[Bf-blender-cvs] [da91575] master: Bevel: add width consistency pass.

Howard Trickey noreply at git.blender.org
Mon Dec 2 13:29:41 CET 2013

Commit: da91575206cda63966fbd526378de98a866e8e5c
Author: Howard Trickey
Date:   Mon Dec 2 07:16:49 2013 -0500

Bevel: add width consistency pass.

When the desired widths (offsets) of beveled edges cannot be
satisfied, often because we want them to meet on an intermediate
non-beveled edge, we need to compromise on the widths somehow.
This code changes the compromise to minimize the sum of squares
of errors in the offsets.  It also adds a global width consistency
pass: starting from a vertex that needed width adjustment, it
uses a breadth-first search to try to propagate the adjustments
and keep the bevel widths from having to taper along the edges.

Also fixed a case where a reflex angle would cause bad results.
Also fixed the way the 'percentage' width method was calculated.


M	source/blender/bmesh/tools/bmesh_bevel.c


diff --git a/source/blender/bmesh/tools/bmesh_bevel.c b/source/blender/bmesh/tools/bmesh_bevel.c
index 5e68e46..7f39cbe 100644
--- a/source/blender/bmesh/tools/bmesh_bevel.c
+++ b/source/blender/bmesh/tools/bmesh_bevel.c
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 #include "BLI_array.h"
 #include "BLI_alloca.h"
+#include "BLI_gsqueue.h"
 #include "BLI_math.h"
 #include "BLI_memarena.h"
@@ -75,6 +76,8 @@ typedef struct EdgeHalf {
 	int   seg;                  /* how many segments for the bevel */
 	float offset_l;             /* offset for this edge, on left side */
 	float offset_r;             /* offset for this edge, on right side */
+	float offset_l_spec;        /* user specification for offset_l */
+	float offset_r_spec;        /* user specification for offset_r */
 	bool is_bev;                /* is this edge beveled? */
 	bool is_rev;                /* is e->v2 the vertex at this end? */
 	bool is_seam;               /* is e a seam for custom loopdata (e.g., UVs)? */
@@ -117,6 +120,7 @@ typedef struct BevVert {
 	int selcount;           /* number of selected edges around the vertex */
 	float offset;           /* offset for this vertex, if vertex_only bevel */
 	bool any_seam;			/* any seams on attached edges? */
+	bool visited;           /* used in graph traversal */
 	EdgeHalf *edges;        /* array of size edgecount; CCW order from vertex normal side */
 	VMesh *vmesh;           /* mesh structure for replacing vertex */
 } BevVert;
@@ -134,6 +138,7 @@ typedef struct BevelParams {
 	bool vertex_only;       /* bevel vertices only */
 	bool use_weights;       /* bevel amount affected by weights on edges or verts */
 	bool preserve_widths;	/* should bevel prefer widths over angles, if forced to choose? */
+	bool limit_offset;      /* should offsets be limited by collisions? */
 	const struct MDeformVert *dvert; /* vertex group array, maybe set if vertex_only */
 	int vertex_group;       /* vertex group index, maybe set if vertex_only */
 } BevelParams;
@@ -166,6 +171,11 @@ static BoundVert *add_new_bound_vert(MemArena *mem_arena, VMesh *vm, const float
 	return ans;
+BLI_INLINE void adjust_bound_vert(BoundVert *bv, const float co[3])
+	copy_v3_v3(bv->nv.co, co);
 /* Mesh verts are indexed (i, j, k) where
  * i = boundvert index (0 <= i < nv)
  * j = ring index (0 <= j <= ns2)
@@ -216,21 +226,55 @@ static BevVert *find_bevvert(BevelParams *bp, BMVert *bmv)
 /* Find the EdgeHalf representing the other end of e->e.
+ * Return other end's BevVert in *bvother, if r_bvother is provided.
  * That may not have been constructed yet, in which case return NULL. */
-static EdgeHalf *find_other_end_edge_half(BevelParams *bp, EdgeHalf *e)
+static EdgeHalf *find_other_end_edge_half(BevelParams *bp, EdgeHalf *e, BevVert **r_bvother)
