[Bf-blender-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-blender [49778] branches/soc-2012-bratwurst/source /blender/collada: [COLLADA]ControllerExporter , Re-factor from ArmatureExporter

Sukhitha Jayathilake pr.jayathilake at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 18:25:58 CEST 2012

Revision: 49778
Author:   phabtar
Date:     2012-08-10 16:25:58 +0000 (Fri, 10 Aug 2012)
Log Message:
[COLLADA]ControllerExporter , Re-factor from ArmatureExporter

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: branches/soc-2012-bratwurst/source/blender/collada/ArmatureExporter.cpp
--- branches/soc-2012-bratwurst/source/blender/collada/ArmatureExporter.cpp	2012-08-10 16:23:54 UTC (rev 49777)
+++ branches/soc-2012-bratwurst/source/blender/collada/ArmatureExporter.cpp	2012-08-10 16:25:58 UTC (rev 49778)
@@ -75,12 +75,6 @@
-bool ArmatureExporter::is_skinned_mesh(Object *ob)
-	return bc_get_assigned_armature(ob) != NULL;
 void ArmatureExporter::write_bone_URLs(COLLADASW::InstanceController &ins, Object *ob_arm, Bone *bone)
 	if (bc_is_root_bone(bone, this->export_settings->deform_bones_only))
@@ -117,24 +111,24 @@
 	return true;
-void ArmatureExporter::export_controllers(Scene *sce)
-	scene = sce;
+//void ArmatureExporter::export_controllers(Scene *sce)
+//	scene = sce;
+//	openLibrary();
+//	GeometryFunctor gf;
+//	gf.forEachMeshObjectInExportSet<ArmatureExporter>(sce, *this, this->export_settings->export_set);
+//	closeLibrary();
-	openLibrary();
-	GeometryFunctor gf;
-	gf.forEachMeshObjectInExportSet<ArmatureExporter>(sce, *this, this->export_settings->export_set);
-	closeLibrary();
 void ArmatureExporter::operator()(Object *ob)
 	Object *ob_arm = bc_get_assigned_armature(ob);
-	if (ob_arm /*&& !already_written(ob_arm)*/)
-		export_controller(ob, ob_arm);
+	//if (ob_arm /*&& !already_written(ob_arm)*/);
+//		export_controller(ob, ob_arm);
 #if 0
@@ -318,315 +312,3 @@
 	return translate_id(id_name(ob_arm)) + "_" + translate_id(id_name(ob)) + SKIN_CONTROLLER_ID_SUFFIX;
-// ob should be of type OB_MESH
-// both args are required
-void ArmatureExporter::export_controller(Object *ob, Object *ob_arm)
-	// joint names
-	// joint inverse bind matrices
-	// vertex weights
-	// input:
-	// joint names: ob -> vertex group names
-	// vertex group weights: me->dvert -> groups -> index, weight
-#if 0
-	me->dvert :
-	typedef struct MDeformVert {
-		struct MDeformWeight *dw;
-		int totweight;
-		int flag;   // flag only in use for weightpaint now
-	} MDeformVert;
-	typedef struct MDeformWeight {
-		int def_nr;
-		float weight;
-	} MDeformWeight;
-	bool use_instantiation = this->export_settings->use_object_instantiation;
-	Mesh *me;
-	if (this->export_settings->apply_modifiers) {
-		me = bc_to_mesh_apply_modifiers(scene, ob, this->export_settings->export_mesh_type);
-	} 
-	else {
-		me = (Mesh *)ob->data;
-	}
-	BKE_mesh_tessface_ensure(me);
-	if (!me->dvert) return;
-	std::string controller_name = id_name(ob_arm);
-	std::string controller_id = get_controller_id(ob_arm, ob);
-	openSkin(controller_id, controller_name,
-	         COLLADABU::URI(COLLADABU::Utils::EMPTY_STRING, get_geometry_id(ob, use_instantiation)));
-	add_bind_shape_mat(ob);
-	std::string joints_source_id = add_joints_source(ob_arm, &ob->defbase, controller_id);
-	std::string inv_bind_mat_source_id = add_inv_bind_mats_source(ob_arm, &ob->defbase, controller_id);
-	std::list<int> vcounts;
-	std::list<int> joints;
-	std::list<float> weights;
-	{
-		int i, j;
-		// def group index -> joint index
-		std::vector<int> joint_index_by_def_index;
-		bDeformGroup *def;
-		for (def = (bDeformGroup *)ob->defbase.first, i = 0, j = 0; def; def = def->next, i++) {
