[Bf-blender-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-blender [59594] branches/soc-2013-paint: Fix some merge collisions from yesterday

Antony Riakiotakis kalast at gmail.com
Wed Aug 28 12:49:08 CEST 2013

Revision: 59594
Author:   psy-fi
Date:     2013-08-28 10:49:08 +0000 (Wed, 28 Aug 2013)
Log Message:
Fix some merge collisions from yesterday

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: branches/soc-2013-paint/intern/cycles/app/cycles_test.cpp
--- branches/soc-2013-paint/intern/cycles/app/cycles_test.cpp	2013-08-28 10:17:26 UTC (rev 59593)
+++ branches/soc-2013-paint/intern/cycles/app/cycles_test.cpp	2013-08-28 10:49:08 UTC (rev 59594)
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "buffers.h"
-#include "camera.h"
-#include "device.h"
-#include "scene.h"
-#include "session.h"
-#include "util_args.h"
-#include "util_foreach.h"
-#include "util_function.h"
-#include "util_path.h"
-#include "util_progress.h"
-#include "util_string.h"
-#include "util_time.h"
-#include "util_view.h"
-#include "cycles_xml.h"
-struct Options {
-	Session *session;
-	Scene *scene;
-	string filepath;
-	int width, height;
-	SceneParams scene_params;
-	SessionParams session_params;
-	bool quiet;
-} options;
-static void session_print(const string& str)
-	/* print with carriage return to overwrite previous */
-	printf("\r%s", str.c_str());
-	/* add spaces to overwrite longer previous print */
-	static int maxlen = 0;
-	int len = str.size();
-	maxlen = max(len, maxlen);
-	for(int i = len; i < maxlen; i++)
-		printf(" ");
-	/* flush because we don't write an end of line */
-	fflush(stdout);
-static void session_print_status()
-	int sample, tile;
-	double total_time, sample_time;
-	string status, substatus;
-	/* get status */
-	sample = options.session->progress.get_sample();
-	options.session->progress.get_tile(tile, total_time, sample_time);
-	options.session->progress.get_status(status, substatus);
-	if(substatus != "")
-		status += ": " + substatus;
-	/* print status */
-	status = string_printf("Sample %d   %s", sample, status.c_str());
-	session_print(status);
-static BufferParams& session_buffer_params()
-	static BufferParams buffer_params;
-	buffer_params.width = options.width;
-	buffer_params.height = options.height;
-	buffer_params.full_width = options.width;
-	buffer_params.full_height = options.height;
-	return buffer_params;
-static void session_init()
-	options.session = new Session(options.session_params);
-	options.session->reset(session_buffer_params(), options.session_params.samples);
-	options.session->scene = options.scene;
-	if(options.session_params.background && !options.quiet)
-		options.session->progress.set_update_callback(function_bind(&session_print_status));
-	else
-		options.session->progress.set_update_callback(function_bind(&view_redraw));
-	options.session->start();
-	options.scene = NULL;
-static void scene_init(int width, int height)
-	options.scene = new Scene(options.scene_params, options.session_params.device);
-	xml_read_file(options.scene, options.filepath.c_str());
-	if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
-		options.width = options.scene->camera->width;
-		options.height = options.scene->camera->height;
-	}
-static void session_exit()
-	if(options.session) {
-		delete options.session;
-		options.session = NULL;
-	}
-	if(options.scene) {
-		delete options.scene;
-		options.scene = NULL;
-	}
-	if(options.session_params.background && !options.quiet) {
-		session_print("Finished Rendering.");
-		printf("\n");
-	}
-static void display_info(Progress& progress)
-	static double latency = 0.0;
-	static double last = 0;
-	double elapsed = time_dt();
-	string str;
-	latency = (elapsed - last);
-	last = elapsed;
-	int sample, tile;
-	double total_time, sample_time;
-	string status, substatus;
-	sample = progress.get_sample();
-	progress.get_tile(tile, total_time, sample_time);
-	progress.get_status(status, substatus);
-	if(substatus != "")
-		status += ": " + substatus;
-	str = string_printf("latency: %.4f        sample: %d        total: %.4f        average: %.4f        %s",
-		latency, sample, total_time, sample_time, status.c_str());
-	view_display_info(str.c_str());
-static void display()
-	options.session->draw(session_buffer_params());
-	display_info(options.session->progress);
-static void resize(int width, int height)
-	options.width = width;
-	options.height = height;
-	if(options.session)
-		options.session->reset(session_buffer_params(), options.session_params.samples);
-static void keyboard(unsigned char key)
-	if(key == 'r')
-		options.session->reset(session_buffer_params(), options.session_params.samples);
-	else if(key == 27) // escape
-		options.session->progress.set_cancel("Cancelled");
-static int files_parse(int argc, const char *argv[])
-	if(argc > 0)
-		options.filepath = argv[0];
-	return 0;
-static void options_parse(int argc, const char **argv)
-	options.width = 0;