-	BevVert *bvother;
+	BevVert *bvo;
 	EdgeHalf *eother;
-	bvother = find_bevvert(bp, e->is_rev ? e->e->v1 : e->e->v2);
-	if (bvother) {
-		eother = find_edge_half(bvother, e->e);
+	bvo = find_bevvert(bp, e->is_rev ? e->e->v1 : e->e->v2);
+	if (bvo) {
+		if (r_bvother)
+			*r_bvother = bvo;
+		eother = find_edge_half(bvo, e->e);
 		BLI_assert(eother != NULL);
 		return eother;
+	else if (r_bvother) {
+		*r_bvother = NULL;
+	}
 	return NULL;
+static bool other_edge_half_visited(BevelParams *bp, EdgeHalf *e)
+	BevVert *bvo;
+	bvo = find_bevvert(bp, e->is_rev ? e->e->v1 : e->e->v2);
+	if (bvo)
+		return bvo->visited;
+	else
+		return false;
+static bool edge_half_offset_changed(EdgeHalf *e)
+	return e->offset_l != e->offset_l_spec ||
+	       e->offset_r != e->offset_r_spec;
+static bool any_edge_half_offset_changed(BevVert *bv)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < bv->edgecount; i++) {
+		if (edge_half_offset_changed(&bv->edges[i]))
+			return true;
+	}
+	return false;
 /* Return the next EdgeHalf after from_e that is beveled.
  * If from_e is NULL, find the first beveled edge. */
 static EdgeHalf *next_bev(BevVert *bv, EdgeHalf *from_e)
@@ -472,11 +516,14 @@ static void slide_dist(EdgeHalf *e, BMVert *v, float d, float slideco[3])
  * When offsets are equal, the new point is on the edge bisector, with length offset/sin(angle/2),
  * but if the offsets are not equal (allowing for this, as bevel modifier has edge weights that may
  * lead to different offsets) then meeting point can be found be intersecting offset lines.
+ * If making the meeting point significantly changes the left or right offset from the user spec,
+ * record the change in offset_l (or offset_r); later we can tell that a change has happened because
+ * the offset will differ from its original value in offset_l_spec (or offset_r_spec).
 static void offset_meet(EdgeHalf *e1, EdgeHalf *e2, BMVert *v, BMFace *f, float meetco[3])
 	float dir1[3], dir2[3], norm_v[3], norm_perp1[3], norm_perp2[3],
-	      off1a[3], off1b[3], off2a[3], off2b[3], isect2[3], ang;
+	      off1a[3], off1b[3], off2a[3], off2b[3], isect2[3], ang, d;
 	/* get direction vectors for two offset lines */
 	sub_v3_v3v3(dir1, v->co, BM_edge_other_vert(e1->e, v)->co);
@@ -495,13 +542,17 @@ static void offset_meet(EdgeHalf *e1, EdgeHalf *e2, BMVert *v, BMFace *f, float
 		copy_v3_v3(off1a, v->co);
 		madd_v3_v3fl(off1a, norm_perp1, e1->offset_r);
+		if (e2->offset_l != e1->offset_r)
+			e2->offset_l = e1->offset_r;
 		copy_v3_v3(meetco, off1a);
 	else if (fabsf(ang - (float)M_PI) < 100.0f * BEVEL_EPSILON) {
 		/* special case e1 and e2 are antiparallel, so bevel is into
 		 * a zero-area face.  Just make the offset point on the
 		 * common line, at offset distance from v. */
-		slide_dist(e2, v, e2->offset_l, meetco);
+		slide_dist(e2, v, e1->offset_r, meetco);
+		if (e2->offset_l != e1->offset_r)
+			e2->offset_l = e1->offset_r;
 	else {
 		/* Get normal to plane where meet point should be,
@@ -532,45 +583,122 @@ static void offset_meet(EdgeHalf *e1, EdgeHalf *e2, BMVert *v, BMFace *f, float
 			BLI_assert(!"offset_meet failure");
 			copy_v3_v3(meetco, off1a);  /* just to do something */
+			d = dist_to_line_v3(meetco, v->co, BM_edge_other_vert(e2->e, v)->co);
+			if (fabsf(d - e2->offset_l) > BEVEL_EPSILON)
+				e2->offset_l = d;
-/* Like offset_in_two planes, but for the case where we prefer to solve the problem
- * of not meeting at the same point by choosing to change the bevel offset on one
- * of the appropriate side of either e1 or e2, in order that the lines can meet on emid. */
+/* Calculate the meeting point between e1 and e2 (one of which should have zero offsets),