-			if (is_bone_defgroup(ob_arm, def))
-				joint_index_by_def_index.push_back(j++);
-			else
-				joint_index_by_def_index.push_back(-1);
-		}
-		for (i = 0; i < me->totvert; i++) {
-			MDeformVert *vert = &me->dvert[i];
-			std::map<int, float> jw;
-			// We're normalizing the weights later
-			float sumw = 0.0f;
-			for (j = 0; j < vert->totweight; j++) {
-				int joint_index = joint_index_by_def_index[vert->dw[j].def_nr];
-				if (joint_index != -1 && vert->dw[j].weight > 0.0f) {
-					jw[joint_index] += vert->dw[j].weight;
-					sumw += vert->dw[j].weight;
-				}
-			}
-			if (sumw > 0.0f) {
-				float invsumw = 1.0f / sumw;
-				vcounts.push_back(jw.size());
-				for (std::map<int, float>::iterator m = jw.begin(); m != jw.end(); ++m) {
-					joints.push_back((*m).first);
-					weights.push_back(invsumw * (*m).second);
-				}
-			}
-			else {
-				vcounts.push_back(0);
-#if 0
-				vcounts.push_back(1);
-				joints.push_back(-1);
-				weights.push_back(1.0f);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	std::string weights_source_id = add_weights_source(me, controller_id, weights);
-	add_joints_element(&ob->defbase, joints_source_id, inv_bind_mat_source_id);
-	add_vertex_weights_element(weights_source_id, joints_source_id, vcounts, joints);
-	if (this->export_settings->apply_modifiers)
-	{
-		BKE_libblock_free_us(&(G.main->mesh), me);
-	}
-	closeSkin();
-	closeController();
-void ArmatureExporter::add_joints_element(ListBase *defbase,
-                                          const std::string& joints_source_id, const std::string& inv_bind_mat_source_id)
-	COLLADASW::JointsElement joints(mSW);
-	COLLADASW::InputList &input = joints.getInputList();
-	input.push_back(COLLADASW::Input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::JOINT, // constant declared in COLLADASWInputList.h
-	                                 COLLADASW::URI(COLLADABU::Utils::EMPTY_STRING, joints_source_id)));
-	input.push_back(COLLADASW::Input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::BINDMATRIX,
-	                                 COLLADASW::URI(COLLADABU::Utils::EMPTY_STRING, inv_bind_mat_source_id)));
-	joints.add();
-void ArmatureExporter::add_bind_shape_mat(Object *ob)
-	double bind_mat[4][4];
-	converter.mat4_to_dae_double(bind_mat, ob->obmat);
-	addBindShapeTransform(bind_mat);
-std::string ArmatureExporter::add_joints_source(Object *ob_arm, ListBase *defbase, const std::string& controller_id)
-	std::string source_id = controller_id + JOINTS_SOURCE_ID_SUFFIX;
-	int totjoint = 0;
-	bDeformGroup *def;
-	for (def = (bDeformGroup *)defbase->first; def; def = def->next) {
-		if (is_bone_defgroup(ob_arm, def))
-			totjoint++;
-	}
-	COLLADASW::NameSource source(mSW);
-	source.setId(source_id);
-	source.setArrayId(source_id + ARRAY_ID_SUFFIX);
-	source.setAccessorCount(totjoint);
-	source.setAccessorStride(1);
-	COLLADASW::SourceBase::ParameterNameList &param = source.getParameterNameList();
-	param.push_back("JOINT");
-	source.prepareToAppendValues();
-	for (def = (bDeformGroup *)defbase->first; def; def = def->next) {
-		Bone *bone = get_bone_from_defgroup(ob_arm, def);
-		if (bone)
-			source.appendValues(get_joint_sid(bone, ob_arm));
-	}
-	source.finish();
-	return source_id;
-std::string ArmatureExporter::add_inv_bind_mats_source(Object *ob_arm, ListBase *defbase, const std::string& controller_id)
-	std::string source_id = controller_id + BIND_POSES_SOURCE_ID_SUFFIX;
-	int totjoint = 0;
-	for (bDeformGroup *def = (bDeformGroup *)defbase->first; def; def = def->next) {
-		if (is_bone_defgroup(ob_arm, def))
-			totjoint++;
-	}
-	COLLADASW::FloatSourceF source(mSW);
-	source.setId(source_id);
