[Bf-blender-cvs] [9df6a53] master: Knife: use BM_face_split_edgenet for detecting holes

Campbell Barton noreply at git.blender.org
Sat Dec 12 18:00:16 CET 2015

Commit: 9df6a539a2c93c2b8fe32d0d5b564c62bbadba9a
Author: Campbell Barton
Date:   Sun Dec 13 03:46:36 2015 +1100
Branches: master

Knife: use BM_face_split_edgenet for detecting holes

Knife had its own code for detecting holes which worked quite well,
but would prefer to use generic bmesh API call here.


M	source/blender/editors/mesh/editmesh_knife.c


diff --git a/source/blender/editors/mesh/editmesh_knife.c b/source/blender/editors/mesh/editmesh_knife.c
index 818526a..5b9af2f 100644
--- a/source/blender/editors/mesh/editmesh_knife.c
+++ b/source/blender/editors/mesh/editmesh_knife.c
@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@
 #include "mesh_intern.h"  /* own include */
+/* detect isolated holes and fill them */
 #define KMAXDIST    10  /* max mouse distance from edge before not detecting it */
 /* WARNING: knife float precision is fragile:
@@ -166,6 +169,11 @@ typedef struct KnifeTool_OpData {
 	MemArena *arena;
+	/* cleared each use */
+	MemArena *arena_edgenet;
 	GHash *origvertmap;
 	GHash *origedgemap;
 	GHash *kedgefacemap;
@@ -2205,330 +2213,6 @@ static int sort_verts_by_dist_cb(void *co_p, const void *cur_a_p, const void *cu
 	else                  return  0;
-/* The chain so far goes from an instantiated vertex to kfv (some may be reversed).
- * If possible, complete the chain to another instantiated vertex and return 1, else return 0.
- * The visited hash says which KnifeVert's have already been tried, not including kfv. */
-static bool find_chain_search(KnifeTool_OpData *kcd, KnifeVert *kfv, ListBase *fedges, SmallHash *visited,
-                              ListBase *chain)
-	Ref *r;
-	KnifeEdge *kfe;
-	KnifeVert *kfv_other;
-	if (kfv->v)
-		return true;
-	BLI_smallhash_insert(visited, (uintptr_t)kfv, NULL);
-	/* Try all possible next edges. Could either go through fedges
-	 * (all the KnifeEdges for the face being cut) or could go through
-	 * kve->edges and restrict to cutting face and uninstantiated edges.
-	 * Not clear which is better. Let's do the first. */
-	for (r = fedges->first; r; r = r->next) {
-		kfe = r->ref;
-		kfv_other = NULL;
-		if (kfe->v1 == kfv)
-			kfv_other = kfe->v2;
-		else if (kfe->v2 == kfv)
-			kfv_other = kfe->v1;
-		if (kfv_other && !BLI_smallhash_haskey(visited, (uintptr_t)kfv_other)) {
-			knife_append_list(kcd, chain, kfe);
-			if (find_chain_search(kcd, kfv_other, fedges, visited, chain))
-				return true;
-			BLI_remlink(chain, chain->last);
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-static ListBase *find_chain_from_vertex(KnifeTool_OpData *kcd, KnifeEdge *kfe, BMVert *v, ListBase *fedges)
-	SmallHash visited_, *visited = &visited_;
-	ListBase *ans;
-	bool found;
-	ans = knife_empty_list(kcd);
-	knife_append_list(kcd, ans, kfe);
-	found = false;
-	BLI_smallhash_init(visited);
-	if (kfe->v1->v == v) {
-		BLI_smallhash_insert(visited, (uintptr_t)(kfe->v1), NULL);
-		found = find_chain_search(kcd, kfe->v2, fedges, visited, ans);
-	}
-	else {
-		BLI_assert(kfe->v2->v == v);
-		BLI_smallhash_insert(visited, (uintptr_t)(kfe->v2), NULL);
-		found = find_chain_search(kcd, kfe->v1, fedges, visited, ans);
-	}
-	BLI_smallhash_release(visited);
-	if (found)
-		return ans;
-	else
-		return NULL;
-/* Find a chain in fedges from one instantiated vertex to another.
- * Remove the edges in the chain from fedges and return a separate list of the chain. */
-static ListBase *find_chain(KnifeTool_OpData *kcd, ListBase *fedges)
