[Bf-blender-cvs] [94b574e] master: Add a first basic set of tests for the new bpy.utils.units module/API

Bastien Montagne noreply at git.blender.org
Tue Jun 17 16:08:45 CEST 2014

Commit: 94b574ee02698cc84e48210116eab474e29a8d1a
Author: Bastien Montagne
Date:   Tue Jun 17 16:04:48 2014 +0200

Add a first basic set of tests for the new bpy.utils.units module/API

Only contains 'LENGTH' type tests currently.


A	source/tests/bl_pyapi_units.py


diff --git a/source/tests/bl_pyapi_units.py b/source/tests/bl_pyapi_units.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76b97ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/tests/bl_pyapi_units.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# ./blender.bin --background -noaudio --python source/tests/bl_pyapi_units.py
+import unittest
+from test import support
+from bpy.utils import units
+class UnitsTesting(unittest.TestCase):
+    # From user typing to 'internal' Blender value.
+    INPUT_TESTS = (
+        # system,    type,    ref, input, value
+        ##### LENGTH
+        ('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', "", "1ft", 0.3048),
+        ('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', "", "(1+1)ft", 0.3048 * 2),
+        ('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', "", "1mi4\"", 1609.344 + 0.0254 * 4),
+        ('METRIC',   'LENGTH', "", "0.005µm", 0.000001 * 0.005),
+        ('METRIC',   'LENGTH', "", "1e6km", 1000.0 * 1e6),
+        ('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', "", "1ft5cm", 0.3048 + 0.01 * 5),
+        ('METRIC',   'LENGTH', "", "1ft5cm", 0.3048 + 0.01 * 5),
+        # Using reference string to find a unit when none is given.
+        ('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', "33.3ft", "1", 0.3048),
+        ('METRIC',   'LENGTH', "33.3dm", "1", 0.1),
+        ('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', "33.3cm", "1", 0.3048),  # ref unit is not in IMPERIAL system, default to feet...
+        ('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', "33.3ft", "1\"", 0.0254),  # unused ref unit, since one is given already!
+        #('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', "", "1+1ft", 0.3048 * 2),  # Will fail with current code!
+    )
+    # From 'internal' Blender value to user-friendly printing
+        # system,    type,    prec, sep, compat, value, output
+        ##### LENGTH
+        ('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', 3, False, False, 0.3048, "1'"),
+        ('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', 3, False, True,  0.3048, "1ft"),
+        ('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', 3, True,  False, 0.3048 * 2 + 0.0254 * 5.5, "2' 5.5\""),
+        # Those next two fail, here again because precision ignores order magnitude :/
+        #('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', 3, False, False, 1609.344 * 1e6, "1000000mi"), # == 1000000.004mi!!!
+        #('IMPERIAL', 'LENGTH', 6, False, False, 1609.344 * 1e6, "1000000mi"), # == 1000000.003641mi!!!
+        ('METRIC',   'LENGTH', 3, True,  False, 1000 * 2 + 0.001 * 15, "2km 1.5cm"),
+        ('METRIC',   'LENGTH', 3, True,  False, 1234.56789, "1km 234.6m"),
+        # Note: precision seems basically unused when using multi units!
+        ('METRIC',   'LENGTH', 9, True,  False, 1234.56789, "1km 234.6m"),
+        ('METRIC',   'LENGTH', 9, False, False, 1234.56789, "1.23456789km"),
+        ('METRIC',   'LENGTH', 9, True,  False, 1000.000123456789, "1km 0.1mm"),
+    )
+    def test_units_inputs(self):
+        # Stolen from FBX addon!
+        def similar_values(v1, v2, e):
+            if v1 == v2:
+                return True
+            return ((abs(v1 - v2) / max(abs(v1), abs(v2))) <= e)
+        for usys, utype, ref, inpt, val in self.INPUT_TESTS:
+            opt_val = units.to_value(usys, utype, inpt, ref)
+            # Note: almostequal is not good here, precision is fixed on decimal digits, not variable with
+            # magnitude of numbers (i.e. 1609.4416 ~= 1609.4456 fails even at 5 of 'places'...).
+            self.assertTrue(similar_values(opt_val, val, 1e-7),
+                            msg="%s, %s: \"%s\" (ref: \"%s\") => %f, expected %f"
+                                "" % (usys, utype, inpt, ref, opt_val, val))
+    def test_units_outputs(self):
+        for usys, utype, prec, sep, compat, val, output in self.OUTPUT_TESTS:
+            opt_str = units.to_string(usys, utype, val, prec, sep, compat)
+            self.assertEqual(opt_str, output,
+                            msg="%s, %s: %f (precision: %d, separate units: %d, compat units: %d) => "
+                                "\"%s\", expected \"%s\"" % (usys, utype, val, prec, sep, compat, opt_str, output))
+def test_main():
+    try:
+        support.run_unittest(UnitsTesting)
+    except:
+        import traceback
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        # alert CTest we failed
+        import sys
+        sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test_main()

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