[Bf-blender-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-blender [37816] branches/soc-2011-pepper/release/ scripts: Some bugfixing and coding styles changes suggested by ideasman_42.

Benjy Cook benjycook at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 26 01:50:51 CEST 2011

Revision: 37816
Author:   benjycook
Date:     2011-06-25 23:50:50 +0000 (Sat, 25 Jun 2011)
Log Message:
Some bugfixing and coding styles changes suggested by ideasman_42.

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/soc-2011-pepper/release/scripts/modules/mocap_tools.py
--- branches/soc-2011-pepper/release/scripts/modules/mocap_tools.py	2011-06-25 18:53:06 UTC (rev 37815)
+++ branches/soc-2011-pepper/release/scripts/modules/mocap_tools.py	2011-06-25 23:50:50 UTC (rev 37816)
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+# <pep8 compliant>
 from math import hypot, sqrt, isfinite
 import bpy
 import time
@@ -3,58 +23,83 @@
 from mathutils import Vector
 #Vector utility functions
 class NdVector:
     vec = []
-    def __init__(self,vec):
+    def __init__(self, vec):
         self.vec = vec[:]
     def __len__(self):
         return len(self.vec)
-    def __mul__(self,otherMember):
-        if type(otherMember)==type(1) or type(otherMember)==type(1.0):
-            return NdVector([otherMember*x for x in self.vec])
+    def __mul__(self, otherMember):
+        if (isinstance(otherMember, int) or
+            isinstance(otherMember, float)):
+            return NdVector([otherMember * x for x in self.vec])
             a = self.vec
             b = otherMember.vec
             n = len(self)
-            return sum([a[i]*b[i] for i in range(n)])
-    def __sub__(self,otherVec):
+            return sum([a[i] * b[i] for i in range(n)])
+    def __sub__(self, otherVec):
         a = self.vec
         b = otherVec.vec
         n = len(self)
-        return NdVector([a[i]-b[i] for i in range(n)])
-    def __add__(self,otherVec):
+        return NdVector([a[i] - b[i] for i in range(n)])
+    def __add__(self, otherVec):
         a = self.vec
         b = otherVec.vec
         n = len(self)
-        return NdVector([a[i]+b[i] for i in range(n)])
+        return NdVector([a[i] + b[i] for i in range(n)])
+    def __div__(self, scalar):
+        return NdVector([x / scalar for x in self.vec])
     def vecLength(self):
         return sqrt(self * self)
     def vecLengthSq(self):
         return (self * self)
-    def __getitem__(self,i):
+    def normalize(self):
+        len = self.length
+        self.vec = [x / len for x in self.vec]
+    def copy(self):
+        return NdVector(self.vec)
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
         return self.vec[i]
+    def x(self):
+        return self.vec[0]
+    def y(self):
+        return self.vec[1]
     length = property(vecLength)
     lengthSq = property(vecLengthSq)
+    x = property(x)
+    y = property(y)
 class dataPoint:
     index = 0
-    co = Vector((0,0,0,0)) # x,y1,y2,y3 coordinate of original point
-    u = 0 #position according to parametric view of original data, [0,1] range
-    temp = 0 #use this for anything
+    # x,y1,y2,y3 coordinate of original point
+    co = NdVector((0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
+    #position according to parametric view of original data, [0,1] range
+    u = 0
+    #use this for anything
+    temp = 0
-    def __init__(self,index,co,u=0):
+    def __init__(self, index, co, u=0):
         self.index = index
         self.co = co
         self.u = u
 def autoloop_anim():
     context = bpy.context
@@ -64,388 +109,407 @@
     data = []
     end = len(fcurves[0].keyframe_points)
-    for i in range(1,end):
+    for i in range(1, end):
         vec = []
         for fcurve in fcurves:
-    def comp(a,b):
-        return a*b
+    def comp(a, b):
+        return a * b
     N = len(data)
     Rxy = [0.0] * N
     for i in range(N):
-        for j in range(i,min(i+N,N)):
-            Rxy[i]+=comp(data[j],data[j-i]) 
+        for j in range(i, min(i + N, N)):
+            Rxy[i] += comp(data[j], data[j - i])
         for j in range(i):
-            Rxy[i]+=comp(data[j],data[j-i+N])
-        Rxy[i]/=float(N)
+            Rxy[i] += comp(data[j], data[j - i + N])
+        Rxy[i] /= float(N)
     def bestLocalMaximum(Rxy):
-        Rxyd = [Rxy[i]-Rxy[i-1] for i in range(1,len(Rxy))]
+        Rxyd = [Rxy[i] - Rxy[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(Rxy))]
         maxs = []
-        for i in range(1,len(Rxyd)-1):
-            a = Rxyd[i-1]
+        for i in range(1, len(Rxyd) - 1):
+            a = Rxyd[i - 1]
             b = Rxyd[i]
-            print(a,b)
-            if (a>=0 and b<0) or (a<0 and b>=0): #sign change (zerocrossing) at point i, denoting max point (only)
-                maxs.append((i,max(Rxy[i],Rxy[i-1])))
-        return max(maxs,key=lambda x: x[1])[0]         
+            print(a, b)
+            #sign change (zerocrossing) at point i, denoting max point (only)
+            if (a >= 0 and b < 0) or (a < 0 and b >= 0):
