLI_bvhtree_new(numtris, epsilon, (char)tree_type, (char)axis);
+	if (tree) {
+		for (i = 0; i < numtris; i++) {
+			float co[3][3];
+			copy_v3_v3(co[0], vert[tri[i].v1].co);
+			copy_v3_v3(co[1], vert[tri[i].v2].co);
+			copy_v3_v3(co[2], vert[tri[i].v3].co);
+			BLI_bvhtree_insert(tree, i, co[0], 3);
+		}
+		BLI_bvhtree_balance(tree);
+	}
+	return tree;
+static int PyBVHTreeCustom__tp_init(PyBVHTree_Custom *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+	const char *keywords[] = {"vertices", "triangles", NULL};
+	PyObject *py_verts, *py_tris;
+	int numverts, numtris;
+	BVHVertex *verts, *vp;
+	BVHTriangle *tris, *tp;
+	int i;
+	bool valid = true;
+	if (PyBVHTree_Type.tp_init((PyObject *)self, args, kwargs) < 0)
+		return -1;
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, (char *)"OO:BVHTreeCustom", (char **)keywords,
+	                                 &py_verts, &py_tris))
+	{
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (!PySequence_Check(py_verts)) {
+		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+		                "expected a sequence of vectors");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (!PySequence_Check(py_tris)) {
+		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+		                "expected a sequence of lists of integers");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (valid) {
+		numverts = (int)PySequence_Size(py_verts);
+		vp = verts = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BVHVertex) * (size_t)numverts, "BPy BVHTree vertices");
+		for (i = 0; i < numverts; i++, vp++) {
+			PyObject *py_vert = PySequence_GetItem(py_verts, i);
+			if (mathutils_array_parse(vp->co, 3, 3, py_vert, "BVHTree vertex: ") == -1) {
+				valid = false;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (valid) {
+		numtris = (int)PySequence_Size(py_tris);
+		/* now construct loop list */
+		tp = tris = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BVHTriangle) * (size_t)numtris, "BPy BVHTree triangles");
+		for (i = 0; i < numtris; i++) {
+			PyObject *py_triverts = PySequence_GetItem(py_tris, i);
+			int tottri = (int)PySequence_Size(py_triverts);
+			if (tottri != 3) {
+				Py_XDECREF(py_triverts); /* may be null so use Py_XDECREF*/
+				PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+				                "One or more of the triangles does not have 3 indices");
+				valid = false;
+				break;
+			}
+			tp->v1 = (int)PyLong_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem(py_triverts, 0));
+			tp->v2 = (int)PyLong_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem(py_triverts, 1));
+			tp->v3 = (int)PyLong_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem(py_triverts, 2));
+		}
+	}
+	if (valid) {
+		self->vert = verts;
+		self->totvert = numverts;
+		self->tri = tris;
+		self->tottri = numtris;
+		/* XXX make configurable? */
+		self->epsilon = 0.0f;
+		self->tree = bvhtree_from_triangles_create_tree(self->epsilon, 4, 6, self->vert, self->tri, self->tottri);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	else {
+		if (verts)
+			MEM_freeN(verts);
+		if (tris)
+			MEM_freeN(tris);
+		return -1;
+	}
+static void PyBVHTreeCustom__tp_dealloc(PyBVHTree_Custom *self)
+	if (self->tree)
+		BLI_bvhtree_free(self->tree);
+	if (self->vert)
+		MEM_freeN(self->vert);
+	if (self->tri)
+		MEM_freeN(self->tri);
+	Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