-	Ref *r, *ref;
-	KnifeEdge *kfe;
-	BMVert *v1, *v2;
-	ListBase *ans;
-	ans = NULL;
-	for (r = fedges->first; r; r = r->next) {
-		kfe = r->ref;
-		v1 = kfe->v1->v;
-		v2 = kfe->v2->v;
-		if (v1 && v2) {
-			ans = knife_empty_list(kcd);
-			knife_append_list(kcd, ans, kfe);
-			break;
-		}
-		if (v1)
-			ans = find_chain_from_vertex(kcd, kfe, v1, fedges);
-		else if (v2)
-			ans = find_chain_from_vertex(kcd, kfe, v2, fedges);
-		if (ans)
-			break;
-	}
-	if (ans) {
-		BLI_assert(!BLI_listbase_is_empty(ans));
-		for (r = ans->first; r; r = r->next) {
-			ref = find_ref(fedges, r->ref);
-			BLI_assert(ref != NULL);
-			BLI_remlink(fedges, ref);
-		}
-	}
-	return ans;
-/* The hole so far goes from kfvfirst to kfv (some may be reversed).
- * If possible, complete the hole back to kfvfirst and return 1, else return 0.
- * The visited hash says which KnifeVert's have already been tried, not including kfv or kfvfirst. */
-static bool find_hole_search(KnifeTool_OpData *kcd, KnifeVert *kfvfirst, KnifeVert *kfv, ListBase *fedges,
-                             SmallHash *visited, ListBase *hole)
-	Ref *r;
-	KnifeEdge *kfe, *kfelast;
-	KnifeVert *kfv_other;
-	if (kfv == kfvfirst)
-		return true;
-	BLI_smallhash_insert(visited, (uintptr_t)kfv, NULL);
-	kfelast = ((Ref *)hole->last)->ref;
-	for (r = fedges->first; r; r = r->next) {
-		kfe = r->ref;
-		if (kfe == kfelast)
-			continue;
-		if (kfe->v1->v || kfe->v2->v)
-			continue;
-		kfv_other = NULL;
-		if (kfe->v1 == kfv)
-			kfv_other = kfe->v2;
-		else if (kfe->v2 == kfv)
-			kfv_other = kfe->v1;
-		if (kfv_other && !BLI_smallhash_haskey(visited, (uintptr_t)kfv_other)) {
-			knife_append_list(kcd, hole, kfe);
-			if (find_hole_search(kcd, kfvfirst, kfv_other, fedges, visited, hole))
-				return true;
-			BLI_remlink(hole, hole->last);
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-/* Find a hole (simple cycle with no instantiated vertices).
- * Remove the edges in the cycle from fedges and return a separate list of the cycle */
-static ListBase *find_hole(KnifeTool_OpData *kcd, ListBase *fedges)
-	ListBase *ans;
-	Ref *r, *ref;
-	KnifeEdge *kfe;
-	SmallHash visited_, *visited = &visited_;
-	bool found;
-	ans = NULL;
-	found = false;
-	for (r = fedges->first; r && !found; r = r->next) {
-		kfe = r->ref;
-		if (kfe->v1->v || kfe->v2->v || kfe->v1 == kfe->v2)
-			continue;
-		BLI_smallhash_init(visited);
-		ans = knife_empty_list(kcd);
-		knife_append_list(kcd, ans, kfe);
-		found = find_hole_search(kcd, kfe->v1, kfe->v2, fedges, visited, ans);
-		BLI_smallhash_release(visited);
-	}
-	if (found) {
-		for (r = ans->first; r; r = r->next) {
-			kfe = r->ref;
-			ref = find_ref(fedges, r->ref);
-			if (ref)
-				BLI_remlink(fedges, ref);
-		}
-		return ans;
-	}
-	else {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-/* Try to find "nice" diagonals - short, and far apart from each other.
- * If found, return true and make a 'main chain' going across f which uses
- * the two diagonals and one part of the hole, and a 'side chain' that
- * completes the hole. */
-static bool find_hole_chains(KnifeTool_OpData *kcd, ListBase *hole, BMFace *f, ListBase **mainchain,
-                             ListBase **sidechain)
-	float (*fco)[2], (*hco)[2];
-	BMVert **fv;
-	KnifeVert **hv;
-	KnifeEdge **he;
-	Ref *r;
-	KnifeVert *kfv, *kfvother;
-	KnifeEdge *kfe;
-	ListBase *chain;
-	BMVert *v;
-	BMIter iter;
-	int nh, nf, i, j, k, m, ax, ay, sep = 0 /* Quite warnings */, bestsep;
-	int besti[2], bestj[2];
-	float dist_sq, dist_best_sq;
-	nh = BLI_listbase_count(hole);
-	nf = f->len;
-	if (nh < 2 || nf < 3)
