[Bf-blender-cvs] [6103835] soc-2014-nurbs: BSpline basis (derivs 0, 1, 2), BSpline surface (derivs 0, 1) fix + verification in Mathematica

Jonathan deWerd noreply at git.blender.org
Sat Jul 26 20:47:53 CEST 2014

Commit: 6103835784c456d1fc7d0bfb2ae6d6dde8335763
Author: Jonathan deWerd
Date:   Mon Jul 21 23:44:13 2014 -0400
Branches: soc-2014-nurbs

BSpline basis (derivs 0,1,2), BSpline surface (derivs 0,1) fix + verification in Mathematica


M	source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_curve.h
M	source/blender/blenkernel/intern/curve.cpp
M	source/blender/blenkernel/intern/curve_eval.cpp
M	tests/interactive/curve_eval.h
M	tests/interactive/nurbs_derivative_eval.cpp
M	tests/interactive/nurbs_eval.nb


diff --git a/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_curve.h b/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_curve.h
index 2268cc6..378e3c0 100644
--- a/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_curve.h
+++ b/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_curve.h
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ void BKE_curve_forward_diff_bezier(float q0, float q1, float q2, float q3, float
 void BKE_curve_rect_from_textbox(const struct Curve *cu, const struct TextBox *tb, struct rctf *r_rect);
 /* ** Nurbs ** */
-int BKE_nurbs_nz_basis_range(float u, float *knots, int num_knots, int order);
-void BKE_nurbs_basis_eval(float u, int i, float *U, int num_knots, int order, int nd, float out[][NURBS_MAX_ORDER]);
+int BKE_bspline_nz_basis_range(float u, float *knots, int num_pts, int order);
+void BKE_bspline_basis_eval(float u, int i, float *U, int num_pts, int order, int nd, float out[][NURBS_MAX_ORDER]);
 bool BKE_nurbList_index_get_co(struct ListBase *editnurb, const int index, float r_co[3]);
diff --git a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/curve.cpp b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/curve.cpp
index b14bdd7..7c6d559 100644
--- a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/curve.cpp
+++ b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/curve.cpp
@@ -4134,8 +4134,8 @@ void BKE_nurb_make_displist(struct Nurb *nu, struct DispList *dl) {
 		// Right now xyz = {u,v,0.0}. Apply the NURBS map to transform it to {x,y,z}
 		if (xyz[1]!=cached_v) {
 			/* only N(i-p)p, N(i-p+1)p, ..., Nip are nz*/
-			iv = BKE_nurbs_nz_basis_range(xyz[1], nu->knotsv, KNOTSV(nu), orderv);
-			BKE_nurbs_basis_eval(xyz[1], iv, nu->knotsv, KNOTSV(nu), orderv, 1, basisv);
+			iv = BKE_bspline_nz_basis_range(xyz[1], nu->knotsv, nu->pntsv, orderv);
+			BKE_bspline_basis_eval(xyz[1], iv, nu->knotsv, nu->pntsv, orderv, 1, basisv);
 			if (xyz[0]>0.75) {
 				printf("vcoeff(%f): ",xyz[1]);
 				for (int l=0; l<orderv; l++)
@@ -4143,8 +4143,8 @@ void BKE_nurb_make_displist(struct Nurb *nu, struct DispList *dl) {
 			cached_v = xyz[1];
-		iu = BKE_nurbs_nz_basis_range(xyz[0], nu->knotsu, KNOTSU(nu), orderu);
-		BKE_nurbs_basis_eval(xyz[0], iu, nu->knotsu, KNOTSU(nu), orderu, 1, basisu);
+		iu = BKE_bspline_nz_basis_range(xyz[0], nu->knotsu, nu->pntsu, orderu);
+		BKE_bspline_basis_eval(xyz[0], iu, nu->knotsu, nu->pntsu, orderu, 1, basisu);
 		if (xyz[0]>0.75) {
 			printf("ucoeff(%f): ",xyz[0]);
 			for (int l=0; l<orderu; l++)
diff --git a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/curve_eval.cpp b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/curve_eval.cpp
index 7e5099f..7c883c9 100644
--- a/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/curve_eval.cpp
+++ b/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/curve_eval.cpp
@@ -40,11 +40,36 @@ extern "C" {
+int BKE_nurb_binom_coeffs[NURBS_MAX_ORDER][NURBS_MAX_ORDER+1];
+int BKE_nurb_binom_coeff(int k, int i) {
+	static int inited=0;
+	if (!inited) {
+		inited=1;
+		for (int kk=0; kk<NURBS_MAX_ORDER; kk++) {
+			int last = 1;
