[Bf-blender-cvs] [c593855] master: BMesh: hole support for intersect tool

Campbell Barton noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Dec 11 02:08:16 CET 2015

Commit: c593855b29f7abd0c4f6e54a5b48900987738ee4
Author: Campbell Barton
Date:   Fri Dec 11 11:47:54 2015 +1100
Branches: master

BMesh: hole support for intersect tool

Support cutting many outlines into a single face (creating edges between isolated regions).


M	source/blender/bmesh/intern/bmesh_polygon_edgenet.c
M	source/blender/bmesh/intern/bmesh_polygon_edgenet.h
M	source/blender/bmesh/tools/bmesh_intersect.c
M	source/blender/bmesh/tools/bmesh_intersect.h
M	source/blender/editors/mesh/editmesh_intersect.c


diff --git a/source/blender/bmesh/intern/bmesh_polygon_edgenet.c b/source/blender/bmesh/intern/bmesh_polygon_edgenet.c
index 1241614..3d54db1 100644
--- a/source/blender/bmesh/intern/bmesh_polygon_edgenet.c
+++ b/source/blender/bmesh/intern/bmesh_polygon_edgenet.c
@@ -29,11 +29,14 @@
 #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
 #include "BLI_math.h"
+#include "BLI_memarena.h"
 #include "BLI_array.h"
 #include "BLI_alloca.h"
 #include "BLI_stackdefines.h"
 #include "BLI_linklist_stack.h"
+#include "BLI_sort.h"
 #include "BLI_sort_utils.h"
+#include "BLI_kdopbvh.h"
 #include "BKE_customdata.h"
@@ -580,3 +583,652 @@ bool BM_face_split_edgenet(
 #undef EDGE_NET
 /** \} */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Face Split Edge-Net Connect Islands */
+/** \name BM_face_split_edgenet_connect_islands and helper functions.
+ *
+ * Connect isolated mesh 'islands' so they form legal regions from which we can create faces.
+ *
+ * Intended to be used as a pre-processing step for #BM_face_split_edgenet.
+ *
+ * \warning Currently this risks running out of stack memory (#alloca),
+ * likely we'll pass in a memory arena (cleared each use) eventually.
+ *
+ * \{ */
+/* can be X or Y */
+#define SORT_AXIS 0
+BLI_INLINE bool edge_isect_verts_point_2d(
+        const BMEdge *e, const BMVert *v_a, const BMVert *v_b,
+        float r_isect[2])
+	return ((isect_seg_seg_v2_point(v_a->co, v_b->co, e->v1->co, e->v2->co, r_isect) == 1) &&
+	        ((e->v1 != v_a) && (e->v2 != v_a) && (e->v1 != v_b)  && (e->v2 != v_b)));
+ * Represents isolated edge-links,
+ * each island owns contiguous slices of the vert array.
+ * (edges remain in `edge_links`).
+ */
+struct EdgeGroupIsland {
+	LinkNode edge_links;  /* keep first */
+	unsigned int vert_len, edge_len;
+	/* Set the following vars once we have >1 groups */
+	/* when when an edge in a previous group connects to this one,
+	 * so theres no need to create one pointing back. */
+	unsigned int has_prev_edge : 1;
+	/* verts in the group which has the lowest & highest values,
+	 * the lower vertex is connected to the first edge */
+	struct {
+		BMVert *min, *max;
+	} vert_span;
+static int group_min_cmp_fn(const void *p1, const void *p2)
+	const struct EdgeGroupIsland *g1 = *(struct EdgeGroupIsland **)p1;
+	const struct EdgeGroupIsland *g2 = *(struct EdgeGroupIsland **)p2;
+	const float f1 = g1->vert_span.min->co[SORT_AXIS];
+	const float f2 = g2->vert_span.min->co[SORT_AXIS];
+	if (f1 < f2) return -1;
+	if (f1 > f2) return  1;
+	else         return  0;
+struct Edges_VertVert_BVHTreeTest {
+	float dist_orig;
+	BMEdge **edge_arr;
+	BMVert *v_origin;
+	BMVert *v_other;
+	const unsigned int *vert_range;
+struct Edges_VertRay_BVHTreeTest {
+	BMEdge **edge_arr;
+	BMVert *v_origin;
+	const unsigned int *vert_range;
+static void bvhtree_test_edges_isect_2d_vert_cb(
+        void *user_data, int index, const BVHTreeRay *UNUSED(ray), BVHTreeRayHit *hit)
+	struct Edges_VertVert_BVHTreeTest *data = user_data;