-		return false;
-	/* Gather 2d projections of hole and face vertex coordinates.
-	 * Use best-axis projection - not completely accurate, maybe revisit */
-	axis_dominant_v3(&ax, &ay, f->no);
-	hco = BLI_memarena_alloc(kcd->arena, nh * sizeof(float[2]));
-	fco = BLI_memarena_alloc(kcd->arena, nf * sizeof(float[2]));
-	hv = BLI_memarena_alloc(kcd->arena, nh * sizeof(KnifeVert *));
-	fv = BLI_memarena_alloc(kcd->arena, nf * sizeof(BMVert *));
-	he = BLI_memarena_alloc(kcd->arena, nh * sizeof(KnifeEdge *));
-	i = 0;
-	kfv = NULL;
-	kfvother = NULL;
-	for (r = hole->first; r; r = r->next) {
-		kfe = r->ref;
-		he[i] = kfe;
-		if (kfvother == NULL) {
-			kfv = kfe->v1;
-		}
-		else {
-			kfv = kfvother;
-			BLI_assert(kfv == kfe->v1 || kfv == kfe->v2);
-		}
-		hco[i][0] = kfv->co[ax];
-		hco[i][1] = kfv->co[ay];
-		hv[i] = kfv;
-		kfvother = (kfe->v1 == kfv) ? kfe->v2 : kfe->v1;
-		i++;
-	}
-	j = 0;
-	BM_ITER_ELEM (v, &iter, f, BM_VERTS_OF_FACE) {
-		fco[j][0] = v->co[ax];
-		fco[j][1] = v->co[ay];
-		fv[j] = v;
-		j++;
-	}
-	/* For first diagonal  (m == 0), want shortest length.
-	 * For second diagonal (m == 1), want max separation of index of hole
-	 * vertex from the hole vertex used in the first diagonal, and from there
-	 * want the one with shortest length not to the same vertex as the first diagonal. */
-	for (m = 0; m < 2; m++) {
-		besti[m] = -1;
-		bestj[m] = -1;
-		dist_best_sq = FLT_MAX;
-		bestsep = 0;
-		for (i = 0; i < nh; i++) {
-			if (m == 1) {
-				if (i == besti[0])
-					continue;
-				sep = (i + nh - besti[0]) % nh;
-				sep = MIN2(sep, nh - sep);
-				if (sep < bestsep)
-					continue;
-				dist_best_sq = FLT_MAX;
-			}
-			for (j = 0; j < nf; j++) {
-				bool ok;
-				if (m == 1 && j == bestj[0])
-					continue;
-				dist_sq = len_squared_v2v2(hco[i], fco[j]);
-				if (dist_sq > dist_best_sq)
-					continue;
-				ok = true;
-				for (k = 0; k < nh && ok; k++) {
-					if (k == i || (k + 1) % nh == i)
-						continue;
-					if (isect_seg_seg_v2(hco[i], fco[j], hco[k], hco[(k + 1) % nh]))
-						ok = false;
-				}
-				if (!ok)
-					continue;
-				for (k = 0; k < nf && ok; k++) {
-					if (k == j || (k + 1) % nf == j)
-						continue;
-					if (isect_seg_seg_v2(hco[i], fco[j], fco[k], fco[(k + 1) % nf]))
-						ok = false;
-				}
-				if (ok) {
-					besti[m] = i;
-					bestj[m] = j;
-					if (m == 1)
-						bestsep = sep;
-					dist_best_sq = dist_sq;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (besti[0] != -1 && besti[1] != -1) {
-		BLI_assert(besti[0] != besti[1] && bestj[0] != bestj[1]);
-		kfe = new_knife_edge(kcd);
-		kfe->v1 = get_bm_knife_vert(kcd, fv[bestj[0]]);
-		kfe->v2 = hv[besti[0]];
-		chain = knife_empty_list(kcd);
-		knife_append_list(kcd, chain, kfe);
-		for (i = besti[0]; i != besti[1]; i = (i + 1) % nh) {
-			knife_append_list(kcd, chain, he[i]);
-		}
-		kfe = new_knife_edge(kcd);
-		kfe->v1 = hv[besti[1]];
-		kfe->v2 = get_bm_knife_vert(kcd, fv[bestj[1]]);
-		knife_append_list(kcd, chain, kfe);
-		*mainchain = chain;
-		chain = knife_empty_list(kcd);
-		for (i = besti[1]; i != besti[0]; i = (i + 1) % nh) {
-			knife_append_list(kcd, chain, he[i]);
-		}
-		*sidechain = chain;
-		return true;
-	}
-	else {
-		return false;
-	}
 static bool knife_verts_edge_in_face(KnifeVert *v1, KnifeVert *v2, BMFace *f)
 	bool v1_inside, v2_inside;
@@ -2572,201 +2256,110 @@ static bool knife_verts_edge_in_face(KnifeVert *v1, KnifeVert *v2, BMFace *f)
 	return false;
-static bool knife_edge_in_face(KnifeEdge *kfe, BM

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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