+                maxs.append((i, max(Rxy[i], Rxy[i - 1])))
+        return max(maxs, key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
     flm = bestLocalMaximum(Rxy[0:int(len(Rxy))])
     diff = []
-    for i in range(len(data)-flm):
-        diff.append((data[i]-data[i+flm]).lengthSq)
-    def lowerErrorSlice(diff,e):
-        bestSlice = (0,100000) #index, error at index
-        for i in range(e,len(diff)-e):
-            errorSlice = sum(diff[i-e:i+e+1])
-            if errorSlice<bestSlice[1]:
-                bestSlice = (i,errorSlice)
+    for i in range(len(data) - flm):
+        diff.append((data[i] - data[i + flm]).lengthSq)
+    def lowerErrorSlice(diff, e):
+        #index, error at index
+        bestSlice = (0, 100000)
+        for i in range(e, len(diff) - e):
+            errorSlice = sum(diff[i - e:i + e + 1])
+            if errorSlice < bestSlice[1]:
+                bestSlice = (i, errorSlice)
         return bestSlice[0]
     margin = 2
-    s = lowerErrorSlice(diff,margin)
-    print(flm,s)
-    loop = data[s:s+flm+margin]
-    #find *all* loops, s:s+flm, s+flm:s+2flm, etc... and interpolate between all
-    # to find "the perfect loop". Maybe before finding s? interp(i,i+flm,i+2flm)....
-    for i in range(1,margin+1):
-        w1 = sqrt(float(i)/margin)
-        loop[-i] = (loop[-i]*w1)+(loop[0]*(1-w1))
+    s = lowerErrorSlice(diff, margin)
+    print(flm, s)
+    loop = data[s:s + flm + margin]
+    #find *all* loops, s:s+flm, s+flm:s+2flm, etc...
+    #and interpolate between all
+    # to find "the perfect loop".
+    #Maybe before finding s? interp(i,i+flm,i+2flm)....
+    for i in range(1, margin + 1):
+        w1 = sqrt(float(i) / margin)
+        loop[-i] = (loop[-i] * w1) + (loop[0] * (1 - w1))
     for curve in fcurves:
         pts = curve.keyframe_points
-        for i in range(len(pts)-1,-1,-1):
+        for i in range(len(pts) - 1, -1, -1):
-    for c,curve in enumerate(fcurves):
+    for c, curve in enumerate(fcurves):
         pts = curve.keyframe_points
         for i in range(len(loop)):
-            pts.insert(i+1,loop[i][c])
-    context.scene.frame_end = flm+1
+            pts.insert(i + 1, loop[i][c])
+    context.scene.frame_end = flm + 1
 def simplifyCurves(curveGroup, error, reparaError, maxIterations, group_mode):
-    def unitTangent(v,data_pts):
-        tang = Vector((0,0,0,0)) #
-        if v!=0:
+    def unitTangent(v, data_pts):
+        tang = NdVector((0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
+        if v != 0:
             #If it's not the first point, we can calculate a leftside tangent
-            tang+= data_pts[v].co-data_pts[v-1].co
-        if v!=len(data_pts)-1:
+            tang += data_pts[v].co - data_pts[v - 1].co
+        if v != len(data_pts) - 1:
             #If it's not the last point, we can calculate a rightside tangent
-            tang+= data_pts[v+1].co-data_pts[v].co
+            tang += data_pts[v + 1].co - data_pts[v].co
         return tang
     #assign parametric u value for each point in original data
-    def chordLength(data_pts,s,e):
+    def chordLength(data_pts, s, e):
         totalLength = 0
-        for pt in data_pts[s:e+1]:
+        for pt in data_pts[s:e + 1]:
             i = pt.index
-            if i==s:
+            if i == s:
                 chordLength = 0
-                chordLength = (data_pts[i].co-data_pts[i-1].co).length
-            totalLength+= chordLength
+                chordLength = (data_pts[i].co - data_pts[i - 1].co).length
+            totalLength += chordLength
             pt.temp = totalLength
-        for pt in data_pts[s:e+1]:
-            if totalLength==0:
-                print(s,e)
-            pt.u = (pt.temp/totalLength)
+        for pt in data_pts[s:e + 1]:
+            if totalLength == 0:
+                print(s, e)
+            pt.u = (pt.temp / totalLength)
-    # get binomial coefficient, this function/table is only called with args (3,0),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3),(2,0),(2,1),(2,2)!
-    binomDict = {(3,0): 1, (3,1): 3, (3,2): 3, (3,3): 1, (2,0): 1, (2,1): 2, (2,2): 1}
+    # get binomial coefficient, this function/table is only called with args
+    # (3,0),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3),(2,0),(2,1),(2,2)!
+    binomDict = {(3, 0): 1,
+    (3, 1): 3,
+    (3, 2): 3,
+    (3, 3): 1,
+    (2, 0): 1,
+    (2, 1): 2,
+    (2, 2): 1}
     #value at pt t of a single bernstein Polynomial
-    def bernsteinPoly(n,i,t):
-        binomCoeff = binomDict[(n,i)]
-        return binomCoeff * pow(t,i) * pow(1-t,n-i)
-    # fit a single cubic to data points in range [s(tart),e(nd)].  
-    def fitSingleCubic(data_pts,s,e):
+    def bernsteinPoly(n, i, t):
+        binomCoeff = binomDict[(n, i)]
+        return binomCoeff * pow(t, i) * pow(1 - t, n - i)
+    # fit a single cubic to data points in range [s(tart),e(nd)].

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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