-	source.setArrayId(source_id + ARRAY_ID_SUFFIX);
-	source.setAccessorCount(totjoint); //BLI_countlist(defbase));
-	source.setAccessorStride(16);
-	source.setParameterTypeName(&COLLADASW::CSWC::CSW_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT4x4);
-	COLLADASW::SourceBase::ParameterNameList &param = source.getParameterNameList();
-	param.push_back("TRANSFORM");
-	source.prepareToAppendValues();
-	bPose *pose = ob_arm->pose;
-	bArmature *arm = (bArmature *)ob_arm->data;
-	int flag = arm->flag;
-	// put armature in rest position
-	if (!(arm->flag & ARM_RESTPOS)) {
-		arm->flag |= ARM_RESTPOS;
-		BKE_pose_where_is(scene, ob_arm);
-	}
-	for (bDeformGroup *def = (bDeformGroup *)defbase->first; def; def = def->next) {
-		if (is_bone_defgroup(ob_arm, def)) {
-			bPoseChannel *pchan = BKE_pose_channel_find_name(pose, def->name);
-			float mat[4][4];
-			float world[4][4];
-			float inv_bind_mat[4][4];
-			if (export_settings->second_life) {
-				// Only translations, no rotation vs armature
-				float temp[4][4];
-				unit_m4(temp);
-				copy_v3_v3(temp[3], pchan->bone->arm_mat[3]);
-				mult_m4_m4m4(world, ob_arm->obmat, temp);
-			}
-			else {
-				// make world-space matrix, arm_mat is armature-space
-				mult_m4_m4m4(world, ob_arm->obmat, pchan->bone->arm_mat);
-			}
-			invert_m4_m4(mat, world);
-			converter.mat4_to_dae(inv_bind_mat, mat);
-			source.appendValues(inv_bind_mat);
-		}
-	}
-	// back from rest positon
-	if (!(flag & ARM_RESTPOS)) {
-		arm->flag = flag;
-		BKE_pose_where_is(scene, ob_arm);
-	}
-	source.finish();
-	return source_id;
-Bone *ArmatureExporter::get_bone_from_defgroup(Object *ob_arm, bDeformGroup *def)
-	bPoseChannel *pchan = BKE_pose_channel_find_name(ob_arm->pose, def->name);
-	return pchan ? pchan->bone : NULL;
-bool ArmatureExporter::is_bone_defgroup(Object *ob_arm, bDeformGroup *def)
-	return get_bone_from_defgroup(ob_arm, def) != NULL;
-std::string ArmatureExporter::add_weights_source(Mesh *me, const std::string& controller_id, const std::list<float>& weights)
-	std::string source_id = controller_id + WEIGHTS_SOURCE_ID_SUFFIX;
-	COLLADASW::FloatSourceF source(mSW);
-	source.setId(source_id);
-	source.setArrayId(source_id + ARRAY_ID_SUFFIX);
-	source.setAccessorCount(weights.size());
-	source.setAccessorStride(1);
-	COLLADASW::SourceBase::ParameterNameList &param = source.getParameterNameList();
-	param.push_back("WEIGHT");
-	source.prepareToAppendValues();
-	for (std::list<float>::const_iterator i = weights.begin(); i != weights.end(); ++i) {
-		source.appendValues(*i);
-	}
-	source.finish();
-	return source_id;
-void ArmatureExporter::add_vertex_weights_element(const std::string& weights_source_id, const std::string& joints_source_id,
-                                                  const std::list<int>& vcounts,
-                                                  const std::list<int>& joints)
-	COLLADASW::VertexWeightsElement weightselem(mSW);
-	COLLADASW::InputList &input = weightselem.getInputList();
-	int offset = 0;
-	input.push_back(COLLADASW::Input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::JOINT, // constant declared in COLLADASWInputList.h
-	                                 COLLADASW::URI(COLLADABU::Utils::EMPTY_STRING, joints_source_id), offset++));
-	input.push_back(COLLADASW::Input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::WEIGHT,
-	                                 COLLADASW::URI(COLLADABU::Utils::EMPTY_STRING, weights_source_id), offset++));
-	weightselem.setCount(vcounts.size());
-	// write number of deformers per vertex

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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