-	options.height = 0;
-	options.filepath = "";
-	options.session = NULL;
-	options.quiet = false;
-	/* device names */
-	string device_names = "";
-	string devicename = "cpu";
-	bool list = false;
-	vector<DeviceType>& types = Device::available_types();
-	foreach(DeviceType type, types) {
-		if(device_names != "")
-			device_names += ", ";
-		device_names += Device::string_from_type(type);
-	}
-	/* shading system */
-	string ssname = "svm";
-	string shadingsystems = "Shading system to use: svm";
-#ifdef WITH_OSL
-	shadingsystems += ", osl"; 
-	/* parse options */
-	ArgParse ap;
-	bool help = false;
-	ap.options ("Usage: cycles_test [options] file.xml",
-		"%*", files_parse, "",
-		"--device %s", &devicename, ("Devices to use: " + device_names).c_str(),
-		"--shadingsys %s", &ssname, "Shading system to use: svm, osl",
-		"--background", &options.session_params.background, "Render in background, without user interface",
-		"--quiet", &options.quiet, "In background mode, don't print progress messages",
-		"--samples %d", &options.session_params.samples, "Number of samples to render",
-		"--output %s", &options.session_params.output_path, "File path to write output image",
-		"--threads %d", &options.session_params.threads, "CPU Rendering Threads",
-		"--width  %d", &options.width, "Window width in pixel",
-		"--height %d", &options.height, "Window height in pixel",
-		"--list-devices", &list, "List information about all available devices",
-		"--help", &help, "Print help message",
-		NULL);
-	if(ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ap.geterror().c_str());
-		ap.usage();
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
-	else if(list) {
-		vector<DeviceInfo>& devices = Device::available_devices();
-		printf("Devices:\n");
-		foreach(DeviceInfo& info, devices) {
-			printf("    %s%s\n",
-				info.description.c_str(),
-				(info.display_device)? " (display)": "");
-		}
-		exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
-	}
-	else if(help || options.filepath == "") {
-		ap.usage();
-		exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
-	}
-	if(ssname == "osl")
-		options.scene_params.shadingsystem = SceneParams::OSL;
-	else if(ssname == "svm")
-		options.scene_params.shadingsystem = SceneParams::SVM;
-	/* Progressive rendering */
-	options.session_params.progressive = true;
-	/* find matching device */
-	DeviceType device_type = Device::type_from_string(devicename.c_str());
-	vector<DeviceInfo>& devices = Device::available_devices();
-	DeviceInfo device_info;
-	bool device_available = false;
-	foreach(DeviceInfo& device, devices) {
-		if(device_type == device.type) {
-			options.session_params.device = device;
-			device_available = true;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	/* handle invalid configurations */
-	if(options.session_params.device.type == DEVICE_NONE || !device_available) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Unknown device: %s\n", devicename.c_str());
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
-#ifdef WITH_OSL
-	else if(!(ssname == "osl" || ssname == "svm")) {
-	else if(!(ssname == "svm")) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Unknown shading system: %s\n", ssname.c_str());
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
-	else if(options.scene_params.shadingsystem == SceneParams::OSL && options.session_params.device.type != DEVICE_CPU) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "OSL shading system only works with CPU device\n");
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
-	else if(options.session_params.samples < 0) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of samples: %d\n", options.session_params.samples);
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
-	else if(options.filepath == "") {
-		fprintf(stderr, "No file path specified\n");
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
-	/* load scene */
-	scene_init(options.width, options.height);
-using namespace ccl;
-int main(int argc, const char **argv)
-	path_init();
-	options_parse(argc, argv);
-	if(options.session_params.background) {
-		session_init();
-		options.session->wait();
-		session_exit();
-	}
-	else {
-		string title = "Cycles: " + path_filename(options.filepath);
-		/* init/exit are callback so they run while GL is initialized */
-		view_main_loop(title.c_str(), options.width, options.height,
-			session_init, session_exit, resize, display, keyboard);
-	}
-	return 0;

Modified: branches/soc-2013-paint/source/blender/editors/interface/interface_widgets.c
--- branches/soc-2013-paint/source/blender/editors/interface/interface_widgets.c	2013-08-28 10:17:26 UTC (rev 59593)
+++ branches/soc-2013-paint/source/blender/editors/interface/interface_widgets.c	2013-08-28 10:49:08 UTC (rev 59594)
@@ -2985,6 +2985,7 @@
 			wt.draw = NULL;
+			wt.state = widget_state_label;

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