+	const BMEdge *e = data->edge_arr[index];
+	const int v1_index = BM_elem_index_get(e->v1);
+	float co_isect[2];
+	if (edge_isect_verts_point_2d(e, data->v_origin, data->v_other, co_isect)) {
+		const float t = line_point_factor_v2(co_isect, data->v_origin->co, data->v_other->co);
+		const float dist_new = data->dist_orig * t;
+		/* avoid float precision issues, possible this is greater */
+		if (LIKELY(dist_new < hit->dist)) {
+			/* v1/v2 will both be in the same group */
+			if (v1_index <  (int)data->vert_range[0] ||
+			    v1_index >= (int)data->vert_range[1])
+			{
+				hit->dist = dist_new;
+				hit->index = index;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+static void bvhtree_test_edges_isect_2d_ray_cb(
+        void *user_data, int index, const BVHTreeRay *ray, BVHTreeRayHit *hit)
+	struct Edges_VertRay_BVHTreeTest *data = user_data;
+	const BMEdge *e = data->edge_arr[index];
+	/* direction is normalized, so this will be the distance */
+	float dist_new;
+	if (isect_ray_seg_v2(data->v_origin->co, ray->direction, e->v1->co, e->v2->co, &dist_new, NULL)) {
+		/* avoid float precision issues, possible this is greater */
+		if (LIKELY(dist_new < hit->dist)) {
+			if (e->v1 != data->v_origin && e->v2 != data->v_origin) {
+				const int v1_index = BM_elem_index_get(e->v1);
+				/* v1/v2 will both be in the same group */
+				if (v1_index <  (int)data->vert_range[0] ||
+				    v1_index >= (int)data->vert_range[1])
+				{
+					hit->dist = dist_new;
+					hit->index = index;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * Store values for:
+ * - #bm_face_split_edgenet_find_connection
+ * - #test_edges_isect_2d
+ * ... which don't change each call.
+ */
+struct EdgeGroup_FindConnection_Args {
+	BVHTree *bvhtree;
+	BMEdge **edge_arr;
+	unsigned int edge_arr_len;
+	BMEdge **edge_arr_new;
+	unsigned int edge_arr_new_len;
+	const unsigned int *vert_range;
+static BMEdge *test_edges_isect_2d_vert(
+        const struct EdgeGroup_FindConnection_Args *args,
+        BMVert *v_origin, BMVert *v_other)
+	int index;
+	BVHTreeRayHit hit = {0};
+	float dir[3];
+	sub_v2_v2v2(dir, v_other->co, v_origin->co);
+	dir[2] = 0.0f;
+	hit.index = -1;
+	hit.dist = normalize_v2(dir);
+	struct Edges_VertVert_BVHTreeTest user_data = {0};
+	user_data.dist_orig = hit.dist;
+	user_data.edge_arr = args->edge_arr;
+	user_data.v_origin = v_origin;
+	user_data.v_other = v_other;
+	user_data.vert_range = args->vert_range;
+	index = BLI_bvhtree_ray_cast_ex(
+	        args->bvhtree, v_origin->co, dir, 0.0f, &hit,
+	        bvhtree_test_edges_isect_2d_vert_cb, &user_data, 0);
+	BMEdge *e_hit = (index != -1) ? args->edge_arr[index] : NULL;
+	/* check existing connections (no spatial optimization here since we're continually adding). */
+	if (LIKELY(index == -1)) {
+		float t_best = 1.0f;
+		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args->edge_arr_new_len; i++) {
+			float co_isect[2];
+			if (UNLIKELY(edge_isect_verts_point_2d(args->edge_arr_new[i], v_origin, v_other, co_isect))) {
+				const float t_test = line_point_factor_v2(co_isect, v_origin->co, v_other->co);
+				if (t_test < t_best) {
+					t_best = t_test;
+					e_hit = args->edge_arr_new[i];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return e_hit;
+ * Similar to #test_edges_isect_2d_vert but we're casting into a direction,
+ * (not to a vertex)
+ */
+static BMEdge *test_edges_isect_2d_ray(
+        const struct EdgeGroup_FindConnection_Args *args,
+        BMVert *v_origin, const float dir[3])
+	int index;
+	BVHTreeRayHit hit = {0};
+	hit.index = -1;
+	hit.dist = FLT_MAX;
+	struct Edges_VertRay_BVHTreeTest user_data = {0};