+ * where e1 precedes e2 in CCW order around their common vertex v (viewed from normal side).
+ * If r_angle is provided, return the angle between e and emeet in *r_angle.
+ * If the angle is 0, or it is 180 degrees or larger, there will be no meeting point;
+ * return false in that case, else true */
+static bool offset_meet_edge(EdgeHalf *e1, EdgeHalf *e2, BMVert *v,  float meetco[3], float *r_angle)
+	float dir1[3], dir2[3], fno[3], ang, sinang;
+	sub_v3_v3v3(dir1, BM_edge_other_vert(e1->e, v)->co, v->co);
+	sub_v3_v3v3(dir2, BM_edge_other_vert(e2->e, v)->co, v->co);
+	normalize_v3(dir1);
+	normalize_v3(dir2);
+	/* find angle from dir1 to dir2 as viewed from vertex normal side */
+	ang = angle_normalized_v3v3(dir1, dir2);
+	if (ang < BEVEL_EPSILON) {
+		if (r_angle)
+			*r_angle = 0.0f;
+		return false;
+	}
+	cross_v3_v3v3(fno, dir1, dir2);
+	if (dot_v3v3(fno, v->no) < 0.0f)
+		ang = 2.0f * (float)M_PI - ang;  /* angle is reflex */
+	if (r_angle)
+		*r_angle = ang;
+	if (ang - (float)M_PI > BEVEL_EPSILON)
+		return false;
+	sinang = sinf(ang);
+	copy_v3_v3(meetco, v->co);
+	if (e1->offset_r == 0.0f)
+		madd_v3_v3fl(meetco, dir1, e2->offset_l / sinang);
+	else
+		madd_v3_v3fl(meetco, dir2, e1->offset_r / sinang);
+	return true;
+/* Calculate the best place for a meeting point for the offsets from edges e1 and e2
+ * on the in-between edge emid.  Viewed from the vertex normal side, the CCW
+ * order of these edges is e1, emid, e2.
+ * The offsets probably do not meet at a common point on emid, so need to pick
+ * one that causes the least problems. If the other end of one of e1 or e2 has been visited
+ * already, prefer to keep the offset the same on this end.
+ * Otherwise, pick a point between the two intersection points on emid that minimizes
+ * the sum of squares of errors from desired offset. */
 static void offset_on_edge_between(BevelParams *bp, EdgeHalf *e1, EdgeHalf *e2, EdgeHalf *emid,
                                    BMVert *v, float meetco[3])
+	float d, ang1, ang2, sina1, sina2, lambda;
+	float meet1[3], meet2[3];
+	bool visited1, visited2, ok1, ok2;
 	BLI_assert(e1->is_bev && e2->is_bev && !emid->is_bev);
-	/* If have to change offset of e1 or e2, which one?
-	 * Prefer the one whose other end hasn't been constructed yet.
-	 * Following will choose to change e2 if both have already been constructed. */
-	if (find_other_end_edge_half(bp, e1)) {
-		offset_meet(e1, emid, v, e1->fnext, meetco);
-		/* now e2's left offset is probably different */
-		e2->offset_l = dist_to_line_v3(meetco, v->co, BM_edge_other_vert(e2->e, v)->co);
+	visited1 = other_edge_half_visited(bp, e1);
+	visited2 = other_edge_half_visited(bp, e2);
+	ok1 = offset_meet_edge(e1, emid, v, meet1, &ang1);
+	ok2 = offset_meet_edge(emid, e2, v, meet2, &ang2);
+	if (ok1 && ok2) {
+		if (visited1 && !visited2) {
+			copy_v3_v3(meetco, meet1);
+		}
+		else if (!visited1 && visited2) {
+			copy_v3_v3(meetco, meet2);
+		}
+		else {
+			/* find best compromise meet point */
+			sina1 = sinf(ang1);
+			sina2 = sinf(ang2);
+			lambda = sina2 * sina2 / (sina1 * sina1 + sina2 * sina2);
+			interp_v3_v3v3(meetco, meet1, meet2, lambda);
+		}
-	else {
-		offset_meet(emid, e2, v, emid->fnext, meetco);
-		/* now e1's right offset is probably different */
-		e1->offset_r = dist_to_line_v3(meetco, v->co, BM_edge_other_vert(e1->e, v)->co);
+	else if (ok1 && !ok2) {
+		copy_v3_v3(meetco, meet1);
+	}
+	else if (!ok1 && ok2) {
+		copy_v3_v3(meetco, meet2);
+	else {
+		/* Neither offset line met emid.
+		 * This should only happen if all three lines are on top of each other */
+		slide_dist(emid, v, e1->offset_r, meetco);
+	}
+	/* offs

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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