+			BKE_nurb_binom_coeffs[kk][0] = last;
+			for (int ii=1; ii<=kk; ii++) {
+				last *= kk-ii+1;
+				last /= i;
+				BKE_nurb_binom_coeffs[kk][ii] = last;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	if (k>=NURBS_MAX_ORDER || i>k) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid binomial coeff %i-choose-%i.\n",k,i);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return BKE_nurb_binom_coeffs[k][i];
 /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Non Uniform Rational B Spline calculations ~~~~~~~~~~~ */
 float nurbs_eps = 1e-5;
-void BKE_nurb_knot_calc(int flags, int pnts, int order, float knots[])
+void BKE_bspline_knot_calc(int flags, int pnts, int order, float knots[])
 	int num_knots = pnts + order;
 	if (flags & CU_NURB_CYCLIC) num_knots += order-1;
@@ -113,11 +138,11 @@ void BKE_nurb_knot_calc(int flags, int pnts, int order, float knots[])
-/* Points on the surface of a NURBS curve are defined as an affine combination
+/* Points on a NURBS surface are defined as an affine combination
  * (sum of coeffs is 1) of points from the control polygon. HOWEVER, the
  * locality property of NURBS dictates that at most $order consecutive
- * control points are nonzero at a given curve coordinate u (or v, but we assume
- * u WLOG for the purposes of naming the variable). Therefore
+ * control points have nonzero weight at a given curve coordinate u (or v, but
+ * we assume u WLOG for the purposes of naming the variable). Therefore
  *     C(u) = \sum_{j=0}^n   Njp(u)*Pj
  *          = \sum_{j=i-p}^j Njp(u)*Pj
  *          = N(i-p)p*P(i-p) + N(i-p+1)p*P(i-p+1) + ... + Nip*Pi
@@ -128,13 +153,11 @@ void BKE_nurb_knot_calc(int flags, int pnts, int order, float knots[])
  *  u = the curve parameter, as above (u is actually v if uv==2)
  * returns: i such that basis functions i-p,i-p+1,...,i are possibly nonzero
-int BKE_nurbs_nz_basis_range(float u, float *knots, int num_knots, int order)
+int BKE_bspline_nz_basis_range(float u, float *knots, int num_pts, int order)
 	int p = order-1; /* p is the NURBS degree */
-	int m = num_knots-1; /* 0-based index of the last knot */
-	int n = m-p-1; /* = number of control points + 1 */
-	/*
+	int n = num_pts-1;
+	// Binary Search
  	if (u>=knots[n+1])
 		return n;
  	if (u<=knots[p])
@@ -145,27 +168,45 @@ int BKE_nurbs_nz_basis_range(float u, float *knots, int num_knots, int order)
 		else              low=mid;
 		mid = (low+high)/2;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	// Linear Search
+	int ls_ret;
+	for (int i=p; i<=n; i++) {
+		if (knots[i]<=u && u<knots[i+1]) {
+			ls_ret = i;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (mid!=ls_ret) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "BS%i[%f,%f) LS%i[%f,%f) MISMATCH!\n",mid,knots[mid],knots[mid+1], ls_ret,knots[ls_ret],knots[ls_ret+1]);
+	}
+	if (!(p<=ls_ret && ls_ret<=n+1)) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"NURBS tess: knot index 2 out of bounds\n");
+	}
 	return mid;
-	*/
 /* Computes the p+1=order nonvanishing NURBS basis functions at coordinate u.
  * Arguments:
  *  u = the curve parameter, as above (u is actually v if uv==2)
- *  i = the return value of nurbs_nz_basis_range(u,...)
+ *  i = such that u_i<=u<u_i+1 = the return value of nurbs_nz_basis_range(u,...)
  *  U = the knot vector
- *  num_knots = number of knots in U
- *  nd= the number of derivatives to calculate (0 = just regular basis funcs)
- * out = an array to put N(i-p),N(i-p+1),...,N(i) and their derivatives into
+ *  num_pts = number of knots in U
+ *  order = the order of the NURBS curve
+ *  nd = the number of derivatives to calculate (0 = just regular basis funcs)
+ * out = an array to put N(i-p),N(i-p+1),...,N(i) and their derivatives into:
  *  out[0][0]=N(i-p)        out[0][1]=N(i-p+1)        ...   out[0][p]=N(i)
  *  out[1][0]=N'(i-p)       out[1][1]=N'(i-p+1)       ...   out[1][p]=N'(i)