+	user_data.edge_arr = args->edge_arr;
+	user_data.v_origin = v_origin;
+	user_data.vert_range = args->vert_range;
+	index = BLI_bvhtree_ray_cast_ex(
+	        args->bvhtree, v_origin->co, dir, 0.0f, &hit,
+	        bvhtree_test_edges_isect_2d_ray_cb, &user_data, 0);
+	BMEdge *e_hit = (index != -1) ? args->edge_arr[index] : NULL;
+	/* check existing connections (no spatial optimization here since we're continually adding). */
+	if (LIKELY(index != -1)) {
+		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args->edge_arr_new_len; i++) {
+			BMEdge *e = args->edge_arr_new[i];
+			float dist_new;
+			if (isect_ray_seg_v2(v_origin->co, dir, e->v1->co, e->v2->co, &dist_new, NULL)) {
+				if (e->v1 != v_origin && e->v2 != v_origin) {
+					/* avoid float precision issues, possible this is greater */
+					if (LIKELY(dist_new < hit.dist)) {
+						hit.dist = dist_new;
+						e_hit = args->edge_arr_new[i];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return e_hit;
+static int bm_face_split_edgenet_find_connection(
+        const struct EdgeGroup_FindConnection_Args *args,
+        BMVert *v_origin,
+        /* false = negative, true = positive */
+        bool direction_sign)
+	/**
+	 * Method for finding connection is as follows:
+	 *
+	 * - Cast a ray along either the positive or negative directions.
+	 * - Take the hit-edge, and cast rays to their vertices checking those rays don't intersect a closer edge.
+	 * - Keep taking the hit-edge and testing its verts until a vertex is found which isn't blocked by an edge.
+	 *
+	 * \note It's possible none of the verts can be accessed (with self-intersecting lines).
+	 * In that case theres no right answer (without subdividing edges),
+	 * so return a fall-back vertex in that case.
+	 */
+	const float dir[3] = {[SORT_AXIS] = direction_sign ? 1.0 : -1.0f};
+	BMEdge *e_hit = test_edges_isect_2d_ray(args, v_origin, dir);
+	BMVert *v_other = NULL;
+	if (e_hit) {
+		BMVert *v_other_fallback = NULL;
+		BLI_SMALLSTACK_DECLARE(vert_search, BMVert *);
+		/* ensure we never add verts multiple times (not all that likely - but possible) */
+		BLI_SMALLSTACK_DECLARE(vert_blacklist, BMVert *);
+		do {
+			BMVert *v_pair[2];
+			/* ensure the closest vertex is popped back off the stack first */
+			if (len_squared_v2v2(v_origin->co, e_hit->v1->co) >
+			    len_squared_v2v2(v_origin->co, e_hit->v2->co))
+			{
+				ARRAY_SET_ITEMS(v_pair, e_hit->v1, e_hit->v2);
+			}
+			else {
+				ARRAY_SET_ITEMS(v_pair, e_hit->v2, e_hit->v1);
+			}
+			for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+				BMVert *v_iter = v_pair[j];
+				if (BM_elem_flag_test(v_iter, VERT_IS_VALID)) {
+					if (direction_sign ? (v_iter->co[SORT_AXIS] >= v_origin->co[SORT_AXIS]) :
+					                     (v_iter->co[SORT_AXIS] <= v_origin->co[SORT_AXIS]))
+					{
+						BLI_SMALLSTACK_PUSH(vert_search, v_iter);
+						BLI_SMALLSTACK_PUSH(vert_blacklist, v_iter);
+						BM_elem_flag_disable(v_iter, VERT_IS_VALID);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			v_other_fallback = v_other;
+		} while ((v_other = BLI_SMALLSTACK_POP(vert_search)) &&
+		         (e_hit   = test_edges_isect_2d_vert(args, v_origin, v_other)));
+		if (v_other == NULL) {
+			printf("Using fallback\n");
+			v_other = v_other_fallback;
+		}
+		/* reset the blacklist flag, for future use */
+		BMVert *v;
+		while ((v = BLI_SMALLSTACK_POP(vert_blacklist))) {
+			BM_elem_flag_enable(v, VERT_IS_VALID);
+		}
+	}
+	/* if we reach this line, v_other is either the best vertex or its NULL */
+	return v_othe

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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