+static void bvhtree_custom_raycast_cb(void *userdata, int index, const BVHTreeRay *ray, BVHTreeRayHit *hit)
+	PyBVHTree_Custom *self = (PyBVHTree_Custom *)userdata;
+	const BVHVertex *verts = self->vert;
+	const BVHTriangle *tris = self->tri;
+	const float *t0, *t1, *t2;
+	t0 = verts[ tris[index].v1 ].co;
+	t1 = verts[ tris[index].v2 ].co;
+	t2 = verts[ tris[index].v3 ].co;
+	{
+		float dist;
+		if (self->epsilon == 0.0f)
+			dist = bvhtree_ray_tri_intersection(ray, hit->dist, t0, t1, t2);
+		else
+			dist = bvhtree_sphereray_tri_intersection(ray, self->epsilon, hit->dist, t0, t1, t2);
+		if (dist >= 0 && dist < hit->dist) {
+			hit->index = index;
+			hit->dist = dist;
+			madd_v3_v3v3fl(hit->co, ray->origin, ray->direction, dist);
+			normal_tri_v3(hit->no, t0, t1, t2);
+		}
+	}
+".. method:: ray_cast(ray_start, ray_end)\n"
+"   Cast a ray onto the mesh.\n"
+"   :arg ray_point: Start location of the ray in object space.\n"
+"   :type ray_point: :class:`Vector`\n"
+"   :arg ray_direction: Direction of the ray in object space.\n"
+"   :type ray_direction: :class:`Vector`\n"
+"   :arg ray_maxdist: Maximum distance of intersection.\n"
+"   :type ray_maxdist: :float\n"
+"   :return: Returns a tuple (:class:`Vector` location, :class:`Vector` normal, int index, float distance), index==-1 if no hit was found.\n"
+"   :rtype: :class:`tuple`\n"
+static PyObject *py_BVHTreeCustom_ray_cast(PyBVHTree_Custom *self, PyObject *args)
+	const char *error_prefix = "ray_cast";
+	PyObject *py_point, *py_direction;
+	float ray_point[3], ray_direction[3];
+	float ray_maxdist = FLT_MAX;
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"OO|f:ray_cast", &py_point, &py_direction, &ray_maxdist))
+	{
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (mathutils_array_parse(ray_point, 2, 3, py_point, error_prefix) == -1 ||
+	    mathutils_array_parse(ray_direction, 2, 3, py_direction, error_prefix) == -1)
+	{
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	normalize_v3(ray_direction);
+	/* may fail if the mesh has no faces, in that case the ray-cast misses */
+	if (self->tree) {
+		BVHTreeRayHit hit;
+		hit.dist = ray_maxdist;
+		hit.index = -1;
+		if (BLI_bvhtree_ray_cast(self->tree, ray_point, ray_direction, 0.0f, &hit,
+		                         bvhtree_custom_raycast_cb, self) != -1)
+		{
+			if (hit.dist <= ray_maxdist) {
+				return bvhtree_ray_hit_to_py(hit.co, hit.no, hit.index, hit.dist);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return bvhtree_ray_hit_to_py(NULL, NULL, -1, 0.0f);
+/* Callback to bvh tree nearest point. The tree must have been built using bvhtree_from_mesh_faces.
+ * userdata must be a BVHMeshCallbackUserdata built from the same mesh as the tree. */
+static void bvhtree_custom_nearest_point_cb(void *userdata, int index, const float co[3], BVHTreeNearest *nearest)
+	PyBVHTree_Custom *self = (PyBVHTree_Custom *)userdata;
+	const BVHVertex *verts = self->vert;
+	const BVHTriangle *tris = self->tri;
+	const float *t0, *t1, *t2, *t3;
+	t0 = verts[ tris->v1 ].co;
+	t1 = verts[ tris->v2 ].co;
+	t2 = verts[ tris->v3 ].co;
+	{
+		float nearest_tmp[3], dist_sq;
+		closest_on_tri_to_point_v3(nearest_tmp, co, t0, t1, t2);
+		dist_sq = len_squared_v3v3(co, nearest_tmp);
+		if (dist_sq < nearest->dist_sq) {
+			nearest->index = index;
+			nearest->dist_sq = dist_sq;
+			copy_v3_v3(nearest->co, nearest_tmp);
+			normal_tri_v3(near

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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