  *  ...
  *  out[nd-1][0]=N'''(i-p)  out[nd-1][1]=N'''(i-p+1)  ...   out[nd-1][p]=N'''(i)
  *                 ^ let ''' stand for differentiation nd-1 times
- * Adapted from Piegl&Tiller 1995
+ * Let N(i,p,u) stand for the ith basis func of order p eval'd at u.
+ * Let N(i) be a shorthand when p and u are implicit from context.
+ * Efficient algorithm adapted from Piegl&Tiller 1995
-void BKE_nurbs_basis_eval(float u, int i, float *U, int num_knots, int order, int nd, float out[][NURBS_MAX_ORDER]) {
+void BKE_bspline_basis_eval(float u, int i, float *U, int num_pts, int order, int nd, float out[][NURBS_MAX_ORDER]) {
+	int num_knots = num_pts + order;
 	int p = order-1; /* p is the NURBS degree */
 	int n = num_knots-p; /* = number of control points + 1 */
 	double left[NURBS_MAX_ORDER], right[NURBS_MAX_ORDER];
@@ -173,35 +214,48 @@ void BKE_nurbs_basis_eval(float u, int i, float *U, int num_knots, int order, in
 	double a[2][NURBS_MAX_ORDER];
 	double saved,temp;
 	if (u<U[p]) u=U[p];
-	if (u>U[num_knots-p-2]) u=U[num_knots-p-2];
+	if (u>U[num_knots-p-1]) u=U[num_knots-p-1];
 	if (i==-1) {
-		i = BKE_nurbs_nz_basis_range(u, U, num_knots, order);
+		i = BKE_bspline_nz_basis_range(u, U, num_pts, order);
+	}
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	if (!(U[i]<=u && u<=U[i+1])) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "NURBS tess error: curve argument out of bounds\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!(p<=i && i<=num_knots-p-1 && i<=10)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "NURBS tess error: knot index i out of bounds\n");
+		return;
 	/* First, compute the 0th derivatives of the basis functions. */
 	ndu[0][0] = 1.0;
 	for (int j=1; j<=p; j++) {
+		/* Compute degree j basis functions eval'd at u */
+		/* N(i-j,j,u) N(i-j+1,j,u) ... N(i,j,u) */
 		left[j] = u-U[i+1-j];
 		right[j] = U[i+j]-u;
 		saved = 0;
-		/* Upper and lower triangles of Piegl&Tiller eval grid */
 		for (int r=0; r<j; r++) {
+			/* Compute N(i-j+r, j, u) */
 			ndu[j][r] = right[r+1]+left[j-r];
-			printf("ndu[%i][%i]=%f  for i=%i\n",j,r,ndu[j][r],i);
 			temp = ndu[r][j-1]/ndu[j][r];
-			ndu[r][j] = saved+right[r+1]*temp;
+			ndu[r][j] = saved+right[r+1]*temp;  /* N(i-p+r,j,u) */
 			saved = left[j-r]*temp;
-		ndu[j][j] = saved;
+		/* Edge case: prev loop didn't store N(i-j+j,j,u)==N(i,j,u) */
+		ndu[j][j] = saved; /* N(i,j,u) */
 	for (int j=0; j<=p; j++)
 		out[0][j] = ndu[j][p];
-	return;
 	/* Now compute the higher nd derivatives */
 	for (int r=0; r<=p; r++) {
 		int s1=0, s2=1, j1=0, j2=0;
 		a[0][0] = 1.0;
 		for (int k=1; k<=nd && k<=n; k++) {
+			/* compute kth derivative */
 			double d = 0.0;
 			int rk=r-k, pk=p-k, j=0;
 			if (r>=k) {
@@ -222,12 +276,114 @@ void BKE_nurbs_basis_eval(float u, int i, float *U, int num_knots, int order, in
 			j=s1; s1=s2; s2=j;
+	/* fix the normalization of derivatives */
 	int r=p;
-	for (int k=1; k<=n; k++) {
+	for (int k=1; k<=n && k<=nd; k++) {
 		for (int j=0; j<=p; j++) {
 			out[k][j] *= r;
-		r *=(p-k);
+		r *= (p-k);
+/* Evaluates a B-Spline curve (and nd of its derivatives) at point u.
+ * NOTE: *DOES NOT* perform perspective divide on output 4-vectors. Some algorithms
+ * need the information stored in the weights.
+ *
+ * u: the point to eval the curve at
+ * U: the knot vector
+ * num_pts: number of control points
+ * order: order of the NURBS curve
+ * P,stride: P[0], P[stride], ..., P[(num_pts-1)*stride] are the ctrl points
+ * nd: number of derivatives to calculate
+ * out: out[0], out[1], ..., out[nd] are the evaluated points/derivatives
+ */
+void BKE_bspline_curve_eval(float u, float *U, int num_pts, int order, BPoint *P, int stride, int nd, BPoint *out)
+	int p = order-1;
+	if (!(

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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